Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Assault on Matsuura

When dawn broke, the sky was full of shallow clouds like fish scales, the morning light was dim, the earth was still shrouded in darkness, and the distant mountains and islands only showed a blue-black border.

The first to notice that the enemy ship was approaching was the Saga samurai Kinbei, who had been on guard overnight on the castle post. When dawn broke, Kinbei was sleeping soundly leaning against the base of the city wall with his sword in his arms. Looking at the morning light rising from the sky, Kinbei lost sleepiness, stood up and stretched, and inadvertently saw many floating shadows with slightly lighter colors on the blue-black background of the far island.

It is a ship, a large number of warships, sailing to Matsuura.

Kinbei picked up the police post around his neck and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, please notify Nagasaki-sama! The Huaidong Army has attacked Matsuura." Although he couldn't see the flags hanging on the battleship, he In this direction, only the Huaidong Army, which had only recently occupied the Five Islands, could send a large army to attack Matsuura.

Nagasaki Xiuxiang climbed the city wall, and he was in a hurry to put on his armor. The samurai who accompanied him walked behind with the armor, and many warriors did not have time to put on the armor themselves.

Huaidong Army attacked Songpu! Although the alert here was strengthened, no one thought that the Huaidong Army would really attack Matsuura.

"Lord Yamashita had a good conversation with the people of Huaidong yesterday, why did he suddenly change his face just overnight?"

"Sir, Huaidong's army is so powerful that he cannot be allowed to land on the former plateau!" said the samurai Takezaki Jichang.

Matsuura is a long and narrow peninsula in the northwest of Kyushu Island. It looks like a long tongue sticking out from the main island. Matsuura Castle is located at the front of the long tongue, and the former plateau is located at the base of the narrow tongue.

Once the Huaidong Army landed on the former plateau, the Matsuura Peninsula would be extremely painful like a long tongue nailed to the base of the tongue. Matsuura Castle was built at the northern end of the peninsula. It is a city rather than a fortress. After being reminded by his samurai, Nagasaki Xiuxiang came to his senses and didn't dare to just guard Matsuura Castle. He instructed the Chief Takezaki, saying: "You and Jingzi go to guard the former plateau, and you must not let the Huaidong army land on the former plateau, my friend. Take someone to guard Torizu..." After I ordered the guardian, I remembered that I had to send someone to notify Saga-sama, so I got this idea, and I thought again: Saga-sama is in Hirado Castle, how can you watch it? No enemy attack? At this time, I could vaguely hear the sound of the horn from Hirado Island.

Hirado Island is a Dokdo island on the north side of the Matsuura Peninsula, separated only by a narrow strait.

The Huaidong Army came to attack the pirates of Fujiang Island from the sea the day before yesterday. The head of the Saga clan, Saga Raiyuan, the ruler of the Tsukushi Kingdom, personally led his retainers and samurai over here yesterday morning, and boarded Hirado Island to watch the situation.

Once Matsuura Castle is captured by the Huaidong Army, the Saga clan head Saga Raiyuan and Yamashita Keigo and other important officials of the Chikushi Kingdom will be trapped at sea together with Hirado Castle, unable to communicate with Kyushu Island! The country of Zhuzi will be handicapped by half!

Yamashita Jingwu hurriedly climbed the city wall of Hirado Castle. When he climbed the city road, he fell in a panic, almost rolled down, and smashed a piece on his forehead, bleeding profusely.

Yamashita Jinggo didn't care about the blood on his cheeks, and looked at the Huaidong warship that was covered like a cloud, bypassing Hirado Island and heading for Matsuura. He felt dizzy and lost his voice: "What happened? As I said personally, as long as you use Fujiang Island to protect the business road, you will not be able to pass a day, how can you send an army to fight Zhuzi?"

Saga Laiyuan has been around for forty years. He is short in stature and dressed in gorgeous armor. Standing on the city wall, looking at the masts covered in clouds, he whispered to Jingwu at the foot of the mountain: "What are you panicking? Using soldiers, not only the island of Kyushu, but also the forces of Honshu and Shikoku will rally under the banner of Dazaifu to resist! The samurai of Dazaifu will make the blood of the people of the Central Plains pour into this ocean like a river, and then drive them out."

Saga Laiyuan sent Yamashita Jingwu to go to Fukue Island last night, but it was just to test the intention of the Huaidong Army. At that time, even if the Huaidong Army can defeat the Koreans on Danluo Island, its own casualties will not be too small, and there is plenty of time to prepare for combat, so there will be more bargaining chips.

The Huaidong Army's fleet suddenly dispatched, bypassing Hirado, and attacking Matsuura brazenly, Saga Raiyuan was also taken aback. What was the intention of the Huaidong Army? Totally mind-boggling. Only a fool will make enemies on both sides. Could it be that the Koreans have already surrendered?

