Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 43: overthinking

The cavalry came on horseback, and the scorching loess road raised flying dust like a giant dragon, approaching the narrow bridge camp, and the galloping horses gradually slowed down, revealing the figures of the leading generals. Chen Hansanli wore a green jacket as the lining, black armor on the outside, and stepped on the stirrups, squinting to look at the watchtowers on both sides of the gate of the camp, and behind him, more than 200 horsemen slid their reins and reined their horses around in place.

It was a really hot day on this dog day, and my crotch was soaked with sweat. Some people are greedy for coolness, the armor is not lined, and they run all the way, and the old leather also wears the armor to the flesh, soaked in salty sweat, and the pain is even worse. The Jiangdong Zuo Army caused them to rush back from the camp on the Yishui side against the sun...

"The Zuo Hu army is back..." The sergeant opened the thick gate, and shouted to pass in one after another, and all the generals in the battalion who had nothing in their hands came to the gate to welcome them.

Chen Han drove his horse into the camp, turned over and dismounted, not in a hurry to return to the tent, and climbed up the watchtower to look at the desert to the south.

At this time, the sun had just fallen, and it was the hottest hour of the day, and many cavalrymen were stalking and stalking in the wilderness to the south.

Jiangdong Zuojun sent troops to the main camp in Shukou to drive out the scouts here from the area south of the narrow bridge. The small-scale chase has not stopped since the dawn of the day.

Still unable to see the intentions of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, Chen Hansan watched it for a while, his head was dizzy from the sun, and he could not see any signs of the Jiangdong Zuo Army dispatching large-scale infantry.

"Master Rod has come from Dongying..."

Listening to the reminder from the people around him, Chen Hansan turned his head and saw that Sun Zhuang, the son of Sun Ganzi, was bringing people from the iron cable pontoon to Xiying.

The narrow bridge was originally a large wooden bridge across the lower reaches of the Shushui River, 24 or 5 miles away from Shukou. The bridge was washed away by floods in the early years, and the place name remained.

In this section of the Shushui River, the banks are narrow and rapid. In order to prevent the Jiangdong Zuo Army from advancing along the Shushui River to assist the officers and soldiers guarding Shuyang, and to fight against the Jiangdong Zuo Army's large camp in Shukou, Chen Hansan set up camp here. garrison.

The narrow bridge camp is divided into east and west camps, standing across the river.

Xiying is the town of Zhaiqiao, which directly occupies the west end of the bridge. Hundreds and ten households in the town are driven away, and a fence wall is built along the original earthen fence outside the town for reinforcement. As a military camp, it is quite large in scale. Han San led more than 10,000 elite troops to settle in.

After Sun Ganzi led his troops to attack and seize Yunti Pass, he had to rush to Xuzhou to participate in the siege battle there according to the original plan.

Sun Ganzi is the pioneer Qu Shuai, not good at long-term strategy, but good at fighting tough battles. Chen Zhe and Zhang Gou under his command are all brave generals, and it is more suitable to be dragged to attack the strong city of Xuzhou.

However, after the Jiangdong Left Army entered Huaibei, the situation along the Huaihe River changed drastically.

Although Shuyang and Linyi are still separated by Yancheng, Jiangdong Zuo Army can completely bypass Yancheng and enter Linyi directly, posing a threat to the flank of the army besieging Xuzhou.

Liu An'er let Sun Ganzi stay in Huaibei, and together with Chen Hansan, suppressed the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

Sun Ganzi occupied the village at the east end of the bridge, slightly consolidated it, and established it as Dongying. The scale of Dongying is small, but the elite troops brought by Sun Ganzi are only four or five thousand people, and they do not feel crowded.

The east and west camps are connected by iron cable pontoon bridges. There are hundreds of hidden piles in the river below the iron cable pontoon bridge, and many boats have also been sunk to block the river.

On the upstream side of the narrow bridge, hundreds of giant trees were cut and tied to the shore. When the river closure formation in the lower reaches was broken by the water camp of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the ropes were cut off, and hundreds of giant trees were allowed to rush down with the rapids. Crash the warship of Jiangdong Zuojun.

