Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 55: long ambush

At the end of the day, the Changshan Battalion made a strong landing on the west bank of the Sishui River; the Fengbu Battalion and the Cavalry Battalion were withdrawn from the east bank. Before the last group of Jia soldiers boarded the ship, they set fire to the camp and completely destroyed the large camp built by the refugee army on the east bank of the Sishui River. burn.

Under the watchful eyes of the refugee army, the Changshan Battalion rode 3,000 paces around Suyu City and headed straight west; the Water Battalion warship raised its sails and turned its rudder, carrying the wind and the battalion to the northwest... …

The Jiangdong Zuojun dormitory went to Henan, and the next target was Suining in the northwest of Henan!

Chen Han Sanmen screamed and threw his horse whip in the air. Chen Zhe and Li Liang were horrified, and Zhang Gou was so depressed that he vomited blood:

The 3,000 soldiers he and Chen Zhu led were not as elite as the soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but they were able to bite a piece of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's flesh in the field battle. Didn't find a chance to fight with Jiangdong Zuo Army!

In the early morning of last night, they chased the banks of the Yishui River, and the Jiangdong Left Army had broken through the Yishui camp and crossed to the west of the Yishui River; this morning, they chased to the Sishui River bank. Dare to rashly counterattack and seize the camp.

When crossing the Yishui River last night, it was still possible to forcibly cross the river, because the Yishui River section going south from Tancheng was artificially silted by the dam, and the water flow was forcibly channeled into the Sishui River. Sishui is the most important channel connecting Jianghuai and Heji. The width and depth of the waterway are not comparable to that of Yishui and Shushui. It is the narrowest part of the Suyu River, and it is also three or four miles wide. In summer, the water is full, the turbulence is fast, and there are not enough ferries. How can so many soldiers and horses cross the river?

What's more, the water camp of the Jiangdong Zuo Army still left dozens of warships here to monitor.

Upstream, there are still several ferry crossings in Suining, but the Jiangdong Zuojun dormitory did not fight, and turned to Suining, with a clear intention to completely block the east bank of the Sishui River.

There were more than 3,000 elite troops led by Sun Zhuang from Siyang in Suyu City. Although there were 5,000 or 6,000 defenders in Suining, their combat strength was even worse than last night's Hedong camp defenders.

At the beginning, the officers and soldiers in Suyu City took the initiative to withdraw, and the refugee army captured Suyu City without much effort, and the city defense measures of Suyu City were not damaged much.

Suining is different.

The refugee army spent a lot of effort to lay down Suining, and several sections of the city wall of Suining were destroyed. In the later period, facing the threat of officers and soldiers in Huainan, the refugee army concentrated on building a line of defense in Suyu, Yishui Camp and Narrow Bridge Camp in Shushui, and could not take care of Suining.

The city defense conditions in Suining were much worse than those in Suyu.

Every time the Jiangdong Zuo Army attacked, it hit the weakness of the refugee army accurately and fatally.

First, they abandoned the Shushui Zhaiqiao Camp, where the elites of the refugee army were most concentrated, and instead attacked the Yishui Camp. Abandoned Siyang and did not go, abandoned Liutingzhou and did not save, and turned to attack the camp of Suyu Hedong, which was emptied of elite troops. On the west bank of the Sishui River, he abandoned Suyu not to fight, and ran to Suining, who was empty of defense.

Zhang Gou wanted to cry but had no tears. He looked to the left and right. On the east bank of the Sishui River, he and Chen Zhu's troops, together with Chen Han's three troops, Li Liang's troops, and the collapsed soldiers, and nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses, but they were blocked. On the east coast, it has become a distant water that is beyond reach and does not quench the thirst of the near.

He, Chen Zuo's troops and Chen Han's three troops were all exhausted. If he wanted to intercept the Jiangdong Zuo Army, he had to grab the front of his water camp warships and find a ferry on the northeast bank of the Sishui section of Suining City to cross the river. , but not at all realistic.

The Fengli Camp and Cavalry Camp of the Jiangdong Zuo Army also became exhausted after two days and two nights of continuous fighting.

