Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 73: military secret fight

(Third, ask for a red ticket)

Just as Chen Hansan defected to Liu An'er back then, many people put their grievances on Chen Hansan's head, and few would complain that Liu An'er induced Chen Hansan to defect - Chen Hansan once again defected to the government and was willing to be a minion of the government. When Liu An'er was trapped and killed, the refugee army generals hated Chen Hansan for being contrary, but they didn't have much resentment for Lin Fu and Yue Lengqiu, who really implemented the trapping and killing strategy behind the scenes.

Officers and soldiers kill bandits, bandits kill officers and soldiers, and countless lives are annihilated.

When everyone rebelled, they put their heads on the belts of their trousers and designed them to be killed by the government. Although they hated in their hearts, they would not speak out and complain.

Liu An'er was booby-trapped in Xuzhou. For the generals of the refugee army who gathered in Qinglonggang, it was more of a delusion that they could get rich and rich by recruiting security.

Although Liu Miaozhen and Jiangdong Zuojun fought to a tie in the fierce battle in the ruined city of Xiapi, the momentum rose, but many refugee troops were not confused.

In this battle, Sun Zhuang led 6,000 elite troops to attack from Suyu. Liu Miaozhen and Ma Lantou also made their best efforts. Afterwards, many generals sent troops to fight with Liu Aner's righteousness in mind. Jiangdong Left Army with less than 10,000 people.

On the side of the refugee army, Sun Zhuang's troops from Suyu were first defeated, and the main general Sun Zhuang was captured; the only nearly 3,000 cavalrymen of the refugee army in Qinglonggang were crippled, and Liu Miaozhen's elite guards the Red Armored Cavalry. They were handicapped, and the infantry casualties were even heavier.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army suffered less than 2,000 casualties in this battle.

If Xuzhou does not lose, such a victory will be of great significance to the refugee army.

They have an advantage in numbers, and their soldiers can be consumed almost unlimitedly. One or two more tough battles like this will be enough to make Jiangdong Zuojun dare not go out to Suining City to fight, and they will be able to win the initiative on the battlefield.

However, Liu An'er was booby-trapped in Xuzhou, and Chen Hansan was eyeing him in Xuzhou. The greatest significance of a tie in the first battle of the ancient city of Xiapi only increased Liu Miaozhen's momentum. Come.

The most fundamental problem has not been solved in the slightest.

The fierce battle in the ancient city of Xiapi was a field battle for the refugee army, so it was more and less fighting.

The Jiangdong Zuo army retreated to the camp and did not leave. There was Suining Jiancheng in front, and water camps and warships in the back. The generals of the refugee army had no confidence in taking the Jiangdong Zuo army camp by force.

What if there is no war? The north is blocked by Chen Hansan, and the south is Suyu. There is less room for manoeuvre. There is no ferry, no water camp, no Huai River, no Sishui, and no Bian River. The most important thing is to be old. The fate is that the food and grass bottom out, and it will not last for a few days.

drop? Don't dare to drop! Liu An'er booby-trapped Zhao'an in Xuzhou, who would dare to easily believe the government's promise?

The situation in Suining and Qinglonggang seemed to be in an unsolvable stalemate after the battle in the ancient city of Xiapi.

Of course, this stalemate will only drag the 70,000-80,000 refugee army in Qinglonggang to a more dangerous edge—

Yue Lengqiu led the elites of the Changhuai Army to go north after rest and rehabilitated the front line in Tengzhou, and they would soon be free to go south to fight; Liang Chengchong led 20,000 elites to gallop in the starry night, wanting to go south to get a piece of the pie - the general of the refugee army in Qinglonggang, broke Even if you open your toes, you know that they have become a meal in the eyes of officers and soldiers.

Although the three kings Luo Xiancheng still had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the west of Shouzhou, Luo Xiancheng probably did not want to take in the remnants of Liu Aner's Huaisi refugee army, but under the pressure of the officers and soldiers of Luzhou, there was a fierce tiger like Cao Yiqu above Tongguan. Look at it. Luo Xiancheng didn't have the courage to cross Huaihuai and participate in this chaos.


The deadlock between Suining and Qinglonggang did not last long.

On August 30, Sun Ganzi, the pioneer of the Huaisi refugee army, was in Kaicheng, Suyu, and sent an envoy to the Huaidong system and envoy to surrender. Li Wei, the magistrate of Suining County, surrendered. Si Suining was appointed governor of the Eastern System. The six battalions of its troops are the main soldiers, and the rest are led by generals Chen Zuo and Zhang Gou. They cross Huainan from Feixiaji in Siyang and enter Shanyang for resettlement...