In any case, regardless of any unexpected factors that could not be guessed, the Huaidong Army had already attacked brazenly.

Saga Laiyuan calmly stared at the Huaidong Navy warships on the sea on both wings.

The surrounding warriors were all influenced by the family master, and they were less panicked, but they were somewhat uneasy when they saw the imposing Huaidong Army coming. The forces gathered together to help, right?

By that time, even if the Huaidong Army were to be driven out, the Saga clan would be destroyed.

Saga Raiyuan came to Hirado, and in addition to his retainers, he was accompanied by more than a thousand samurai. In addition to the garrison strength of Hirado Island, Hirado Castle has a thousand samurai and a thousand miscellaneous soldiers, and the combat power is quite impressive; but Matsuura Castle has only two hundred samurai and five hundred miscellaneous soldiers.

Thinking about it at this time, such a defensive deployment seems top-heavy and unrealistic. It's just that no one thought that the Huaidong Army would really attack Zhuzi before. Although they concentrated their troops on the north coast and strengthened their defenses, they did not seriously consider the matter of offense and defense, leaving a top-heavy defense flaw. Unwise.

The Huaidong Army's fleet bypassed Hirado Island, which had plenty of troops, and headed for the relatively empty Matsuura Peninsula.

At this time, the Huaidong Army already had warships stationed at the mouth of the strait between Hirado Island and Matsuura Peninsula. No matter how difficult it was, they would send samurai across the sea to support Matsuura Castle.

Once Matsuura Castle fell, the back road of Hirado Island was cut off, and Chikushi Kingdom was almost paralyzed.


The naval battle of Matsuura Strait and the landing battle on the former plateau broke out almost simultaneously.

The front plateau is a relatively narrow and gentle shoal terrain, as if the waist at the southern end of the Matsuura Peninsula was suddenly narrowed, and the narrowest point was only seven or eight miles wide.

If the former plateau is lost, the neck of Matsuura Peninsula will be stuck. It is precisely the terrain here that is conducive to landing, and there are only some stone embankments along the coast for simple defense.

Takezaki Jichang and Jingzicheng each led a group of warriors to enter the stone embankment on both sides of the front plateau before the Huaidong army landed, and defended against the stone embankment. But it's too late to do more preparation.

The Jinghai battalion warships have flat bottoms and ridged bottoms.

The ridge on the bottom of the ship is easy to pass through breaking waves, and can also prevent transverse waves, which is convenient for safe and fast navigation at sea, and can withstand large wind and waves, but the draft is very deep. Some of the super-large sailboats recently built in Chongzhou have a draft of more than 20 feet. Such deep-water galleons are extremely fast and highly stable. They can also sail through waves when the wind is strong. When the wind is down, they can achieve a speed record of "one hundred miles, thousands of miles day and night", which is much faster than the ordinary sea ships in the world, but Non-existing deep-water harbours cannot be docked.

The medium-sized warships belonging to the Jinghai Battalion were mostly flat-bottomed, especially the large-winged ships. The ship had a wide face and a low and flat bottom, which could directly and steadily isolate the shallows on the shoal; shield wall. When the big-winged ship crosses the sea, it is tied behind the Jiyun-class warship. It does not carry soldiers. It is specially used for landing operations at this moment, and it can directly rush into the shallow water to land on the beach.

The pallets could not reach the dry ground, but under the guidance of the guide, the shallow-water base for the beach was quite solid, sandy, and free of ooze. The soldiers of the Guard Battalion did not care about the cold water in the early spring, so they jumped down from the big-winged ship, held their shields, waded through the shallow water, and charged towards the beach.

"Up arrow!" Takezaki Jichang shouted loudly. Fusang bows are mostly made of bamboo and wood, and they are large and long. The strong bow can shoot hundreds of steps, and the "swish swish" comes out of the air.

When the armored soldier was wading forward, his balance was very poor. Seven or eight long arrows hit his shield at the same time, and some people fell. There was a gap in the marching array, and from time to time someone was hit by an arrow and slipped into the icy sea water.

Even more terrible, wading through the water, to maintain the formation, the speed can not be fast. When he reached the stone embankment, it was enough for the warriors guarding the embankment to shoot several rounds of arrows.

The soldiers of the personal guard battalion rushed to the beach, and at the same time assembled the archers to follow behind the sword and shield soldiers, and used the strong bows with longer ranges to fight back, suppressing the arrow rain behind the stone embankment.

The clear blue water, mixed with the muddy sand and the injected blood, turned a dark brown color, making the war seem cruel and ruthless from the very beginning.

There are four boats on the left and right, and they are placed horizontally. The relatively narrow bow and stern each set up a crossbow. Pushed by the waves and the hull swayed, the bed crossbow's shooting accuracy was limited, but the huge arrows as big as spears and the sharp sound of breaking through the air were breathtaking.

