Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 21: kill chickens and monkeys

The stronghold of the pirates under Shen Heming's department on Fujiang Island is divided into two villages, land and water. Before Lin Bie led the army, he attacked the Shuizhai in the afternoon, and a sharp point occurred in the valley between the Shuizhai and Luzhai. In the end, there were only more than 300 robbers who retreated to the Luzhai.

Naru Mountain is not dangerous. Once Lu Zhai is breached, the remnant bandits will not be able to retreat to Naru Mountain and stay on the line—

Faced with such a desperate situation, the bandit leader Shen Heming was willing to accept recruiting.

It's just that Lin Fu put forward the harsh conditions of "letting Huaidong's military commander handle it". Of course Shen Heming refused to accept it. He expelled the envoy for surrender and planned to make a final struggle.

Lin Fu was not surprised by Shen Heming's reaction. He said to Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, who had boarded the ship and reported back and forth: "Shen Heming is stained with the blood of the Danluo people and the garrison in Jeju Sai, and is not eligible to enjoy the treatment of recruiting security. Since he If you don't want to surrender, then take his head here..." The prince of Danluo, Li Ji, and Ma Pohou should be ready to attack the village, and don't pin their hopes on recruiting surrender.

Lin Fu was determined to fight the war of annihilation, but Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, didn't say anything. Wang Jun will go to attack Seogwipo City in the future. This time, it is better to use Fujiang Village to practice his skills, so he will arrange preparations for the attack with the assistance of the military commander.

On Kuga Island, which is across the sea from Fukue Island, there is also a more powerful pirate entrenched in it.

The leader of this group of pirates, Chi Zhou, was from Guangnan County. He worked as a pirate in Nanyang in his early years and offended the royal family of Cochin Kingdom. He could not survive in Nanyang, so he brought his subordinates to the East China Sea. Chi Zhou used Kuga Island as a stronghold and controlled several islands south of Kuga. It has a history of twelve years so far, and he is regarded as a veteran pirate.

Chi Zhou was warned beforehand, and he also saw that the Huaidong Army was coming in fiercely, and he did not dare to join forces with Shen Heming. At this time, he retreated to the island and waited and watched the situation.

In addition, there were spies from other pirate forces either on nearby islands or sentry ships in the far sea, watching the situation here.

If Fukue Island was completely crippled and faced with the powerful Huaidong navy coming from across the sea, these pirates did not have the will to unite to resist, so they would have to consider whether to withdraw from this sea area and look for a new living space south.

The weather was thin and overcast, and the white snow reflected a slight awn in the night, making the surroundings bright like a moonlit night, and the repressed breath of death permeated Fujiang Island.

Even in the battle against Fujiang Village, Lin Fu did not need to direct him personally, and he did not lie down to rest at night. By the light of the oil lamp, he repeatedly studied and judged the situation in Haidong.

After dawn, the Guard Battalion began to transport the components of the scorpion crossbow ashore, and assemble the scorpion crossbow on the **** on the east side of Fujiang Luzhai.

The scorpion crossbow can only be regarded as a small catapult, and the amount of stone bullets fired is limited to 30 pounds, but it has enough destructive power against relatively weak walls.

In Chongzhou, the scorpion crossbow has achieved component production, and the vulnerable parts are all cast iron. A scorpion crossbow weighs only more than a thousand kilograms. It is made into components, which is more convenient to transport by warships, and the damage is easier to repair.

When the twelve scorpion crossbows were erected on the **** on the east side of Fujiang Village, the calibration test of 60 stone bullets had just been completed, and less than half of the stone bullets had hit the stockade, and the fighting spirit of the remaining bandits in the village was disintegrated. , pick out the white flag and come down.


When he heard the news, Lin Fu walked out of the cabin with a saber, and stood on the deck with the saber. In the morning light, he could see the gate of Fujiang Village at the west foot of Mount Naru opened. Come out to show surrender.

Lin Fu watched silently for a moment, and asked Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, to send someone to accept the surrender.

Lin Fu took a nap before noon, got up at noon, and the battle on Fukue Island was completely over. Lin Jingzhong came to ask for instructions on how to arrange the surrendering prisoners of war.

A total of more than 300 remnants finally surrendered, and there were also 300 or 400 people who had been looted from various places.

These Dingkou were mainly women, including Goryeo, Fusang, Liuqiu, and even those who were taken from the South China Sea, and many were taken from the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Jiangdong.

The men were kidnapped and either coerced into the gang or used as coolies. The captured women are often given to the leaders as rewards to gather their subordinates; even more miserable, they are used as camp prostitutes for the enjoyment of the bottom pirates.

