Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 49: Luxury variable

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

As the assassin went up the mountain, Lin Fu was also injured because of it. Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Fu Qinghe, Sun Jingtang, Wu Qi and others, who were discussing thoroughly at the Dongshanmen Temple, naturally couldn't sit still, so they rushed to the top of the mountain to inquire about the injury.

After Lin Bing finished bandaging the wound, he came to see Song Jia first, and asked Sun Wenwan to **** Song Jia back to her residence. Only then did they invite Cao Zian and others to this side courtyard to discuss matters.

"Judging from the climbing traces on the back mountain, there should be two assassins who were on the mountainside to meet the hanging rocks. They missed the top of the mountain. The two jumped to escape and failed to catch them; all of this is because I neglected..." Wu Qi said.

Lin Fu shook his head and said, "I didn't expect the luxury family to have the intention of killing people, so don't take any responsibility for this matter, and be more careful in the future..." The cliff at Xilu was steep and inserted into the river, and the assassin swam At the foot of Xilu, I climbed the cliff and climbed the mountain, and I could find the yard where the aunt and sister-in-law of the Zhongshe family lived at once.

Wu Qi is the chief sentry officer, responsible for scout information of the whole army, and he is also responsible for the arrangement of the dark sentry.

The Jiangdong Left Army is now undergoing a major consolidation. Lin Fu has to grasp the dynamics in Chongzhou, as well as Jiangning, Jinhai and even Shandong Qingzhou. The sentry team initially established during the northern trip to Qinwang has almost been dispatched. , on the contrary, the surveillance of the surrounding area of ​​Zilang Mountain was ineffective, and the movement of the assassins sneaking into the country was not grasped in time.

Lin tied Donglu Temple, and only set up light and dark sentries around the Donglu Temple to prevent assassins from infiltrating and sneaking in. The defense of the mountaintop Temple was not so comprehensive, so four assassins sneaked in from the West Cliff, causing two assassins to successfully break into the room. The assassination incident.

Jiangdong Zuojun can say that everything was in the initial period, and they can have such achievements. In fact, Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Wu Qi, Ao Canghai and others are all people with great experience in military affairs, but people with more experience are in such a situation. When he is busy, manpower is extremely scarce, mistakes will inevitably occur, and Lin Fu will not want to blame everything - an overly demanding boss is never a good boss.

"I was a little careless before, but now that I think about it, it's normal for the She family to kill people," Cao Zi'ang said, "The She family doesn't know that we have the confidence to get enough money to support soldiers - if we are under the suppression of Yue Lengqiu If we cannot get enough money to support our troops from other sources, and we have to maintain such a force, the pay crisis will be the first and most urgent threat we need to solve. Is there any direct and effective way to alleviate the pay crisis?"

"..." Lin Bie took a light breath and said, "Are they afraid that we will try to quench thirst, use the two daughters to drag the luxury family in directly, and make the war in the southeast a big one?"

"It should be like this," Cao Zi'ang said. "As long as we disclose the evidence of the collusion between the Shejia and the East China Sea bandits, the court will be forced to fight against the Shejia. When the war in the southeast resumes, Yue Lengqiu's troops will be given to the Liu An'er bandits in the northwest. Keep it in check, the southeast direction will inevitably rely on our strength, and will be forced to give us money and food to help us get through the crisis of pay and silver. From the surface of the situation we are in at this time, it seems that only by raising big thieves can we take care of ourselves——Shejia Isn't it normal to think about us like that?"

"Whether it is a gentleman to treat a villain or a villain to treat a gentleman, it is not surprising that there will always be deviations in treating others by yourself," Fu Qinghe said softly, "Since the She family doesn't want to get involved directly, come to us. Say, it's a good thing."

Jiangdong Zuojun has exhausted his scheming to raise six or seven thousand soldiers and horses, and the luxury family has emptied the family for the previous war. It has not been three or four years to calm down. How could he want to be directly involved again at this time?

