Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 66: big move

Nearby Jiuhua Temple has replaced more than 60,000 mu of farmland, with more than 3,000 affiliated tenants. Based on ten households and one armour and ten armoured one mile, more than 3,000 tenant farmers can be divided into more than 30 li.

In fact, Chongzhou County has a large population, and there are as many as 40,000 households registered in the county. Counting the hidden Dingkou, there are almost six or seven hundred li. It is inappropriate to have a county under the jurisdiction of Lijia, at least in Chongzhou County. With a small number of people in the county government, it is impossible to form an effective rule over a vast and prosperous county.

After a period of investigation, Lin Fu has reason to believe that the hidden population of Chongzhou is between 120,000 and 150,000, that is, the total population of Chongzhou County is more than 350,000.

Only on the basis of such a population base, Lin Fu has the confidence to organize 100,000 young people from the whole county to carry out a number of large-scale projects such as new city construction and river dredging and excavation during the fall and winter slack seasons.

The original purpose of hiding the mouth is to avoid corvée and tax. Even if they can rent a small amount of farmland from the local area for farming, as a foreign customer, they also bear heavy rent and exploitation, and the income can only barely make ends meet. And the heavy burden of corvée.

The first big move that Lin Fu really implemented in Chongzhou County was to exempt corvée, Ding tax and all kinds of apportionments on people's heads. This alone wiped out all the taxes that had been increased by the investigation of Terada and Yoda. There is also the basis for the increase in taxes in the early stage, in order to exempt the tax and the apportionment of the head, otherwise it is impossible for the county governor to accept the fact that the tax of Chongzhou has been greatly reduced.

Therefore, the Jiangdong Zuo Army has to bear the loss of nearly 10,000 taels of military salaries every year - this is what Yue Lengqiu and others are happy to see, but all members are exempted from corvée service, ding tax and various head apportionment, which makes all classes in Chongzhou County All benefited, and the obstacles to the county-wide census were removed.

In fact, before the official implementation of the county-wide population inventory, there were more than 70,000 stranded refugees registered in several centralized disaster relief camps such as Jiuhua Temple, Zilang Mountain, Hechengsi, and Xishan Hekou.

The flood season finally ended in late August, and the waterlogging throughout the county was slowly fading. Lin Fu first asked Cao Zi'ang and Liu Zhenzhi to organize 10,000 young men at Jiuhua Temple to dig a channel that connects the Xishan River and the Yunyan River.

This river channel only needs to be excavated three miles long, about 700,000 square meters of soil, and it takes about one to one and a half months to organize 10,000 young people, but the significance of connecting the Xishan River and the Yunyan River is very important.

In addition to increasing the drainage capacity of the northwest area of ​​Chongzhou County, this function has been realized. Before that, Liu Zhenzhi excavated a ditch with a width of only ten steps in the north section of Xishan, which greatly reduced the waterlogging in the Jiuhua Temple area. disaster. At present, it is necessary to widen the foundation of this small ditch tenfold, and dig it deeper than zhang, so that the Yangtze River waterway will be completely connected with the Yunyan River and the Beiguan River through the Xishan River, and the east of Jiyang County, Pingjiang Prefecture and the south of Chongzhou will be completely connected. The ships entering the main waterway of Caoyun can save more than 200 miles of upstream rivers, which also means that the warships of Jinghaihai Camp can enter Gaoyou Lake, Hongzepu, Qingjiangpu, and Huaihe waterway at the fastest speed.

Its significance is not only agricultural, but also commercial, and more geographically strategic.

Lin Fu originally planned to organize the excavation of the Xishan River running through the river after the autumn grain harvest. However, due to the flood in the middle and early August, Lin Fu was able to gather a large number of refugees and young laborers in advance through disaster relief, so the plan naturally had to be advanced. .

Compared with the Xishan River running through the river, the comprehensive dredging and widening of the Chongzhou section of the Yunyan River can be regarded as a real major project in this world.

The Yunyan River traverses Chongzhou County and the northern section of Hecheng Caochang, and directly leads to the Hecheng Fishing Port. It has been in disrepair for hundreds of years, with serious siltation and flooding due to heavy rain. The average river is 200 paces wide, and it is possible for a hundred stone boats to pass through it. The dredging and widening of the river channel by Lin Fu is more than 140 miles long, and the engineering volume is 40 to 50 times that of the Xishan River running through the channel. That is to say, organizing 60,000 to 70,000 young men on the embankment would take the entire winter, which can be said to completely exceed the current organizational and financial resources of the Jiangdong Left Army.

