Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 119: Chongcheng Foundation

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

It took half a year to prepare for the construction of Chongzhou New City in early August. By the end of October in the early winter, the city wall near the river had been built nearly ten feet high. Junshan peaks against each other.

As the boat sails on the river, people stand on the bow and look from afar, and the Xin Chong City, which has not yet been finally built, has some majestic spirit.

Chongcheng is near the river. Although it is located at the foot of the mountain, the land is mostly soil accumulated by silt. It is difficult to build a foundation. The floating soil is dug out, and a large amount of blue-striped stone is laid as the foundation. It is covered with blue bricks—the same amount of money can be used to build a big city of 2,000 paces in other places. After the completion of the new Chongcheng, the circumference is only 1,200 paces, and the city wall is only planned to be built to a height of 1.5 feet.

Xin Chongcheng is far from being a big city in the Jianghuai city that generally does not pay attention to fortification.

To see Chongcheng alone, it is indeed not a great city, but the danger of Chongcheng is not in the city, but in Zilang Mountain.

Under the cover of Guangjiao Temple, the She family has been operating Zilang Mountain for several years, intending to build Zilang Mountain into a military stronghold to support its sailors in occupying Jiangkou and even attacking Jiangning.

The luxury family not only dug a wharf and built a secret warehouse in the South Cliff, but also built the eastern and northern foothills, as well as the Zen Temple on the top of the mountain. The mountain road is also established to connect the upper and lower mountains. The mountain gate is actually a pass to guard the dangerous road, and the gentle **** is cut with soil and covered with bricks to form a steep cliff.

After Lin Bie annihilated the monks and bandits of Guangjiao Temple, on the basis of the original, he would further transform Zilang Mountain into the defense system of the mountain city.

Three defensive forts are formed on the north foot, east foot, south cliff wharf, southeast slope, northeast **** and the top of the mountain. The inner line is connected by relatively stable paved slopes, so that the troops can move quickly on the inner line and realize the security between the fortresses. Support each other, build passes in dangerous places, or cut slopes and wrap bricks into city walls, or build barrier walls.

More than a thousand elites are stationed, which is enough to block thousands of troops and horses at the foot of the mountain, making it the most solid and reliable western barrier of Xinchong City.

The interdependence of Chongcheng and Zilang Mountain City is not a complete conception of Linfu Chongzhou's comprehensive defense system.


On the 25th, Lin Fu led the Jinghai No. 1 Water Battalion to **** nearly 3,000 prisoners of war back to Chongzhou. Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi, Li Shutang and others in Chongcheng visited Guanyin Beach. Ying, Wu Meijiu returned home to recuperate from illness, and she has left Chongzhou.

When Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou, Zhao Qingshan led the first water battalion in Jinghai to enter the army cottage, and Lin Fu asked everyone to accompany him to the army mountain.

Jun Mountain is opposite to Zilang Mountain. It is independent of the middle of the river. The mountain above the river covers an area of ​​about 300 mu, which is slightly higher than Zilang Mountain. The measured height is 35 feet and 4 feet.

Looking at the land of the state, Junshan is not really a majestic mountain, but at the corner of the river and sea where silt has become a land, the terrain of Junshan and Zilang Mountain is extra dangerous. Because of its resemblance to an image, it was called Xiangshan in the early years. In the Qin Dynasty, the King of Qin stationed troops in Junshan to guard the mouth of the river, hence the name Junshan.

East China Sea bandits are infested, and Chongzhou County has built a water village on Junshan Mountain to guard against bandits. Two years ago, it officially became the garrison of the water camp in Ninghai Town. Xiao Taoyuan also has the intention of operating Junshan, stationed in the elite cronies, most of the military funds received in the past two years have been invested here, and Junshan Water Village has been further rebuilt and expanded.

In terms of the establishment of the town army, the inner port of Junshanzhai can accommodate the three camp boat divisions, which is the most important camp dock in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River except Jiyang.

With Fu Qinghe leading heavy troops to guard the outer line of Shengsi, Xisha Island does not need to be stationed with heavy troops. Zhao Qingshan led Jinghai No. 1 Water Battalion to directly garrison the army cottage, and directly use the army cottage as the camp. Guanyin Beach and the port on the east side can be transferred. For civilian use, accept lijin, in order to real military resources.

