Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Dividing the spoils and expanding the army

Lin Bie waited for a while in the bright hall, and someone came out and called him in. When he walked in, he found that several key people were gathered in the inner hall - he was the last to come, he didn't know what to do, and he was always waiting outside foolishly.

Ning Wang Yuan Jianwu sat above the lobby, with a short mustache on his lips, resting his hands on the table, looking at the carved Zhumen side; Cheng Yuqian and Yue Lengqiu sat next to him, and then down Gu Wuchen, Wang Tian, ​​Yu Xinyuan, and Wang Xueshan , Dong Yuan, Zhang Yan, Lin Tingli and others.

Opposite to Wang Tian, ​​the envoy of Xuanfu, sat a middle-aged man wearing embroidered robes of military generals; Lin Fu had never seen him, but he also guessed that he was Deng Yu, the new admiral and the envoy of Huinan.

Zhang Xitong was a high-ranking and low-ranking person, and he did not have a seat for him, so he stood behind King Ning; and Liu Zhi, an old acquaintance of Lin Fu, who was a regular attendant in Prince Ning's mansion and an envoy to the army, also stood behind King Ning.

Next to Zhang Yan, the envoy of salt and iron, sat a military general, Xie Chaozhong, the commander of the guard battalion of Prince Ning's mansion.

Lin Fu walked into the inner hall, his eyes swept around the faces of everyone, and he knew that the person who was summoned to the inner hall first to discuss matters was the real person with real power in Jiangdong County.

Among them, Lin Tingli has the lowest status, but he also holds the military and political power of Dongyang Mansion as the censor of Zuo Yu, who knows the affairs of Dongyang Mansion and supervises military preparations. .

Except for Lin Tingli, everyone sitting here has a higher status than him, even if Lin Tingli is his elder, Lin Fu cursed secretly in his stomach, and walked up to King Ning first: "Xiaguan Huaidong system Set up the envoy, Lin Fu, to see His Royal Highness King Ning! The appointment is late, please forgive the sin of King Ning..."

"We were eager to discuss matters, and we didn't wait for you. What's your fault?" King Ning said with a gracious attitude and smiled, and asked the maid to move to Jintao and give Lin Fu a seat.

Lin Bie greeted everyone present and insisted on sitting next to Lin Tingli.

"Why did you come here?" Lin Tingli asked quietly.

"Oversleep." Lin Bie replied. Others are here to fight for benefits early. He just wants to have more autonomy in Huaidong, so he doesn't need to be early. It's just that this reason is not easy to tell Lin Tingli, so he made a nonsense reason.

Lin Tingli smiled helplessly, knowing that Lin Biexin was not here.

"Where did the discussion go, and how much did I miss?" It seemed that they had been talking in the inner hall for a long time. Lin Fu sat far away from Gu Wuchen, so he could only whisper to Lin Tingli to inquire about the details of their previous discussions.

The inner hall was so quiet that even a needle could be heard, and the whispers of Lin Fu and Lin Tingli naturally fell into the ears of others.

Gu Wuchen squinted his eyes and said nothing, with a smile on his face; Yue Lengqiu and others remained silent.

King Ning glanced at Zhang Xitong, who was beside him, and said, "Xitong, explain a few things we just discussed with the envoy Lin Zhizhi..."

Lin Fu clenched his fists towards Zhang Xitong and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Changshi."

"What should be done, I can't talk about trouble," Zhang Xitong said, "Three decrees came in succession from Beijing: First, the imperial court decided to abolish the two provincial governors of Zhejiang, set up the envoys of the northern Zhejiang system, and put Pingjiang Prefecture under the military commander of northern Zhejiang. Under the jurisdiction, Mr. Dong is the right servant of the Jiangning Military Department and also leads the envoy of the Northern Zhejiang system..."

"Congratulations to Mr. Dong..." Lin Fu sat behind the table and gestured towards Dong Yuan, who was diagonally opposite, as if he was hearing about this for the first time.

"Lin Zhizhi is very polite." Dong Yuan made a bow in return.

Zhang Xitong continued: "...Second, the guard camp of Prince Ning's Mansion will be expanded to recruit soldiers from Danyang, Pingjiang and other prefectures and counties, and expand to ten battalions." Having said that, Zhang Xitong glanced at Lin Bie and saw that he had nothing to say, and continued. , "Thirdly, the establishment of the Inner Prefectural Division of King Ning's Mansion, the Jiangning Household Department and the Hebo Office and Guan City controlled by the prefectures and counties are all under the jurisdiction of the Inner Prefectural Division..."

Rivers and customs are located in rivers, lakes, post roads and other passes, and collect taxes. Rivers also collect additional fish charges from fishing boats; they are the main source of miscellaneous taxes for government revenue, and are usually under the jurisdiction of the county and the Ministry of Households.