Fukue Island was also seized by Shen Heming from other pirate forces three years ago. His subordinates recruited them personally, annexed other pirate forces, and threatened them. The composition is very complicated. There are also some people who were born on Fukue Island. Their father was a pirate and their mother was a woman who was captured.

Between Kyushu, Gaozhou, and Jeju, the pirate forces in the Haidong area are almost all in this situation.

"The leaders headed by Shen Heming and their family members will all be sentenced to exile and sent to Chongzhou to be taken over by Chang Sun Geng." Lin Fu looked at the prisoner of war roster, and drew more than ten leaders headed by Shen Heming with a red pen, and then ordered Arrangements for other prisoners of war, "Others, etc., who have become married and have children, are persuaded to reconcile, but not persuaded to divide, and those with multiple wives are only allowed to keep one of them, and they are allowed to stay in Fujiang Island and settle down. Depending on the transformation situation, two or three years later Give them the status of free people. Women who are determined to return to the border with the bandits, and if they have children, will take the children and give them to the women who act as camp prostitutes, and send them to Danluo Island for temporary resettlement. Return to Chongzhou for resettlement. The rest will be handed over to Dan Guoluo to accept... What do you think is wrong with this treatment?"

"Thank you, Ambassador," said Li Ji, the heir of King Danluo.

The country of Danluo is limited by Dingkou, and its national strength is weak. In the future, there will be frequent wars, and the limitation of lack of population will be more obvious. With Lin Fu's arrangement, the country of Danluo could get more than 200 Dingzhuang, which was a considerable amount of labor wealth.

Lin Fu smiled, and he pulled the Danluo King's army out to charge. The Danluo King's army had dozens of casualties yesterday, so they had to be given the spoils at this time.

Cruelly speaking, population is indeed the most important war resource.

Lin Fu said: "The army will stop here for a few days, and the work should be done more carefully, not rough."

Lin Jingzhong, Li Ji, Ma Pohou and the others turned around and just left the cabin, when Ge Cunxin came in and reported: "A ship has just come from the north coast of Kyushu Island, it is an messenger sent by the Saga clan, and the person we sent to contact is also on board. Ask to meet the adults..."

"It's better if you see the wind and the rudder. It's easier to deal with it. Please come aboard." Lin Fu waited for Saga to enter the house, stood up with his shirt on, and asked Ge Cunxin to bring someone on board.


Goryeo was most deeply influenced by the Central Plains, and many domestic royal families and nobles used Han surnames and learned Han books. Fusang, with Kyushu, Honshu and other islands as the main body, has long regarded the Central Plains regime as its suzerain in name, but its cultural impact is much smaller than that of Goryeo.

On the other hand, because of the geographical convenience of Tsukuzi in the northeast of Kyushu Island and the two feudal kingdoms of Osumi in the south, they have close contacts with the Central Plains maritime merchants, and many people in the territory can speak the Central Plains Mandarin.

Yamashita Jingwu is a retainer of the Saga clan. He is about thirty years old, with a clear face. According to the etiquette of the Central Plains, he greeted Lin Fu with a bow, sat down on his knees in the cabin, opened the gift box he brought, and said, "Heaven will help you. Our country exterminates the pirates and recaptures the homeland. The Saga family master is very grateful. The Saga family master prepared a small gift, and ordered the five to present to the envoy. When the envoy class teacher returns to the dynasty, the Saga family master has special tribute treasures, please bring back the envoy... …”

Lin Fu looked at the dozen or so large sparkling pearls in the long box-shaped gift box. He didn't expect that the Saga clan would not be able to fight the pirates, but rushed over to recover their homeland. If Fukue Island was easily returned to the Saga family, why would he work so hard?

"The Fukue Island pirates encouraged the Koreans to attack Danluo Island, where is the Saga family? The Fukue Island pirates extort the passing merchant ships, and at a ratio of 10 to 30, they forcibly collect transit money from the passing merchant ships. Where is the Saga family? The pirates are entrenched in Fukue. Island, where is the Saga family?" Lin Fu stared at Yamashita Keiwu's face and asked him three questions in a row.

"Compared to the kingdom of heaven, Zhuzi is a weak country. It cannot suppress the bandits alone. It is also a last resort, and the envoy must be considerate!" Yamashita Jingwu said neither arrogant nor humble.

Lin Bie smiled slightly. Although Zhuzi is a small state, he can tolerate pirates building their nests at the door of his house. Weakness is only a factor. From the pirate trade, the Saga clan could obtain some scarce materials cheaply, and even share profits with the pirates, and use the pirate power at their doorstep to plunder and attack hostile vassal states. These are all factors that cannot be ignored.

