Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 35: 0 Acacia

The main hall of the North Mountain Gate was chosen as the main hall of the county government office, and the Buddha statue was moved to the side courtyard, which was very spacious. Those who gather to discuss matters include the officials of the new by-election, the chief of the riviera, and the representatives of the villagers. The most important thing in the discussion is to thoroughly investigate the bandit case, raise money, raise food, and raise salaries.

The county's field records and household registration materials are the basis for the county's collection of taxes. After the attack on Chongzhou City, they were deliberately burned by the East China Sea bandits, or they were packaged and taken away.

However, all the townships have backup files. After the capture of Guangjiao Temple last night, Lin Fu immediately dispatched troops to the townships, and asked the chiefs of the townships to report to Zilang Mountain with the field records, household registration and other materials. Prevent them from tampering with the field books after they wake up. Anyone who dares to hide or claim to be lost will be detained as a suspect in a bandit gang case for questioning.

It was only today that Lin Fu had the opportunity to come into contact with the field records and household records of Chongzhou, and he and Lin Mengde and others specially studied the field records of the area near Zilang Mountain.

Compared with the field brochures under the name of Guangjiao Temple, we can see several obvious characteristics: the fields listed in the county field records as Zhengfu fields are mostly the middle and lower fields with low yield, and almost all of them are sent to the name of Guangjiao Temple. It is a highly productive Ueda.

Chongzhou Tianfu is divided into three grades, the upper field is three buckets and eight liters, the middle field is one bucket and six liters, and the lower field is five liters. The difference between the upper and lower fields is nearly seven or eight times.

Sending the upper field to the name of the monastery, or by bribing the officials, when the grain and fields are being fixed, the upper field is designated as the lower field, or the number of acres of the field is directly concealed, and these methods are used to avoid the apportionment. The people who are most capable of doing these things are the local gangsters.

There are many things to do, and Lin Fu can only do it step by step. The first step is to use the bandit case to thoroughly investigate the monastery and conceal the possessions of Dingkou and the land.

There is no need to discuss the thorough investigation of the bandit case. Lin Fu naturally wants to hold the leadership tightly in his hands, and Chongzhou County only assists in the investigation.

Involved in the case of Guangjiao Temple's banditry, there are 18 large-scale monasteries in Chongzhou County. The monks and other ministers have all brought them to Zilang Shanmen Temple for questioning.

Ordinary monks temporarily stayed in the monastery, but the property and storage of the temple were sealed up and guarded by soldiers directly sent by the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

In addition to direct military supervision, it is necessary to link the monastery with the Donghai bandits and the destruction of Chongzhou City to carry out extensive propaganda, create public opinion, and destroy the local believer base of the Buddhist monastery.

Lin Fu wanted to use the opportunity of the bandit case to completely suppress the monastic forces in Chongzhou. Check properly.

Li Shutang and Li Shuyizhi's Li family have a large amount of land in the name of the temple to evade taxes. Li Shutang also knows Lin Fucheng's intention to investigate the bandit case and get involved. He made a statement in front of Lin Fu and would not mind The family temple was involved in the bandit gang case, which is why Li Shutang knew that the Li family could get more benefits from Lin Fu.

Most of the officials in the by-election were from small and medium-sized landowners or merchants. Although some people sent their property to the name of the monastery, it would not be a hindrance to the thorough investigation of the bandit case. The head of the riviera, the head of Jia, and the representatives of the village elders did not dare to raise objections openly, although they had worried expressions on their faces.

There are more than 200 **** and bare heads hanging from the elm and poplar trees at Beishanmen, not only to deter the pirates lurking in Chongzhou.

Wu Meijiu, who has served in the local government for nearly 20 years, is still aware of the tricks hidden in the monasteries in various places. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many officials wanted to lift the lid, but couldn't do it because of local resistance, and even many people lost their jobs because of this.

During the discussion, Wu Meijiu saw that the officials in the new by-election did not object to a thorough investigation of the bandit case, so he felt that these by-election officials were special, but he didn't care about them. He was also afraid that Lin Fu's methods would use him. on the head.

Lin Fu really came to listen, and he kept his eyes closed when discussing the bandit case, and then he talked about raising money and food.

Chen Lei reported the accounts of the county's warehouse, and all the officials in the new by-election were worried about whether their salaries and food and labor would be available.

The collection of summer grain is after the wheat is cooked, and it will take another two months to collect the summer grain. Besides, when the Xia Grain levy came up, we had to pay the Jiangdong Zuo Army first, and the rest could only maintain the daily expenses of the county, and it was far from enough to do other things.

"Master Wu, you are familiar with Hailing Mansion, how much do you think the mansion can allocate?" Lin Mengde asked Wu Meijiu.

"The 10,000 taels of silver I transferred back last time was almost the limit. Don't expect how much the top can transfer, mainly rely on local self-funding," Wu Meijiu said. He was quite clear about the situation in Jiangdong County. Xuanfu envoy was in his hands, but he could not get any money. What was the relationship between Yue Lengqiu, Wang Tian, ​​and Gu Wuchen like? How could he give Chongzhou money so quickly? He added, "Even if you can get another sum of money from the top, it won't be able to come down in a day or two, just store grain and money in the county warehouse, not to mention helping the refugees, in a few days, I'm afraid even the official will have to pay for it. I'm hungry..."

Before the time to collect summer grain, the local government only needs to apportion or borrow it.

All Wu Meijiu could think of was apportionment, and all officials could think of was apportionment.

