Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 72: engagement at sea

Hengchen in front is the main island of the Shengsi Islands, Daheng Island. It is a large island that is long and narrow from east to west and narrow from north to south. It stretches from east to west and is nearly twenty miles wide. The westernmost part is four or five miles deep from north to south. The eastern part of it is like a halberd reaching into the blue water.

The highest peak of Daheng Island, Jinji Mountain, is also located at the western end of the island, with a height of 70 to 80 feet. Lin Fu stood on the deck of the Jinhai, looking at the lush Jinji Mountain. looming in between. In the past 60 to 70 years, the Shengsi Islands have always been pirates' nests in the East Sea, and they have been repeatedly suppressed. There are often big robbers entrenched on the Daheng Island. The Kou soldiers were defending, and if they wanted to forcefully use their troops, three or five thousand troops would rush forward.

At this time, in the bay at the southern end of Daheng Island, more than a dozen pirate ships came out one after another, mainly six sea loach ships, and small Cangshan ships as sentry ships. They quickly sailed towards the fleet here. To be expelled, the deck was full of bandits.

The bandits all wore uniform red military uniforms, and half of them wore various types of armor. The various flags planted on the masts, bows and fenders were densely packed. It can be seen that She Feixiong, who goes by the pseudonym Yuan Tingdong, has been very effective in integrating the East China Sea pirates in the past year.

The military appearance is not strict, and to a large extent is to observe the flag, so when fighting, the way to increase or decrease the flag is often used to confuse the enemy's sentry. The Jiangdong Left Army reorganized nearly 7,000 people, including Lin Fu's commander-in-chief flag. There were 712 command flags, general flags, battalion flags, and messenger flags. Losing the flags in the army was a grave sin. Even if Lin Tie was in actual combat training, reenacting the battle, performing light exercises, training or going into battle, he still took the rectification of the flag as an important reference standard.

Kou Bing's boat formation was neat and tidy. After leaving the island, they did not come directly to take on the battle, but rowed upwind.

"Kou Bing knows that the small ship is not good for the battle, and he intends to gain the upper hand, so that he can take the initiative." Ge Cunxiong watched the movement of the enemy ship and explained to Lin Fu that Zhao Qingshan was on another Jinhai-class warship at this time. The order requires all ships in the fleet to compete with the Kou ships for the upper hand.

Except for the Jinhai, the 1st Battalion of Jinghai Battalion left Chongzhou to patrol the sea with Lin Fu. The 1st Battalion of Jinghai Battalion was commanded by Zhao Qingshan. When the formation went to sea, Lin Fu did not interfere with Zhao Qingshan's command. He did not raise his handsome flag. In addition to the reorganization of the 1st Battalion of Jinghai Battalion to patrol overseas with Lin Fu, 600 elite soldiers from the Guard Battalion and Chongzhou Infantry Battalion were still dispatched to take the Jinhai and Dongyang to form Lin Fu's guards for this patrol. The main force of the sea was strengthened, so Ge ​​Cunxiong, the deputy battalion commander of the second battalion, was transferred to the Jinhai, and he personally served as the warship commander of the two ships Jinhai and Dongyang.

The patrol fleet consists of two Jinhai-class and four Jiyun-class large-scale sea-going ships. They travel by the wind and are extremely fast. The hull is large and strong. .

Jinhai-class and Jiyun-class large-scale sea-going ships have a capacity of more than a thousand stones. Although the ships are equipped with large sculls, which are swayed by manpower, they are still far less than the sailing oars such as loach ships and Cangshan ships when traveling against the wind. The complete light sea boat is convenient and fast, and it is easy to open the distance when the wind is headed, and it is difficult to launch an offensive.

Before powerful long-range weapons were widely used in naval battles, when water battles were still dominated by side-to-side battles or direct fleet collisions, it was extremely important to grab the wind position. If the pirate ships seize the upper hand, they can effectively restrict the large-scale sea-going ships of Jinhai-class and Jiyun-class in naval battles.

