Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Yongjia

Liu Wenzhong is a native of Ouhai, and he has been advocating for five years. Although he is only one class earlier than Lin Fu, he is two rounds older.

When the She family controlled the East China Sea pirates and plundered Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the Liu family suffered a lot, and their children suffered countless casualties, forming a **** feud. From the period of the East China Sea pirates, Liu Wenzhong led the villagers and clans to actively resist, and his reputation in Yongjia Prefecture was very high, so he and Ye Su led the anti-luxury forces in southern Zhejiang. While Ye Su was serving as the prefect of Yongjia Prefecture and supervising military preparations, Liu Wenzhong served as the general judge and inspector of Yongjia Prefecture.

On the one hand, the court clearly stipulated that all the anti-luxury forces in southern Zhejiang would be controlled by the envoys of the northern Zhejiang; The name does not live up to the truth; on the one hand, Ye Su, Liu Wenzhong and the generals under their command are eager to recover the whole territory of southern Zhejiang - out of these considerations, Ye Su and Liu Wenzhong did not accept the suggestion of the Huaidong Military Division and withdraw from Yueqing , Yongjia.

However, this does not mean that Ye Su, Liu Wenzhong and others are not aware of the severe situation they are currently in.

The two cities of Yueqing and Yongjia were surrounded by the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels. The soldiers were weak and the city was disabled. The villagers were also inspired by the rebels, and their resistance was not strong. Only the Huaidong Navy could tear apart the blockade of the Shejia family and cast warships into the coastal areas of southern Zhejiang and eastern Fujian. The Yongjia Anti-Luxury Army could only obtain support from Huaidong in terms of men, horses and materials.

Liu Wenzhong was forty-eight years old at the time, with a small stature, wearing the crimson official robe bestowed by the royal family, which was somewhat ill-fitting. His eyes were piercing, and he looked sharp and energetic. After following Zhang Gou, he walked into the small courtyard in front of the official hall. In order to show respect, Lin Fu specially led Fu Qinghe, Zhou Tong, and Zhao Qingshan generals to the eaves of the official hall to wait.

"Someone in Huaidong heard more about Master Liu's righteous deeds leading the crowd to resist the rebellion. I have admired it for a long time. I only saw it today. Fortunately..." Lin Bie greeted him with hands.

Lin Fu was the only person in Huaidong who was qualified to wear purple official robes. Liu Wenzhong walked into the small courtyard and secretly took care of Lin Fu’s people. However, he was good at governing the army, leading the troops to resist the enemy, and he was not imperiled in a hundred battles. He was the backbone of the Dongyang Party, and he was inseparable with Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu in the imperial court. Self-respect for the troops is the culprit who keeps the situation in Jianghuai from getting better for a long time; his tyrannical governance in Huaidong, for the convenience of search, he often prospers injustices, making the people under his rule dare not speak out-these are only spread to the public. Liu Wenzhong doesn't know what the truth is about the rumors in southern Zhejiang, but at the moment he just bows to Lin Bie according to the number of ceremonies: "In front of the adults, the humble name of a lower official is like the brilliance of a firefly, it is really not enough to mention... …”

"..." Lin Bie laughed and said, "A certain person only wants to be worthy of his conscience, what kind of name is not known," looked at the black-faced young man behind Liu Wenzhong and asked, "This is Zuo Guangying Zuo General?"

"Guangying sees your lord!" Zuo Guangying stepped forward to pay homage.

"General Zuo doesn't need more courtesy..." Lin Fu stepped forward and mixed Zuo Guangying, and then invited Liu Wenzhong, Zuo Guangying and others to enter the official hall to discuss matters.

Zuo Guangying was born as a poor fisherman. He became one of the leaders of Yongjia Township Army during the period of resisting the East China Sea. One of the captains.

