Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 64: say knife

Huaidong Riding Camp has a camp located between Jialiu Avenue and the east bank of Jinchuan River.

When the carriage passed by, Yuan Guizheng was sitting in the carriage, and across the wooden fence, he could see the Huaidong soldiers practicing in the camp from a distance. Huaidong wanted to show off his military might. Outside the wooden fence of the camp, there were many villagers watching the fun, but no one came out to drive them away.

Without Yuan Guizheng's orders, the driver sitting in the front of the car slowed down so that the owner could look more closely.

The cavalry in this camp is all equipped with swords, and the training items are very simple, that is, riding horses and running fast, practicing fast approach from various angles, and chopping wood stakes. Yuan Guizheng and the others were outside the fence, and they could clearly see that the armoured soldiers on the horses had their center of gravity a little later. cut off.

With such a sharp slashing action, Yuan Guizheng felt that his neck was cold when he saw it.

"This is building momentum for Qianzhuang!" Yuan Jinsheng said, "Only in terms of combat power, there are only a handful of people who can match the brave soldiers of Huaidong..."

Yuan Guizheng ignored Yuan Jinsheng's words, but glanced at Fan Ding, who was with him. Yuan Jinsheng also kept his voice silent. He was still somewhat self-aware. He had read several military books. How could his knowledge be compared with that of a veteran who has been in the battlefield for ten years?

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the vassal, known as the God of Wealth in Jiangning, was awarded the title of Zhaowu School Captain when he was young in the frontier.

Fan Ding narrowed his eyes slightly, as if recalling his **** career in the past, watching the Huaidong cavalry in training behind the fence, and said, "Just look at the training level of the three or four hundred cavalry in this camp, the level of the soldiers is not as good as that of the frontier army back then. The front cavalry is poor; if they are fighting on the battlefield, the Huaidong cavalry may be slightly better."

"It's not easy for the Huaidong Army to make up two or three thousand cavalry soldiers. The soldiers should be picked out of thousands. These people are Lin Bing's guardian cavalry, and naturally they are the elite of the elite," Yuan Jinsheng asked in confusion. Said, "But when it comes to fighting on the battlefield, the level of training can only explain part of the problem. How can the old man be sure that the Huaidong cavalry is slightly better?"

"The Huaidong cavalry is strong!" Fan Ding said.

"How do you say it?" Yuan Guizheng didn't know much about military affairs. He saw that the cavalry behind the fence was made of swords and armor, and there was nothing surprising.

"The knife is good," Fan Ding said with emotion, "a long knife is easy to break, and a long knife is difficult to refine. If a saber weighs more than five kilograms, it is too heavy; a saber weighing three or four kilograms needs to be thick and tough to make it tougher. Two feet is slightly longer. Since good swords are hard to find, the cavalry in this world, in addition to bows and crossbows, mostly use spears and halberds in close combat, while short soldiers use swords, and swords are mostly used. You must see the swords of Huaidong cavalry. If you want to have three feet, and then look at their wielding, you can see that the blade is narrow and thick, it should not exceed four pounds. Such a knife can repeatedly cut willow stakes the size of a bowl, and can naturally cut off the enemy's head repeatedly on the battlefield... "

"..." Yuan Jinsheng was puzzled, Fan Ding repeatedly said what was the purpose of the knife? Which of the elite combat power of each family is not well-armed.

"Little Marquis went to see Liang's camp," Fan Ding said, "are the cavalrymen in Liang's camp willing to practice like this?"

"No matter how good a sword is, it is easy to break if you use a little inappropriate force. This kind of drill is too expensive. The Liang family's cavalry drills are mainly cavalry and archery, but the Liang family's cavalry is mostly close combat with spears. Having fought on the battlefield, it is impossible to say who is stronger and who is weaker, Huaidong wins over the Donghu people in Yannan, and most of them use tricks." Yuan Jinsheng was not at all ignorant of military affairs, and Fan Ding reminded him of this, and he naturally understood.