Lin Bie nodded. They judged that it was normal for the She family and the She family to judge that they had a deviation. They thought that their reputation in Jiangning was not good. She Feihu thought that the two aunts and sisters of the She family had been smeared by him. There were so many unexpected things, so I didn't discuss much on this topic, so I diverged and said, "I'm afraid we can't get in touch with the Song family for the time being -- at least until the Song family can't see the possibility of different treatment. , will not draw a clear line with the luxury family, even if they are willing to contact people outside the luxury family, for them, Yue Lengqiu and Zhang Xie are much better choices than us at this time!"

"Zhang and Yue are two villains who can only stab in the back, how can they win the trust of the Song family?" Lin Mengde said disdainfully.

"That's true. I heard that Song Bo, the son of Song Fu, has left Jiangning and disappeared without a trace!" Lin Fu said, "At least until we defeat the East China Sea bandits in the islands of Changguo County, don't expect the Song family to make any choice!"

"But in any case, the She Song family falls into our hands, and the She family will still regard her as a variable between She and Song," Cao Zi'ang said, "Can't the assassin succeed a second time?"

"It is estimated that the She family has no face to send assassins any more," Lin Fu laughed, referring to the pain in his left armpit, and said, "This place on the mountain is very big, it's a waste if you don't use it, Zi'ang, Jingtang, you all. Come with me to live on the mountain, Mr. Wu, the old worker and the others will also invite you to live on the mountain, the mountain is not too high, it is easy to get in and out, and you can cultivate your body."

Guard resources are always limited. Before the new city is built, in order to prevent assassins from infiltrating, in addition to the military camp, it is better to live together with families like Cao Zi'ang, Sun Jingtang, and Sun Jingxuan.

Everyone moved to the mountain, which naturally made up for the defense loopholes on the mountain, and also freed up some manpower.

Although Song Jia asked for her to die, Lin Fuke was reluctant to let her die. Just as Cao Zi'ang said, she was a variable between the She and Song families.


She family and other East Fujian surnames are all one in the eyes of the center and ordinary people. Only those who really hold real power in the center can finally protect the Song family from the time when the she family soldiers or even destroy the she family—the Song family must need Seeing that there is such a guarantee, it is possible to turn against the tide; otherwise, they would rather see the fall of the Dayue Dynasty and fight for a favorable position in the new Dynasty.

She family split the earth and sealed the marquis, and the other seven surnames also received titles such as county magistrates and county sons.

Ordinary titles are divided into real titles and virtual titles. The so-called real seals will seal the food towns, and tax officials can be appointed to collect food and clothing taxes from the food towns; the false seals directly convert the food towns into money and grain to receive them.

Except for those few permanent nobles, the descendants of the general titles can be downgraded to the nobles. No matter how disdainful the descendants are, as long as they don't make a catastrophe, the most people can enjoy the glory and wealth of the nine generations. For example, Lin Fu was appointed a baron of the county, which was the last first-class baron and could not be relegated to his descendants, but his eldest son could still enjoy the grace and be enlisted in the Imperial College. This kind of political privilege is generally only enjoyed by officials of the third rank and above; this does not include permanent rewards such as Yongye Tian and other political and economic privileges such as exemption from taxation and exemption from military service.

However, ordinary nobility is still far from being on a par with the eternal successor such as Mu Guogong and Yongchang Hou, and the eternal world is far from being on a par with the cracking earth nobility.

The title of the eight surnames of Dongmin on the condition of surrendering to the armistice is the real cracking earth seal.

The She family of the Marquis of Jin'an was regarded as a first-level county and lord, and they directly had the right to rule over the Jin'an Prefecture. The Song family Song Fu named Yongtai Bo, the county chief, who had the right to govern Yongtai County in the southwest of Jin'an Prefecture, and had three battalions of first soldiers. The other six surnamed noble families are similar to the Song family, with one county or one township, ranging from one to three battalions of soldiers.

