Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 15: be a thief

(Second more)

Liu Yefei had a guilty conscience to be a thief. Hearing that the former rider had rushed to the gate of Swordfish Walled City, and Hu Yuer had not opened the South Gate to greet him, he felt a little flustered.

Although the enemy must guard the gates of the city, and people entering and leaving the city at night must not be careless, but there is no reason for him to come in person and refuse to stay outside the city gate—

"I'm afraid that Hu Yu'er accompanied the special envoy and got drunk," Liu Zhiyong comforted. "Without Hu Yu'er's nod, how dare the small school open the city gate casually at night? When the uncle arrives at the city, the guards will naturally open the city gate. welcome."

"In case..." Liu Yefei said worriedly, "Since Hu Yu'er doesn't welcome us, let's go back to Dengzhou City."

"There's nothing in case, don't scare yourself, uncle," Liu Zhiyong said flatly, "Uncle goes out to know Dengzhou government affairs and supervises Dengzhou town, how can there be a reason to keep his generals out of the city? Hu Yuer would never know. What news, if uncle turns back for no reason, it will cause Hu Yu'er's suspicion."

Daoyu Village was built on the northern foot of Danya Mountain. Liu Yefei and the others blocked Danya Mountain. Standing here, they could see the situation of the southern city tower of Daoyu Village, but they could not see the sea to the east.

Liu Yefei thought about it, and when he contacted Chen Zhihu, it was his nephew who came forward in person, and there was no possibility of leaking the news. Besides, the ducks had to catch up with them. Liu Yefei called his adopted son, Liu Fang, and ordered him Said: "You clean up the team, it's like a messy jump, what does it look like?" Then he and Liu Zhiyong led dozens of soldiers first, and asked Liu Fang to follow behind with a large army.

Liu Yefei and Liu Zhiyong rushed to the foot of the Swordfish Walled City, and Hu Yuer and Chen Enze rushed to the South Gate Tower.

Liu Yefei, who was wearing the imperial purple official uniform, was surrounded by dozens of soldiers and rushed to the city first. He was fat and the most recognizable. He saw that the soldiers brought by Liu Yefei were all lagging behind, and they were still separated from each other. After a long distance, Hu Yu'er hesitated again, thinking: With Liu Yefei's temperament, he really surrendered to Yan Hu and wanted to make money from the swordfish village, how dare he run to the front in person?

Chen Enze is not afraid of misunderstanding Liu Yefei, even if he misunderstands him, can he still eat Huaidong?

While Hu Yu'er was hesitating, Liu Zhiyong drove his horse to the downstairs of the city gate, raised his head and scolded: "Hu Yu'er, you have eaten the guts of a leopard, and the prefect is at the bottom of the city, how dare you be so negligent, and deceive the prefect will not clean up your water. Is the teacher's thorn head?"

Hu Yu'er decided to follow what Chen Enze taught him, and said with a loud voice: "Liu Gongzi, Hu Yu'er has eaten the guts of a leopard, and he doesn't dare to neglect Lord Fu Zun. It's a coincidence that the reinforcements from Huaidong just happened to come tonight, and Hu Yu'er didn't know. Huifu Zun, let the Huaidong Army enter the Swordfish Village first. Hu Yu'er was at the water gate to the north just now, and he wasted some time. Didn't he immediately come to the south gate to welcome Fu Zun and Liu Gongzi as soon as he knew that the prefect was coming overnight? Young Master Liu, please Lord Fu Zun, wait a moment, then I will order the suspension bridge to be lowered..."

Hu Yu'er's voice was also loud, and in the dead of night, his voice could be heard dozens of feet away.

Before Hu Yu'er finished speaking, she saw Liu Yefei, who was a hundred or ten paces away from the city gate, was walking back on his horse...

Seeing that his uncle was so useless, Liu Zhiyong rushed his horse to chase in a panic, and shouted in a panic, "Uncle, you can't stand in a mess! You can't stand in a mess! It's the Huaidong reinforcements, the Huaidong reinforcements..."

Hu Yu'er saw that Liu Yefei did not question the matter of letting Huaidong reinforcements enter the Swordfish Village without authorization, but turned around and fled like a mouse saw a cat, what else did he not understand?