"The layout of Junshanzhai is still too small," Lin Fu stood at the head of Junshan's cliff and pointed to the river at the foot of the mountain, and said to Ge Fu, an old worker, "When I came to Chongzhou, I wanted to build a barrier between the two mountains. The dam of the river connects the two mountains, and the river is shallow at this time, I think I can do this thing, and it's the old worker's turn to show his skills..."

The old worker Ge Fu rubbed his chin with his white beard and laughed.

His revised plan is to build two stone dams to block the river. One stone dam is directly connected to the south wall of Chongcheng from the northern foot of Junshan Mountain, and another stone dam connects the west foot of Junshan Mountain and the southern cliff of Zilang Mountain. The terrain of Zilang Mountain and Chongcheng are linked together.

The northwestern foot of Junshan Mountain and the steep cliffs of Zilang South Cliff face each other. If you build a wall on the stone dam, you can form a garrison port city with thousands of acres of water, which can accommodate hundreds of warships, ten times the size of the current military cottage. more than.

To the east of the Shiba Dam, the water surface sandwiched between the southern city wall of Chongcheng and the northeastern foot of Junshan Mountain is also 500 to 600 acres wide.

Lin Fu planned a complete water and land city defense system for Chongzhou, including Xin Chong City, Zilang Mountain Triple Fortress, and Junshan Port City. Only in this way can the idea of ​​sea control be integrated into it.

The future pattern of Chongzhou is far from being reflected in the new Chongcheng of 1,200 steps on Monday.

Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi, Li Shutang and others were all refreshed when they heard it, and they all knew the overall plan.

Although the situation in eastern Zhejiang had collapsed, a series of victories of the Jiangdong Left Army on the northern front had completely stabilized Lin Fu's position in Chongzhou. Perhaps people in Chongzhou were quite optimistic about the situation.

For many days, not only did the local people in Chongzhou not hear the voice against Lin Fu, but everyone can be sure that even the county magistrate and the imperial court cannot do without Lin Fu leading the Jiangdong left army to guard the Jianghai gateway - this is the most fundamental reason for Lin Fu to manage Chongzhou calmly. The basics. With this foundation, other hardships are temporary.

Lin Mengde has a bitter look on his face. He has always believed that the silver in his hand is the most solid foundation compared to the majestic idea.

Unable to feel the pain in Lin Meng's heart, Lin Fu turned his head and said to him: "I plan to put all the prisoners of war into the worker's battalion. After the pirates from Hecheng surrender, the scale of the worker's battalion will be expanded to 8,000, and the supply will be based on auxiliary soldiers. Lowering the first-class supply, excluding wages for the time being, I plan to let Jingtang lead the labor camp, but the greater pressure is on your shoulders..."

"What can I say, I can't dig a hole to fill it." Lin Mengde said helplessly.

"..." Lin Fu smiled, ignoring Lin Mengde's resentment, and said to Sun Jingtang, "If the first army can be erected, it must be based on the skeleton of the military attache at the grassroots level. The grassroots military attachés who are the skeletons are all taken out to be detained separately. Ordinary Jin'an veterans may still have attachments to the luxury family, but they are limited. I will draw flags from each battalion, and more than a hundred people will be sent to you. The labor camp is the commander of the pawns, and it is considered the skeleton of the army. But you have to remember a few points. You can reform these prisoners by labor, but you must not despise or insult them. Follow a good guide and don’t engage in confrontation in the labor camp. Those who are willing to serve in Chongzhou should be active in labor and not neglect, and if they need to be rewarded, they can be promoted as the leader of the army and the leader of the army. There is no absolute separation between the principles of establishing an army and transforming prisoners of war. , Steamed Bread and Big Banger - In addition to building blockages and repairing roads in the labor camp, simple training cannot be stopped. In daily life, it is necessary to promote the evil of extravagant families and the preferential treatment of Chongzhou. These prisoners of war are used well, and there are miraculous effects. "

Sun Jingtang nodded in agreement, but his expression was rather solemn, and he didn't feel that the burden he had to bear was lighter than Lin Meng's.

If the 2,000 bandits who were trapped in Hecheng were able to abandon their weapons and surrender, the number of prisoners of war to be taken over by the labor camp would reach more than 7,000, exceeding the number of soldiers after the expansion of the Jiangdong Left Army.

Some of these prisoners of war were pirates from Jiangdong and Liangzhe, and more were Jinan veterans who were loyal to the luxury family.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Dongmin can be said to be a barren land, and only three prefectures of Jin'an, Jian'an and Quanzhou were established. After the eight surnames entered Fujian, Dongmin was truly developed in more than two hundred years, so the eight surnames were in The influence of Dongmin is unimaginable for ordinary people.

