Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 58: Wonderful girl in red coat

Lin Fu led his troops out of Suining, and the outpost scouts of Liu Miaozhen, the woman in red jacket, had appeared in the southwest of Suining City.

More than 400 light cavalry in armor gave Zhou Pu the lead to go to Siyang, and there were only a few dozen light cavalry around Lin Fu who could serve as scouts. When the scouts of the refugee army came in like a swarm, occupying an absolute advantage in numbers, the scouts of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were suppressed and could not be scattered.

The reconnaissance of the military situation is more dependent on the nest vehicles that move along the official road at the center of the array.

The nest car is a four-wheeled/cartridge fixed with a vertical pole of seven or eight feet high, and a suspension platform is placed on it. The sentry can climb on the suspension platform and climb to the distance to monitor the movement of the enemy within a few miles around.

When the sun rises to the top of the forest, the cavalry of the refugee army comes in like a tide, from the left and right flanks, crosses the ravines, climbs the hills, and gallops across the wild plains.

When the infantry is marching, it is less about occupying a square space; when the cavalry is moving fast, even with their horses, the space needed to move around is several times larger. Therefore, with the same number of soldiers, the range of cavalry is several times larger than that of the infantry. Within the field of vision of the watchtower of the nest, there are mountains and plains, and the cavalry of the refugee army is full of darkness, and it is impossible to see the end.

Ao Canghai took off the heavy armor, climbed up the nest building to observe the enemy's situation, frowned, slipped off the pole, and told Lin Bie: "The red jacket girl brought less than half of the cavalry this time, mainly along the left and right flanks of our army. More than half of the soldiers and horses are horse infantry on horseback, biting our tails. Many people have already dismounted, armed with spears and high shields, which should be in case we suddenly return to the carbine. Liu Miaozhen's red armored cavalry is about four More than a hundred people, watching horses, watching people, are rare elite cavalry soldiers in the refugee army, with Liu Miaozhen in the back of the main formation... Shall we fight or leave?"

"Liu Miaozhen probably prefers to entangle us in Suining and can't get away. The key is to get to Siyang as quickly as possible," Lin Bie said with a frown. "How to get there is a big problem?"

In the direction of Siyang, Liu Tingzhou led the remnants of the Huai Army of 5,000 or 6,000 people. They had to face the siege of nearly 30,000 troops and horses by Ma Lantou and Sun Zhuang's troops alone. Zhou Pu led more than 400 light cavalry over, and he could not fundamentally change the enemy and us. The strength of the two sides in Siyang was compared.

Since the remnants of the Duhuai Army fell into the trap of the refugee army, they did not prepare excess rations, and could only rely on picking wild trees and grass and slaughtering military horses to wrap their stomachs. It has been three days and three nights since the Duhuai Army was besieged, and it is really unclear how long they can support.

For Liu Miaozhen, it was the best policy to entangle the Jiangdong Zuo army in Suining, wait for Ma Lantou and Sun Zhuang to annihilate the remnants of Liu Tingzhou's Huai army, and then go north as a whole, instead of attacking the Jiangdong Zuo army in the wild.

Since Lin Fu was out of Suining City, he had to rush to help Siyang as soon as possible and rescue the remnants of the Huaihuai Army.

Of course, there are different ways of walking. You can walk without hitting, or go after hitting, or walk while hitting.

"Return to the carbine before leaving?" Ao Canghai said.

Ning Zechen said, "I'm afraid the woman in the red jacket is intentionally revealing this flaw..."

Liu Miaozhen led 6,000 horses and horses. Although there were many horses, only half of the cavalry could really ride on horses. They were all copied from the two flanks. The 3,000-horse infantry who bit the Jiangdong Zuo Army were behind.

Although the horse infantrymen move on horseback, they still have to dismount and form battles when encountering an enemy due to their usual training, armour, equipment, and the horses they ride.

Liu Miaozhen led the 3,000-horse infantry to bite at the tail, and there were only 400 cavalry in the array, giving the Jiangdong Zuo Army a chance to return to the carbine.

The distance between the two armies was only more than a thousand paces, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army responded quickly. The 3,000-horse infantry of the refugee army who were chasing behind were too late to turn and could only fight hard.

With the same number of elite soldiers, it was not difficult to defeat the 3,000-horse infantry of the refugee army in a short period of time. No matter Ning Zechen or Ao Canghai, they were very confident. The key point was that the cavalry of the refugee army scattered on the left and right flanks were likely to take the opportunity to attack the flanks of the Jiangdong Left Army.

In a relatively dense range, even at a low speed, the Jiangdong Zuo Army can use the infantry array to resist the impact of the cavalry, but in the open wilderness, the Jiangdong Zuo Army counterattacks the refugee army horse infantry at the rear, The formation will inevitably be scattered.

When the two armies are at war, the master has limited control over the formation of infantry, and cannot always adjust the formation during the entanglement between the enemy and us. Even if there are armored guards on the flanks, the lack of mobility will greatly increase the chance of a large number of cavalry being torn apart in a mobile battle when the enemy retreats and attacks us.

Speaking of which, it was also due to the lack of troops in Lin Bing's hands. If the cavalry was blocked in a relatively loose formation to protect the flanks from attack, even with the Jiangdong Zuo Army's elite armored soldier plan, it would take one and a half times or even two. Double the strength is enough to grasp.

If Ning Zechen's judgment is true, Liu Miaozhen deliberately reveals this flaw, and there is a desperate determination.

