Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 34: iron flow

The black iron stream flowed down from the White Bird Village, like a scythe of the **** of death, slicing across the Koryo foot soldiers in the south of the White Bird Village.

Lin Fu was not in Bainiaozhai. Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu were in charge of commanding the battle in Bainiaozhai. Lin Fu always stood on the wall of the camp in Heiyan Mountain, watching the battle in the distance.

Song Jia only felt that the wind was a little cold. She folded her arms around her chest, and felt that her clothes and armor stained with Yelu were even colder. She is fleshy and fleshy, and her figure is much taller than that of ordinary women. She wears a jacket and armor on the outside. She doesn't look thin. At this moment, she only felt the cruelty of the war, and she wanted to make her blood freeze, and subconsciously cling to Lin Bie's strong arm to make herself feel better.

In addition to the six battalions of the first guards and the eight hundred cavalry soldiers, Lin Fu also transferred 1,200 soldiers from the second water battalion to the shore, and temporarily organized two battalions of first soldiers, which were almost in the Huaidong Army in the Haidong area. The elites are all arranged in the Bainiaozhai camp, and only the six battalions of King Danluo's army are used to guard the black rock camp!

If the Goryeo people used part of their troops to contain the Bainiaozhai camp, and pressed the army to the front of Heishi Mountain, or simply ignored the Bainiaozhai camp and sent troops to attack Heiyan Mountain from the south gate, then Lin Biao's Tibetan soldiers would plan. Not for sale. The main force of the Huaidong army in Bainiaozhai will be forced to enter Xiyeyuan in advance under extremely unfavorable situation, and fight against the superior force of the Koreans.

This is just an assumption. If the Koreans intend to fight in Xiyeyuan, they can't ignore the attack between Bainiaozhai and Heiyanshan, and they can't help falling into Lin Bie's trap. They didn't expect that Lin Fu would deploy troops like an extreme force, and they couldn't blame them for being reckless.

Only bystanders can tell, and speaking of it, the soldiers on the left wing of the Goryeo people are not as powerful as the soldiers from the Huaidong.

Zhao Hu commanded the defenders to counterattack at Bainiaozhai, and with only four battalions of armored soldiers, five-sixths of the left flank of the Koreans were wrapped into the battlefield. And the Koreans have always been on guard against the sound of the east and west. They have always deployed their elite troops on the right flank, staring at Heiyan Mountain, but they do not know that there are not even a thousand soldiers in Heiyan Mountain.


On the black land where the ice and snow melted, the terrain from Bainiaozhai to Xiyeyuan was shallow.

Hundreds of riders lined up in a row, driving head-to-head, forming a dense assault formation with a width of more than a hundred steps.

The sound of the charging war drums beating like tearing eardrums, and the sound of hooves like rolling thunder, every sound seems to be stepping on the heart.

Compared with the armored soldiers on the two wings, the three hundred armored cavalry that spread out as the terrain gradually opened up was even more shocking and frightening. People wear black armor, horses wear black armor, and the bright silver lance points diagonally into the air, galloping out in the depths of the dark night, and countless horses in iron hoods move like a torrent of steel, moving forward firmly, slowly and invincibly. advance.

"Archery..." The Goryeo officer roared desperately!

After fighting hard until now, their arms are weak, and they have no strength to open their bows. The arrows shot randomly are blocked by the iron armor.

"Shield! Shield formation!" The officer could clearly feel the tremor of the army! Due to the pressing of the two wings, a certain buffering distance cannot be drawn between the shield formation and the main formation, and the formation is broken up a lot. After the shield formation, another spear formation was deployed.

First, a rain of arrows like locusts came over, "For Huaidong and for victory, ride in front of the ranks, charge with spears, and charge!"

The armored cavalry in the front obeyed the officer's order, pressed the lance under his arm diagonally forward, began to speed up, and rushed forward, like a smashed mountain, and suddenly the shield formation that the Koreans had gathered in a hurry. It smashed and smashed, tearing the front array of Goryeo's infantry to shreds with invincible sharpness.

After the armored cavalry were the sword and shield auxiliary soldiers, wearing light armor, they quickly followed, and after the armored cavalry, they saw that the fallen Goryeo soldiers were not dead, and quickly added a knife.

The guards on the two wings moved forward with firm steps, replacing Paoze's comrades who had been fighting hard for a long time.