If Li Zhuo was replaced, he would not dare to use seven or eight thousand prisoners of war as hard labor. But for the Jiangdong Zuojun, who had a very weak foundation, so many cheap young and strong laborers could not be used.

One is that it can be centrally controlled by the strict means of the army, and the other is that the workers and battalions often move with the garrison. If there is chaos, the garrison can be dispatched to suppress it in time. As for the miraculous effect Lin Fu said, Sun Jingtang didn't care about extravagant thoughts at this time.


After coming down from Junshan, Lin Fu took a boat directly to Dongya, and didn't have time to rush up the mountain.

Since Wu Mei has been ill for a long time, and the war has just entered the stage of stalemate, many affairs in Chongzhou County are still concentrated in the Dongya agency.

The war on the outside line was raging, but the Chongzhou autumn grain collection was not affected much, and it was successfully completed at this time.

Chongzhou County has lost a lot of money due to tax reduction and exemption and various head apportionments. However, the inventory of fields in Chongzhou over the past six months has increased the number of naturalized fields in Chongzhou by nearly 500,000 mu, reaching 2 million mu, which can increase a lot of income. .

But after the collection of autumn grains, the income of Tianfu is still far beyond the previous forecast and everyone's imagination. The total amount of levied grains and deducted silver in the form of rice grains reached 180,000 shi—the floods in summer and autumn this year were more severe than in previous years, and the total annual income of Chongzhou County’s field tax in normal years was only 70,000 to 80,000 shi.

Investigating fields and suppressing local tyrants in hidden households and hidden fields is an important factor. Chongcheng was slaughtered in April, and the old officials were empty. At one point, Lin Fu's tentacles that control Chongzhou have penetrated into every corner of Chongzhou.

In addition to the qiuliangzhengfu, the inventory of public land centered on the main rivers in Chongzhou, such as the Yunyan River and the Xishan River, has basically been completed, and 240,000 mu of public land have been found.

Although the vast majority of these public fields are waste land prone to waterlogging, the fine rent is calculated as the following field, but the accumulated rent is calculated as 30% of the annual harvest, and the accumulative fine is collected for five years, and a total of 360,000 stone of rice grain and silver will be obtained. - Those big households in Chongzhou who occupied the public land have been completely blood-drawn this time.

The great military victory of the Jiangdong Left Army has also suppressed any opposing voices in Chongzhou and the prefectures.

In addition, the biggest piece is the income from the rent of the farmland and the public farmland. Lin Fu led the Jiangdong Zuo Army into Chongzhou. Through thorough investigation of the bandit cases and inspection of the monastery's farmland, the naturalized land in Chongzhou increased greatly, and at the same time, he also obtained a large number of directly belonging to the Jiangdong Zuo Army. 's Tuntian.

The total number of these farmland and the public land that has been checked out exceeds 400,000 mu. Although these fields are mainly low-yielding middle and lower acres, Lin Fu's rent reduction and subsidy reduction campaign in Chongzhou has reduced the rent collection ratio to 30%, but this area also provides a solid foundation for the Jiangdong Left Army. 120,000 shi of autumn grain income.

Ordinary officials only know that the Chongzhou autumn grain is 180,000 stone, and they are already stunned, while Lin Mengde, Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhicheng, Hu Zhiyong, Li Shuyi, Li Shutang and a few others know that the actual number of warehouses for the collection of autumn grain has reached 100,000. 660,000 stone - if someone else knew this number, I'm afraid my tongue would be scared off.

Even if the fines are partially deducted, the income from autumn grain will reach 300,000 shi, and if summer grain is added, the annual rental income of Chongzhou County will exceed 450,000 shi, or more than 200,000 taels of silver.

In addition to other industries of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Chongzhou, it will be more than enough to support 10,000 elites in one county.

Lin Bie was not surprised by this result.

There are many places in East Fujian, there is a saying of "nine mountains and one place". When the luxury family was at its peak, it controlled most of the land in East Fujian. If it is considered as good land, it is actually not as many as Hailing. The luxury family can support 100,000 elites in Dongmin and Li Zhuo had a stalemate for ten years.

It is appropriate to calculate the potential of Chongzhou based on the standards of luxury families operating in Dongmin. The key is to have the ability to dig out the potential of Chongzhou, so as not to let the source of taxation flow into the hands of the rich and greedy officials. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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