The patrol fleet, in addition to six large ships as the main force, is still composed of nearly 20 small and medium-sized fast warships such as loach ships, Cangshan ships, squatters, and big wing ships. Kou boat is small. When patrolling the sea, these small and medium-sized warships are tied to the stern of the large ship to save manpower. At this time, all the cables are untied, scattered around the periphery, and shuttle between the fleets, acting as **** ships and sentry ships, making the tactical formation of the patrolling fleet. more flexible.

At this time, Zhao Qingshan issued an order from the command ship of the first battalion of Jinghai Camp to seize the upper wind position.

Song Bo stood beside Lin Fu, watching the naval battle was about to break out, and couldn't help but get nervous. Although She Feixiong, who goes by the pseudonym Yuan Tingdong, deployed a small number of troops on the Shengsi Islands, the scale of the fleet was much smaller than that of the patrol fleet, and there was a lack of large ships that could exert great power in naval battles.

The Jiangdong Zuo army patrolled the Shengsi Islands, which was a serious challenge to the East China Sea bandit forces entrenched here. The East China Sea bandits could not stay on the island and not fight, but their strength was not good, and there were too many disadvantages to go out to sea.

Kou boats can only engage in tentative engagements by taking advantage of the wind direction. As long as they can delay the time, if they can find an opportunity to win one or two ships, they can drive back the patrolling fleet that cannot stay at sea for a long time, and prevent them from patrolling the sea. The fleet continued southward to harass Tushan and Daishan Islands.

Large sea-going ships rely on the sails to go retrograde to seize the upper wind position. They need to get out of the big "zigzag" shape to borrow the wind, which is much slower than the oars and scull boats that go directly retrograde. The patrol fleet then independently formed a team with a dozen small and medium-sized warships such as sea loach ships, Cangshan ships, squat ships and big wing ships, and the Kou ships first seized the upper hand, and Jiyun-class, Jinhai-class large-scale sea ships. The ships formed independent teams, and walked out of a larger "Zhi" on the vast and boundless sea. They wanted to go around to the upwind direction and use the wind to directly hit the Kou Bing fleet.

Kou Chuan saw that the patrolling fleet was divided into two groups, and he was unable to eat the main patrol fleet. After watching the main fleet sailing around four or five miles away, he thought of splitting them up and attacking the small and medium-sized ships first. The fleet divided by the ship ate, and the ship approached and intended to fight.

Only bows and crossbows were used here to meet the attack. When the Kou boat approached within thirty or fifty paces, the oars and sails were used, and the sails were moved downwind to widen the distance from the Kou boat to avoid the melee.

Kou Chuan also knew in his heart that if he was so entangled, he would unknowingly be dragged downwind. , keep going upwind. This side also changed the sail and continued to go against the wind, three times, delaying the speed of the soldiers and draining the physical strength of the soldiers.

On the vast sea surface, the headwind does not rely on the wind, and the oars are swaying and paddling. After a distance of thirty or forty miles, the small and large Yangshan Islands could be seen on the sea level from a distance, and the speed of the boat finally slowed down.

Song Bo stood on the deck of the Jinhai. He knew that in addition to the five masts and twenty-one sails, the Jinhai also had eight large sculls so that it could go straight against the wind on the sea.

Under the main deck of the Jinhai, in addition to the bottom tank containing ballast stones, there is also one cargo hold and two storage compartments. There are three layers of aft cabins at the rear of the deck, and the aft cabin deck is three feet high from the sea.

The scull cabins are located on both sides of the troop compartment under the main deck. Usually, the slats are closed, and they are opened only when needed, and the scull is put into the water.

After the speed of the Kou ship's retrograde slowed down, although the main patrol fleet still failed to gain the upper hand, the command ship where Zhao Qingshan was at this time changed its order.

