Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 83: Emperor Heart

In June, Jiang Ning was like a steamer, holding a large wooden basin to store the ice cubes in the cellar. The bedroom was cool, but the sultry heat in people's hearts was hard to understand. Liu Zhi got the seat and sat under Zhang Yan, listening carefully to the emperor. He came to complain with Zhang Yan.

"Don't you have the qualifications to be a deputy commander for the person I like?" Emperor Yongxing's face was as dark as a purple jujube under the purple gold crown. When he spoke, his short moustache trembled slightly. Silent was very dissatisfied, "All powers are concentrated in the Imperial Ying Division. The six divisions have their names but no realities. In the end, there are advantages and disadvantages."

"The emperor is very concerned, but the ministers may also have their thoughts..." Zhang Yan said ambiguous.

When King Ning ascended the throne in Jiangning, the six divisions of Jiangning had only a false reputation, and could not undertake the important task of turning the tide and reorganizing the world. In order to cope with the extremely chaotic situation at that time, the Imperial Camp Division was set up outside the Zhengshi Hall, and there was also an Army Leader Division, who was in charge of the army, horses, money, and grain.

This move better coped with the chaotic situation in the first two years, but it actually made the military power, political power, and financial power of the ruling and opposition parties concentrated in the hands of the prime ministers, leaving the six ministries empty.

This also made Emperor Yongxing's decrees have to pass through the ministers, and any memorials of the officials below must pass through the ministers before they can be forwarded to the imperial court.

Of course, if there are any memorials that the prime ministers think should not be shown to the emperor, they will naturally choose to put them aside; or if the decree issued by the palace is not in conformity with the rules, they will remonstrate—the importance of the phase, yes It has not been seen since the founding of the dynasty.

Although no obvious drawbacks have been exposed since the establishment of the Yuying Division, when it comes to building a new dormitory and other matters, it has been repeatedly refuted to Chen Xiyan and others. To say that the emperor has no complaints in his heart, Liu Zhi also does not believe it.

It was this time that the matter of Xie Chaozhong's leadership of the army had been heatedly discussed in Jiangning City for more than half a month, but there was no movement in the temple.

Liu Zhi couldn't understand Zhang Yan's thoughts, and he was not good at speaking in front of Zhang Yan. Following the emperor's tone, he said, "Every time I hear Feng Anbo discussing military affairs, I think it makes sense, maybe it's because the ministers don't know military affairs. , I can't refute a word, it's more than enough to want to be a deputy commander..."

Xie Chaozhong was conferred on Amber.

Liu Zhi's words made Emperor Yongxing feel more comfortable, and he waved his hand and said, "You guys go down, it's a big thing, it's not something that can be decided in a few words..."

Zhang Yan and Liu Zhi left the bedroom and walked down the steps. Zhang Yan asked Liu Zhi, "Master Liu, do you think Xie Chaozhong is really willing to be a deputy under Yue Lengqiu?"

Of course Liu Zhi knew that Xie Chaozhong would not be willing to be Yue Lengqiu's deputy, but the emperor's tone had gradually eased, and he had no intention of letting Xie Chaozhong lead the army independently. There was always a step to go down.

"The emperor's thoughts are clearly laid out there, and we, as ministers, must relieve the king's worries," Liu Zhi said, "I don't understand, what's wrong with Xie Chaozhong leading the army to go on an expedition? "

"We should support what Huaidong opposes," Zhang Yan sighed and said, "However, Dong Yuan also opposes Xie Chaozhong's leadership—now Lin Fu, Dong Yuan, and Yue Lengqiu are all opposed to Xie Chaozhong's leadership. Soldier, this matter has to be carefully considered!"

Dong Yuan gave up the military power of the Hanghu Army last year and took the initiative to show his favor to the Wu Party. Not only did he win the trust of Wu Party leaders such as Chen Xiyan, but Zhang Yan also pinned his hope of suppressing Huaidong on Dong Yuan.

At the beginning of the year, without Zhang Yan's secret acquiescence, how could Weiyang Salt Merchant support Dong Yuan's foothold in Huaixi on a large scale? Zhang Yan, who has been a salt and iron envoy in the two Huaihe Rivers for a long time, has an influence on Weiyang salt merchants that Shen Rong and Ding Zhiru cannot compare.

