Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 68: No rain in the world

"Wait until the autumn grains are on the market, and there are surplus silver in the warehouse, so let's store more rice grains..." Lin Fu looked at Chaotian Dang to the north, where the sky and the earth meet, there are some flashing lights, like people on the shore, like It is a fishing boat on the river.

Sun Wenbing is Huaidong's liaison in Jiangning. Any action of Jiyun Club is deployed by the Huaidong Military Division. Lin Fu said this to Lin Xulu.

The Lin clan is divided into three branches, and in fact it is still headed by Huaidong. Although Lin Xuwen, Lin Tingli and Lin Xulu were all relatively independent and not attached to Huaidong, when they acted in unison, Huaidong's opinions were the mainstay. In the past few years, it was Lin Fu who led the Lin family to break through the predicament. The Lin family was able to achieve today's status, most of which were supported by Huaidong.

No matter how outsiders see it, the insiders of the Lin family have a clear understanding of this.

"Is the autumn food going to rise?" Lin Xulu asked.

"Well," Lin Bie nodded and said, "It's probably not a problem of 10% or 20%. The world will not get better. Reserve rice grain is better than gold and silver. To control the export of rice and grains, I will make some preparations when I return to Huaidong this time. In addition, on this prison island, I hope that the third brother can overcome the difficulties as much as possible and build a stone embankment along the water line during the flood season to protect the island!"

"Ah," Lin Xulu was slightly surprised and asked, "The sky is going to change?"

"Who knows, be prepared!" Lin Fu said.

Lin Xulu nodded and said, "I'll do this right away..."

Prison Island guards the mouth of the Jinchuan River and is a strategic point outside the Donghua Gate of Jiangning City.

Prison Island is surrounded by water, and a solid stone embankment is built around the island. It can be said that it is for flood control and flood control. In fact, it can form a complete defense system with the camps and warehouses on the island, which can effectively prevent enemy ships from landing on the beach and grabbing the island. .

Lin Fu wanted Lin Xulu to prepare in advance for the changes that might happen soon.

In the future, what happens in Jiangning City, whether it is Dongyang Army going east or Huaidong Army moving westward, if there is Prison Island, they can quickly gain a firm foothold outside Jiangning City and affect or even control the situation in Jiangning.

"Liu Xilin will go north to Xuzhou with Zhang Yubo to serve, and the defense of Dongcheng will mainly be undertaken by the guard camp of King Ning's mansion," Lin Fu said. The situation can be checked and balanced. On Wen Bing’s side, I can only leave 200 soldiers. The action can’t be too big, otherwise the impact will not be good. If the Lin family is richer, it’s better to increase the military guard to 600. , and also make sure to retreat to the prison island and hold it for three days!"

"Will the situation be so bad?" Lin Xulu asked in surprise.

"I don't want chaos either," Lin Fu said. "Second uncle still has confidence in King Ning. I don't know what to say to my second uncle in advance, because I am afraid that the second uncle will be unhappy when he hears it. If you are close, if you say the wrong thing, everyone can embrace it. Let me ask you, if the world is going to be in chaos, what choice can we make?"

Lin Xulu's eyes shone in the darkness, and he lowered his voice and said, "My father has been tossing for half his life, and he is very satisfied to be able to earn this power. It is inevitable that he will slack off against the viciousness of the situation..."

Lin Fu smiled, no matter whether Lin Xulu was ambitious or had a clear understanding, as long as he could listen to his advice and prepare in advance, it would be better than anything else.

"Uncle Mengde accompany me for a walk," Lin Fu said. "As expected, Huaidong's use of troops against Zhejiang and Fujian on the east front will come to a conclusion, and I will also leave Jiangning..."

Lin Xulu, Sun Wenbing and others said their goodbyes and left first.

Lin Mengde listened to the sound of the waves slamming on the beach, and said with a light sigh, "Lin Tingli has been tossing around in the Huanhai Sea for half his life. It's human nature to want to be happy. Fortunately, Xu Lu is more awake. What's the matter, their father and son will be sober. It's better to have business and volume than we can persuade."

"It's naturally good to be able to contain the offensive of the She family," Lin Fu said, "but we have to think more. The north will only get worse, I just hope it's not too bad! The south can't be optimistic at all! Or Jiangxi leaked to the luxury family, and tens of thousands of elites from the luxury family rushed to Jiangning from the southwest. How to deal with it? Or Dong Yuan won a big victory over the luxury family in the two Zhejiang provinces, and his ambition was difficult to contain. If he wanted to win Jiangning, how should he deal with it? The situation in the two lakes cannot be controlled, and the rogue army is going down the river, how should we deal with it?"

"...To ensure that production in Huaidong can proceed in an orderly manner and not be disturbed, the Huaidong Army must do everything possible to block the hostile forces that want to harm Huaidong on the outside," Lin Fu said, "Huaidong The terrain is actually very simple, with Hailing and Huaian prefectures and eleven counties as the hinterland, the Huai River as the boundary, and the Huaisi area to the north of the Huai River as the outer line. The south is separated by an average of dozens of miles of broad Yangtze River, and the Shengsi Islands are the outer line. The terrain of Weiyang Mansion is naturally connected with Hailing and Huai'an Mansion. It was originally a part of Huaidong, but it is not yet under the jurisdiction of Huaidong Military Division. To the west, Hongzepu, Shilianghe and Chaotiandang are the main areas. Outside lines. Dongyang Mansion actually plays the role of shielding the outside lines in the east of Huaidong and encircling Weiyang Mansion with Huaidong..."

"Yeah," Lin Mengde sighed slightly and said, "No matter how capable Shen Rong is, in the embrace of Huaidong and Dongyang, it's really hard to do anything..."