In the eleven counties of the two prefectures in Huaidong, there are nine places in the lakes, rivers, post roads and other key points. In addition to the overlapping arrangement of prosecutors, salt supervisors are also dispatched, mainly to crack down on the flow of illicit salt from the Lianghuai salt field.

The development of Chongzhou County is not as good as that of the counties in the south of the Yangtze River. In the early years, the commercial roads were not smooth, and there were no rivers and cities.

The expansion of the guard camp, the establishment of the Neifu Division to take over the Hebo Office and the Guanshi City, and the monopoly of the tax and fish income in Jiangdong County will undoubtedly increase the power of the Ning Wangfu and the military and financial power directly controlled by the Ningfufu.

Lin Fu didn't expect that when Emperor Chongguan in Yanjing Palace took the risk and transferred Chen Zhihunan to Henan's system, he actually had the worst plan. Ning Wangfu directly grasped military and financial power. Compared with the official prince, Ning Wangfu, The status is not much different.

In order to clean up the mountains and rivers again, centralized autocracy is the way to go, so that more resources can be concentrated.

It's just that Zhang Xitong mentioned that Hebo and Guan City were under the jurisdiction of the Neifusi. Everyone in the audience turned their eyes to this side, and the emotions in their eyes were complicated. Lin Fu immediately wanted to understand: Ning Wangfu may not have the ability to get from Jiangning households. The Ministry and the prefectures and counties seized the control of the river and the relationship, and the right to collect taxes. They first attacked the idea of ​​the Chongzhou Lijin Bureau.

Lin Fu sneered in his heart: Do you still think Huaidong is a soft egg so he can be bullied?

Lin Bing's eyes fell on the sandalwood table in front of him, pretending to listen to Zhang Xitong's words carefully, and didn't give him any response.

"When the envoy Lin Zhizhi came over, we were talking about the issue of Hebosuo and Guanshi." King Ning took Zhang Xitong's words at this time and asked Lin Fulai in person, "What is the opinion of the envoy Lin Zhizhi?"

Lin Fu pretended to think about it, and after a while, he looked up at King Ning and said, "Young officer is young, how can you have any insight? Whatever your Highness and the adults say is good..."

Zhang Xitong was puzzled at the same time, and thought to himself: Is Lin Fu pretending to be confused, or is he really confused?

Ning Wang Yuanjianwu was speechless for a while. He still remembers the indifferent appearance of Lin Fu leading the army to welcome him to Jiangning after Tang Haoxin's death. Of course, he knows that Lin Fu is not a dough that is kneaded/kneaded by others.

Zhang Xitong bit the bullet and said: "The opinion of the adults is that Chongzhou can add a few more river stations..."

"Okay, I'll set up two river banks when I go back," Lin Fu replied decisively, seeing Zhang Xi and others looking over in surprise, and asked in surprise, "Why, what's wrong?"

"The decree said that the Jiangdong County Hebo Office and Guan City are all under the jurisdiction of the Ning Wangfu Neifu Division; the newly established Hebo Office will naturally be newly established by the Neifu Division..." Zhang Xitong said.

"Is the head of the Household Division Master Liu?" Lin Fu asked.

"It's just not talented..." Liu Zhi said bravely.

"Then ask Master Liu to send someone to Chongzhou to set up a new river station," Lin Fu said. "Next, what else do you want to discuss?"

Zhang Xitong and Liu Zhi looked at each other, they all thought that Lin Fu would try to block it, but they didn't expect that Lin Fu would agree so neatly.

King Ning looked at Yue Lengqiu, and Yue Lengqiu shook his head slightly at him, indicating that things were not so simple, but Lin Fu agreed with all his mouth, and the matter was settled so tentatively.

Next is the levy.

From Ning Wang Yuanjian Wu below, Yue Lengqiu, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Xueshan, Yu Xinyuan, Deng Yu, including Gu Wuchen and Lin Tingli, all agreed to levy an acre, with an additional 1/8% per acre. With the addition of Jiangdong County and the newly incorporated land under the jurisdiction of the Zhebei system, the number of naturalized fields is 100 million mu. One cent and eight cents per mu will be levied, and the salaries and donations can be collected without leakage, and there will be 1,800,000 taels.

Prince Ning's mansion has set up a department of internal government, and it has to compete with local governments for the control of rivers and cities, collect taxes, and levy additional salaries and donations, which has nothing to do with Prince Ning's mansion.

Yue Lengqiu, Cheng Yuqian, Gu Wuchen, and Deng Yu were all winners, and naturally they would not object.

Even if Dongyang Mansion can't take advantage of it, it will not suffer. Seriously speaking, if the levy is divided into mu, there will be more fire and silver in the local area, but it will take more advantage.