"Dong Yuan will not have no selfishness!" Liu Zhi had no friendship with Dong Yuan, so he was naturally ruthless in his words. Dong Yuan disbanded the 20,000 imperial battalions and organized them into soldiers in Huaixi, which has already provoked complaints all over the city. , In Liu Zhi's opinion, he supported Xie Chaozhong to lead the imperial army on the expedition at this time, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face of his own.

As for Huaidong and Yue Lengqiu's opposition to Xie Chaozhong's leadership, they can understand with their toes.

Of course Liu Zhi wouldn't deliberately sing against Huaidong, but the emperor's mind was clearly there. If they were courtiers who didn't know what to promise, they might just find an excuse in the future, and they would kick them aside. Those handsome ministers leading the army, the emperor could not easily move, and if these courtiers and inner ministers could not please the emperor, that position would be in jeopardy.

Zhang Yan also sighed lightly, and said, "If no official brings this up again, depending on the emperor's intentions, he will also be impatient to bring up the court discussion the day after tomorrow. You and I will watch it..."

"Aren't they all ugly on their faces?" Liu Zhi asked.

"Alas!" Zhang Yan sighed softly, if the matter turned into a direct confrontation between the emperor and the prime ministers, the matter would be much more difficult, and it would be impossible to drag the matter over.


Two days passed like water, and when it was time for the Qingyun Hall to discuss, when the sun first rose, the ministers were led by Chen Xiyan into the hall according to the order of the class.

The palace guard stood on top of the hall with the ceremonial sword, the gold-encrusted dragon chair was still empty, and the courtier stood in his highness and whispered. Liu Zhi looked at Chen Xiyan, Cheng Yuqian, Yu Xinyuan, Xie Chaozhong and others in the class, which was different from the whispers of others. The four of them clasped their hands in front of them, and more often they looked at the moiré on the ground, making it difficult for people to see what they were thinking.

In the past two days, the emperor has frequently summoned Chen Xiyan, Cheng Yuqian, Yu Xinyuan, Xie Chaozhong and others to enter the palace to discuss matters. As far as Liu Zhi knows, when Xie Chaozhong dispatched troops, Cheng Yuqian, who has always behaved very softly, did not appear in front of the emperor. compromise.

Liu Zhi thought to himself: If the emperor must discuss Xie Chaozhong's leadership of the army today, how would Chen Xiyan and Cheng Yuqian deal with it, saying that they are sick and picky?

Chen Xiyan wants to pick up a bunch of sons, and the royal battalion army can't get enough money for the expedition. Naturally, the matter of Xie Chaozhong's expedition will be over, but the emperor and Chen Xiyan have torn apart their faces. How can the dignity of the court be maintained in the future?

Looking at Chen Xiyan's old face, he must be thinking about the consequences, right?

Looking at Lin Xuwen again, his face was sinking and worried, Liu Zhi thought to himself: what is he thinking about, isn't he optimistic about today's Tingyi?

"Your Majesty is here!" The palace guard shouted loudly, and His Highness's ministers immediately stopped to whisper.

Emperor Yongxing suppressed the irritability in his heart, sat high, looked at His Highness's ministers, and said, "All the ministers are flat, what's the matter today, come quickly?"

Liu Zhi was very impatient to hear the emperor's tone, and secretly said: Did the emperor compromise? Looking at Zhang Yan, I thought it was the best, I really want to make trouble, I don't know how to deal with the situation!

"This minister has a recitation!" Wang Xueshan, the minister of household affairs, lined up the crowd and walked into the hall.

"What's the matter with Wang Aiqing?" Emperor Yongxing asked, with doubts in his eyes.

The so-called court debates are military and political matters that cannot be ruled by the ministers of the political affairs hall, and must be discussed publicly in the temple hall. In fact, what the hall wants to discuss is listed in advance in the political affairs hall, and Wang Xueshan's recitation is obviously out of the plan.

