Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 105: Grab the beach on Daheng Island

(Brothers, use the red ticket to summon the fourth watch!)

The bright moon slanted slightly, and shortly after midnight, Ge Cunxiong and the first sentry ship of the First Water Battalion rushed at full speed to grab the mouth of the Qingshiwan River, braved the cape island pirates to shoot a dense arrow, and the narrowness of less than 200 paces was like a bottleneck. The estuary of the river burst into the inner harbor, and nearly half of the warships hit the rocks or chaotic collisions with each other during the full-speed rush to the beach.

The generals who fell into the water, who were in the shallows, would go to the nearest shore and gather on the beach; the auxiliary soldiers dropped the rope ladder to rescue the fallen generals in the deep water. This kind of drill has gone through many times in the past half a year. Although the big scene is chaotic, from a detailed point of view, there is no major chaos in the pioneering troops.

In complex terrain, the advantages of the military system based on the five pawns are fully exerted. If a group of 10 or 20 people gather in one place, they will be able to resist the bandits rushing over from the beachhead. With the cover of the warships and crossbows behind them, they can even expand the front of the beachhead, gather more troops, and in turn suppress the bandit warriors.

Ge Cunxiong's boat hit a reef before entering the port. The bow of the boat hit a big hole, and the bow was caught between the two reefs. Ge Cunxiong couldn't wait for the boat to retreat and adjust its direction. A Jiyun-class warship rushed to the inner harbor.

Ge Cunxiong did not expect that there would be so many robbers rushing to build camps on the island, which made the frontier troops' beach grabs and blockades a very difficult and dangerous task, but at the same time, these robbers were stranded on the south bank, making it too late to evacuate the northern foot of the mountain. The stronghold of the stronghold will reduce the pressure for the subsequent storm.

Not to mention that the sentinel water battalion he led was crippled, even if the entire first water battalion was crippled, as long as the Daheng Island, a strategic island that could not only protect Chongzhou from the inside, but also directly threaten the East China Sea bandit camp, could be successfully captured, Also worth it.

Ge Cunxiong saw that there were a lot of pirate soldiers stranded on the island, and they retreated after fighting. The first sentinel will personally lead a team of elites with two sea falcon ships as positions, gather the drowning generals, block the shoal, and confront the cape island pirates.

At this time, many pirates had retreated to the south bank, and Ge Cunxiong led a Jiyun-class warship and two sea loach ships as the main force and rushed to the inner port.

The path on the south bank is rugged and narrow. Four or five hundred soldiers crowded along the path and retreated to the southeast mountainside. No matter how bright the moon was, it couldn’t compare with the daytime. Delaying the pace of their retreat, the speed of the ship did not decrease. It was necessary to take the lead and intercept as many Kou soldiers as possible to the west of the trail to prevent them from retreating to the main base.


Su Tingzhan clenched his sword tightly, his eyes were red, the smallest possibility turned out to be a cruel fact: Changshan Island had already been secretly attached to Jiangdong Zuojun, becoming Lin Fubu's secret chess and trap in the East China Sea, Lin Fucai might be in When the main force attacked Changshan Island, they knew the news in time, and in turn led the main force to sneak attack on Daheng Island.

Su Tingzhan had no time to take into account the possible situation on Changshan Island. He sent his cronies to bypass Jinji Mountain and take a boat to Changshan Island to report the letter to Er Gongzi. Judging from the current situation, even if Er Gongzi could lead the troops Return to aid, but also after a day and night.

Although only part of the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's boat divisions appeared out of sight, Su Tingzhan was sure that Lin Bie's intention was to take Daheng Island.

Lin Bie couldn't be greedy and dared to divide his troops to attack the main force led by the second son when he sneaked up on Daheng Island.

In that case, Lin Fu would be too stupid. One or two thousand elites from Jiangdong's left army were not enough to attack Daheng Island by force. The troops divided into Changshan Island might not be able to cause much damage to the main force on the northern front led by the Second Young Master. threaten. Even if the main force on the northern front led by the Second Young Master was defeated, it would not affect the overall situation. If three or five thousand troops were lost, it would probably take a month to replenish them.

In contrast, the location of Daheng Island is too critical and can directly affect the situation in eastern Zhejiang.

The main force of the Jiangdong Left Army will come later, there is no doubt that the edge and pressure of the Jiangdong Left Army will be added to Daheng Island.

The competition for the bay mouth is meaningless at all, the competition for one place and one water is meaningless, and the most important thing is to defend Jinji Mountain; as long as you defend the main stronghold of Beilu, which occupies the advantage of the steep terrain, you can still make it like the last time. Jiangdong Zuojun retreated again without success.

It's not clear how many troops Lin Fu will bring here later, but for the present, Su Tingzhan wants to withdraw as many troops as possible up the mountain, so that he can have a greater confidence in living on Daheng Island.

Obviously, the generals of the leading troops of the Jiangdong Left Army also knew this, and they wanted more defenders to stay in the gentle area at the foot of the mountain for division and annihilation, so as to reduce the pressure of the subsequent attack.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army's boat division's battle on the beach was too strong, and the inner port pier collapsed and was not repaired. The pallet of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's battleship had just reached the shoal, and the soldiers rushed towards the beach head like a wolf, directly Wedged into the south bank trail and cut the defenders in half - Su Tingzhan was horrified: Jiangdong Zuojun had already figured out the terrain near Qingshiwan through the last strong attack, and every blow was at their heart. place.

It was too late to discover the warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and Su Tingzhan was eager to repair the Cape Island fort and restore the defense of the inner harbor. Apart from the 400 elites who were actually tired during the day, nearly 800 defenders rushed to the Cape Island construction site for him at night. The shoal between Cape Island and the south bank was submerged in shallow water because of the high tide. With a cup of tea, Su Tingzhan had time to withdraw less than 300 defenders, and more than 500 defenders were blocked on Cape Island and the south bank. In the gut alley.

