Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 30: reinforcements to cross the sea

In mid-February, Huaidong and Danluo joined forces to expand the Beilu camp to the west, so as to better guard the passage from Seogwipo to the south of Jeju City.

Lin Fu was pretending to be a mystery, and he did not explain the metaphor of the woodpecker island's worm-pecking technique to his generals. Almost all the infantry and cavalry were transferred to the north of Sunrise Mountain, hoping to join the Koreans at the northern foot of Sunrise Mountain. Have a decisive battle.

About 100 warships of the Koryo Navy have assembled near Wando, and more civilian ships have been assembled in the shallow sea of ​​Thousand Reefs in the north of Wando. Unlike the Jinghai battalion, which was equipped with special troop transport ships, the Korean Navy itself did not have a few large ships, and the heavy task of transporting reinforcements was naturally performed by the requisitioned civilian ships and boatmen.

Even if they start from Wando to the beach outside Seogwipo, there are only more than 130 miles of waterway. The Koreans are still worried that the reinforcements crossing the sea will be intercepted by the warships of the Jinghai battalion in the middle, and the escorts of the Korean Navy will limited ability.

The Koreans finally chose to take advantage of the north wind blowing on the night of the 19th, and the first batch of reinforcements crossed the South and landed on Danluo Island from the beach outside the north gate of Seogwipo City.

There are thousands of reefs and islands outside Haiyang County. A warning was issued to Danluo Island.

The Huaidong Army's sentry ships are specially designed for the mother ship. When the enemy is detected, the beacon on the mother ship will be ignited and a warning signal will be issued, so that the child ship will be separated from the mother ship.

The main force of the Jinghai battalion had to leave the port from Jeju City to the north and then to the east, in order to intercept the Goryeo navy that came across the sea, first against the wind and then against the current. Ge Cunxin recklessly assembled the main force of the water camp, and when he arrived at the northwest waters of Jeju Island, it was already dawn.

At this time, the northern foot of Sunrise Mountain began to ignite a beacon for the second time, indicating that the Goryeo reinforcements had begun to land from the North Beach of Seogwipo City.

The north coast of Jeju Island (Damra) is much flatter than the complex water topography of the Qianjiao shallow sea in the southwest of Haeyang County, and Jinghai Camp is much more familiar with the hydrogeography of the north coast of Jeju Island than the Koreans.

Lin Bie never thought about intercepting the reinforcements from Koryo and annihilating them on the way, but even if the reinforcements from Koryo had already begun to land, a landing of thousands of people would not be complete in a short time. The Jinghai battalion still had the opportunity to approach from behind and launch an attack, forcing the escorting Koryo Navy to fight.

Ge Cunxin led the main force of the Second Water Battalion to adjust the direction and wanted to attack the North Beach of Seogwipo. At this time, there was fog on the sea. Counter-current fog is a taboo in naval battles. Before the critical moment, Ge Cunxin naturally would not let the second water battalion venture into the reefy shallow sea area to annihilate part of the Goryeo navy.

Ge Cunxin temporarily changed his plan and led the second water camp to berth at Haikouzi in the northwest corner of Jeju Island. The Korean navy and the ferry are going back to Haiyang County to deliver the second batch of reinforcements. Haikouzi in the northwest corner is a route they are likely to follow. Ge Cunxin’s best choice at the moment is to wait and wait at the edge of the foggy area. The fog dissipated, and then they attacked the waters of Seogwipo North Beach.


Since there were still more than 4,000 soldiers of Haeyang County still controlling the narrow area to the west and north of Seogwipo City to the beach, the landing of the reinforcements from Goryeo was hurried and chaotic at night, but it was quick.

Lin Furen was camping in Dongtan, standing on a rock, looking at the beach to the west. Although the mist was mentioned, the lights were intricately scattered, and under the bonfire, the figures could be seen roughly, but for a while, it was impossible to see how many Korean reinforcements came over this trip.

After learning that the Goryeo reinforcements had crossed the sea, the Dongtan camp quickly organized armoured soldiers to enter the narrow passage between Seogwipo City and the beachhead on the north bank to attack the landing Goryeo reinforcements.

The soldiers of Haiyang County, who had known in advance that the reinforcements would be coming, used the cover of darkness in advance to set up an interception position on the northeast corner of Seogwipo, blocking the passage for the Huaidong Army to storm the beachhead on the north bank. The battle was unfavorable, and the seaside was misty again, so Lin Fu asked Zhao Hu to give up the attack.

In the early morning when the fog was about to dissipate, after the first reinforcements landed, under the command of the commander Che Kwon-seon, the Goryeo Navy and the sea-crossing fleet abandoned their formation and dispersed from Seogwipo to return to Haeyang-gun in the north.

Although the main force of the Jinghai Second Water Battalion finally captured nearly 20 Koryo sea-crossing ships, most of them were civilian ships requisitioned by the Koryo people, and it took only over 100 people to annihilate the Koryo water army.

On the night of the 21st, the Koreans once again sent the second reinforcements from Haiyang County. As soon as they set out to sea, they encountered a northerly wind instead of a northeasterly wind. It shifted thirty or forty miles to the west, and it took nearly two hours for it to adjust its direction and head to the north beach of Seogwipo.

The current and wind were still unfavorable, but after two more hours, the Jinghai Camp captured a favorable fighter plane in the waters of Seogwipo North Beach this time. Ge Cunxin first dispatched several warships, rushed into the interior line, and attacked the sea-crossing warships on the beachhead, delaying the landing speed of the Goryeo reinforcements, and then pushed the main fleet into the sea area of ​​Seogwipo North Beach.

