Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 16: Allied troops

Today, we are going to formally meet with the monarchs and ministers of the Danluo Kingdom. Lin Tie wears a crimson official robe over a fur coat.

The style of the official robe is complicated, and Lin Bie tossed it for a while, but couldn't straighten the sleeves. Song Jia couldn't see it, so she squatted down and helped him tidy up the sleeves of his robe.

Lin Fu stood there with his hands folded, and asked Song Jia to help him tidy up the front of his robe. He could see her slender and jade-like neck behind her bun, and the snow-white collar in the depths covered her collar.

Song Jia seemed to feel that Lin Bie's eyes fell on her bare neck. She couldn't tell how panicked she was. She forced herself to be calm and helped Lin Bie fasten the rhino horn belt. This action was like holding Lin Bie's waist with his backhand, and his body was closer, his head almost pressed against Lin Bie's chest, and a strong heartbeat could be heard. Song Jia was dizzy and barely helped Lin Bie. Buckling the belt, he took a half step back and said, "The monarch and minister of the Danluo Kingdom should be here..."

"Without you, I wouldn't even be able to wear clothes!" Lin Bie said mockingly, trying to resolve the embarrassment between them.

"What are you talking about, it's not the concubine's turn to help the adults dress up!" Song Jia said softly, afraid that Lin Fun would tease her with words, so she walked out first.

In the Dayue Dynasty, there was no female official system except for the inner court. Song Jia served as the official book, but it was only an expedient system within the Huaidong Military Department, which could not be discussed outside. The bound pet girl.

Song Jia doesn't care what outsiders think, but it's hard for her to really take that step. She liked the seat she was in at this moment rather than the caged bird. Throughout the ages, how many women have had the opportunity to display their ambitions and talents? Do you want to give up the current opportunity for the passion/lust that is surging in your heart?

It was reported that Li Jianjun, the king of Danluo, was visiting. Lin Fu put aside his other thoughts and went downstairs to welcome Li Jian into the main hall to discuss matters.

Although the country of Danluo was small, Li Jianchen was considered to have taken refuge in Jeju City, and Lin Fu also regarded Li Jian as a guest according to the etiquette.

In the main hall, Lin Fu and Li Jian sat facing each other, Zhou Pu, Ge Cunxin, Zhao Hu, Lin Jingzhong, Ge Changgen, Zhou Guitang and others all followed Lin Fu and sat in sequence.

Li Jianxian sat next to his ministers, who had escaped from Seogwipo four days ago, like bereaved dogs.

The hope of regaining the capital and restoring the country is now only pinned on the young man who is kneeling against the case.

Li Jianjun and his ministers are not the generation of sitting in the well and watching the sky, knowing that the Danluo country is small, and it is impossible to survive completely independent. As a vassal, it is an inevitable choice for the Dan Kingdom to rely on the strong, and the only extravagant hope is to have basic dignity and not to be completely annexed.

For this purpose, it would not be a pity to give the lovely girl selected by the officials and eunuchs to Lin Fu as a maid, but I didn't expect that this side would take the initiative to promote a political marriage.

For Li Jianjunchen, this was an unexpected joy. This means that they choose to rely on the Huaidong Military Division, and they can obtain a more independent status than expected.

"Danluo can form a good relationship with the Qin Dynasty and the Tian Dynasty, and it is only what I want," Li Jian bowed to Lin Fu and said, "The two hundred-year friendships are actually the fulfillment of the supreme envoy's good intentions, and the matter of regaining the capital. I have to work hard for the envoy..." His Mandarin tone was a little weird, but it didn't hinder communication.

"Danluo and I have been friends for a hundred years, but they were taken advantage of by a traitor and made him bullied by Goryeo for more than ten years. Sicheng is very distressed. This official was entrusted by the imperial court to lead the troops into Danluo to correct the chaos and make Danluo return again. My duty is under the shelter..." Lin Fu said.

After the loss of Liaodong, the court hoped that the Koreans would be able to contain the Donghu people in Haidong, so they agreed to the request of the Koreans and sold Danluo to Gaoli.

At this time, Lin Fu emphasized Dayue's suzerainty status to Danluo, emphasizing that he was ordered to go on an envoy to cross the sea to the east.

Li Jian, the lord of Danluo, and other monarchs and ministers also forgot the unpleasant history before, and no one questioned whether Lin Fu's status as an envoy was true.

After Goryeo surrendered to the Donghu people, the imperial court completely lost control of the Haidong area. It's not difficult for Lin Fu to ask for an order to go to sea, but it's just too late, so now he can only act under the guise of being an envoy.

Compared with the imperial decree of Gui Laozi, the thousands of elite soldiers and sturdy warships who came with Lin Bie are more solid and convincing capital. If Li Jianchen had to rely on Lin Fu to regain the capital and restore the country, how could he be entangled in the details?

