Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 42: Back to Chongzhou

On April 18, Hecheng was very lively. The Eastern Expedition fleet had already arrived at Changshan Island. The sentry ships entered the port first, so there was no need to block the news. The people of Hecheng already knew that the Envoy would lead the Eastern Expedition today. The army arrived at Hecheng.

Ordinary people are confused and don't care about state affairs, but those who moved to Hecheng have suffered from displacement and settled down with difficulty, and they are quite sensitive to war.

For the past ten years or so, the Dayue Dynasty has been oppressed by the Eastern captives to the point of being unable to breathe. sense.

From the moment the news spread, the inside and outside of Crane City was like a festival, filled with an uncontrollable atmosphere of excitement and jubilation.

The letter ship arrived at the river port at noon to report the letter, but there is a yellow sand road in the eastern sea area of ​​Hecheng. The fleet has to pass through the narrow Huangshazui waterway, which takes a lot of time. Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Sun Jingtang and others also Can only wait patiently on the pond embankment.

Zhu Ai and Zhang Gou happened to be returning to Hecheng for business today, and they also went to the port with Han Caizhi to welcome the return of the Eastern Expedition army.

When the sun was setting in the west, the sail masts were finally seen sticking out of the sea.

At that time, the wind was going southeast, the ship was moving very fast, and the wind was blowing fast. After a while, the entire fleet appeared in the field of vision.

When the Eastern Expedition went to sea, Zhu Ai and Zhang Gou were not in Hecheng. After that, there was no large-scale water battalion gathering in Hecheng. The main force of the first water battalion was stationed on the Shengsi defense line throughout the winter and spring. This is still Zhu Aidi. Once I saw a fleet of this size

In fact, almost one-third of the warships and soldiers of the Second Water Battalion were incorporated into the Haedong Camp and stayed in Jeju. Adding casualties, the size of the Eastern Expedition Army was reduced by about half when it returned.

Even so, there are three Jinhai-class warships and ten Jiyun-class warships, including troop carriers, horse carriers, and cargo ships returning from their peers. . A fleet of this size appeared in the field of vision, like a large island floating here.

Lin Bie stood at the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the crane city in the distance.

Compared with Crane City, the Hanhai Wall extending from Crane City to the east is like a dormant dragon, which is more majestic.

"They stay in Chongzhou, and they are not slow!" Lin Fu squinted at the Hanhai Embankment and smiled with Zhou Pu and Ge Cunxin.

It took half a year to complete the initial construction of the Hanhai Dike from Jiangmen to Hecheng. The pile of soil is 1.6 feet high, 30 feet wide at the bottom and 1.4 feet wide at the top. It extends southeast from Hecheng to Jiangmen and is nearly a hundred miles long. .

From Jiangmen to the south bank of Qingjiangpu, the entire seawall is 300 miles long, and it is planned to be completed within two years. The southern section from Jiangmen to Hecheng is the most well-prepared, and it is only initially completed at this time. Next, a post road will be built on the top of the embankment, willow trees will be transplanted, and a large number of wind and sea protection forest belts will be planted outside the embankment.

The entire Huaidong region will enter the rainy season from May, until September and mid-autumn. adequate.

Based on this calculation, the construction of the seawall in the southern section is slower than planned, mainly due to the impact of the January tide.

However, the speed of this construction was to be reported, but it was enough to frighten the officials of Jiangdong County and the Ministry of Industry.

Liu Tingzhou wanted to be considered a competent official. When he was serving in Yandu, he planned to repair and defend the sea wall, and was very familiar with it. A few years ago, Lin Fu convened officials in Chongzhou to discuss the **** repair. Liu Tingzhou figured that Lin Fu would be able to build the sea wall in three to five years. Even if it was great, he never thought that the three hundred li sea wall could really be built in two years. completed.

At the beginning, Chen Zhongnian, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, asked 300,000 people to repair the Yellow River embankment, and the amount of work was not even half of the seawall in the southern section.


Hecheng Port is also divided into inner port and outer port. With the river gate and Shiba as the boundary, outside the stone dam is the outer port, which is the seaport; after the river gate is the Yunyan River, and the south bank is the inner port, which is the river port.