Lin Fu also saw the great benefits of the completion of the Yunyan River dredging and widening project, which not only enabled the large-scale Jiyun-class warships to freely enter and exit the hinterland of Chongzhou County, but also enabled large areas of low-lying areas on both sides of the Yunyan River that were vulnerable to waterlogging disasters. The land, the flooded land, and the waterlogged inferior fields have become high-yield and high-yield fertile fields, and the waterlogging disasters in the northern border of Chongzhou have been completely solved.

After all, Wu Meijiu was the magistrate of Chongzhou. He didn't have the self-awareness to take the lead and ask for the people's orders, but after the autumn was cool and the rain was over, he didn't mind taking a walk in the countryside.

After all, Wu Meijiu was the official seal of Chongzhou County. When he came to the countryside, he was accompanied by Li Shuyi, Hu Zhicheng, Chen Lei and other major officials in the county. He heard that there was a lot of action in Jiuhua Temple. Walking over to the temple, Wu Meijiu naturally rushed over to join Lin Fu, thinking of expressing his position in front of Lin Fu, showing that he also cares about people's livelihood.

Lin Fu invited Wu Meijiu to the Yunyan River; looking at the Yunyan River where the flood water had almost receded and there were serious waterlogging remnants on both sides, Wu Meijiu's chin was almost frightened when he heard Lin Fu's idea of ​​dredging and widening the Yunyan River.

"How could it be possible?" Wu Meijiu's head shook like a drum, "To mobilize 60,000 to 70,000 young people, don't tell me if there are so many young people in Chongzhou County that can be requisitioned, the consumption of money and grain alone will cost tens of thousands of dollars. If the Lin family can get this money, I might as well keep turning a blind eye, but if you want to do this with the accumulation of Chongzhou County, it is impossible to do it without the accumulation of 50 or 60 years of tightening your belt. ... In addition, the construction of the city is still an urgent task at the moment in Chongzhou. The Hailing House is watching, and the county chief is watching. The rainy season is over, and there should be practical actions for the construction of the city. Master Lin can't use all the money used for the city's construction. "

Li Shuyi, Hu Zhicheng, Chen Lei and other historians abide by the rules and stand on the side and stop talking.

"If I dare to embezzle that money, why don't the special envoy of Xuanwei hand over the testimonials directly to the Supreme Court?" Lin Fu said with a smile, "I heard from Li Shuyi that the more than 8,000 young men needed to build the city will be immediately The recruitment is in place, and it should not miss the matter of Master Wu."

"What the envoy said is good," Li Shuyi added, "I haven't had time to show the article to Master Wu yet..."

"You can do it if you think it's appropriate," Wu Meijiu waved his hand. He knew that he was looking at it in vain. The person who did the work was Lin Fu, and the money was in Lin Fu's hands. As long as the construction period was not delayed, Wu Meijiu didn't care about him. But this autumn and winter will be launched at the same time, which is a much bigger project than building a city, Wu Mei can't sit still, "Building a new city is also very difficult, and finally there is hope, Master Lin really thinks that it can be done. Make it a matter of dredging and transporting the salt river?"

"Compared to building a city, it is much more difficult to transport the salt river to clear silt," Lin Fu said, "Because it is difficult, if it is done, Master Wu will not need to stay in Chongzhou to suffer, the prefect of Hailing. I am afraid that it is also in Master Wu's pocket."

In addition to that political reputation, Wu Meijiu also knew that staying in Chongzhou would not gain the slightest benefit. He is over forty years old and has no one in the top. Although he was born as a scholar, he has long served as a mid-to-low-level assistant officer, such as a teacher, a county magistrate, and a military officer. Except for those who are incompetent, he has always been an official with him. Indifferent, no chance is also relevant.

Desilting and transporting the Salt River can eliminate the waterlogging disasters in the northern counties of Chongzhou County in one fell swoop, and turn hundreds of thousands of acres of waste land into fertile fields. This is a great achievement, and the evaluation is different. It is easy to get promoted and leave Chongzhou. Things.

However, Wu Meijiu is not the kind of official who is used to whimsical. Although Lin Fu said it nicely, he just squinted at Lin Fu and said, "Desilting and transporting the salt river is a great merit, and I also know that it can make hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the strait. Mu flooded land has become fertile land, but how can Master Lin accomplish this?"