"It's not lonely, but it's actually because the capital of the king fell, the subjects were slaughtered, and the body was lost, so that the lonely night could not sleep, and the food did not taste good," Li Jian said, "I dare to ask the envoy, when will the troops be dispatched, and the seal will be sent to the west. Pu?"

"Zhen Feng is a veteran general of Goryeo, and there are more than 4,000 remaining soldiers under his command. To regain the king's city, we can't be in a hurry," Lin Fu said, "Although I lead a heroic division to cross the sea to the east, I still want to cross the sea and return to the west. I dare to ask the king. , After I led the army back to the west, the Koreans led the army to invade, how can Dan Luo stand on his own?"

"Gudang calls on the people of the country to defend the territory. Even if there is only one soldier and one soldier left, the territory will no longer be trampled by the Koreans..." Li Jian said through gritted teeth.

Lin Fu still doubted Li Jian's determination to resist.

If it weren't for him coming here this time, once Jeju City was destroyed, it would be strange that Li Jianchen did not surrender to the Koreans and beg for his life.

However, Lin Fu only needed Li Jian to say these words, and he followed his words and said: "Your Majesty's intention is very much in my opinion. Please, Your Majesty, recruit Wang's army. I will not stand by and help. When the time is right, Together, the two armies can retake the royal city and restore the Danlu system..."

Zhen Feng retreated to Seogwipo City, and even withdrew the garrison of Xianlupo. After the remnants of the navy were defeated last night, Zhen Feng's army became a lone army on Danluo Island and could only stand firm in Seogwipo waiting for help.

Under the current situation, Zhen Feng will not surrender easily, and his will to defend the city will be very firm. Lin Fu also had no intention of storming Seogwipo City regardless of casualties. Even if Seogwipo was stormed, there would still be a series of troubles.

Zhen Feng led his army to board Danluo Island from Xianlupu in only six or seven days. Except for the capture of Seogwipo Castle and the siege of Jeju Castle, other parts of Danla Island were not affected by the war. At this time, Zhen Feng retreated to Seogwipo City, and Li Jianjun's rule over Danluo Island was still effective.

What Lin Fu meant was that Li Jian would first gather the remnants, recruit Jianyong, and form a larger Wangjun.

There are more than 30,000 people in the Dingkou of Danluo Island, and Ding Zhuang is forced to join the army.

Li Jianjun's military use of military force on Danluo Island can reduce the pressure of the Huaidong Military Division to station troops on the island in the future.

In addition, Danluo Island's own military-civilian system is too weak. After Seogwipo Castle was captured, Li Jian didn't even have a smelting workshop for making iron tools, and he couldn't even make the simplest armor. Once a large number of men are recruited into the army, the agricultural production of Danluo Island will be greatly affected, and food will not be able to be self-sufficient.

All of these will make Danluo Island more completely attached to the Huaidong Military Division; and the frequent wars will increase the consumption of men on Danluo Island, making Lin Fu emigrate from Huaidong to Danluo Island, and the pressure will be greatly reduced.

For Li Jianjun and ministers, it was an inevitable choice to surrender Goryeo, expand the army, and reorganize the king's army. As for the use of military force, it will cause a series of serious consequences, which are not something they can consider now.

On the same day, Lin Fu and Danluo Junchen negotiated the conditions for joining forces to assist the expedition; Lin Fu signed a letter of credentials with Li Jian, the lord of Danluo, in the name of the envoy of Huaidong.

The Huaidong Army Division helped Dan Luo set up the five battalions of the king's army, provided the most basic weapons and armor, and assisted in the training of the king's army. The Huaidong Military Division will set up a war training school in Jeju City, and the Danla King Army can select 20 officers, royal family and noble children to enter the war training school for tactical learning in each phase.

The Huaidong Military Division has the duty and responsibility to protect the Danluo Kingdom and the Li family's succession to the Danluo King Lineage.

In return, Danluo Island expanded the scale of the pastures in the eastern part of the island, continued to herd war horses, interrupted the tribute to the Koreans, and exchanged war horses for Huaidong Military Division's war preparation material assistance on armor and food.

Dan Luo agreed to permanently cede the city of Jeju to the Huaidong Military Division, and agreed that the Huaidong Military Division would station troops in Jeju and build a military commercial seaport.

Danluo agreed to lease about 20,000 mu of hills, fields, streams, and grasslands around Jeju City to the Huaidong Military Division for management.

The Huaidong Military Division has jurisdiction over Jeju Castle and the surrounding leased land.


The day after the signing of the coalition assistance agreement, Lin Fu sent four battalions of soldiers out of Jeju City.