"It turns out that, I can understand the difficulties of the Saga family," Lin Fu said, "I will ask the imperial court for an order to station an elite team in Fukue Island to ensure that Fukue Island does not fall into the hands of pirates, and I will also help along the way. The Saga family swept away the pirate remnants of the house, presumably the Saga family will not refuse?"

Staring at Lin Fu, Yamashita Jingwu's face was also uncertain.

The Saga clan could barely tolerate unsuitable pirates building their nests at their doorsteps, but the nature of the garrison directly at the doorstep of the Huaidong Military Division was quite different.

Different from the weak state mentality of the Danluo Kingdom, the feudal lords of the Kyushu and Honshu Islands, who are a little ambitious, all want to unify the Fusang Islands.

Although the Saga clan is the weakest in the four feudal kingdoms of Kyushu, the head of the Saga clan still has the ambition to unify the island of Kyushu.

The Goto Islands, including Fukue Island, are very close to the main island of Kyushu, and can be seen across the sea. It is said that it is on the side of the couch, which is not bad at all.

But then again, the pirates under Shen Heming have been entrenched in Fukue Island for three or four years, and they are only six or seven hundred soldiers. The Saga family still can't recover Fukue Island from the pirates, and how determined can they be to fight against the commander of the Huaidong Army? The lieutenant Fukue Island is going back?

To put it bluntly, I will first send a retainer to test the details of this side, so as to bargain.

"How dare I bother the generals of Wang Shi and leave their hometowns and stay here?" Yamashita Jingwu said persistently, "Although the small country of Zhuzi is not good, after the ambassador and the teacher return to the country, he will do everything possible to defend the Fukue Island. Please rest assured, the ambassador, Fukue Island will never fall into the hands of pirates again, harming businessmen and people..."

"It's easy for me to rest assured," Lin Fu said, "There are still many pirates in the Kuga Islands, and the Saga family can destroy one of them. , return Fukue Island to the Saga family!"

"Uh!" Yamashita Jinggo was stunned for a while, not knowing how to respond.

This world always relies on strength to speak, without strength, no matter how hard the debater's speech is to serve, it will only be more suitable for serving women.

"I've abandoned literature and followed martial arts for a long time, and I can't learn to bend the curve. If I have something to say, I will tell you clearly here." Lin Bie frowned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said loudly, "The copper and cheap iron in Kyushu Island Expensive, while copper is expensive and iron is cheap in the Central Plains. Opening up trade routes, using sea ships to transport goods, and communicating with each other is a matter of great benefit. It is beneficial to the Central Plains, and it is beneficial to the feudal states of Kyushu Island. The reason for this is that the Saga family will be able to I understand, otherwise I would not secretly trade money and goods with the pirates, and exchange goods or not. If the pirates were not threatening the safety of the trade routes, why would the imperial court need me to travel thousands of miles across the sea? The Saga family probably has no respect for the imperial court, I think Kyushu or Honshu islands, dozens of vassal states, not all of them can learn from the Saga clan, and they are too stingy to lend a small island for the imperial court to live temporarily..."

"Your Majesty, calm down," Yamashita Keigo said, "The Saga Patriarch doesn't dare to bother Master Wang, and he has no other thoughts."

"Hmph," Lin Fu said more and more angrily, holding the table case in his hands, he was about to stand up, his eyes were like electricity, staring at King Jing Yamashita, and said coldly, "The Central Plains are thousands of miles away, could it be the Saga clan? Do you think the imperial court will covet the island of the ruler of the land of Kyushu?"

"How long does the Ambassador want to use Fukue Island to garrison troops?" Yamashita Keigo asked.

"Sea pirate Jingping, the pilgrimage and trade routes are smooth and worry-free, Master Wang will naturally not waste military resources and be stationed overseas!" Lin Fu said, "In addition, the extravagant rebels sold goods in Fusang through sea merchants, and took them Benefiting and harming the Central Plains is also hated by the imperial court;

At this moment, someone came in and reported: "Kugashima sent someone over and asked to meet the adults!"

Lin Fu said to Jingwu Yamashita: "When I go back down the mountain, I want the head of the Saga family to think clearly, so I won't keep guests!" He motioned to send Jingwu Yamashita away, and let someone from Kuga Island come in.

Kuga Island and the islands south of Kuga were entrenched by another pirate force headed by Chi Zhou. Yamashita Jinggo heard that Chi Zhou of Kuga Island sent someone to meet Lin Fu at this time, he hesitated and speculated in his heart, and could only leave. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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