For more than two hundred years, the eight Dongmin clans have been closely intertwined through marriage. If the extravagant family is defeated, it will eventually be given to the three Yi clans. Even if the other seven clans are not held accountable, the other seven clans will almost be given Kill everything.

Song Jia and She Feihu were cousins ​​and sisters.

Of course, Song Jia and She Feihu are together, and they are the link of the relationship between the two families. Song Jia fell into the hands of Jiangdong Zuojun, which was a variable of the She-Song family.

The She family sent someone to kill Song Jia, the daughter-in-law of the She family.

Lin Fu just tested Song Jia and said that he would secretly send her back to the Song family, but he was actually testing the true relationship between the She and Song families. Song Jia knew very well in her heart that the biggest possibility for her to go back would be to commit suicide by hanging Liangliang, and the Song family might even marry another daughter to the luxury family after her death.

In this way, the variable Song Jia can't leverage the relationship between the She and Song families at this time, and Lin Bie can only continue to hold Song Jia in his hands and wait for the opportunity.


After talking about things, the rain stopped and the sky was clear, the east was white with fish belly, and the mountains were overflowing with blue and bright morning light.

Lin Bie was injured and felt a little tired, and wanted to go back to the house to rest. Back in the room, he saw Liu Yue'er and Xiaoman two daughters lying on the table sleeping soundly, he pushed the door in, and the two daughters woke up and looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"Didn't you all prepare the bedding, why did you all fall asleep on the table?" Lin Fu asked with concern.

"You should take Miss Song into the room. If you serve one more person, you will serve one more person. I won't say anything weird to make you angry." Xiaoman bowed his head and said with a guilty conscience.

"Ha!" Lin Fu smiled in surprise, "You two are just sitting here waiting for me to come back for this matter. With this little ambition, you still have the courage to sneer at me? Can't you be more promising?"

"Sister Yue'er said that men are the gods of women. How can women stop what men want to do?" Xiaoman said that he was apologizing. He looked at Lin Fu's face with his eyes, and saw that Lin Fu was not angry at all. She looked like she had the courage to say, "Sister Xun'er hasn't entered the door yet. You have another concubine, so it's not good for your reputation..."

"You think so too?" Lin Fu asked Liu Yueer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Miss Song is always considered a luxury person, and Chongzhou has been tossed like this, and it is always bad to spread the influence. The seventh lady also said that everything can't be up to your temperament, you really want to do it, I don't care about you, I will get along well with Miss Song..." Liu Yue'er said softly.

"You can understand, but I don't understand? My face looks like a greedy person? I'm really confused," Lin Bie grabbed Yueer's neck and dragged it into his arms. This woman is locked in the house all day thinking about something, "If you don't hear and do what I asked you to do the other day, I won't be able to get rid of my anger!"

"How can there be such a force?" Liu Yue'er also knew that Lin Fu was not really angry. Seeing Lin Fu's bad intentions, she immediately thought of Lin Fu asking her to swallow meat/sticks, her face flushed with shame and struggling. To escape.

Xiaoman didn't know what was going on, so he came over curiously and asked, "What is it? I'll do it too. As long as you don't get angry, I'll do it for you."

"...You **** girl, this dirty thing can be said, no shame or shame." Liu Yue'er dragged Xiaoman into the room.

Lin Bie was still injured, Liu Yueer struggled to escape, he was inconvenient to chase, and watched the two daughters playfully enter the inner room, only to realize that Xiaoman had grown a little taller without knowing it, and had already followed Liu Yue'er is generally taller and more graceful and charming. At this time, I remembered that I hadn't told my second daughter that I was going to live on the mountain. I thought that I would have to explain it later, so as to prevent them from thinking about other places.

Thinking of letting Xiaoman help him with official duties when he was in Jiangning, he didn't let her do these things at this meeting. Instead, he let the two girls do nothing in the house and think about everything. Lin Bie thought that he should find something for them to do. well done. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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