It is impossible for Su Tingzhan to abandon the five hundred defenders, regardless of the wounds on his shoulders that have not healed, and seeing that the number of Jia soldiers rushing up from the Jiangdong Zuo Army is still small, he personally led the elite to counterattack, and chased the Jia soldiers who rushed to the beach by the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Go down and open up the retreating sheep intestines.

The complex terrain prevented the Kou soldiers from taking advantage of their strength, and the Jiangdong Zuojun warships rushed directly to the beach, posing a direct threat to the bow and arrow formation on the Kou soldiers' flanks. At this time, the second and third sentinels of the first water battalion were the main force. The team also entered the outer port under the leadership of Zhao Qingshan...


In order to avoid the loss of the main warships, the terrain of the bay mouth has also become more narrow and complicated due to a large number of warships that hit the rocks and isolate the shallow. The timing of Zhao Qingshan leading the main force of the first water battalion to enter the outer port is enough to delay the time of a stick of incense. .

During this incense stick, Ge Cunxiong, in order to delay the hundreds of bandits on the south bank, used all of the more than 500 soldiers from the first post of the reinforced First Water Battalion. In time, the South Bank was killed into a sea of ​​blood.

The bandits left behind on Daheng Island were exceptionally tenacious. They did not give up the anger of the bandits who were trapped on the trail and Cape Island because of the arrival of the main force of the first water battalion led by Zhao Qingshan, but were intercepted on the trail and Cape Island on the south bank. The Kou soldiers who could not withdraw to the east did not give up their efforts to break out of the encirclement, and the battle became more and more fierce.

Zhao Qingshan arranged for more troops to be wedged between the shoal connecting the Cape Island and the south bank. He personally led the elites to support the inner harbor, and saw that Ge Cunxiong had already grabbed the beachhead and led the elite soldiers to firmly defend the beachhead position and take the south bank trail. The Kou soldiers were separated and could not communicate.

Ge Cunxiong had two arrows stuck on his shoulders, and his body was covered in blood. At this time, Jingwei was behind him, but he also knew that when the situation was critical, he personally rushed forward to fight. I don't know whether Ge Cunxiong's arrow wound on the shoulder was deep or not, and there was still a shortage of generals in the water camp. Ge Cunxiong alone was able to reach half of the elites of the battalion. The loss was not allowed. Zhao Qingshan immediately arranged for the elites to land from the side beach to share the burden of Ge Cunxiong's front. The pressure, when the pressure was relieved, he ordered him to board the ship to command, and he saw if there was a chance to go deeper into the inner side of Qingshi Bay to fight on the beach...

Under the moonlit night, fighting with the bandits in the rough terrain is far more conducive to storming the fortress. No matter how much pressure there is, the battle on the south bank will continue, and it will be further extended to drag more bandits in.


The well-equipped Jin An old man who never falls into a desperate situation and never gives up easily is a headache.

In addition to a small number of troops guarding the ship and the troops who seized the beach on the north shore, Zhao Qingshan almost put nearly a thousand troops of the first water battalion into the battle. The soldiers who landed on the beach cut the southern bank pirates into several fights. The archers shot their flanks from the bow, and the sky was bright from the break of dawn, but they were not able to give way to the two who were finally intercepted on the sheep intestines trail and the cape island on the southern bank. Hundreds of bandits gave up breaking through and surrendered their weapons, while bandits attacked from the main base at Beilu stronghold, taking advantage of the terrain in the upper reaches of Qingshiwan, to try to help the banded bandits out~www.wuxiaspot. com~ When the red sun jumped out of the sea and sky, the golden light shone on the long and narrow island that stretched more than 20 miles from east to west. The main outpost fleet entered the outer port, and Su Tingzhan had to give up his efforts to assist the besieged defenders, and led the remnants to retreat to the Beilu fortress, waiting for the next attack of the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. There are less than 600 soldiers to rely on. It is not clear whether Tu Dai Islands can draw reinforcements in the current situation, nor whether the second son will come to help in time...

Moony night rushed to the beach, and the warships of the first battalion of Jinghai Camp hit the rocks and separated by more than one-third.

The bow of a Jiyun-class warship hit a reef, and a large hole was opened in the front cabin. A Jiyun-class warship was used as a bow and crossbow position in the inner port to block the sheep intestines. It was constantly attacked by the Kou soldiers in the middle of the night, and the damage was seriously damaged. . Compared with the loss of warships, the collision of blood and flesh on the south bank was even more tragic, and the entire beachhead on the south bank was almost stained with blood.

Such a tenacious enemy killed nearly 500 soldiers in the middle of the night. When the main force of the Jiangdong Left Army arrived, there were still more than 100 bandits who were locked in the remnant fortress on the island and refused to surrender. The first water battalion was about to occupy a considerable area. In addition to the advantages, it also pays a very heavy price.

The casualties have not yet been counted, but after the fierce battle for a long time, the first water battalion had almost no generals who were still able to stand. Lin Fu watched that there were still more than a hundred bandits in the remnant fortress on the island, fighting against Zhou Tong and Zhao. The generals Hu, Zhao Qingshan, Ge Cunxin, and Ge Cunxin ordered: "Chongcheng Infantry Battalion Xie Minyong immediately went ashore to take over the Nantan position, clear the surrounding obstacles before noon, and make preparations for attacking the fortress; the second water camp annihilates Cape Island. Stubbornly resist the robbers, annihilate them, and do not surrender; the first water battalion is withdrawn to the bay mouth for rest and alert!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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