Even though Ye Su, Liu Wenzhong and other Yongjia people had the intention to defend Yueqing and Yongjia, they also knew the importance of keeping the sea route unobstructed in the sea and Huaidong. It was an inevitable move to send troops to the Jishan Islands, which were easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The people of Yongjia lacked a correct understanding of Huaidong's maritime combat power. For a long time, they only saw the She family manipulating the East China Sea bandits to run rampant in the East China Sea. Combat power - this concept will obviously not change for a southward attack by the Huaidong Navy.

From this point of view, people in Yongjia will undoubtedly think that guarding the island is much more difficult and dangerous than guarding the two cities of Yueqing and Yongjia. Even if there is a need to keep the sea route with Huaidong unobstructed, no one is willing to undertake this hard work. Zuo Guangying resolutely led his troops to the Jishan Islands!

Compared with Zuo Guangying's background, all the other generals of the Yongjia Army were from clans. Zuo Guangying resolutely went to defend Jishan Island, and the reasons behind it were quite complicated. From Huaidong's point of view, he was happy to see this complexity, which meant that Zuo Guangying was more likely to accept Huaidong's influence.

After discussing in the official hall for a long time, Lin Fu also learned more details about the Yongjia Anti-Luxury Army from Liu Wenzhong and Zuo Guangying.

Although Ye Su and Liu Wenzhong led their troops down from Yandang Mountain and occupied Yongjia and Yueqing cities, and their troops expanded from more than 2,000 to more than 4,000, the situation was already difficult.

She Feihu has already resisted Ouhai City on the south bank of the Yongjia River. The She family has transferred troops from western Zhejiang. She Feihu can call more than 5,000 elite combat forces in Ouhai. In addition to recruiting local surrender forces, the troops are approaching. Ten thousand people form an absolute advantage on the south bank of the Yongjia River. She Feihu will lead troops to cross the river to attack Yongjia and Yueqing after completely blocking the Yongjia River estuary and cutting off the passage of the Huaidong Navy into the Yongjia River. In the north of Yongjia and Yueqing, Linhai and Kuaiji are connected by land, and the number of troops stationed by the luxury family in Linhai counties has also increased to more than 4,000, and the suppression of Kuocang Mountain has been increased.

Compared with the elite fighting force of the luxury family in southern Zhejiang, the Yongjia army with more than 4,000 troops lacks soldiers and armors, and there is also a serious shortage of money and wages.

The Yongjia army was under the control of the envoy Si Yao from the northern Zhejiang system. No matter how difficult the situation in Yongjia was, it would not be the turn of Huaidong Yuezu to replace him. After listening to Liu Wenzhong for a long time, Lin Fu finally nodded and said, "I will immediately send someone to **** Mr. Liu to Hangzhou to see Dong. Your Excellency, the Northern Zhejiang System and Envoy allocated Yongjia's materials and money, and Huaidong sent a ship to Yueqing on behalf of Mr. Liu! If there is any loss at sea, Huaidong will also bear it..."

Lin Fu made such a statement, what else could Liu Wenzhong say?

Even if the Dengzhou navy helps transport rice grains in the waters east of Hejianfu, as usual, they will charge an additional 30% to 50% for "floating".

The Zhedong Navy of the luxury family also controls the outer seas of Mingzhou Prefecture, Daishan, and Changguo Islands. It is extremely risky to transport materials by sea to Yueqing. Huaidong helped transport the supplies without taking a penny, and was willing to bear all the average losses, which also prevented him from making higher demands on Huaidong.

How much material support he can get this trip depends on how generous Dong Yuan is, and he may even need to make a trip to Jiangning.

Liu Wenzhong stood up and bowed his thanks: "Thank you for your kindness and righteousness, Yongjia's millions of Li Shu are all thanks to your Lord's comprehensiveness..."

Lin Fie knew that Jiang Ning would not be too stingy. Although the entire southern line was barely able to stabilize the defense line, he also led Luo Xiancheng to lead the Changle army southward, causing a rush to recover Yongjia and Yueqing from the hinterland of southern Zhejiang. The strategic significance was second, but it was very important. Can boost morale.

