Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 36: surrender

The back of the mountain where Haiyang County Governor Zhen Feng hid was facing a steep **** that was not slippery. A soldier had already climbed up here, blocking the retreat. At the foot of the steep slope, on the inner side of the col, there were a few simple thatched huts, surrounding a threshing ground, surrounded by simple stone walls as high as the chest, a settlement of about five or six families living together.

The villagers didn't know where they had fled. Inside and outside the stone walls, there were dozens of corpses scattered with blood solidified into a deep purple color, and their bodies were full of arrows like hedgehogs. The rudimentary, old wooden door of the yard had been knocked to one side. Zhang Jiheng had tried to forcibly capture the yard before, but only after receiving Lin Bing's order did he instead encircle Zhen Feng and the guards inside.

About a hundred Goryeo warriors in scarlet armor retreated to the threshing field to form a semicircle formation. Many people were wounded or disabled and could only stand by supporting each other. Although they were in a desperate situation, they did not mean to give up their resistance. Seeing the figures of Zhen Feng and other Goryeo generals, they must be hiding in thatched huts.

The thatched hut couldn't stop the long arrows, let alone the fire attack. It was easy to take down this yard, but it was better for Zhen Feng to capture it alive.

"You ask someone to shout and ask Zhen Feng to come out to see me. Even if he doesn't want to live, he must consider and consider for his generals!" Lin Fu instructed Zhang Jiheng.

Zhang Jiheng sent people to the front to shout surrender, Lin Bing and Zhao Hu watched the movement in the yard in front of the battle and waited patiently.

After a long time, someone came out of the thatched hut and talked to the guard Wu **** on the threshing floor. Lin Fu and the others were far away, so they couldn't hear what they were saying. Immediately afterwards, Lin Fu was relieved to see that the guards in the threshing ground began to drop the weapons.

Zhen Feng was only useful when he was alive. The Koryo army collapsed, but the few who were killed on the battlefield at night were, after all, a few, and more people fled at night. These chaotic troops were defeated, and they were stubbornly resisting by virtue of the terrain. They also hoped that there would be reinforcements in Korea, and they refused to surrender easily.

The terrain of Sunrise Mountain is complex with mountains and peaks, and it is difficult for the skirmishers who escaped into Sunrise Mountain to be wiped out one by one in a short period of time.

Lin Fu is not a person who is easy to kill. Besides, Danluo and Dongzhou lack manpower, and prisoners of war are much more valuable than cold corpses and heads.

Only when Zhen Feng and other senior Korean generals surrendered can they greatly reduce the will of the other skirmishers to resist.

Among the guards of Goryeo, there were also brave men of blood, who were unwilling to surrender their weapons, waving their swords and wailing loudly, unable to face such a fiasco; they gave their left and right companions a uniform uniform, removed their armor and weapons, and just knelt on the ground, Angrily and sadly, he hit the ground.

At this time, the door of the thatched hut on the south side of the threshing floor opened, and the tall Zhen Feng sat on his knees facing the threshing floor, his body half hidden in the shadows. Next, he walked out of the thatched hut with a few people who took off their armor and wore only white jackets. They walked to the stone wall door, bowed down, and said in a hoarse voice, "Zhen Feng, the defeated general of Haiyang County, Goryeo. Meet the Zhizhi envoy..." Surrendering to the Huaidong army is better than surrendering to the Danluo king's army, and in front of Lin Fu, Zhen Feng was also convinced.

After trapping Zhen Feng in Seogwipo City for more than two months, Lin Fu already had his detailed information in his hands, but it was the first time he saw him.

Zhen Feng was born in the noble family of Haiyang County. He was a veteran of Goryeo. He took off his armor. He looked like a scribe, with a thin face, high cheekbones, and slender eyes. The hair on the temples has been dyed frost white.

At this time, Zhen Feng was haggard and exhausted, with dark and swollen eye bags: He clearly had superior troops and claimed to be a famous general of Goryeo, but he was crushed by his opponent, and the blow to his heart was extra heavy.

"Victory or defeat is a matter of the military, don't worry about it," Lin Fu said comfortingly, "Please also send someone to urge the troops to abandon their weapons and surrender, so that both sides will be brave and less casualties!"

"Follow the orders of the envoys!" Zhen Feng instructed the several Koryo generals who followed him.

Seogwipo Castle fell, and they had completely lost the chance to turn over the original. The remnants of the army would be defeated on Danla Island, and they could not form an effective resistance. If they continued to resist, it would only increase casualties. Zhen Feng asked several Korean generals around him to follow the cavalry of the Huaidong Army to announce the news that he had surrendered.

Zhen Feng and other Koryo generals surrendered, which brought great convenience to the rest of the finale. Except for a few recalcitrant elements who refused to surrender and moved deeper into Sunrise Mountain, most of the stragglers chose to walk out of Sunrise Mountain and surrender their weapons after hearing the news of the surrender of their generals.

Zhen Feng's willingness to cooperate has greatly reduced the trouble and casualties in the follow-up battle, and Lin Fu will naturally give him the respect he deserves. In addition to disarming the armor, Lin Fu asked Zhen Feng to be with his guards and brought them to Bainiaozhai camp for temporary house arrest.

Lin Bie inspected the battlefield on the east side of Xiyeyuan in the afternoon, and returned to Seogwipo City near dusk.

The Danluo Islanders who were evacuated to the east or south couldn't wait to return home after hearing the news of the victory of Kinohara. Seeing Lin Bie hugged by the cavalry, they all cheered loudly. What's more, he knelt by the roadside with tears in his eyes, and kowtowed to thank Lin Fu for helping them regain their homes.

