Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 117: world crisis

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

On the 14th, the East China Sea bandits burned down the east gate of Mingzhou and trapped the city of Mingzhou. More than 30,000 sailors and foot soldiers marched westward along the south bank of the Qianjiang River. Cixi, Yuyao, and Shangyu cities fell upon hearing the wind. On the 17th, Kuaiji was surrounded by Kou soldiers. Li Weiliang, the prefect of Kuaiji, set fire to kill thirty-six of his family members.

Zhuji also opened the city the next day to welcome the invaders, and on the 18th, the eastern and northern counties of Mingzhou Prefecture and the entire Kuaiji Prefecture were lost.

Xiao Taoyuan defected on the way to Jiangning on the 14th. Yang Pu led a chariot to hunt him down and killed Xiao Taoyuan in the eastern border of Lishui County. However, Xiao Baiming, the superintendent of the water camp in Ninghai Town, and Xiao Changze, the eldest son of Xiao Taoyuan, were there. After being rescued by the escorts, they fled south to Meixi, Changxing, where they joined with Chen Qianhu's clan, and led more than a thousand troops of the rebel army to attack Huzhou.

On the 14th, Dong Yuan, the prefect of Weiyang, was ordered to personally guide the elites of the 10th Battalion of the Weiyang Army to cross the river and cross Danyang to the south. On the 4th, they ran for nearly 500 miles. On the 18th, they entered Hangzhou, and the general Meng Yishan of Ninghai, who was stationed in Haining, barely stabilized the northern bank of the Qianjiang River. Line of defense, confronting East China Sea bandits across the Qianjiang River...


In the past few days, Lin Fu has transferred Qin Chengzu's clan to Chongzhou, and Ning Zechen's clan to Daheng Island. Except for Chongzhou retaining a thousand county soldiers, the rest of the township braves were all scattered and organized into various battalions, including the first and second battalions. Nearly 6,000 elite soldiers from Ershui Battalion, Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, and Fengli Infantry Battalion were stationed on Daheng Island. Chuansha Castle,

Lin Fu transferred Fu Qinghe to Shengsi Islands to take charge of military affairs. However, Shengsi's defense was not stable. There were still 3,000 disabled bandits and beasts still fighting on the island. She Feixiong escaped from eastern Zhejiang and would not sit back and watch his brother She Feihu be trapped in Shengsi. Reason, Daheng Island is likely to have a big battle in the short term, and Lin Fu can't leave Daheng Island lightly.

In the past few days, Lin Fu personally supervised military affairs on Daheng Island, repaired Qingshiwan and Beilu two camps, and built a fort on Beitan at the northeastern foot of Jinji Mountain.

Daheng Island is a long and narrow terrain. Although the eastern peninsula is nearly twenty miles long, the narrowest point from north to south is less than two miles. The north-south width of the fort built by the Jiangdong Zuo Army on the north beach of Daheng Island is only three miles wide, and it looks like more than a thousand paces (one step is one meter five). step. Even without considering the blockade of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the passage from Jinji Mountain to Dongdao was only five or six hundred steps wide.

In addition to leading 3,000 remnants to retreat to the dense forest at the foothills of Jinji Mountain, She Feihu used the complex terrain to block the Jiangdong Zuo Army at the foot of the mountain and the northwest foothills, so it was impossible for him to enter the East Island.

The entire Jinji Mountain constitutes the west island of Daheng Island, and the rugged mountains account for most of it. Except for the Qingshi Bay in the northwest, the eastern and southern foothills are all primitive dense forests, while the coastal reefs are intricate, and the extravagant tigers lead the remnants of bandits. After retreating through the dense forest, Lin Fu really couldn't help them and could not send troops to attack them.

Also because of the complicated rocks along the coast of the West Island, as long as the remnant bandits are blocked in the dense forest of Jinji Mountain, Lin Bie is not afraid that the three thousand remnant bandits can jump out of his palm.

In mid-October, it was the early winter season, and there was a continuous cold rain on Daheng Island. Jiangning Zuo Army soldiers had camps, strongholds and warships to shelter from the rain. The remnants of the robbers who hurriedly retreated into Jinji Mountain were in a difficult situation.