"The Weiyang Mansion is on the inside and is relatively safe. When Shen Rong thinks of rectifying the local military equipment, the local response will also be negative. Besides, King Ning and Yue Lengqiu have to consider extracting resources from the Weiyang Mansion, so it is impossible to support them. Shen Rong is developing local military equipment in Weiyang Mansion," Lin Fu said. "What I am worried about now is that after Pingjiang Mansion is assigned to the Military Division in Northern Zhejiang, Dong Yuan will infiltrate Weiyang Mansion. So the Wu Party must work hard and struggle against Dong Yuan, Yue Lengqiu's control of Pingjiang Mansion, even if it is not beneficial, we have to help, and keep Dong Yuan's hand from Weiyang Mansion. At this time, when you come to Prison Island, you will see that in addition to controlling the prison island The estuary of Jinchuan River is not only of strategic significance to Jiangning City, but it is also a connection point between Huaidong and Dongyang in Chaotian Dangli. If you go further west to find the winner, it will be the line of Tongbai Mountain, Dabie Mountain, and Wanshan Mountain…”

At this time, a fast oar boat came from the other side, the bow of the ship was lit with lights, and when it approached the pier, the bow of the ship announced loudly: "Shanyang Yixin..."

There is no such thing as carrier pigeons to transmit messages these days, let alone wire and wireless telegraphy. In addition to beacon fires and lantern flags, post-riding is the fastest and most effective way to transmit messages.

After Lin Fu served as the envoy of the Huaidong system, he asked Wu Qi, the crow, to integrate Huaidong's old post and cavalry and express delivery systems, and to expand the Huaidong intelligence network to the outside. In further areas, information and intelligence are mainly collected through trade names, fleets, and the current Tangchao and Yichuan systems, while the spies lurking in the hinterland of Zhejiang, Fujian and Liaodong are mainly to spy on the comprehensive intelligence of these areas, and they can transmit information once every six months. Come back, even if it is efficient.

Lin Fu didn't know what was going on in Shanyang at this time, so he wanted to chase the secret letter to Prison Island overnight for presentation.

"Could it be that Sun Zhuang or Chen Hansan have changed?" Lin Mengde asked nervously.

"No, the timing is not right!" Lin Bie shook his head and said, "Chen Hansan is a person who doesn't see the benefit and doesn't want to be a hawk. Sun Zhuang is a rough person and can't be so impatient!"

The guard presented the secret letter handed over by Shan Yang. Lin Fu opened it and looked at it. He sighed bitterly: "Chen Zhihu, Chen Zhihu, without Li Zhuo putting a cover on him, he is just a vicious tiger!"

Lin Mengde took the secret letter from Lin Bing, read it, took a breath, and said, "He is so ruthless, 20,000 refugees killed him like this!"


The news of Lin Bie was half a day earlier, and the news of Chen Zhihu's victory in Yanling did not reach Jiangning until the next morning.

Not long after Chen Zhihu led his troops to Xuchang, the remnants of the Tianbao Army marched north to Yanling. Chen Zhihu led his troops to attack the rogues from the east of Xuchang, and wiped out more than 20,000 rogues in the northwest of Yanling City.

Although Chen Zhihu annihilated more than 20,000 enemies, and it would take some days to cut off all the heads, there was not a single prisoner left in this battle, which made many people in Jiangning feel a chill in their hearts. More people are rejoicing and feel that if Chen Zhihu kills like this, there is hope for the rejuvenation of the Dayue Dynasty.

The information returned by the Huaidong Sentinel was more accurate.

The more than 20,000 people who were disabled in Yanling were the remnants of the Tianbao Army. Their motives for going north to Yanling at this time cannot be ascertained for the time being. UU reading www. uukanshu. This group of remnants of com entered Yanling north and lured Chen Zhihu into the Shaji River Bay outside Yanling City, and there was no way out.

Chen Zhihu had the opportunity to force him to surrender, but his murderousness did not change, so he chose to slaughter him cleanly.

Of the 20,000-odd people, perhaps only half of the rogue army, the rest were family members of the rogue army who accompany the army and thieves; they were all killed as rogue bandits. Headless corpses were thrown into the Shaji River, and the openings of the Shaji River into the Bianshui were filled up. The river overflowed, and even caused a large-scale flood in the local area.

If all the people are killed, the order can be restored. Lin Fuan would rather not have this kind of order. However, even in the eyes of Gu Wuchen, Lin Tingli and the others, it would be better to kill this kind of chaotic people, not to mention King Ning, Yue Lengqiu and others who were ecstatic when they heard about the legend.

Gao Zongting hurriedly met with Lin Fu again, and then went north with Gao Yi to see Chen Zhihu. Gao Zongting was also silent about Chen Zhihu's massacre in Yanling. A character like Chen Zhihu is no longer within his control.

The officers and soldiers of Jinghu were defeated in Suizhou, and Chen Zhihu won the victory in Yanling, which made the people in Jiangning more impatient, even manic, and they were more eager to win the victory over the luxury family on the southern line.

Under such circumstances, Lin Fu sent troops from Huaidong to contain the eastern Zhejiang-Fujian line, which naturally became the most urgent thing for everyone in Jiangning to do. During the military meeting that afternoon, everyone reached an agreement in Prince Ning's mansion: Haiyu Township Camp temporarily returned to Huaidong Military Division to control, and cooperated with Huaidong to attack Daishan and Changguo from the east.

Lin Fu's purpose of coming to Jiangning this time has basically been achieved, but the most important thing for him is not to return to Chongzhou to prepare for the autumn offensive against Daishan and Changguo. First of all, he had to make sure that after the news of Chen Zhihu massacred the displaced army reached Suining and Suyu, nothing happened to Sun Zhuang's department. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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