Besides, if Jiangning wanted to suppress Huaidong's credit, he had to highlight the credit of the Yongjia people, how could he be too stingy? It's just that Jiangning is in financial difficulties, and it will be difficult to pay Yongjia a full amount of wages and armor at one time.

"It is your duty and mine to serve the imperial court," Lin Fu said with a smile. "To ensure that the sea route from Huaidong to Yueqing is unobstructed, the Jishan Islands should be fully defended. Huaidong still has some experience in defending the island. , guarding the Jishan Islands can interfere with the sea transportation between eastern Fujian and eastern Zhejiang. I hope that General Zuo can stay here temporarily to discuss the details of guarding the Jishan Islands. In addition, guarding the Jishan Islands, Huaidong can also support some Ordnance, warships!"

Ye Su and Liu Wenzhong descended from Yandang Mountain and occupied Yueqing and Yongjia. Apart from a few broken fishing boats, they did not have a single decent-looking sea boat, and their armour was severely lacking.

Hearing what Lin Bie said, Liu Wenzhong regretted that Zuo Guangying had brought too few soldiers on the Jishan Islands. It was too late to regret at this time.

The situation in Yueqing and Yongjia was severe, and Liu Wenzhong did not dare to delay time on Daheng Island. He took a boat to Haiyu that night, and took the road from Haiyu to Hangzhou to meet Dong Yuan, the envoy of the Northern Zhejiang System.

Although the Yongjia Army had expanded to allow more than 4,000 people, Zuo Guangying wanted to enter the Jishan Islands, and his troops were not replenished, only less than 400 people. However, among the more than 400 soldiers guarding the Jishan Islands, most of them were old soldiers who were fishermen.

The situation in Yongjia is like that. Whether the Jishan Islands can be defended depends on Huaidong's support. In particular, the Jishan Islands are isolated on the sea, more than 100 miles away from the coastline. The Yongjia Army is extremely short of materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is not a decent warship, and the supply of materials to the Jishan Islands is completely dependent on Huai. Dong - Zuo Guangying knew the severe situation of defending the Jishan Islands, so he personally went to Daheng Island to ask for help.

On the southeastern coast of Zhejiang and Zhejiang, there are thousands of small and large islands. Huaidong hopes that Yongjia will send troops to defend Jishan Island, which is naturally a choice after repeated weighing.

The Jishan Islands are located in the southeast of Yongjia, about 120 miles away from the east coast of Ouhai County, and are on the center line of the sea route connecting eastern Fujian and eastern Zhejiang.

The main island of the Jishan Islands is surrounded by Zhouming reefs and dense reefs, which pose a great threat to passing ships. There are only narrow and dangerous waterways for small and medium-sized boats to approach the shore of the island. The main island is not large, but the island is steep and rocky , The cave runs vertically and horizontally into a network.

The She family did not send troops to garrison because the Jishan Islands were on the inside, but as long as they stationed a team of elites, it was definitely a dangerous place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Lin Bie hoped that Zuo Guangying could lead his troops to defend the Jishan Islands, and secondly, he hoped that Zuo Guangying's troops could be equipped with small and medium-sized elite warships to form a blockade on the waters around the Jishan Islands.

Only in this way, the Jishan Islands can pierce into the body of the luxury family like a huge thorn, making them sleepless and sleepless.

It is said that Zuo Guangying’s level is limited. Huaidong has dozens of generals above the battalion level on Daheng Island, but Lin Fu did not take the air and personally discussed with Zuo Guangying the details of the deployment of the Jishan Islands. Zhang Gou, Chen Zhu and others I went to see the Jishan Islands in person, and got along with Zuo Guangying for more than ten days. The relationship was quite familiar, so I stayed; Fu Qinghe, Zhao Qingshan, Han Caizhi and others were responsible for the rest of the southern raiding fleet. Accompany you all the way.


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