Sun Ganzi brought people into Dongying, climbed up the watchtower with both hands and feet, raised his forehead to look at the distant Kuangyuan, and asked Chen Hansan: "Hansan, you are resourceful, what are you doing with such a big movement in Huaian these days? Look?"

What he saw in front of him seemed to be a thick fog that could not be cleared away, and vaguely saw some outlines, but it was not necessarily true. Chen Hansan glanced at Sun Ganzi and said, "I heard that Ma Lantou sent someone here before noon. Why didn't you see it? What did Ma Lantou say?"

The refugee army along the Shushui and Sishui districts fortified, not only blocked the way of the Changhuai army to escape south, but also blocked the way of the Jianghuai reinforcements to enter the north.

On the Shushui side, Chen Hansan and Sun Ganzi were the leaders, and the main defense line was the narrow bridge camp to prevent the Jiangdong Left Army from advancing northward along the Shushui River to aid Linyi; on the Sishui side, the bandit commander Ma Lantou was the leader, guarding Suyu and Siyang. , Suining Zhucheng, to prevent the Jianghuai reinforcements from advancing northward along Sishui to aid Xuzhou.

Yang Quan was killed by Liang Chengyi in Hezhong Mansion, and Ma Lantou became the most intelligent and brave general under Liu An'er.

The refugee army wanted to attack Xuzhou. Except for Liang Xi in the north and Caoyi Canal in the northwest, they were most worried that the Jianghuai reinforcements would move north along Sishui to relieve the siege of Xuzhou.

Malantou was also good at defending the city. At the beginning of Hongzepu's attack, Liu An'er guarded Sizhou, and Malantou guarded Wuhe. He directly confronted Zuo Shangrong's Changhuai army for more than half a year, and finally Haozhou was victorious.

Nearly 40,000 soldiers and horses were available under Ma Lantou, who were stationed in Siyang, Suyu, Suining and other cities.

Both Sun Ganzi and Ma Lantou were born in Hongzepu Water Village, and they are Liu An'er's direct descendants, and they have a close relationship with each other.

When Chen Hansan took refuge in the government, he had a lot of blood on his hands. Many generals in the refugee army rejected him, and Ma Lantou was one of them.

Sun Ganzi touched his nose and said, "Ma Lantou claims to know a few words, but looking at his bird's appearance, holding a pen is more tiring than holding a big gun. He can write one less character, and he will never draw more. The person he sent has already been sent to me, what nonsense Ma Lan is talking about, I will tell you the same..."

Chen Hansan nodded expressionlessly, what attitude Ma Lantou would have towards him, and how could a reckless man like Sun Ganzi help cover up. Chen Hansan didn't mind that Ma Lantou didn't have him in his eyes, but he wanted to hear what Ma Lantou had different from others' views on the current situation.

"The Jiangdong Left Army gathered more than 10,000 troops on the north bank. Liu Tingzhou recruited tens of thousands of brave people in Huai'an, and all of them were taken to Shanyang County to prepare for crossing the Huaihe River. There was a lot of pressure on the old horse. The old horse didn't worry about anything else, he was afraid. Lin Fu falsified a shot here, and finally pulled the Jiangdong Zuo Army to the west line and rushed inward along the Si River," Sun Ganzi said, "If it's really here, the old horse's side may not be able to block it!"

Chen Hansan frowned and thought.

Sun Ganzi was so stubborn that he couldn't hide his words in his heart. Without waiting for Chen Hansan to say anything, he said directly: "I think Lao Ma's worry is justified. I thought about going to the west bank of Yishui, and I can take care of Siyang and Suyu..."

What Sun Ganzi said about Yishui refers to the old river from Yancheng County. Although the water surface is wide, a dam is built on the riverbed to intercept the water. Except for flooding, it is almost an abandoned river. You can wade across the river, but warships can't get in.

Hearing what Sun Ganzi said, Chen Hansan frowned, subconsciously thinking that Sun Ganzi wanted to sneak off to Su Yu to partner with Ma Lantou.

"I think Ma Qu is overthinking..." Chen Hansan didn't speak, and someone behind him interjected.