On the 19th, Zhao Qinmin landed on Daheng Island. He came on behalf of Gu Wuchen. Lin Fu, dressed in rain scorpion, personally went to the mouth of the bay to welcome Zhao Qinmin landing on the island.


"It's also fortunate that you defeated the main force of the luxury family on the northern line in the East China Sea, so that the situation in the southeast would not be completely corrupted and unmanageable..." Zhao Qinmin saw that the Jiangdong Zuo Army's defense on Daheng Island, at least the Qianjiang North Bank defense line His flank is as stable as a golden soup, and he cannot worry about the people in Jiangning. He also secretly feels that Lin Fujicai's rise in troubled times seems to be an inevitable trend. Xiao Baiming, Chen Qianhu and Xiao Taoyuan's eldest son, Xiao Changze, led their troops to flee south to eastern Zhejiang. Although most of the water camp in Ninghai Town was intercepted in the north, there were no available soldiers and no generals. Jiangning officials have made urgent decisions to disband Ninghai Town. The decision of the water camp, one part will be incorporated into the Jiangning water camp, and the other part will be allocated to Dong Yuan. After the adults fight for it, you will take over the other part..."

Lin Fu felt a pity, killing Xiao Taoyuan was of no use. Although the troops that Xiao Baiming, Chen Qianhu, Xiao Changze and others brought to the She family were only a thousand people, they were the elite of the water camp in Ninghai Town, and Xiao Changze was defeated. Well, Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu are generals who are familiar with water warfare, and it is quite a headache for them to take refuge in a luxurious family.

"Although the She family has not raised the flag of rebellion directly, it is certain that they will directly send troops to intervene in the war in eastern Zhejiang. When will Yu Wangao in East Fujian attack the She family?" Lin Fu asked. Yu Wangao is the Admiral of Dongmin, and there are 20,000 elites in his hands to guard Dongmin to guard against the extravagant family. If Yu Wangao is against the luxury family, the pressure on Eastern Zhejiang will be much less.

"The She family has not raised the flag of treason, so the ministers in Jiangning dare not make a light decision on this matter, they have to wait for the temple to decide." Zhao Qinmin said.

"It will take ten days and a half months to talk about it. Missing the opportunity!" Lin Fu said regretfully, the She family was fighting a blitzkrieg, and the Hou Shewenzhuang of Jin'an, who controlled everything behind the scenes, was not easy. man.

Knowing that Dongmin is located in the southeast corner, it is difficult to make great achievements in a narrow area, but Shewenzhuang dares to open up the situation in eastern Zhejiang first. It is not only daring to take risks, but also sharp and fierce, and the ability to use troops is not under Li Zhuo.

"There is no way to do this," Zhao Qinmin said. "Qianjiang's defense line was basically stable in the past, and it should be no problem if it dragged on for ten days and a half months. I just didn't expect Dong Yuan to take advantage of it..."

The Zhejiang troops collapsed. Except for the thousands of foot camps in Ninghai Town in the southeast, there were no soldiers available. Especially after the collapse of the water camp in Ninghai Town due to the defect, the situation south of the Yangtze River was extremely critical, and it may collapse at any time.

The Huai Army from Hao and Si will be delayed for too long to go south, and Dongyang Xiangyong is ready to go south, but no one thought that Dong Yuan, who was silent, was the one who finally jumped out to pick peaches——Dong Yuanyuan is Dong One of the Five Tigers in Fujian, a disciple of Li Zhuo, with little gap between Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu, it is impossible for Yue Lengqiu to use Wei Yang's decision in haste. , Dark Songs.

Dong Yuan, the only one who was in charge of the army as a civil minister and was among the five tigers in East Fujian, certainly could not be a simple person.

In this way, the Weiyang army was stationed in Hangzhou and supported the backbone of the defense line on the north bank of the Qianjiang River, while Dongyang Xiangyong was still limited to a corner of Dongyang, and it was difficult to do anything.

Although Dongyang Xiangyong failed to open up the situation, it is impossible for Gu Wuchen to get nothing, but he didn't get as much as he expected. Moreover, Dong Yuan and Yue Lengqiu secretly communicated songs, so that Yue Lengqiu's blow may also be weak. as expected.