These four battalions of soldiers, in the south of Seogwipo Castle, in the hills at the northern foot of Sunrise Mountain, formed their camps and looked down at Seogwipo Castle on the north shore of the island from a commanding position.

The subordinate of Zhen Feng, the governor of Haeyang County, Korea, was completely suppressed and could not get out of Seogwipo City; Lin Su could calmly integrate the resources of Danluo Island and help the Danluo people rebuild the Wang Army in Jeju City.

Danluo collected the remnants of the army, and there were more than 600 generals and soldiers to use, and Ding Zhuang was recruited from the commoners to make up the five battalions and three thousand main soldiers.

Lin Fu selected 20 military attachés from the guard battalion. As military commanders, they were temporarily incorporated into the Danluo King's army and were responsible for daily training; in wartime, they assumed the duties of tactical staff.

At the same time, Lin Fu officially established the Jeju Inspection Division in Jeju, and appointed Lin Jingzhong as the inspector, in charge of Jeju civil affairs, commerce and tax affairs, and Zhou Guitang was the assistant.

At the beginning of the year, it only rented nearly 500 acres of land from Danluo to build the fortress, and the scale was very limited. In addition to the garrison, the relocation of 400 households will almost fill Jeju, leaving no room for development.

After the signing of the coalition army assistance agreement, not only did Jeju be permanently placed under the rule of the Huaidong Army Division, but also nearly 20,000 mu of land was leased outside Jeju City. These lands account for almost one-twentieth of the area of ​​Danluo Island, and there are not many fertile fields suitable for cultivation. However, Lin Fu wants to develop Jeju into a transit port in the Haidong area. The land of 20,000 mu provides quite sufficient development. space.


From Chongzhou to Jeju, a round trip takes only ten days.

On the sixth day of the first month of the 12th year of Chongguan, the second fleet sent by Chongzhou arrived at Jeju Port, bringing in a large amount of strategic materials such as armour and grain.

After Chongzhou's ordnance workshops were scaled up, the old armour captured in previous wars was no longer incorporated into the army; the old armour in the army will also be phased out gradually.

The captured old armour was transported to Danluo Island together this time, and was used by the Danluo people to form the five battalions of the king's army.

In addition, Chongzhou has become an important rice town after Jiangning. The temporary transfer of tens of thousands of stone grains of rice to Danluolai is a profitable business for the maritime merchants, and it will not affect the overall situation of the Jinhai grain road.

The defense lines of Gyeonggi and Yanbei only need three million stone grains of rice a year; in Chongzhou county alone, the increase in grain and grass production last year reached a scale of one million stone.

Although the increased grain will not be levied as a tax, if it is guided, it will provide the Chongzhou rice market with a sufficient supply of goods, and it will also help curb the grain price in Chongzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come with the boat, and The special purpose of formally authorizing Lin Bie to handle Haidong affairs. After Goryeo surrendered to the Donghu people, Goryeo soldiers even appeared on the Yanbei line of defense. Although Danluo's national strength is weak, Huaidong's military division can use Danluo to contain Goryeo, which is better than nothing.

Besides, Zhang Xie, Yue Lengqiu and others also hoped that the attention of the Huaidong Military Division would be restrained from the outside, but they did not realize that Danluo Island was of great significance to the Huaidong Military Division.

I can't blame Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu. They are high above the temple. They only know that the storms at sea are raging, and their knowledge of sea trade routes is not even as good as that of an ordinary sea merchant.

With the special decree of the imperial court, the cooperation between Lin Fu and Li Jianjunchen was even more pleasant.

In the early days of Li Jian, 800 military horses were allocated to the Huaidong Military Division as an exchange of early war preparation materials.

Zhou Pu led a soldier from the horse army's cavalry battalion to enter Danluo Island with Lin Bing across the sea. He had all the weapons, armor and armaments, but he didn't bring a warhorse. He just replenished it from Danluo Island.

It took a few days to become familiar with the nature of horses, and the cavalry of the Huaidong Military Division began to perform scout and blockade tasks on Danluo Island.

Danluo Island maintains the scale of herding more than 3,000 troops and horses all year round. In the past, it was a gratuitous tribute to Goryeo.

Both Danluo monarchs and Danluo civilians are willing to accept such conditions, and they are also willing to expand the scale of horse breeding in the pastures on the half of the island.

Due to land constraints, the scale of horse breeding on Danluo Island can be expanded to about 5,000 or 6,000 horses at most, and about 2,000 military horses can be provided to Chongzhou every year. Compared with the Huaidong Military Division, which has no source of military horses, it can get 2,000 military horses every year, which is very precious.

Of course, if you can get good horse breeds from Danluo Island, Huaidong Military Division can also build pastures in Hecheng, Daheng Island, and Changshan Island to increase the source of military horses. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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