The generals of the Huaidong Army were still sweeping the battlefield, escorting prisoners of war back and forth.

Some generals, with wounds on their bodies, refused to go to the battlefield to recuperate. Only by traveling on the battlefield can you better enjoy the glory and satisfaction brought by the victory. Seeing Lin Bie, surrounded by the cavalry, pass through the battlefield and return to Seogwipo Castle, the generals of the Huaidong Army were even more emotional and shouted their salute.

Life is proud of horseshoe disease. By this time, Seogwipo City has been completely restored. In the sunset, the broken city wall has a strange and majestic beauty.

Li Jian, the lord of the Danluo Kingdom, and a hundred officials went to the east bank of the Bailuo River to welcome Lin Fu into the city.

"The lord of the country is too polite!" Seeing that the lord of Danluo came to greet him at the Bailuo River, Lin Fu also hurriedly dismounted, put his arms around him enthusiastically, and walked into Seogwipo City.

When he learned that the lord of Danluo had vacated the palace for his travel on Danluo Island, Lin Fu resolutely declined, "The lord of the kingdom is kind, and the envoy has the heart, but the etiquette of the kingdom should not be neglected. The reason why this envoy lives in the palace?"

"The envoy of Zhizhi has the grace to recreate the Danluo. It does not mean that he is alone, but the officials and people of Danluo are all afraid that they will not respect the envoy of Zhizhi enough," Li Jian said earnestly, "Today is the great celebration of the country. The family discussed with the ministers and decided to make today a National Grace Day to commemorate Eternal Heir, what do the envoys think?"

"Danluo served my dynasty as the suzerain, and I was ordered by the imperial court. It is my duty to help Danluo expel the invasion. I really don't dare to be greedy for merit," Lin Fu said. "

Koreans who are willing to surrender basically walk out of Sunrise Mountain after dusk to disarm and surrender. Soldiers of the Huaidong Army also returned to Bainiaozhai and Heiyanshan for repairs. Nearly 9,000 prisoners of war were also held in these two camps.

There were also some Goryeo generals who would rather die than surrender, and moved deeper into the Sunrise Mountain. The work of clearing up was carried out by the king's army led by Li Ji, the prince's son.

The king's city has just been restored, all industries are waiting to be prospered, and the palace is also mixed. Lin Fu discussed some state affairs with Lord Danluo, and then returned to the post house to rest.

The city defense of Seogwipo has been completely handed over to the King Danra Army. At this time, it was not certain, so all the trooping troops were cleared out of the city, but there were still cavalry cavalry soldiers around the post house that served as a temporary carriage for Lin Fu.

The Jinghai No. 2 Water Battalion also had some warships, which were moved from Jeju Port to the North Beach of Seogwipo City to undertake the maritime defense of Seogwipo's periphery.

Back at the post house, Zhao Hu reported the casualties of the Huaidong Army and the Danluo coalition to Lin Fu in detail.

In addition to the interception battle in the early stage, the capture of the South Gate in the later stage, and the street battle with the remnants of Goryeo in Seogwipo City, although the King Danra army did not undertake the main combat task, there were still nearly a thousand casualties.

However, only after a brutal war will the Danluo King's army truly have combat effectiveness, and at this time assume the heavy responsibility of pacifying the remnants of Goryeo.

The Huaidong army also suffered more than 1,000 casualties. Mainly in the counterattack, in order to drag the left-wing soldiers and horses of the Koreans into the battlefield, the casualties were heavy. When the armored cavalry was dispatched and cooperated with the armored soldiers to defeat the left flank of the Goryeo people and drove the rout soldiers to the right flank, the casualties were quite limited. In the fierce battle last night, there were almost 500 injured people~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and more than half of them suffered from foot injuries or falls. There were almost hundreds of horses running and breaking their legs.

In comparison, there were 9,000 Koreans who abandoned their weapons and sacrificed their weapons and died in battle or trampled on each other. About 3,000 people, minus those who robbed ships and escaped to the sea, there are almost 2,000 on the island. Dokoryo generals are on the run. Some people ran too fast last night and did not have time to rush to the area east of Kinohara today to recruit and surrender, and some escaped into Sunrise Mountain, preparing to resist to the end.

"Danluo Wang's army also suffered heavy casualties, and they have to take on the defense of the king's city, dispatch the remnants, and appease the people. The force is very limited," Lin Fu instructed Zhao Lu, "You will draw two battalions tomorrow and cooperate with Danluo. The Wang army entered the Sunrise army to suppress the bandits. Don’t leave behind any hidden dangers when we leave Danluo Island.”

"I'll make arrangements immediately." Zhao Hu said, and after talking about some other things, he withdrew first.

"Qin Zitan runs fast. Is he a rabbit?" Lin Fu already knew about Nahe Azige and Qin Zitan going to Danluo Island. Zhen Feng didn't reveal more information, but it was enough. Judging that Donghu and the She family had secretly colluded, Lin Fu sighed, "Meixi Lake, I caught Du Rong and let Qin Zitan run away; Changshan Island, Qin Zitan broke his arm, and he Still escaped. I didn't expect him to run faster this time!"

"What's the use of running fast?" Song Jia Yanran smiled and said, "Running fast is also driving you to walk, I think he must be more willing to drive you around! What are you going to do with Zhen Feng? Is it just to use him to defeat the enemy?"

"I have sent someone to spread the news to Dongzhou, and invited Chi Zhou and Saga Laiyuan to discuss matters here," Lin Fu said, "How to deal with Zhen Feng, we should wait for Chi Zhou, Saga Laiyuan and others. Come over and discuss..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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