Zhang Gou clenched the saber at his waist tightly, his fingers turning white, his mouth was about to split, and he thought to himself: Possessed in Suyu City would probably vomit blood too.

There are eight or nine thousand defenders in the city of Suyu, but the only ones who can be called elite soldiers, only Rod Ye led more than three thousand soldiers and horses from Siyang overnight. But these more than 3,000 exhausted divisions could not even stop Changshan Battalion, a new division of the Jiangdong Left Army, who had just been transferred from Chongzhou, from forcibly landing on the west bank, and they could not rush out of the city to pursue them; otherwise, Su Yu would not be guaranteed.

Right now, we can only count on reinforcements to support Suining in the Xuzhou camp.

However, it is only 60 miles from Suyu to Suining, but it is 160 miles from Xuzhou to Suining. Even if Xuzhou knew the news last night and dispatched reinforcements to arrive in Suining before the Jiangdong Zuo Army Impossible.

Thinking that they had 150,000 to 60,000 troops in Huaisi, but they were in chaos for the Jiangdong Left Army, who had fewer than 10,000 troops in Huaisi, and Zhang Gou felt a sense of frustration and powerlessness in his heart.

At the moment, there is nothing to do. With the Jiangdong Zuojun water battalion warships blocking the Sishui River, it is not even possible to send people to swim across the Sishui River during the day to contact the pole master. The only thing I can do is hope that the defenders in Suining can support it for a long time.

As long as the Suining defenders can hold on and hold the Jiangdong Zuo Army outside Suining City for three or four days, when they relax here, all the crises will be solved.

However, how long can the Suining defenders last?

Under the harassment of Chen Hansan's cavalry, the Jiangdong Zuo Army captured the Sishui Hedong Camp in just one night. Zhang Gou really had no confidence in how long the Suining defenders, who were almost spared by the elite, could defend.

Seeing that the Jiangdong Zuo army split into land and water, and moved to Suining in the west to the north, Chen Hansan didn't say much, nor did he send someone to the west bank of the river to contact Sun Zhuang, and ordered the troops and horses he ordered. The dead were cremated and cremated, and the wounded were transported away in horse-drawn carriages, and then turned back to Tancheng.

Sun Ganzi Sun Zhuang was on the west bank, and Chen Hansan had no right to restrain Sun Ganzi's subordinates Zhang Gou and Chen Zhu, and Li Liang, as Ma Lantou's subordinate, was not willing to retreat to Tancheng with Chen Hansan, just in the east. Kishi continued to gather the collapsed soldiers.

Zhang Gou couldn't handle so much, so he and Chen Zhu immediately arranged for his troops to camp on the east bank of the river to rest and recover. At night, Zhang Gou took off his armor, swam across the river in person through the blockade of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's water camp and warships, and entered Suyu City to see Sun Ganzi.

He hurriedly entered the city and walked to the large tent of the refugee army occupying the county government office. The yard was filled with the smell of burning turpentine torches. When he entered the room and entered the yard, Zhang Gou heard the sound of throwing bowls, smashing plates and kicking the table, followed by poles. It roared like a wounded beast: "You all **** eat shit, and you will lose Suining in less than two hours!"

Zhang Gou felt a chill in his heart. The Yishui Camp and the Sishui Hedong Camp had fallen one after another. Suining should have been more prepared, so he wouldn't be able to hold it for two hours, right? He didn't wait to be notified, and walked in bravely.

When Sun Zhuang saw Zhang Gou coming in, he was even more furious, and kicked him: "Even if a three-year-old child sacrifices his life, he can hug a strong man's leg, what kind of food do you guys eat, and let Jiang Dong Zuo helplessly. The army crosses the river!"

Sun Gou didn't dare to hide, and he was hit **** the chest, almost suffocating, but still hugged Sun Zhuang, who was in anger.

Zhang Gou knelt down, wailing like a howl: "The dog is embarrassing for the handsome pole, but the Jiangdong Zuo army is too demonic, and every punch hits us where we can't. We ran for two hundred miles, not a lot My brother vomited blood and didn't fall behind, but he just couldn't catch up..."