Hu Yu'er's surrounding hustlers also understood, but the news was somewhat difficult for them to digest, and they were not prepared for a while. Chase…

Gao Zongting entered the Swordfish Village and led him to the gate of the South City. He saw Liu Yefei leading more than a thousand soldiers to flee south.

"Mr. Gao..." Hu Yu'er didn't know what to say for a while, he was also a little confused at this time - Liu Yefei was the chief official of Dengzhou, the chief official secretly joined the enemy and colluded with Yan Hu, he was only one of the subordinates of Dengzhou Town As a general, he was supposed to resolutely draw a line with Liu Yefei, but he didn't know what to do next.

Chen Enze quickly recounted what happened in Chengtou to Gao Zongting. In front of Hu Yu'er, he didn't say anything. He had the opportunity to capture Liu Yefei alive, but in this case, he couldn't blame Hu Yu'er for not being decisive. Missed the chance to catch Liu Yefei alive.

Hu Yu'er bit his head and said, "Liu Yefei betrayed and surrendered to the Hu prisoners. Please Mr. Gao allow me to lead his troops to chase him out and capture him alive..."

"There are other troops and horses in Huaidong who landed near Dengzhou City, waiting for them to escape," Gao Zongting said, "General Hu quickly dispatched post cavalry to report Pingdu, Laiyang, Laizhou, Haiyang counties, and Liu Yefei's rebellion. And the crimes committed by the invaded soldiers; all counties should strictly guard the city, and don’t give Liu Yefei the opportunity to make a profit... and the cavalry should be careful not to collide with the cavalry sent by Chen Zhihu to attack Dengzhou.”

Hu Yuer was determined to atone for his faults, so he quickly ordered the left and right to act according to what Gao Zongting said, but he did not know how effective it would be.

They saw with their own eyes that Liu Yefei heard the Huaidong reinforcements entering Daoyu Village and turned around and fled, so they were sure that Liu Yefei would go to the enemy, but Laiyang, Haiyang, Laizhou and other cities may not believe their one-sided words, rush Liu Ye to fly over and open the city. It is more likely to welcome Liu Ye Fei into the city. At this time, he expected Liu Yefei to flee to Dengzhou City to ambush the Huaidong reinforcements who landed near Dengzhou City.

After a while, Ge Changgen led more than 200 soldiers to disembark and land. Gao Zongting found Hu Yu'er and asked, "Is there a guide familiar with the Buling Mountain Road in Daoyu Village..."

"There are people. Many of the naval officers and soldiers are children of peasant families in the Buling area, and they are very familiar with mountain roads..."

"That's good," said Gao Zongting, "General Hu will send some people to help Xiaowei Ge lead his troops to cross the Buling overnight. It is best to arrive at Qijia at the southern foot of the Buling before dawn..."

"Ah!" Hu Yu'er was suddenly startled, seeing that there were only two hundred Huaidong generals who had come ashore with Ge Changgen, and said, "In order to ambush the partial division sent by Chen Zhihu in Qijia, is there a shortage of Ge Xiaowei's manpower? ?"

Qijia is a town in the east of Dengzhou. It is the only way to enter Dengzhou from the southern foot of Buling. To ambush the partial divisions sent by Chen Zhihu to attack Dengzhou, Qijia is undoubtedly the most suitable place.

The Huaidong Army had always dared to fight, and its combat power was also strong. Of course Hu Yuer knew that, but the one sent by Chen Zhihu to attack Dengzhou was not an underdog.

The most important thing is that there is a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides.

The Huaidong Army had attacked in the past, and there were only 200 soldiers, all of them infantry. They had to climb over the Buling Mountain overnight, and I was afraid that they would have to take off their armor. And Chen Zhihu sent the partial division to attack Dengzhou at least 2,000 cavalry.

Counting the time, Chen Zhihu's subordinate division should pass through Qijia before noon tomorrow - ambushing a strong enemy with very few troops, only by taking advantage of extreme weather such as dark night, heavy rain, and heavy fog can it be successful.