Since sea ships have tall masts, they can pass through the river locks, but not the city locks, so Lin Fu's boat can only be parked at the river port. Lin Fu went ashore with Zhou Pu, Ge Cunxin and others, and met with Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Sun Jingtang, Sun Jingtang, Hu Zhiyong and others who were greeted in front of Chongzhou.

Even though the imperial court and the Jiangdong prefecture were indifferent to the eastern expedition, Lin Fudong's victory in the expedition was a great joy for Chongzhou and Huaidong. Besides, it has been more than four months since Lin Fu left Chongzhou. The officials who stayed behind, and those who could leave, came to Hecheng to welcome them; Chongzhou gentry who knew the news in advance also rushed over to welcome them. The scene was very lively and spectacular.

Among the more than 100 people, Zhu Ai and Zhang Gou didn't have the chance to speak, they were just here to join in the fun. When Han Caizhi entered Hecheng with Lin Fu and the other officials who greeted him, Zhu Ai and Zhang Gou planned to go back to the work section first. There is still one more thing, it is inconvenient to stay in Crane City for the night if we rush back today.

Zhu Ai and Zhang Gou walked to the barn to lead the horses. Han Caizhi turned around to look for them and said, "Why can't I see the two of you in a blink of an eye? Your lord wants you to stay for the feast!"

Zhu Ai was quite excited. Although he was still an official at the grassroots level, he had already integrated into the group of the Huaidong Military Division. Naturally, he hoped to be appreciated and promoted. He rubbed his hands and walked to Hecheng with Han Caizhi.

Zhang Gou was rather indifferent, but he knew clearly in his heart: whether he was treating Huaidong Army Division or Huaidong Army Division treating him, the pole master was a dead end that could not pass the threshold. His real power in the labor camp is not even as good as Zhu Ai's, but at the same time he has to admit that Zhu Ai is a very capable person. Above Han Caizhi.

Although Hecheng was set up by the Inspection Division and the Grassland Division, the city was as solid and large as the prefectures and counties. The people in the city and the surrounding villages had a large scale. Just like Jiangmen, including the establishment of the officials of the Inspection Division, the preparations for setting up the county have actually been completed, and there is only a paper order from the imperial court.

Lin Fu was appointed as the envoy of the Huaidong system, as the military and political chief of the eleven counties of the two Huaidong prefectures, but only in the one county of Chongzhou, he could completely control the affairs of military and civil affairs, finance, and appointment of officials.

Even if the Lianghuai Salt Area does not need Hecheng Grassland to provide forage, Zhang Xie, Yue Lengqiu and others will agree to split Hecheng Grassland into a county only if they take the wrong medicine, so that Lin Fu can fully control it. land, expanding from one county to three counties.

Zhang Gou had more knowledge than other generals in the refugee army due to his rough literacy and writing skills. He was highly used by Liu An'er and Sun Zhuang. Zhang Gou was also quite content.

In Chongzhou for more than half a year, one of the advantages is that Zhang Gou can see the Tangchaodi newspapers gathered from all over the country, both new and old. These alone provide Zhang Gou with a higher-level vision to reflect on the problem that the refugee army has become more and more tired and weaker after fighting over the years.

The year before last, the refugee army in the Huaisi area was as high as 400,000, while the officers and soldiers in the Huaisi area were mainly the Changhuai Army and the Huaidong Army, but there were only 40,000 to 50,000 people. Under the oppression of 40,000 or 50,000 officers and soldiers, the refugee army was beaten to pieces.

Not to mention the Huaidong Army, even the Changhuai Army under extremely unfavorable circumstances, with less than 20,000 troops, resisted the siege of hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers of the refugee army, and defended Xuzhou City for half a year without being shaken.

The gap between them can no longer be simply measured by combat power and tactical level.

Including Han Caizhi, Chen Kuili, Zhang Gou, Chen Zuo and others, many generals of the refugee army who belonged to them were reflecting on this issue.

Since there is not much real power, which means that there are not many affairs, Zhang Gou has more free time to reflect on the success and failure of the refugee army.

In the past, due to limited vision and limited conditions, the books collected from local areas were all classics and classics. A book of military, wishing to finish the matter of leading troops to fight in just a few thousand words, the practical help is very limited, and more depends on the generals to summarize and understand based on actual combat experience.