The Koreans were obviously not prepared for the deployment of armored cavalry in the White Bird Village camp. Even if the armored cavalry was deployed before the war, it would be dazed by the counterattack that continued until this point.

The heavy task of breaking the formation is left to the armored cavalry that focuses on the breakthrough in the middle, the armored **** array on both wings, and the more powerful bow and crossbow, the rain of death formed by the waves of dense iron cluster long arrows, shot into. The center of the Koryo infantry formation.

The Koreans have not yet completely despaired. They have not broken up the six thousand-man teams on the left wing. Within a radius of two or three miles, they still have more than five thousand new troops and six dense thousand-man phalanxes. There is a fighting force.

There were only six thousand-man teams. Except for the one in the east, the other five thousand-man teams were all crowded together too tightly because of the battle just now.

Infantry confrontation, or infantry against cavalry, pay attention to the formation of dense, but must be flexible, there should be a buffer depth between the array and the array, and the formation of spearmen, shieldmen, and bowmen should have layers and abilities. Support each other, not crowded together like iron mounds, and even breathing is difficult.

In this case, the light is dim, and it is impossible to imagine what the consequences will be if the frontal infantry fails to withstand the impact of the armor and cavalry and collapses in the future!

Zhen Feng's guards rushed over with all their might and shouted around the rear wing of the phalanx. It is too late to transfer troops from the right wing. Only hope that the officers on the left wing can maintain their rationality, lead their troops, and break away from the crowded phalanx to form more elastic small phalanxes. Avoid a complete crash.

It is a pity that the movements of the Koreans were too slow, and the shield array and spear array in the current column were trampled and disabled.

The second row of armored cavalry began to speed up the sprint, and in the radiance of the stars and the moon, it seemed like a moving hill, and it seemed like a deadly ghost. The dense formation of the Goryeo infantry, even the solid and tough tree trunks, was torn and pecked layer by layer under the strong impact of the armored cavalry.

"Go back, go back!" The supervising team raised their swords and slashed at the fleeing rebels. They couldn't be allowed to rush over, but the Huaidong Army's armored cavalry was in front of them, the horses' hooves were trampling, the ground trembled, and the officers of the supervising team were shaking hands and feet. Feeling weak, I can't help but run away!

Seeing that the second armoured cavalry came up after the impact weakened, they were divided into two columns and cut to the two wings. The deputy commander of the Haiyang County Army and Horse Division, the deputy commander, thought that there was still a chance to move towards Zheng Xin, the commander of the thousand. Roaring, asking him to personally lead the team to rush forward: "Don't worry about it, just rush forward. It's too dense here, it will collapse, let more generals rush forward, and the formation can be opened. No matter what. Whether it’s an enemy, or grass, tree, or stone, as long as it blocks the front, destroy it, so as to avoid extinction!”

It's just that Quan Zhixiang's hope, like a meteor, flashed in the air for a very short time, and was extinguished by the armored horses that rushed up in the third column.

The first thousand-person team, under the continuous conflict of the three armored cavalry, was like a tree trunk that was forcibly pecked open, revealing delicious insects. Quan Zhixiang and more than a dozen personal guards did not have time to rush to the Huaidong Army's armored cavalry for the final kill, so they broke up their own troops, and Quan Zhixiang died under the diagonal thrust of a cavalry lance.

Hundreds of defeated soldiers were no longer well-trained, and there was no officer organization to gather them. In the dark night, they just subconsciously fled for their lives in the opposite direction from the Huaidong Jiaqi and Jia soldiers. The chain reaction caused by the collapsed troops was beyond control. The five thousand troops crowded in the battlefield on the edge of Bainiaozhai and Xiyeyuan collapsed like an avalanche in almost the blink of an eye...

"The woodpecker's beak is as hard as a chisel, its tongue is long and retractable, and its claws are like iron hooks. When eating insects, it grabs the hard wood with the claws of the iron hook, and uses its sharp beak like a chisel to cut open the tough bark, and then use its tongue to cut open the tough bark. Chang rolled the tongue out of the worm in the tree hole!"

Zhou Pu took off the saber and held it in his hand, thinking about the woodpecker insect-eating tactics that Lin Fu said, and ordered in a deep voice: "Remove the crossbow, take the knife, and mount the horse." Interspersed with the defeated soldiers of the Koreans, and directly attacked the camp of the Chinese army on the east bank of the Bailuo River - the five hundred armored light cavalry is the long tongue of the woodpecker.