Sun Zhuang led his troops northwards, stationed in Suining on September 2, and took over the defense of Suining in an all-round way; on the same day, Gu Siyuan led his troops southward to take over the defense of Suyu.

As soon as Sun's pole fell, it was like an ice-breaking blow, and the deadlock between Suiningcheng and Qinglonggang was immediately opened.

With Lin Fu's tacit approval, the refugee army in Qinglonggang actually had three paths to take.

The first is to follow Liu Miaozhen all the way to the black, without surrendering or recruiting security, and bringing troops, armor and food to the west of Bian, and fighting again in the future.

The first is to accept recruiting, all of which are incorporated into the sequence of the left battalion of the Duhuai Army, nominally accepting Sun Zhuang's restraint, stationed in Suining, Suyu and other places, and the total number of troops is limited to 20 battalions and 12,000 soldiers.

The Zuoying of the Duhuai Army is stationed in the local area and must be monitored by local civil officials such as Li Wei, the magistrate of Suining County, and must not disturb the people or invade the local area. However, the rest had to be dispersed and moved to the south of the Huai River for resettlement.

The first is to accept the surrender, disperse the troops, and move to the Huaihe River for resettlement. The generals will be sent to the Huaihe River for the number of soldiers who have surrendered. Huaidong, in the future, will also have the opportunity to accept the conquest of Huaidong's envoys and come out as generals and officials.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army retreated to the Hexi camp in Suining, and all recruits, surrenders, and even Liu Miaozhen led his troops to cross Bianxi and retreated, all of which were arranged by Sun Ganzizhuang as an intermediary. At present, only Sun Zhuang, the "subdued general", can be trusted by the generals of the refugee army; Han Caizhi, on behalf of the Jiangdong Left Army, secretly provides necessary support and reception.

Although Liu Tingzhou and Zhang Yan were in Suining, it was only after the grandson Sun Zhuang and Gu Siyuan switched defenses that they saw the clue that Lin Fu was going to let the red jacket girl cross Bianxi to escape.

Liu Tingzhou and Lin Fu had a big quarrel, but Lin Fu just turned a deaf ear; Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian took a dozen escorts north to Tengzhou to complain to Yue Lengqiu that night.

When Yue Lengqiu escaped from Tengzhou and came to Suining in person to inquire about the crime, it was already the sixth day of September. Liu Miaozhen and Ma Lantou led 20,000 elites of the refugee army to cross the Bian River one day earlier and joined the refugee army in Huaiyang.


Lin Fu opened the camp door and invited Yue Lengqiu to lead more than a hundred squires into the camp for inspection, and triumphantly said: "Liu Miaozhen, the handsome sister of the thief, and the thief general Ma Lantou led the remnants to escape, retreated to Huaiyang, where the harm was done, and confronted the imperial court. In addition, Qinglonggang, Suyu and Siyang robbers, from Sun Zhuang onwards, nearly 70,000 deeply appreciate the kindness of the court and the kindness of Yuedu, and are willing to abandon evil and follow the good, and accept recruiting. Under the Huaidong system, the 20th battalion of the left battalion of the Huai Army was compiled, and he was allowed to commit crimes and serve the court. He was temporarily stationed in Suining. The counties should monitor the resettlement, so as not to become a new bane... This is the name of the general who accepts the recruitment, please inspect it! Or the Director Yue will come to Suining City for the inspection in person. I apologize for being injured in the fierce battle a few days ago, so it is inconvenient to accompany him. ."

Yue Lengqiu's neck stiffened with anger, but he didn't expect Lin Bie to move so fast.

The number of bandits in the Huaisi area once amounted to 400,000, but the 200,000 people of Ge Ping's Tianbao army were pure rabble and were not a problem.

Liu An'er's 200,000 soldiers and horses have been fighting in the world for two years, and they have been reorganized many times in between, and they have a solid foundation. Even if Xuzhou lost a part, the remaining elites were taken away by Liu Miaozhen or incorporated into the Left Battalion of the Duhuai Army, but the 60,000 Dingzhuang that was not lost to Lin Bie was a force that should not be underestimated.

Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army was strong before, its foundation was weak and its consumption was too large, so the reserve force could not be replenished. Lin Fu didn't have the confidence to fight hard battles like the storming of Daheng Island and the fierce battle in the ruined city of Xiapi.

Huaisi sent strong troops, which refers to the areas north of the Huai River, where the folk customs are sturdy. South of the Huai River, the folk customs are weak, and there are not many strong soldiers. The 60,000 Ding Zhuang didn't leave for Lin Fu, and the potential of Jiangdong Zuojun's potential should be doubled at least.

Yue Lengqiu regretted it a lot. If he had known this, he should have decisively led his troops south to attack the refugee army in Qinglonggang after Chen Han killed Liu An'er three times. Lin Fu was only an envoy. In terms of accepting surrender and accepting security, most of the generals of the refugee army would only recognize the brand of the Governor of Jianghuai.

In addition, Lin Fu compiled and crossed the left camp of the Huai Army, led by the thief general Sun Zhuang and others, and had to rely on Suining not to leave. Wasn't the fight against the bandits to control the bandits and use Sun Zhuang to contain Chen Hansan's mind?

Yue Lengqiu was even more angry, and led more than a hundred cavalry to come to Suining Xingshi to ask the guilt, and Lin Fu sneered secretly when he saw it.

Compared with being trapped in Xuzhou City, Yue Lengqiu had no less benefit than taking the seat of Jianghuai Governor to rescue Lin Fu.

Recruiting Chen Hansan, trapping and killing Liu An'er, and defeating the Huaisi bandits, Yue Lengqiu should be counted first;

Chen Hansan rebelled again and again. Although 20,000 soldiers and horses were not damaged, he was also a lost dog. Apart from following Yue Lengqiu, there was no other way out. In addition, Yue Lengqiu led the Changhuai Army to the north, recruiting surrender and accepting rebels on the northern front. At least in a short period of time, the Changhuai Army returned to its previous full size.

The boat was done, Yue Lengqiu also knew what kind of domineering Lin Fu was, and it was useless to press him with the title of governor.

Yue Lengqiu was not afraid that Lin Fu would be unfavorable to him, but he did not dare to go to Suining City to see these surrendered generals. Seeing that the Jiangdong Zuo Army's camp and Suining City were also like the river water did not violate the well water, he knew that Lin Fu was also right now. Just using these people to deal with Chen Hansan, he still can't control these people. Sitting in the governor's seat, he always has the opportunity to win over these surrendered generals.

Yue Lengqiu did not enter Suining City, which did not mean that Liu Tingzhou could not go in and contact these surrendered generals, nor did it mean that Li Wei, the magistrate of Suining County, could not be summoned to ask for details. This list is still useful.

Yue Lengqiu took the list of attached generals, took out a booklet from his arms, and said to Lin Fu: "Although there are precedents for the establishment of envoys, they are not permanent. There are no clear precedents for the similarities and differences between military towns and military towns in matters such as rations, weapons, garrisoning, and defense. Since the court has entrusted me to handle this matter, you and Chen Hansan are both new ones. Officer, I have to discuss the details with you. I have drawn up a book for you to take a look at. If you have no opinion, I will ask you to countersign..."

There are pros and cons to formally taking office as the envoy of the Huaidong system.

The advantage is that the area under the jurisdiction has increased on the surface, and there is a certain degree of control over the local civilian officials, and even the local township army can be dispatched to fight. The power is much greater than that of the main guard of the town army system. The disadvantage is that it requires the direct jurisdiction of the Jianghuai Governor's Office.

The extent of ownership of the Huaidong system is greatly restricted by the Jianghuai Governor's Office.

Lin Fu took Yue Lengqiu's Tiao Chen from the court and read it carefully on the edge of the school field in front of the camp.

It was similar to what Lin Bie had guessed before.

Huaidong in the usual sense refers to the area east of Hongzepu, south of Huaihe River, and north of Yangtze River, including Hailing, Huai'an, Weiyang (Yangzhou) three prefectures and Lianghuai salt area.

In Yue Lengqiu's article, Weiyang Mansion and Lianghuai Salt District were crossed out from the defense area of ​​the Huaidong Envoy, and only Huai'an, Hailing and Hecheng Grassland were reserved as the defense areas of the Huaidong Envoy. .

The Lianghuai Salt District is under the jurisdiction of Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan is the official fourth-rank salt and iron envoy, and the official title of the Department of Production and Construction is only from the fourth-rank.