Liu Miaozhen wanted to work hard, but her wish could not be fulfilled here.

Even if Liu Miaozhen's army can be wiped out, if the casualties of the Jiangdong Left Army exceed one-third, most plans to go south to aid Siyang will be in vain. In fact, there were not enough cavalry, and even in the unobstructed wilderness, it was difficult for the infantry alone to annihilate the refugee army, which was half cavalry and half horse infantry.

At this time, it was not clear whether the main force of the refugee army besieging Xuzhou still sent other reinforcements to defeat the horse infantry led by Liu Miaozhen who were chasing behind.

Lin Bie frowned and said, "It's easy to see if Liu Miaozhen deliberately revealed flaws," spread out the map and pointed to the southwest corner of Suining, "There is a cliff mountain here, the mountain is not high, but we leave the official road and go to the The movement here is enough to cover the right wing of our army, and we will see how Liu Miaozhen responds..."


The Jiangdong Left Army had nearly 7,000 soldiers and horses, with armored cavalry and horse shield auxiliary soldiers, the main general and the main general's guards, and a small amount of necessary baggage at the center of the formation. The ten battalions of armored soldiers were scattered into 30 small formations and crossed within a depth of four or five miles. march.

Liu Miaozhen was riding a blue-black mare on a gentle **** with a saber in front of her knees. She was dressed in red and red armor. From a distance, her dark face seemed to be carved, stiff and expressionless, but her eyes were The crystal is overflowing, and it is extremely agile. It's a pity: How can a woman with such beautiful eyes have such an ugly face?

Liu Miaozhen stared at the marching formation of Jiangdong Zuojun. She raised her hand and pressed the crimson-painted metal pocket. If anyone was careful, they would see that the skin color of her hands was completely different from her face, and was much more delicate and fair.

"Han Caizhi, come here!" Liu Miaozhen turned her head and shouted, her voice was hoarse and low, which matched her dark and expressionless face.

A young general in Zhajia rode his horse from the foot of the north slope.

"How do you think you should attack its rear wing?" Liu Miaozhen asked.

"It's not that I don't want to fight with Lin Fu. Lin Fu bypassed me in Jiangning. You can save your life for Caizhi, Shushuai. I should stay in Xuzhou to help An Shuai fight Yue Lengqiu. It's embarrassing, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of brothers are at stake in this battle, so I can't hide my head and hide behind, but I really can't fight hard right now." said the young general.

"I asked you how to attack, what are you doing with such nonsense? If you are suspicious of you, you will not take you to battle," Liu Miaozhen stared, but her brows were dull and motionless, "Chen Kuili is not like a mother-in-law like you..."

The young general is not someone else, it is Han Caizhi, the young general of Shanglinli Township who led troops to mutiny in Jiangning and was later expelled by Lin Fu.

Han Caizhi and others left Jiangning and had no way to go back to the forest, so they took their children to Huaixi Shouzhou to seek relatives and friends, and have been living in Shouzhou since then.

More than a year ago, officers and soldiers who escaped from Haozhou looted the village where Han Caizhi lived. Han Caizhi and Chen Kuili and others were forced to pull out a group of troops to resist and be surrounded by officers and soldiers. Liu Miaozhen, who led the army into Shouzhou, rescued them, and they joined the group ever since.

Although Han Caizhi and Chen Kuili were not directly related, their military literacy was better than that of ordinary refugee army generals. They were born in poverty and fought bravely. They were highly regarded by Liu Miaozhen and promoted to generals.

Han Caizhi never thought that he would have the opportunity to fight against Lin Fu and his colleagues from Shanglinli Xiangyong. Worth mentioning.

Han Caizhi was trained, but did not feel sad, and said: "Lin Fuzhi's army is unparalleled in the world, it is true or not, they are marching like this, there is really no flaw."

Liu Miaozhen ignored Han Caizhi and stared at Jiangdong Zuojun again.

After fighting for many months, the generals of the refugee army are now familiar with the organization of the Jiangdong Left Army. In front of him, Lin Fu personally led the main force of the Jiangdong Left Army, forming a formation in units of two hundred sentry troops, four or five miles deep, with a total of thirty small formations.

When the Jiangdong Zuo Army was advancing, about two-thirds of the armored soldiers were stationed on the periphery for defense, and one-third of the armored soldiers quickly gathered up and passed through the inner line surrounded by the armored soldiers. . The armored soldiers moved from the inside to the front wing, and then quickly spread out the formation.

Jiangdong Zuojun marched in such a way, which was much slower than the 200-mile road they hurried in one day and two nights a few days ago. If they could walk five or six miles in an hour, they could reach the sky, but the defense was tighter, and there was no cavalry at all. Opportunity to attack from the flanks.

At this time, a scout galloped back and reported: "Sixteen or seventeen miles to the southwest, there is a cliff and hilltop. Although it is not high, it will form a block. The left wing Yuhou asks whether to continue to flank the left wing of the Jiangdong Zuo Army?"

Liu Miaozhen's eyes narrowed, and she said with an expressionless face: "What a Donghai fox, try to block the terrain to test the truth of my formation. No matter how difficult it is to fight, Han Caizhi, you bite it for me to hit its tail! It crosses and retreats, You also divide your cavalry into two columns, cross and snake, and draw their bows and crossbows into the air..."

Han Caizhi got the order, galloped back to the right flank, divided the 300 cavalry under his command into two teams, crossed the snakes, got in through the gap, and went to fight the two infantry sentries on the rear flank of the Jiangdong Left Army. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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