"Such a good knife, Jiangning's workshop uses the best iron, uses the forging method, and also uses an old craftsman to make it with confidence. An old craftsman can make three or four knives a year, and there is no guarantee. Every knife is excellent," Fan Ding said, "If Huaidong can choose one in a hundred cavalrymen, can he choose one in a hundred for the selected battle sword?"

This time, there were more than 2,000 Huaidong cavalry soldiers who came to Jiangning with Lin Fu, and seven or eight out of ten were equipped with war knives. If you say pick one in a hundred, wouldn't it be possible to choose such a good knife out of hundreds of thousands of war knives.

If this is not the case, it can only show that Chongzhou's knife-making skills have surpassed that of the contemporary workshops.

Only in the case of low-cost mass production of knives, Huaizhou is willing to use pile cutting as the most routine exercise of cavalry.

"Is Fan Lao still talking about Prison Island?" Yuan Guizheng asked.

"Chen Xiyan said that Lin Fu was a pig herd, and he was dismissive of what he did on Prison Island," Fan Ding said, "However, the more time passes, the more he feels that Lin Fu is not a simple person. I want to come to Chen Xiyan at this time. Do you think what you said back then was too violent? Lord Hou, think about it, Lin Bie was learning craftsmanship in Hekou, how many master craftsmen and old craftsmen in Jiangning were bewitched to go to Chongzhou? I dare to say that two or three years ago, Jiangning No one among the master craftsmen has been able to forge such high-quality knives in such a batch, and the knife-making technique should be a breakthrough after the master craftsmen gathered in Chongzhou..."

"Huaidong has risen very fast, and he has also won several battles. In the end, there are no heroes at all, and Shuzi became famous." ? Said, "After all, Huaidong's foundation is a little shallower. Could it be that Huaidong's army can still be compared with a hundred battles?"

"The old slave knows a little bit more about cavalry warfare," Fan Ding, the old fox, did not directly refute Yuan Jinsheng, but continued on cavalry warfare, "Except for those peerless warriors, ordinary sharp soldiers kill the enemy on horseback, and their movements are always The simpler and more effective, the better. For armored light cavalry that focuses on flanking strikes, the three-foot knife is better than the lance, which has some advantages on the battlefield."

Yuan Guizheng frowned and thought, he could understand the meaning of Fan Ding's words. Although the foundation of Huaidong is shallow, there are many places in Huaidong that are far behind others, which largely makes up for the disadvantage of Huaidong's shallow foundation.

"Huaidong wants to attack Daishan and Changguo, and the She family may not be able to get news from other places," Yuan Guizheng said.

"Yes!" Fan Ding responded.

Yuan Jinsheng didn't object to anything. They wanted to make good friends with Huaidong, but they also had to guard against the rapid rise of Huaidong, which could not be contained in the future. It is always good to do more secretly. Instead of letting Huaidong easily win Daishan and Changguo, it is better to let Huaidong fight a few more tough battles with the luxury family there!

The convoy quickly galloped past the camp, passed through the weaving willow and beetle wall, and entered the town port.

The carriage drove directly to Hekou Thatched Cottage, and Fan Ding personally went down to vote for Yuan Guizheng. Soon Lin Mengde greeted him from the inside, bowed a long bow, and said, "My lord has guests, so I can't come out to greet the Marquis in person, so let me come over and confess my sins! Please go in and wait for a while."

Yuan Guizheng didn't know who Lin Fuzai was meeting with, and he couldn't hold his identity. He got out of the car with Yuan Jin and followed Lin Mengdeli to the thatched cottage. After waiting in the side hall for a while, he saw a man in a green robe. Lin Bie came in.

"Your Majesty really screwed me up. If you have something to do, just give me an order. How can you condescend to come here?" Lin Fuchang bowed, but the etiquette was enough to make up for the neglect that he was unable to greet.

Knowing that Yuan Guizheng was here to talk about the bank, Lin Fu said to Lin Mengde, "Send someone to invite Guangnan over..." and explained to Yuan Guizheng and others, "Zhou Guangnan is the head of the Zhou family in Jinhai, he The two brothers, this time, put 360,000 taels of silver into the bank as the principal, and temporarily pushed them to be the general manager of the bank. Lord Hou will also be one of the wealthy owners of the bank in the future. Guangnan should come to visit Lord Hou. If there is any doubt about the details, Guangnan explained it better than me!"