The giant arrow of the bed crossbow traversed the space three hundred steps away, hitting the stone embankment like lightning, hitting countless stone chips, the stone embankment swayed, and the tail of the giant arrow trembled, making a harsh buzzing sound. The guard warriors behind the stone embankment trembled, and the rhythm of archery was disrupted.

In just a dozen breaths, the armored soldiers who were rushing to the beach rushed to the stone embankment in a scattered rain of arrows.

Except for the samurai with excellent archery who retreated and continued to fight with their bows, most of the Fuso samurai and generals guarding the stone embankment abandoned their bows and replaced them with swords and spears.

Jichang Takezaki clenched his long sword in both hands, jumped on the half-height stone embankment, and watched a soldier of the Huaidong Army rush up. This knife was like lightning, and it violently split the round shield in half, and the tip of the knife split the round shield with the force of the strike, revealing a horrified head. When the soldier was rushing for the beach, his helmet fell into the sea, and he didn't have time to retrieve it, so he lost his life...

There will be casualties in the battle, and there are not many old soldiers in the guard battalion, but the new soldiers selected from the Huaisiliu households have been trained for more than half a year.

Seeing the ferocity of the Fusang warriors, they jumped on the stone embankment to chop and chop, and they used the bamboo spear in front to block the long sword of the Fusang warriors; The swordsman clings to his back, uses heavy armor and a sharp Mo Dao, takes a step forward, and then defends the position of one step, and never retreats easily. The archers were still standing in the shallow water, or looking for a shot from the wings, their blood boiled, and they couldn't even notice the thorns of the early spring sea water.

The front end of the bamboo lance has scattered sharp bamboo branches, which are tough and dense. The longest bamboo lance is nearly 20 feet long.

Fuso warriors often use long swords. Although the long swords are extremely sharp, it is difficult to cut off the head of the bamboo spear because of the thin bamboo branches. Seeing that he could not fight at close range with a long sword, Takezaki Ji Chang stepped back and let the miscellaneous soldiers use their spears to stab the Huaidong Army.

Fusang miscellaneous soldiers mostly use long spears, the spear head is very short, but the spear shaft is extremely long, which is half longer than the longest bamboo thorn spear. Such a long spear has an advantage in length compared to the bamboo spears and spears of the Huaidong Army. The advantage in length also allows Fusang miscellaneous soldiers to open up the distance to engage in combat, and even if few people wear armor, they are well protected.

The first time Huaidong Jiazu encountered this kind of spear, standing under the stone embankment, the disadvantage of the position was great, and he could not get close to climbing. He was caught by surprise, and several people were accidentally stabbed. Unable to rush to the stone embankment, he could only use a large shield to cover and stalemate under the embankment.

Ma Pomon waded to the front line, and looked at the gloomy-faced duo, who flinched and didn't dare to hit hard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and scolded: "Soft bastard, this kind of spear can't pierce through heavy armor, Afraid of him being a bird! With swords and shields, Mo Dao hand chops and slashes, and rushes upwards; if he can't rush, he stands under the embankment and waits to be smashed to death, to be driven into the sea, and to freeze to death!" Then the soldiers of the two capitals who rushed up scattered and attacked the stone embankment, dispersing the strength of the defenders.

Although the Fusang warriors were elite and not afraid of death, they were small in number. There were less than 140 or 50 warriors with knives and spears, and there were only a dozen or so archers behind them. The Huaidong Army invested double the number of infantry at this landing point. If it was not enough, the soldiers of the water camp could also be pulled up to fight. Otherwise, Ma Pohou would have no face to be the commander of the battalion. The key is not to press the defenders under the stone embankment to fight, otherwise the casualties will be difficult to control.

"Concentrate the good archers, focus on shooting at the black flag, press down the people on that side, break the opening first, and let people rush up!" Ma Pohou took over the command of the front-line sentry generals and stood in Qi In the knee-deep shallow water, there was more than a hundred steps away from the stone embankment, and they personally directed the landing operation.

The horse-throwing monkey held a saber in his hand, and he habitually gave orders while waving the saber with its sheath.

Takezaki Jichang knew the significance of the former plateau to the defense of Matsuura Peninsula. He and Zuozi had more than one hundred samurai and more than two hundred miscellaneous soldiers, almost half of Matsuura's troops. If Saga-sama couldn't get the defenders of Hirado Castle to cross the sea in time to come to the rescue, the former plateau would fall, and Matsuura Castle, with only one hundred samurai and three hundred miscellaneous soldiers, would be lost.

There are only 140 or 50 people guarding the stone embankment here. The Huaidong army rushed up to the stone embankment and there were already about 200 people. Looking at the warships behind, there were four or five hundred soldiers waiting. When I landed, I was filled with thoughts of despair. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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