Seeing that Hu Yuer had misunderstood, Gao Zongting explained: "This time, there will be six battalions of infantry armors from Dengzhou City. We thought that we could prevent Liu Yefei from entering the Saury Village, but Liu Yefei led his troops to flee south. First, it may fall into us. In the ambush circle set up in the north of Dengzhou City, there may also be a group of defeated soldiers bypassing Dengzhou City and fleeing directly to the west. Ge Xiaowei led his troops over the Buling to prevent the defeated soldiers from slipping past Qijia. Let the partial division sent by Chen Zhihu be alert in advance. The part of the army from Dengzhou City Dengzhou who really ambushed Chen Zhihu's partial division in Qijia..."

"Oh, that's how it is!" Hu Yu'er suddenly realized, even so, using six battalions of infantry to intercept 2,000 cavalry in the field, he still felt that the Huaidong Army really dared to fight, thinking that if Liu Yefei was alert, he would not dare to go back. From the state, fleeing to the west must pass through Qijia. At this time, the soldiers were sent over the Buling, and they were just in time to stop them in front of Liu Yefei.

Hu Yu'er summoned his subordinate Zhao Huaishan and instructed him: "Bring someone familiar with Buling and Qijia, and accompany Ge Changgen to intercept the defeated troops first..."


Liu Yefei wanted to escape back to Dengzhou City, and in the panic, he never thought that the Huaidong reinforcements might be ambushed in Dengzhou. At least at this time, there was indeed no abnormality in the direction of Dengzhou City.

Liu Zhiyong was full of grievances, and the Huaidong reinforcements came over. The situation in Dengzhou was so tense, and it was not impossible that one of the Huaidong troops was deployed on Jinwei Island and came to support the Swordfish Village.

If Liu Yefei hadn't turned his head and fled, revealing his deeds, would it be possible that the Huaidong reinforcements could still eat them?

Even at this moment, Liu Zhiyong still didn't believe that they had been exposed.

Liu Yefei was surrounded by them, barely able to keep from falling off his horse. Seeing his nephew's resentment, he knew that he was dissatisfied with himself, and said: "Be careful sailing the Wannian Ship, and the Huaidong Army entered the Swordfish Village silently. , how could there be no reason? I have been an official for many years, and I have no other skills. If there is any trouble in UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I can always be aware of it in advance. It doesn't matter if the swordfish village can't be won, as long as Dengzhou City is still in our hands Here, you voted for Dayan with me, and there is no shortage of wealth and honor, and you can't be too greedy."

Liu Yefei only said to the generals below that Hu Yuer set a trap to kill them. The ordinary generals did not know the reason, but only knew that they would fly to Dengzhou City with Liu Ye.

Traveling at night is an extremely difficult task, and any army in the world that can march at night and keep its ranks intact can be called a first-class elite.

The more than a thousand infantry Liu Yefei pulled out of Dengzhou City sparsely scattered when they rushed to the Swordfish Village after dark. At this moment, he turned his head and walked back, Liu Yefei was a rabbit that was chased away by a dog, like a lost dog. He just wanted to flee back to Dengzhou City, and he had no time to clean up the team. More than a thousand people were in a mess, and it had nothing to do with the defeated soldiers. two.

Before fighting, they collapsed first. It is inevitable that Gao Zongting disdain to send troops to pursue them, but mainly to prevent them from fleeing west, so that Chen Zhihu, who was running towards Dengzhou, would be alert in advance.

Liu Yefei was afraid that there would be chasing soldiers in the swordfish village, so he did not dare to delay on the road, and he had no intention to clean up these chaotic soldiers. With more than a hundred cavalry, Liu Zhiyong and Liu Zhiyong passed through the chaotic soldiers, and rushed to Dengzhou City first, and let his adopted son Liu Fang Pack up slowly behind.

Walking to the west foot of Jigong Mountain in the north of Dengzhou City, Liu Yefei fell from the horse twice, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and half of his teeth were lost, and the dark shadow of Dengzhou North City Tower under the hook like a jade moon could be vaguely seen. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing the sound of "swish, swish, swish", Liu Yefei just thought it was the wind blowing through the woods, and when a sharp arrow slammed into it, he couldn't keep his balance and fell off the horse before realizing it. To this "swish swish" sound is that the bowstring is swaying, the arrow is breaking through the air... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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