It’s okay to ask for donations from big households, but the county does not have the ability to repay the debt. Who will lend money and food to the county to tide over the difficulties? When it comes to asking for donations, the head of the rij, Jiashou, and the representatives of the township elders are holding back a lot of energy, thinking about how to ask for donations.

During the discussion, the focus was on the objects of the additional levy and the proportion of the additional levy. After discussing for a while, they all felt that asking the county secretary to agree to levy an additional summer grain can temporarily relieve the county's thirst for money.

"The levy is not good!" Lin Fu shook his head. If this levy can actually be spread on the land owner, he would not have any objection. Although it is said that the land is levied, people familiar with local taxes should know that any additional levy or apportionment will mostly be transferred to small and medium landowners and tenants. The small and medium-sized landowners have small yields and can withstand a single harvest, which will be extremely difficult for poor peasants and tenant farmers. "Jiangdong Zuojun can still hold on for a while now, and there is no need for the county to draw salaries from summer grains. The summer grain salaries are the upper limit. , the county can borrow part of the loan from the local big family first, and then return this branch loan immediately when the summer grain is collected... I think the big family in the county who did not suffer the disaster this time will still be reasonable!"

This is similar to the nature of the local government's use of taxes as collateral to issue local bonds, and it is not a patent for later generations. In fact, these people are also representatives of the local township tycoons, and they have a lot of surplus grain and money in their hands.

"This is also feasible," Li Shutang responded to Lin Fu, "but I don't know how much to borrow in total, and everyone has no idea..."

"It's still Master Lin's sympathy," Wu Meijiu bowed to Lin Fu and asked Li Shuyi, "Li Shuban, how much is the summer ration?"

Li Shuyi was quite familiar with local land affairs, so he didn't need to search the books, and replied, "6,172 shi of grain..."

This number is not big, and the chiefs and chiefs in the ward are all relieved, and each family can still bear it. Even if it is forcibly asked for donations, the total will not be less than this number, not to mention the part of the summer grain salaries as collateral.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army did not draw salaries from the summer grain, which was equivalent to the local levy of summer grain, and this part of the money was donated by the Jiangdong Zuo Army; everyone whispered and praised Lin Bie for being considerate to the place, which was a blessing for the place.

This is indeed the case. It is rare for the garrison to not be able to take the place of scourge, and it is rare that it can feed back the place.

In the face of praise, Lin Fu just said that we need to help each other in the same boat.

Li Shutang and Hu Zhiyong first recognized the number of borrowings on behalf of the Li family and the Hu family. Others used the Li family and the Hu family as the standard to measure the total amount of money and food they borrowed to be equal to the total sum of summer rations.

More than 6,000 stone grains are only 26,700 taels of silver, so I can only maintain the daily expenses of the county, and I can't do anything. dial down.


In this discussion, Lin Fu didn't expect to squeeze much oil and water from the township tycoons. He suggested that the county use the summer grain salaries as collateral to borrow money and grain from various families to tide over the immediate difficulties, and even tried to appease All families, alleviate their anxiety about the monastery's bandit case: the total amount of borrowing is very limited, and there is a guarantee that it will be returned after two months.

6,000 stone grains or 2,560 taels of silver, even if the Li family took it out, it wouldn't have much trouble.

During the discussion, someone came in and reported that the Jiangning ship had arrived, and Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang, and Hu Zhiyong left the venue early and rushed to the Nanlu Jiang'an Wharf.

Chongzhou County was still in a mess, and they could no longer burden Li Shuyi and Hu Zhicheng. The family members of the Xihe Society were temporarily relocated to Xisha Island, and all the boats from Jiangning went directly to Guanyin Beach.

Lin Fu rushed to the Nanlu Wharf and saw that other boats were heading towards Guanyin Beach~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only the Jinhai was approaching the wharf, and by the moonlight, he saw Liu Yueer, Xiaoman was standing on the deck looking up.

They stood in the bright place, Lin Fu and the others were walking in the dark place. Although there were many guards following him, it was a dark shadow. They seemed to believe that Lin Fu was in this shadow and stared at it.

It's been half a year since we said goodbye, and every time a messenger comes over, there will be a letter from the two of them, but Lin Fu is too busy with his affairs, so he only occasionally writes a letter for the messenger to take back. Thinking that they had been fighting abroad for half a year, the two of them had been in Jiangning for half a year in fear.

When Lin Fu came closer, the two women suppressed their excitement, raised their eyebrows and lowered their heads, hiding their lovesickness between Yingying's eyes.

The pier was full of stern generals. Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Hu Zhiyong and others boarded the ship with Lin Fu. On the Jinhai ship were Ge Cunxin, Ge Cunxiong, Cao Ziang's wife and son Cao Wenlong, and Sun Wenbing, Sun Wenpei and Sun Jingtang's concubines. Shi Zhao et al.

Liu Yue'er had all kinds of lovesickness again. When Lin Fu got on the boat, in front of outsiders, especially in front of many subordinates, she also bowed her head and bowed first: "Concubine Liu has seen her husband!"

"How much do you miss me in Jiangning?" Lin Fu asked.

Liu Yue'er was stunned for a moment, and almost cried in public.

Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Hu Zhiyong and others boarded the boat to greet her: "I have seen Mrs. Ru!"

Liu Yue'er returned the salute one by one, and Lin Fu took her hand and asked, "If you're not tired, come with me to the island for a walk?"

"Yeah!" Liu Yue'er nodded and replied softly.

Xiaoman pursed his lips and complained softly from behind: "It's the life of the maid, no one cares if I want to go or not?"

Lin Bie looked back at Xiaoman and said with a smile, "Can I drive you off the boat?" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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