Song Bo couldn't see the situation of the Jinhai at his feet, but he could see the bulwarks on both sides of the other warships open, and the large turrets that were several meters long stretched out and fell into the water. First use the sails to get as close to the Kou soldiers as possible, and then the eight auxiliary soldiers work together to operate a pair of large sculls. In the scull room, they work together to shake the scull and go straight against the wind. The retrograde speed is still not as fast as a light Cangshan boat, but it is not as fast as a medium-sized boat. Loach boats are slow.

It was at this time that Kou Bing faced the biggest crisis since the battle. Seeing that the six loach boats could not escape the pursuit before escaping to Yangshan Island, they adjusted their formation, turned to set sail, and wanted to take advantage of the wind to attack the patrol fleet. Offensive, I want to break the formation of the patrol fleet, so as to escape to the direction of Daheng Island by the wind.

After the entire patrol fleet has been strengthened, the total number of main and auxiliary soldiers is nearly 2,000, which is twice as many as the soldiers of the island bandits, and the advantages occupied by the warships are very large. Lin Bie was not afraid of the Kou soldiers taking over the side to fight, but he was afraid that the Kou soldiers would take advantage of the small and light boat to go around in circles at sea or hide on the island and not go to sea.

Watching the Kou ship rushing in, the two main Jinhai-class warships first turned their sails and moved to the sides. The four Jiyun-class warships were the main force in the battle, supplemented by the Loach and Cangshan ships. Dozens of pirates were entangled. After more than a dozen Kou boats were dragged downwind, the two Jinhai-class main battleships changed their sails and directly oppressed the Kou boats with the advantage of their tall hulls. Arrows, bricks, and clay pots filled with kerosene were released together. Next, attack the Kou soldiers.

The Jinhai grabbed a loach ship belonging to Kou Bing. Zhou Tong and Ge Cunxiong personally commanded the battle on the main deck. Lin Tie, under the **** of Ao Canghai and others, led Song Bo, Wang Chengfu and others to retreat to the end. On the deck, watching the entire battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Song Bo felt a pity for the Kou soldiers. Although the Kou soldiers were almost all the elites who were recruited by the luxury family and abolished in the coastal areas of East Fujian, their fighting bravery was no worse than that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. How much, the armor is also beneficial, but the gap between the two sides in the warship seems particularly dazzling at this time.

The main deck of the Jinhai was nearly a zhang higher than the loach ship, and it slammed into it with a sturdy and heavy weight, almost sinking the loach ship. On the wide deck of the Jinhai, there are more than 200 armored soldiers and auxiliary soldiers, most of them armed with crossbows and spears, to attack the pirates and prevent them from forcibly on the main deck; there are also armored soldiers in the two compartments under the deck. There are more than 200 auxiliary soldiers, the small hole string window is opened, the bow and crossbow are shot, or the spear is used to attack the approaching Kou soldiers. There are two bed crossbows on the stern deck to shoot the Kou ships in the distance. On both sides of the Jinhai, There are also two sea loach ships and two Cangshan ships to **** them to prevent other pirate ships from encircling the Jinhai.

After fighting for about half an hour, the pirates were defeated, and the remnants fled in the direction of Daheng Island. The patrol fleet took dozens of hooks and locked two Loach pirates and five Cangshan pirates. , After destroying the stubborn pirate soldiers on these pirate ships, they did not pursue the remnants of the pirate ships, but continued to change their sails in a "zigzag" shape and sailed against the wind in the direction of Dayangshan Island.

Big and small Yangshan Islands are the two westernmost islands of the Shengsi Islands. They are the two strongholds closest to Haiyu County by East China Sea pirates. They are only 70 to 80 miles away from the land at the easternmost point of Haiyu County. The bridgehead of the county, there are not many Kou soldiers entrenched. It is very difficult to capture Daheng Island. It is very difficult to gather all the troops of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. However, it is necessary to guard against the main force of the East China Sea bandits from the islands of Changguo County. The strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is still seriously insufficient. , mainly to remove the East China Sea bandits from Yangshan Island. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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