Yuan Guizheng really wanted to know who Lin Fu was meeting with, but Lin Fu didn't mention it, and he couldn't ask Meng Lang. When Zhou Guangnan came in, he patiently asked about the bank, and then asked them to go outside to hand over the money. Yuan Gui Zheng and Lin Bie were talking nonsense in the side hall.

Although he is one of the wealthy, Yuan Guizheng has no delusional idea of ​​being able to intervene in the operation of the bank. He took out the money, more to ease the relationship with Huaidong for later use, and even took into account the possibility that Huaidong might smuggle the money.

The handover of money is always convenient. Yongchang Houfu and Fanlou have invested a total of 120,000 taels of silver as shares, which is the fourth largest financial owner of Qianzhuang after the Zhou family, the Lin family, and the Duke of Shu.

Zhou Guangnan and Lin Mengde quickly took the silver deed and returned to the side hall with Fan Ding and Yuan Jinsheng. Lin Fu personally signed the silver deed and used the small seal that he carried with him, and this was done.

Qianzhuang is run by officials under the supervision of merchants, or it is operated in the form of a business name. As the most basic principle, Zhou Guangnan naturally wanted to tell Yuan Guizheng, one of the financial owners, about the amount of money raised by the bank and the details of the financial owners who participated in the shares. In the future, the general ledger will be calculated every six months and will be notified to Zhu Caidong in a timely manner. Caidong also has the right to check the account books at the head office; the replacement of the head shopkeeper will also be decided by Zhu Caidong in the future. This is the most basic rule.

The Duke of Shu invested 180,000 taels of silver into the bank. Zhou Guangnan did not say it clearly, but in the name of Caidong, Su Mei’s name was 90,000 taels of silver, and Zeng Cheng’en’s name was 90,000 taels of silver. It cannot be concealed.

If you don't do this, Huaidong Bank is the bank of Lin Fu alone, how can other families dare to invest thousands of dollars in it?

Zeng Chengen is not known to other people. How could Yuan Guizheng, who fought with Zeng Mingxin in Jiangning City for half his life, not know? Su Mei's net worth is very high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But how much Su Mei has accumulated over the years, as the master behind the fan building, how could Yuan Guizheng not be clear?

Yuan Guizheng put down the roster of Caidong and said to Fan Ding: "Please go to the old man to invite Su Mei girl over, and then bring Su Mei girl's body deed, the grandfather of the country is so bold, we can't even have a good relationship. Willing to send!"

Yuan Jinsheng was secretly shocked. They always thought that Lin Fu would not dare to spread the Sumen case on him. Who would have thought that Lin Fu would dare to let Su Mei become the wealthy owner of Huaidong Bank?

Lin Fu cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you for the beauty of the adult, Lin Fu, on behalf of the Su Mei girl, thank you for the Lord!"

Two years ago, Lin Fu didn't dare to bring the Sumen case to him. At that time, the power he had in his hands was too weak, and he was not very restrictive on the court. He was afraid that Yuan Guizheng would use this to threaten Huaidong without struggling. 's room.

Today is not what it used to be. First, the foundation of Huaidong is getting deeper and deeper. The elite combat force is nearly 30,000, and the reserve soldiers are more than 70,000. The Jinhai food route controls the lifeline of Gyeonggi;

Although the imperial court intends to increase the power of King Ning in the southeast, the number of troops and horses will increase to more than 200,000, but among these more than 200,000 troops, how many can the court or King Ning really be able to command?

Fan Ding also said nothing. He personally rode the carriage, asked the driver to hurry, and went back to the city to get Su Mei's body contract; he also sent someone to inform Su Mei.

Fan Ding was sitting in the carriage, still thinking about the roster of Qianzhuang's treasurers. It sounds very strange. In Huaidong Bank, there are singers with humble status, merchants, and princes and officials. They have different identities, but for Huaidong Bank, they are all Caidong status, and there is no difference between noble and lowly. . I don't know if letting the Qingliu in Jiangning City know, it will cause another scolding. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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