Weiyang has always been a big mansion, and the prefect is one level higher than the prefects of other prefectures, and it is also from the fourth rank. Besides, Shen Rong is the prefect of Weiyang at this time, and Lin Fu can't reach out even if he wants to. Whether or not it is assigned to the jurisdictional defense area has no practical significance at this time, and Lin Fu does not argue for this.

Huaidong's envoys set up military chief history, marching Sima, judges and other supporting officials. These are all routines. Yue Lengqiu did not recommend candidates in the article, and if you think about it, you know that it is meaningless to intervene in this recommendation power.

It was Lin Fu's decision as to who should be used as the subordinate officials and who would have real power.

However, in the article, Yue Lengqiu had a trick that suggested that in addition to the Huaidong system to set up the envoy, the Huaidong army leader should be set up, and Liu Tingzhou should be appointed as the army leader.

The military commander-in-chief is still an official position newly created by Hao Zongcheng. The previous example is the military commander of the three towns. He has jurisdiction over the supply of food, salaries and weapons for the three towns of Jibei, Xuanfu, and Datong. To put it bluntly, it is to limit Li Zhuo and other frontier commanders. military power.

When the imperial court is weak, the local supervision system becomes a decoration, and the local power, in addition to the military and political affairs, is civil affairs and finance.

As an envoy, Lin Fu is the highest military and administrative officer in the area under his jurisdiction, but setting up a military leader in addition to the envoy can limit Lin Fu's involvement in local civil and financial affairs.

Lin Fu wouldn't think there was anything unexpected about this kind of arrangement. Yue Lengqiu had to put a few shackles on him before he met a ghost.

Lin Bie looked down again.

Yue Lengqiu suggested in Article Chenli that the envoys of the Huaidong system should determine the number of soldiers with 20,000 soldiers. The military leaders will issue them on a quarterly basis, and the damaged ordnance and camping materials should be verified and issued by the military leaders.

Yue Lengqiu looked at Lin Fu coldly, seeing that he had almost finished reading the article Chen, and said, "Since the Zuoying of the Huaidong Army is also under the staff of the Huaidong system, then the food and salaries should naturally be led by the Huaidong Army. Come and issue; 20,000 main soldiers, deducting the Duhuai Army, there are only 8,000 soldiers left for you..."

Although Sun Zhuang and other ministries accepted the recruitment, but the independent garrison was in Suining, and Lin Fu could not dispatch them. ~The supply of food and salaries was caught by Liu Tingzhou.

Lin Bie kept calm, Yue Lengqiu thought of himself, but he didn't know that he never thought that Sun Zhuang and others would easily surrender and let Sun Zhuang and others "fake surrender" to occupy Suining, and finally wanted to lead Liu Miaozhen to retreat. Huai Sijiao came to confront Chen Hansan.

If Liu Tingzhou has the ability to control these rogues from the left camp of the Duhuai Army, Lin Fu is also happy to give in. Besides, in the future, Sun Zhuang will raise the flag of rebellion and give up the city of Suining to Liu Miaozhen, and he can also put the responsibility on Liu Tingzhou.

The most unfortunate thing to say is that most of the food and salaries that the envoy could have obtained through the Huaidong system had to be given to Sun Zhuang and the "fake surrender" refugee army.

"Director Yue is really wise..." Lin Fu said calmly, Yue Lengqiu couldn't get anything from him, and he didn't think he could get anything from Yue Lengqiu.

Yue Lengqiu saw Lin Fu's calmness, and said, "Since guarding Huai'an, Zhang Yubo raised grain in Huai'an, and he has made great achievements. The governor intends to recommend him to go to Xuzhou and serve as Xuzhou's military commander-in-chief. What does Lin Zhizhi think? ?"

It was less than five months after Zhang Yubo was promoted to Huai'an General Sentence, and he left Xuzhou. There will be fears of life; Yue Lengqiu does not want Zhang Yubo to stay in Huai'an, and it is not surprising.

"Yue Du is wise, the humble office can't get involved in such matters," Lin Fu said with a smile, "Now that Yue Du is in charge of the overall situation, the humble office can return to Chongzhou to recuperate in peace..." Although the Huaisi war has not ended yet , Huaiyang, Haozhou, Sizhou and other places were all occupied by the refugee army. Luo Xiancheng's army in Shouzhou was even stronger, and its strength was not lost at all, but there were Huaixi and Henan theaters, and Lin Bing could not control too much. Oiled the soles of the feet and wanted to leave. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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