Lin Fu personally wrote the Huaidong Army's Horse Infantry Code of Conduct, which contains tens of thousands of words for the most basic tactical drills at the Qiwu level. In addition to the text, more importantly, it is supplemented by hundreds of illustrations. Even if you are illiterate, read diagrams, listen to explanations several times, and be a little more flexible, you can still master the most basic flag team-level tactics.

When Zhang Gou first got the code, he borrowed it from Han Caizhi. When he first got it, he felt like a treasure. He thought that only Han Caizhi could get the trust of the Huaidong Army to get such a top-secret dossier. The master sent a copy to the past, thinking in his heart, if the refugee army could get this code of practice earlier, it would not have beaten the officers and soldiers so badly.

The war training school in Hecheng was recruiting after the year, and the labor camp recommended 400 officers to study at the primary war training school in Hecheng, including Zhang Gou. Every month, I go to Hecheng to study for half a month, and there is another half month to return to the work section to deal with affairs, taking turns.

After entering the war training academy, Zhang Gou discovered that he had acquired a treasured horse and infantry military discipline. As long as he entered the war training academy, it would be a manual, and it was not a top-secret dossier in the Huaidong Military Division. It's no wonder that Han Caizhi didn't take precautions against him and easily lent him the code first.

Constantly seeing new gaps made Zhang Gou increasingly frustrated with the future of the refugee army.

In addition to the treasured content written in the said book, there is only an ordinary booklet of more than 200 pages, nearly three inches thick, with excellent printing. Said to be ten taels of silver.

For the most basic horse infantry and water battalion drills, officers of the Huaidong Army above the **** rank can almost complete a manual, and students who enter the elementary war training school can complete a manual. There are also various handouts and pond printing, and the paper consumption within the Huaidong Army has reached an astonishing scale. This alone is far from being comparable to the refugee army who can't even eat enough to eat.

In addition to the books that are distributed free of charge, other books provided by the Huaidong Military Division to internal generals and officials are also sold at extremely low prices. Often you can buy a book in a city bookstore for only one or two hundred dollars, and it takes several taels to buy it. of a book.

In addition to books, other living materials supplied by Huaidong Military Division to internal generals and officials are usually only half or even a fraction of the market price. Most of these books and other daily necessities are supplied by the workshops in Guanyintan and Chongcheng, which is also a key factor for the low price.

This also ensures that the generals and officials are relatively well-off while their salaries are not high, and their lives are not so embarrassing.

The refugee army needs to be eliminated through a brutal and **** war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A qualified battalion will stand out among thousands of dead corpses, and it is only brave and resourceful at the basic level.

After the year, 400 officers from the labor camp were selected for short-term study at the Hecheng Junior War Training School. After a short period of intensive study, many of these officers showed a higher tactical level than those of the refugee barracks.

Zhang Gou realized that unless the refugee army had such an excellent and complete logistics support system as Huaidong, and could organize such a large-scale war training school, it would never be able to catch up with the Huaidong Army's combat power level.

Only the tactical training of officers at all levels is a thousand miles away, not to mention the direct control and control of the Huaidong Military Division over officers at all levels, which is far from what the refugee army can compare to.

At least within the Huaidong Army, no general has the ability to independently pull his followers out to join his family, and it is even less likely that there will be an incident where Qu Shuai leads his army to attack and kill the commander.

The more he knew about the Huaidong Army, the less surprising Zhang Gou felt that the Huaidong Army's victory in the Eastern Expedition was less surprising.

With all kinds of thoughts in his heart, Zhang Gou was also unhappy at the party at night.

Even Han Caizhi didn't have much chance to squeeze in front of him at the banquet. Zhang Gou's temperament was indifferent, and naturally he didn't even have a chance to speak. After drinking, he left early and returned to the building first.

Han Caizhi, Zhu Ai and the others came back very late. It's rare to have the opportunity to stop drinking. How many people who lead soldiers to fight are not greedy for wine? Zhang Gou woke them up and told them that they couldn't leave Hecheng tomorrow and had to wait for their summons.

When Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou for the first time, there were too many affairs to deal with and too many people to see. There was no time to call them, but Han Caizhi, Zhu Ai, and Zhang Gou were asked to wait in Hecheng. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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