Don't say that Emperor Yongxing is doubtful, Chen Xiyan and others are very puzzled, and they can't guess what Wang Xueshan has to bypass the political affairs hall and raise it directly in front of the temple-Wang Xueshan's behavior itself is against the political affairs hall. Provocative, but Chen Xiyan could not stop Wang Xueshan from speaking.

Wang Xueshan didn't look at anyone else, and said directly: "The matter of the use of troops in the autumn after the autumn has been discussed by many people. Except for Huaidong, Yue Leng's use of troops in the Yuzhang after the autumn and the autumn in Jiangzhou has also become a consensus. There is no objection to this, but if we want to eliminate the rebels from Zhejiang and Fujian once and for all in the autumn, only Huaidong and Jiangzhou should use troops, and Wei Chen thinks that it is not enough..."

As soon as Wang Xueshan said these words, it was like a stone falling into a lake, causing a circle of ripples. His Highness and his ministers began to whisper, but they did not expect that Wang Xueshan would directly pierce the window paper.

Chen Xiyan, Lin Xuwen, and Zuo Chengmu were strongly opposed to Xie Chaozhong's leadership of the army, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​and Zhang Yan were silent, Liu Zhi was ambiguous, and Yu Xinyuan supported it. Wei-Even if Emperor Yongxing really wanted to insist that Xie Chaozhong lead his troops on the expedition, in the face of such a situation, he could only give up.

No one thought that the Wang Xueshan Association would suddenly emerge, and Emperor Yongxing suddenly became excited.

Wang Xueshan is not an unimportant figure. Before moving the capital, he served as the governor of Jiangning for a long time, alongside Gu Wuchen, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Yu Xinyuan and others.

After the capital was moved to Jiangning, Chen Xiyan served as the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of War was given an oversight and had no power. Wang Xueshan was in charge of the Ministry of Household, which was second only to the Ministry of Personnel, and was a figure with real power above the temple.

Liu Zhi was also very doubtful in his heart. Supporting Xie Chaozhong to send troops would not be of much benefit to Wang Xueshan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if this matter could win the emperor's favor, Chen Xiyan and others strongly opposed it. This matter was still unworkable, and in the end, he had to turn his back on Chen Xiyan.

As long as Chen Xiyan does not leave the temple for a day, what good will Wang Xueshan and Chen Xiyan fall out with? Even if Chen Xiyan is defeated, it will not be Wang Xueshan's turn to enter the political affairs hall.

In comparison, Wang Xueshan kept silent. Although there is no advantage, it also has no disadvantage!

Now above the temple, Chen Xiyan is unusually strong, and the emperor is inseparable from Chen Xiyan in many things, and Huaidong's attitude is also very clear. Compared with offending Chen Xiyan, Liu Zhi did not offend Huaidong. Even if he understood the emperor's thoughts, he didn't have the idea of ​​being a rafter today. He didn't expect Wang Xueshan to jump out.

Chen Xiyan and the others were both surprised and suspicious.

His Royal Highness's ministers had all expressions on their faces. Emperor Yongxing immediately became interested, leaned forward, looked at Wang Xueshan, and said, "Wang Aiqing, what are your thoughts, please speak freely!"

"Nowadays, the rebels in Zhejiang and Fujian are mainly concentrated on the two sides, and the troops in the west of Zhejiang are weak - the military strategy put forward by the Yuying Division in the post-autumn period, only Deng Yu's troops are used to contain the enemy soldiers in the west of Zhejiang, according to Wei Chen's opinion. It's too conservative," Wang Xueshan said, ready to come, "Once Huaidong and Jiangzhou cannot use troops to fight Fujian and Yuzhang quickly, and want to solve the idea of ​​​​the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels in a battle after the fall, If the situation in the south cannot be fundamentally improved, how can we recover the homeland of Yanji? In my humble opinion, if the court can strengthen Huinan and send troops from Huinan to west Zhejiang, it will be able to fight in Zhejiang. The weakness of the Fujian rebels; even if the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels are forced to draw troops from other places to supplement the west of Zhejiang, it can also relieve the resistance of the east of Fujian and Yuzhang - Weichen really does not know, why such a good policy is never above the temple. Discussion?" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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