Lin Fu asked Zhao Qinmin again: "Has Yue Lengqiu filed a plea for guilt? Do I have to file a plea right away? When will someone come to check on me, so that I can make some preparations in advance."

"Yue Lengqiu of course didn't dare to neglect him, and the guilt document was handed over to Yanjing long ago - but the situation has not slowed down, and Zhang Xie is in Beijing to speak for him. I'm afraid that he won't be able to shake him for a while," Zhao Qinmin said regretfully. "Judging from the current state of the imperial court, once the water camp in Ninghai Town is disbanded, it will not be easy to rebuild it. The defense of Jiangkou and the southeastern sea frontier can only rely on the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Whether you plead guilty or not is a trivial matter. The Zhejiang army was alone, but the Jiangdong Zuo army was the only one who supported the northern line. In the past, the merits and demerits may be equal to each other, but this time the court has to reward you for your great deeds, and the day of being a lord is not far away..."

Lin Fu smiled lightly, he was not very interested in Fenghou.

Although the Shejia troops in eastern Zhejiang are sharp and unstoppable, but here they build a defense line on the northern front of Qianjiang. As long as Yu Wangao fights the Shejia troops in East Fujian, the situation can be slightly improved, and it will not be so ugly - just don't know that Li Zhuo is there. Can the northern front block the invasion of Donglu? In the current situation, he has been unable to mobilize the Jiangdong left army to the north to support Li Zhuo.

Perhaps the north had to endure the humiliation for a while and was forced to negotiate with the east.


The island of Wankou Cape is narrow, and there is not much space for the camp at the northern foot of the bay. Lin Bui has set up an open space on the south bank of Qingshi Bay to camp. He asked Zhao Qinmin to land on the island. The conditions on the island are difficult. The badger was roasted and set up a table for Zhao Qinmin.

Before nightfall, there are boats coming from Chongzhou, there are official affairs pending in the direction of Chongzhou, and there are also tangchao from all over Chongzhou today, all of which must be submitted to Lin Fu in time.

"There is a pond copy handed down from the mountain, and it is specially marked that adults should read it first!" said the official in charge of the official letter delivery~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fu didn't know what pond copy would make Song Jia send it so urgently, he He took over Tang Xia, who had Song Jia's teeny and beautiful face written on the cover, and when he saw the book written by Tang Xia, he was horrified, and he broke into a cold sweat.

Zhao Qinmin didn't know what was going on, so he took the desk pond, but it was in the south of Yanqing County in central Henan (central Henan) that a large group of robbers were crossing the border, suspected to be the leader of the Hongze thief, Chen Hansan, who led his troops eastward.

"Going to the embankment of the Yellow River in the northwest of Ji?" Zhao Qinmin asked.

"The seven major bandits joined forces in Jingbei and marched westward. Bandits in Hanzhong, Nanyang, and Wuchuan divided their troops into eastern Sichuan and western Qin. Chen Hansan led his troops to sneak into Yanqing, and did not leave for the 300,000 **** repairmen in Jinan. Like?" Lin Bie said bitterly.

"Chen Hansan is just a capricious thief, or he doesn't have such a big plan." Zhao Qinmin said with a fortune.

Fu Qinghe and the others were silent.

Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Wu Qi and others were all chosen in the world, and they also fell into the trap of Chen Hansan. When they left Huaishang, Chen Hansan was really an ignorant thief, so it was really simple.

Chen Hansan defected to Liu An'er in Huai'an, and at this time led his subordinates to Yanqing, with a faint figure of a luxurious family behind him. With 300,000 corvés piling up on the embankment of the Yellow River, the luxury family cannot see such a good opportunity, so it is impossible to gamble in eastern Zhejiang.

"I'm afraid I can't be forgiving," Lin Fu said with a long sigh. "It was only 600 miles from Yanqing to Jinan, and there was no large army to intercept it. The enemy was found in Yanqing on the 15th, and four days have passed today. Only now. I can only tell Yue Lengqiu to make preparations by dispatching the Changhuai Army to Huaibei as soon as possible. Li Zhuo wants to defend against the eastern invaders, and the court has not many troops available... The Central Plains is in chaos, and it is impossible to draw troops from Jiangbei and Lianghuai. The situation in eastern Zhejiang is also in danger and cannot be resolved - the extravagant family is a good plan." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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