"If the salaries and donations of 16.7 million taels of silver are collected according to the number of acres, can the farmers afford it?" Lin Fu asked everyone according to the table.

"Jiangdong is mostly fertile land with fish and rice, but since Emperor Gaozong, Jiangdong Tianfu has not increased by one cent or one cent. This time, it is a state affair, and an additional one cent and eight cents is temporarily imposed. If you count the rice, it will only be three bowls. That's it, why can't you bear it?" King Ning leaned over and explained to Lin Fu patiently, "There is no way to do this extra levy. If you don't do it, you won't have the money to support the army, and you won't have the money to support the army. How to get rid of the rogues, how to quell the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels? Everywhere is shouting that there is a shortage of silver, when you are in the future, Master Gu also said that there is still a gap of 200,000 to 300,000 taels of silver to support the army in Huaidong!"

Lin Fu sighed in his heart: Since the time of Emperor Gaozong, Jiangdong Tianfu has indeed not increased by one cent or one cent, but that is a matter between the imperial court and Jiangdong, and the farmers at the bottom have not benefited.

Although there has been no increase in positive taxation, local exorbitant taxes and levies have emerged one after another, and Lin Fu was exempted from as many as 27 items at one time in Chongzhou. the edge of.

The reason here, the pampered King Ning may not understand, but it is impossible for other people here to understand.

"The eleven counties of the two prefectures in Huaidong, if I am allowed to govern, I will only take half of the money and money to support the army of Huaidong, and half of the money can be paid to the county commander, and another elite..." Lin Fu said.

King Ning frowned slightly, his face unhappy, and said: "How to manage the government, the county department can handle it, this king is also a layman, but the things you did in Huaidong are all piled up on the desk in my room. If the levy is imposed, your things are more dangerous, you must know how to restrain! If you have any ideas, you can communicate with Wang Xuanfu and Wang Fuyin!"

Gu Wuchen glanced at him and asked him to apologize to King Ning; Lin Fu was full of disdain for King Ning in his heart, so he held back and asked for the guilt: "It's been a storm, but I'm still thinking about the court, and I don't want the people's hearts to turn away again!" If there is no determination and means to touch the interests of the local forces and the upper-middle class, you will never want to create a new situation in Jiangdong, and add levies to the fields, just to make the holes of these broken ships even bigger!

"Lin Zhizhi's envoy is also dedicated to the people, and it's a good thing to have some violent waves..." King Ning was not much older than Lin Fu, but his old-fashioned tone restrained his collision.

Next, the apportionment of salaries and donations, the so-called division of spoils, is basically carried out in accordance with the principle of "local levy, local use, and allowances to make up for deficiencies"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fu's heart is even colder when he hears it. The so-called "enough to make up for the shortage" was only taken from Danyang, Huai'an, Hailing, Weiyang, Luzhou and other prefectures and counties to make up for the shortage of food and salaries for the Jiangning garrison.

Once the capital is moved, the Jiangning garrison will be the forbidden army in the new capital, and the priority is naturally the first. This time, more than one-third of the salaries and donations will flow to the Jiangning garrison. The Jiangning garrison's horse infantry will be expanded to 40,000 at one time, and the water camp will also be expanded to 12,000.

The North Zhejiang system set up the envoy, which is almost self-financing. The four prefectures of Ping, Jia, Hang, and Hu are the quintessence of the southeastern counties. The total number of land registrations exceeds 30 million mu, and 540,000 taels of silver can be obtained with one additional levy. However, the establishment of the envoys in northern Zhejiang is the main direction of resisting the rebels in Zhejiang and Fujian. It is planned to compile an elite combat force of 60,000. This time, the amount of money is barely enough.

Yue Lengqiu did not embezzle much for the Changhuai Army this time, and the Changhuai Army would be maintained at around 30,000 people. The Anhui South Army Division had to resist the pressure from the She family in western Zhejiang, and the number of troops and horses to be increased to 30,000 people.

Dongyang Prefecture levied half of it into the prefecture, and half of it for personal use. The same is true in Huaidong. An additional 260,000 taels of salaries were levied, half of which was paid to the county commander and half to the Huaidong military commander to make up for the shortage of military funds.

The biggest problem is precisely Xuzhou.

This time, the additional levy of one state and seven counties in Xuzhou was 160,000 taels of silver, all of which were allocated to the Xuzhou Military Division. Xuzhou, where the war has subsided for less than a year, needs external assistance before it is too late. Where can such blood be drawn? But for Chen Hansan, as long as there is a legitimate name for the additional levy, how can he be soft-hearted?

Lin Fu also didn't know Zhang Yubo was caught in the middle, what to do, and it was impossible for him to transfer 160,000 taels of silver from the Huaidong Army Division to Chen Han Sanyong! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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