In order to protect the second batch of more than 3,000 reinforcements from being buried in the belly of the fish, even though he knew that there were many disadvantages, he was forced to lead the Goryeo Marine Corps in a dense formation to engage in a fierce battle with the Jinghae No. 2 Marine Battalion in the waters of Seogwipo North Beach. .

The tragic battle lasted for two hours, and after the second batch of reinforcements had landed, the Korean water army fled in a scattered formation. In this battle, Ge Cunxin led the main force of the second water battalion, destroyed and captured more than 30 ships of the Korean Navy and nearly 70 troop-crossing ships, killing and capturing more than 1,200 people of the Korean Navy and boatmen. The casualties of the Jinghai Second Water Battalion were less than eleven of those of the Koreans. It could be regarded as the biggest victory of the Huaidong Army since the eastward expedition across the sea. However, this was only a prelude to the battle of Sunrise Mountain.

On the 25th, at the cost of 500 people and 20 ships, the Koreans once again sent the third reinforcements to Danluo Island, and the Battle of Sunrise Mountain was on the verge of breaking out.


"Zhen Du, this is already a last-ditch battle! Zi Tan dare not blunder, and he came here to live and die together with Zhen Du." Qin Zitan sat cross-legged on the futon and said slowly.

If it weren't for the fact that the Prime Minister Zuo Jing was in charge of Haiyang himself and sent more than 10,000 reinforcements by sea regardless of casualties, Zhen Feng would not believe that Qin Zitan would accompany him to his death at Danluo Island!

Zhen Feng was trapped in Seogwipo City for nearly two months, but he was still able to maintain a good demeanor.

Although Zhen Feng regretted telling Qin Zitan that he was tempted to use troops on Jeju Island to drag Gao Li into this endless war, but at this time Gao Li had already secretly formed an alliance with the She family under the coercion of Donghu envoys. You can't be too rude to Qin Zitan.

In addition, She Feihu and Donghu envoys were both in Haiyang County and accompanied the Minister of State Zuo Jing to watch the development of the war.

In addition to Qin Zitan coming over on behalf of the She family, Donghu's deputy envoy Nahe Azige also led five hundred Donghu warriors to cross the sea to help, saying that Donghu would not stand idly by the war between Goryeo and Huaidong.

Donghu is famous for its cavalry, but the space occupied by a warhorse to cross the sea is more than ten times that of a human being, and the five hundred Donghu elite warriors can only dismount and change to fight on Danluo Island.

Qin Zitan came alone, but he had been hostile to Huaidong for many years, and he had fought against Huaidong several times, and he had suffered losses in his hands. When fighting Huaidong, Zhen Feng felt resentment towards Qin Zitan and had to learn from his experience.

As far as Zhen Feng's heart is concerned, he initially listened to Qin Zitan's persuasion and underestimated the strength of the Huaidong Army at sea, so he began to use troops to occupy Danluo, so as to prevent the variables in Jeju from continuing to expand and the Danluo people to break away. However, when he saw that the Huaidong Army had the ability to organize more than 10,000 people to come across the sea, Zhen Feng realized that Goryeo should no longer expand the scale of the war with Huaidong without limit. No secondary factors.

Although Zhen Feng was the governor of Haiyang County, he was still unable to control the state affairs, and at the moment he could not prevent the war with Huaidong from expanding and deepening.

As Qin Zitan said, now it's just a last stand.

Seogwipo is the royal city of the Danluo people. Due to the indecision of Li Jian, the king of Danla, when he withdrew from Seogwipo, he did not set a fire, and Zhenfeng won a complete city. In addition, a large amount of food was stored in the city, so that he led four thousand Haiyang County soldiers to be trapped for nearly two months, and he did not have to worry about the problem of food and grass.

More than 10,000 reinforcements Luan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seogwipo-ri has increased to 15,000 soldiers and horses, and the food and grass in the city can only support for half a month.

The sea route was blocked by the Jinghai camp, and the cost of transporting food across the sea was staggering.

Every time a grain is delivered, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and dozens of ships are lost, and no matter how rich the family is, they cannot stand such a loss.

Under the eyes and nose of the Jinghai Camp, it was impossible to eliminate the interference on the ground, and it was absolutely impossible for 15,000 soldiers and horses to return to Haiyang County intact by sea.

Only by eliminating the Huaidong Army and the land army of the Danluo people on the island, capturing Jeju City, occupying the Huaidong Army's port and supply base on Danluo Island, forcing the Jinghai battalion to temporarily withdraw from the Haidong area. The crisis can be temporarily alleviated.

Although he did not know when the Huaidong Army's water camp would return to take revenge and relieve the current crisis, Zhen Feng was confident.

Before the reinforcements came, Zhen Feng had only 4,000 soldiers from Haiyang County, and the combined forces of Huaidong and Danluo had nearly 10,000 troops on land, so they were trapped in Seogwipo City and could not move.

The reinforcements came, but Zhen Feng had 15,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. However, the strength of the Huaidong and Danluo coalition forces did not increase, and the advantage in strength was already very obvious.

Even though Huaidong rises like a comet, and its soldiers and horses are known for their good fighting skills, the new formation of the Infantry Division Zhongjun has only been about half a year, and there are limits to how strong it is. Besides, the combined strength of Huaidong's army on the island was only about 5,000 people, and the strength of King Danluo's army was not enough. Danluodingkou is only about 30,000, so what is the point of Wang Jun's forcible expansion to more than 4,000 troops?

Compared with the possibility of losing the field battle, Zhen Feng was more worried that the Huaidong and Danluo coalition forces would retreat to Jeju City. At that time, the sea supply line was cut off by the Jinghai Camp, and they would be forced to attack Jeju City, which has a relatively complete defense system, which would be a lot of headache. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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