Sun Zhuang was so angry that he stretched many wounds on his shoulders and abdomen, and the blood was flowing. He was hugged by the left and right and pressed onto the seat, unable to move. Seeing that Zhang Gou was not seriously injured, his expression was stunned for several consecutive times. I didn't close my eyes for days and nights, so I snorted heavily and said, "You got up and talked, you didn't do anything wrong, why are you kneeling? I hate that the great situation that An Shuai has created is ruined in front of you. What face do I have to see An Shuai? Even if I die in battle under the city, I have no face to see Master Quan under Jiuquan!"

Hearing Sun Zhuang mention Yang Quan who died in the Hezhong Mansion at the beginning of the year, Zhang Gou also looked sad.

At this time, Zuo Zuo whispered to Zhang Gou the details of Suining's fall: "Suining was prepared to defend the city completely, but he never imagined that the group of people in Suining Nanzhai were all dressed up by officers and soldiers..."

"What?" Zhang Gou couldn't believe it, "Didn't the soldiers and horses come from Zhoukou in mid-April, how could they be the meticulous work of officers and soldiers? Besides, it would take two months to use them to defend Nanzhai. How can the meticulous work of the officers and soldiers not be exposed at all?"

"Yeah, who would have thought of that? Jiangdong Zuojun went to attack Suining, and the Nanzhai group asked to avoid entering Suining to defend them. No one was guarding them, so they opened the south gate and let them in to help defend, and the south gate gave them the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Capture it. After capturing the city, they raised their flag and claimed that it was under the command of Gu Siyuan, the son of Gu Wuchen, the left servant of the Jiangning Army. There are also water camp warships entering the Bianshui River, which seems to be the commander of Yang Shi, the general of the Dongyang Army..."

"Ah!" Only then did Zhang Gou feel the difficulty of the problem. Many generals of the refugee army could not understand the relationship between the officials of the court, but he was clear. Seriously speaking, both Jiangdong Zuo Army and Dongyang Township Army belonged to Gu Wuchen. Gu Wuchen was able to soar to the top. In just two or three years, he went from Jiangdong Deputy Commissioner to Jiangning Military Department Left Servant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to govern Jiangning The water camp mainly relies on the military exploits made by the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the Dongyang Township Army. This Yang Shi is also Gu Wuchen's henchman.

After entering April, the officers and soldiers fortifying in Huaidong and Huaixi were mainly Jiangdong Zuo Army and Dongyang Township Army.

If the soldiers and horses hidden in Nanzhai were not secretly bought by officers and soldiers later, it is possible that Gu Siyuan, the son of Gu Wuchen, had hidden in advance. However, Zhang Gou also had contact with the soldiers and horses in Nanzhai. It is true that there are many refugees in Hezhongfu, and there are quite a lot of family members, so everyone has no doubts. How could they suddenly become Gu Siyuan's subordinates?

In any case, the next battle will be difficult.

From Xuzhou to Huai'an, Sishui, which flows from northwest to southeast, is about 300 miles long, and Suining is located at the middle point.

Now Suining City was easily captured by the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and the Jiangning Water Battalion and the Jiangdong Zuo Army Water Battalion's warships appeared in Sishui and Yishui at the same time, dividing their superior forces in Huaisi into four pieces.

Siyang and Suyu are one piece; the soldiers and horses surrounding Xuzhou are one piece; the west of the Bianshui River is one piece; and the east of the Sishui River is one piece.

The troops and horses in the west of the Bianshui River and the east of the Sishui River were temporarily separated on the outer line.

Whether it was Siyang and Suyu's troops who wanted to concentrate their efforts to eat the aid troops led by Liu Tingzhou, or the soldiers and horses who surrounded Xuzhou concentrated their strength to capture Xuzhou, they would all be interfered by the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Suining.

Judging from the current situation, the Jiangdong Zuo Army is likely to concentrate its forces and turn south, first to rescue Liu Tingzhou's Budu reinforcements, who are worried about running out of food. After all, Yue Lengqiu can still hold on for a while in Xuzhou City. Even if they have more troops in Suyu City, but without the cooperation of water warships, they cannot prevent Jiangdong Zuo Army from advancing by water and land from Suining south to aid Siyang. . My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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