Sun Ganzi looked back and saw that it was Chen Hansan's master, Ma Zhen, frowned slightly, and asked, "How do you say?"

Ma Zhen was originally a down-to-earth scholar. When Chen Hansan was in command of the anti-theft camp, he recruited him. Later, he was wrapped up in Chen Hansan's treason and defected to the refugee army, and he always regarded himself as a counselor. In the hot weather, Ma Zhen was still wearing a long gown and a Confucian kerchief, sweat gurgling out from his body, dizzy from the scorching sun, and his posture was as straight as a loose body.

"If you are talking about your understanding of Liu Tingzhou, apart from my Han Shuai, don't think about it as a second person," Ma Zhen said, "This old man is so stubborn, when Han Shuai put a knife on his young son's neck and asked him to open the gate of Shanyang County. , he was the first to shoot the arrow, which caused Han Shuai to fail to capture Shanyang at first and dedicated it to An Shuai... So Liu Tingzhou crossed Huai to aid Xu, I believe, Lin Fu crossed Huai to aid Xu, bluffing Er. Liu Tingzhou and Lin If there is a dispute over this matter, there will be no falsehood."

"Since you think Lin Fu is bluffing and won't make any big moves, then I should go to Yixi, and there should be no trouble!" Sun Ganzi said.

"I said that Lin Fu's crossing Huai's aid to Xuzhou was a bluff, but I didn't say that he didn't make any big moves," Ma Zhen said, "Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou had a lot of trouble in Huai'an, if Lin Fu was willing to send troops, Liu Tingzhou would have to rush it. Recruiting Min Yong to cross Huai Huai? But Liu Tingzhou's recruitment of Min Yong to cross Huai Huai is so big, even if Lin Fu is pretending, he is forced to follow Hua Huai..."

"I'm confusing you," Sun Ganzi scratched his temples and asked Ma Zhen, "You mean that Lin Fuduhuai was forced by Liu Tingzhou? ?"

"Everyone is talking about gold and destroying bones," Ma Zhen said with a chuckle, "Lin Bie has soldiers and territory, but how many soldiers and how big is his territory? It's just a small county in Zuoer~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Liu Tingzhou died in the battle of Huai as a civil servant who had no power to tie the chicken, but Lin Fu, as a handsome minister, shrank in Huai'an City. Not to mention the scholars in the world, even the scholars in Jiangdong County scolded him in the back, and it was enough to scold him He won't be able to keep his head up for the rest of his life."

Sun Ganzi's lips twitched, dismissing Ma Zhen's words. In his opinion, Lin Fu's rise to Jiangdong, Feiyang domineering is very appealing to him. He is an alternative in the court's minions. In his heart, he even felt a pity for Lin Fu to do things for the court. The imperial court is just messed up.

Sun Ganzi's demeanor made Ma Zhen unhappy, but he was able to hold it back and continued: "At present, Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou have formed a two-way approach to the north to aid Xu. Bie Zai moved north along the Shu River on the east road, and the two roads went hand in hand. Liu Tingzhou was blocked, and Lin Fu was also blocked; if Liu Tingzhou was defeated and died in the battle on the west road, Lin Fu fought a few tough battles on the east road and then retreated, saying that Du Huai would help Xu. If you lose, who can blame Lin Bie for anything else?"

"Just you reading thieves have a lot of bad water and a lot of pus in their stomachs, how can others have so many guts?" Sun Ganzi said with a frown, but he couldn't find a reason to refute Ma Zhen.

When he told Sun Ganzi this, Ma Zhen's bluish face also flushed as red as a cooked crab. The key to him was to make sure that Sun Ganzi had no excuse to pull the soldiers to Yixi, so he held back his anger and continued: "Liu Tingzhou is in Huai'an. The recruits are all rabble, and Ma Ye has a large number of soldiers in his hands. If Ma Ye can't stop Liu Tingzhou from going north, he will really underestimate Ma Ma. There is a tough battle to fight here in Shushui. Lin Fu will not rescue him. Yue Lengqiu is a greedy person, especially once Liu Tingzhou is defeated and killed on the West Road, Lin Fu will find an explanation on our side - Grandpa Sun, you can't leave Dongying!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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