"There are a lot of hidden households in Chongzhou. I advise Mr. Wu to exempt the tax of corvée in Chongzhou. In fact, it is to clear the obstacles for the investigation of hidden households. In addition to the young people in the county of Chongzhou, young people from neighboring counties such as Gaocheng and Xinghua will also come. It is not difficult to recruit 100,000 young people during the slack season," Lin Fu said, "the key is silver..."

"I also know that the key is silver," Wu Meijiu said, "Master Lin recruited young men at Jiuhua Temple to dig the Xishan River northward. It takes about one million stone meters to complete the silt, where did Master Lin raise so much money?"

"Master Wu also knows that dredging and transporting the salt river can turn hundreds of thousands of acres of waterlogged land on both sides into fertile land, but does Master Wu know how much of the hundreds of thousands of acres of waterlogged land on both sides is public land?" Lin Fu squinted at Wu Meijiu.

Wu Meijiu was shocked, secretly thinking that Lin Fuguo was going to attack the place ruthlessly.

It is said that as long as the wasteland with waterlogging and low-lying river beaches is not registered in the land register, the mulberry land and the housing land are all public land, but where in this world is there really no owner of the wasteland? The influx of refugees has made Chongzhou County less and more people, not to mention the flooded low-lying river beach wasteland, even the barren Jiangdao is cultivated. Where can the big local households let the refugee customers take advantage of the local area, most of these waste lands are occupied by the local gangsters and rented to the refugee customers for farming.

At this time, Lin Fu wanted to collect these waterlogged and low-lying beach wastes as public land, which could indeed make up for the money needed for dredging and transporting the Salt River, but how could the local gangsters give in so easily?

Lin Bie narrowed his eyes, and the light leaking from his eyes became more and more sharp, and said, "It is quite difficult to comprehensively inspect the fields in the county. Next, I want Hu Zhicheng to inspect the Yunyan River, Fenghuang River, Tongliang River and other major rivers. For the fields between two thousand paces on both sides of the river, all the public fields that have been invaded will be confiscated, and the fields that have been concealed and escaped will be confiscated.

Wu Meijiu was secretly shocked. Lin Fu's fangs were too cruel to show. He didn't want to make too much action, and said, "Even if you follow the previous example, I'm afraid that the income will not be enough."

"The public land obtained from the inventory will be leased to the tenants who go south to Chongzhou. Each household can rent 20 acres of public land, and the fixed rent is 30%. For dredging the river, each household will pay 10%, and the rent will be reduced by 10% within three years. Besides, dredging the river, eliminating waterlogging disasters, and turning bad fields into good fields, these tenants will directly benefit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The county has widely announced it, so that tenants know the benefits, how can they know if it is not feasible?" Lin Fu asked.

Wu Meijiu followed Lin Fu to the Jiuhua Temple Disaster Relief Camp to see. The villagers were basically rescued by the villagers. Most of the people who gathered at the disaster relief camp were out-of-town refugees.

Lin Fu had made a part of the territorial fields belonging to the Guangjiao Temple become the military fields of the Jiangdong Zuo Army through thorough investigation of the bandit case. Wu Meijiu vaguely knew that the number of fields obtained by the Jiangdong Zuo Army that time was far more than the five thousand on the bright side. mu. In any case, these fields were already cultivated by tenant farmers. Lin Fu did not drive away the original tenant farmers, but directly reduced the land rent to 30%, which is nearly 50% lower than the 50% fixed rent that is common in Chongzhou County and even the entire Jiangdong County. Half, of course, immediately gained the support of the tenant farmers on these lands.

Wu Meijiu didn't expect Lin Fu to take a bigger step this time. Not only did he plan to rent all the confiscated public land to migrant clients in the south, but he also reduced the land rent to 30% on a large scale. Today, a large number of refugee clients are gathered in several disaster relief camps. With almost a little agitation, they will become the backbone who firmly support Lin Fu to carry out an inventory of the county's public fields and dredging the Yunyan River. What do you want to do?

Wu Meijiu was not an idiot. He couldn't help but figure out Lin Fu's intentions. Jiangdong Zuojun's strength was already strong enough, and Lin Fu was still constantly buying people's hearts. Maybe others see that Lin Bie is constantly squeezing the interests of the local forces and fighting against the local forces, but in fact, the local forces in Chongzhou are far from being enough to compete with Lin Bie, and the local forces in Chongzhou County are not worth it.

Wu Meijiu didn't want to get involved too deeply, and felt that this problem should be left to Han Zai and Lin Fu to quarrel. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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