In pursuit of being as fast as the wind and cutting the Goryeos into pieces, Zhou Pu ordered all the cavalry soldiers to follow him to dismantle the crossbow and fight only with swords.

Only by defeating the Chinese camp of the Koreans on the east bank of the Bailuo River, sweeping along the east bank of the Bailuo River, and driving the defeated soldiers to the right wing, can the Korean soldiers on the Xiye Plain be completely wiped out! Completely smash the resistance of the Koreans!

Seeing the left wing disintegrate like an avalanche, Zhen Feng's heart was pierced by a knife, and he had no time to feel heartbroken. He had to establish a barrier between the left wing and the central army camp to prevent the defeated troops from rushing here. The right wing is still intact, and the five thousand-man teams on the right wing can only be kept from being impacted, and there may not be a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Zhen Feng's last hope was also shattered when the five hundred armored light cavalry held up their swords shining brightly under the moon and rushed out from the rout soldiers.

Zhen Feng was surrounded by guards and fled to the right flank. Hundreds of soldiers and horses in the entire central army camp fled to the right flank in panic, and no one had any intention of staying behind to intercept the Huaidong cavalry that was attacking from Yue Ye.

Zhou Pu naturally led the cavalry to attack the central army of the Goryeo people, and drove them to the right wing while killing them, deliberately destroying the right wing array!

At this time, a thousand-strong team of Koreans was transferred from the West Bank. The formation was uneven and people were panicking. When they were crossing the river, the sound of the galloping horses' hooves was as dense as a storm, and the surging array of horses' heads seemed to be swept away by a torrent.

This was originally the last chance that the Koreans could seize, even Zhou Pu did not expect that a thousand-person team would come across the river at this time. If this thousand-man team directly attacked the flanks of Huaidong's 500 light cavalry, the unprepared 500 light cavalry would have been in chaos and suffered heavy casualties. Naturally, they would not have much energy to chase the Korean army, nor to kill Zhen Feng. .

It's a pity that this thousand-man team just crossed the river and swept the Huaidong Army's cavalry from the outpost on the east bank.


Qin Zitan saw that the Goryeo people were dying, and when Huaidong army had no time to take care of the west bank, he and Azige fled to Seogwipo City, surrounded by five hundred Donghu warriors.

"What should I do?" Azige rode his horse after Qin Zitan, Qin Zitan's riding skills were poor, and he was so afraid that Qin Zitan would fall off the horse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said, "It is when we are approaching. When I was in line, I specifically ordered me to come over and listen to Mr. Qin's opinions!"

"..." Qin Zitan took the reins, looked at Azige, looked at his eyes under the moon, Azige was still young, and he had not learned to hide his emotions in front of a character like Qin Zitan. Qin Zitan saw through his mind at a glance and asked, "Let's go?"

Azig said, "What does Mr. Qin think?"

"If you don't leave now, when will you wait?" Qin Zitan said, "Take the path to Beitan!" Pointing to the northeast corner of the city, he called the two squires to his side, and said, "Go, lead the way ahead!"

Of course, Ajige did not intend to live and die with Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County, and to be buried for the Koreans. Unexpectedly, Qin Zitan had already left behind, and even sent people to turn the road from the east gate to the north beach. Explored clearly.

Azige thought to himself: It's really tricky, so I want him to open this up, and want to escape to Haiyang County to have a talk.

Although the coastline of the North Beach of Seogwipo City is straight, there are few reefs, bays, estuaries, and shoals that can be used for cover. It is anchored along the coast of North Beach, Seogwipo, but it is not enough to hide even a few ships.

No matter how bad it is, the warships of Jinghai Camp can't hit a few ships by dragging them to the beach.

Zhen Feng was sealed on the east bank of the Baoluo River, and the collapse of the right wing was a matter of time. The number of Goryeo soldiers who could return to Seogwipo City would not exceed 4,000. The 4,000 people were headless and could not resist the siege of the Huaidong Army.

It can be seen that the Huaidong Army also pulled the soldiers of the water camp ashore to strengthen the combat power on the shore. At this time, the Jinghai water camp was limited in the blockade of the sea area north of Seogwipo City. At this time, if you don't take the boat and run away, there will be no chance to escape. Qin Zitan certainly won't be vague. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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