Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 98: post-processing

Jin'an City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but after the capture, the terrain in the city is easy. Except for the staggered rivers, there are not many complex terrains that can be fought stubbornly by the remnants. , and searched the streets for the remnants of Bamin who had not been evacuated.

The faces of the people who were abandoned in the city by the extravagant family, the faces exposed from the gaps between the doors and windows, have fear, hatred, and resentment...

The governor of Zhejiang and Fujian in Shewenzhuang has searched inside and out several times to ensure that there is no danger before welcoming Lin Fu and others to enter.

The plaque of "The Great Governor of Zhejiang and Fujian" was taken off and thrown aside, leaving a deep imprint on the place where the plaque was originally placed under the eaves of the door. Lin Biexiu raised his head and stared at the imprint for a while before he said to Ye Junan, " Shewenzhuang is also frugal in Jin'an, this house will be the prefect's yamen in the future, and Zhao Qingshan told him to find another house..."

Zhao Qingshan stood behind him and said with a smile: "The threats that Mindong will face mainly come from Jian'an House, so I'd better move to Jingxi, and call Chen Dingbang to be the guardian of Jin'an City, so that he can recuperate in Jin'an City. …”

"I'm afraid that after Chen Dingbang recovers from his injury, you will be reluctant to let him relax in Jin'an," Lin Bie shook his head and smiled.

Jiang Ning was in danger. After taking Jin'an Mansion, he couldn't rush along the Minjiang River to suppress the attack. Lin Fu wanted to keep Hu Zhiyong, Zhao Qingshan, and Ye Junan to preside over the military and political affairs of Mindong.

Due to the shallow terrain of the coastal prefectures and counties in eastern Fujian and southern Fujian, and at the same time it is necessary to maintain contact with Yizhou, control the Nanyang waterway, and deter Guangnan County, it is necessary to retain a strong naval force in eastern Fujian.

Lin Fu decided to set up the Mindong Marching Army on the basis of the Jinghai First Water Battalion and Zuo Shiying's army in Zhejiang and Fujian.

As the guard troops and horses of Eastern Mindong, Zhao Qingshan served as the commander of the army, and Chen Dingbang, Zuo Shiying, Song Yi and others were deputy generals, responsible for the guarding of Mindong and the military deployment of Jian'an House in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River.

The number of troops on the march was initially set at 25,000, including 10,000 sailors and 15,000 infantry. The nearly 6,000 wounded and dead left over from the war in Eastern Mindong will also be taken over by the Camping Army in Mindong after recuperating on the spot to strengthen the fighting force of the Camping Army in Eastern Mindong.

Chen Dingbang was originally a general under the jurisdiction of the Infantry Division. There are not many generals directly under the direct jurisdiction of the Infantry Division. If Chen Dingbang was not injured by an arrow when he led his troops to storm Jin'an City, Lin Fu would not be able to bear the pain and leave Chen Dingbang to Zhao Qingshan.

Jian'an Mansion is located in the middle and upper reaches of the Minjiang River, and the terrain is relatively closed. Except for the Minjiang River passage, the other entrances from the east coast of Fujian to the Jian'an Mansion are in the mountains and mountains, which are not conducive to the passage of the army. The luxury family will not easily give up the last piece of Jian'an Mansion. Its foundation in East Fujian will even take Jian'an Mansion as its root and come back at any time along the Minjiang River.

After the war in Mindong passed, the She family could finally gather the troops of Jian'an Mansion, even if it was less than 30,000, it would not be much worse.

Huaidong should not deploy too few troops in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River. The relatively advantageous places are to go up from Zhuqi and Jingxi, and Jiashan along the Minjiang River. In the lower reaches, as long as the Minjiang waterway is blocked, it is possible to stop the people who may come from Jian'an Prefecture. This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Fu had to take Jin'an City first.

In the early stage, Lin Fu also sent the Quanzhou Army of the Song family and Zuo Shiying's troops to capture Zhuqi and Jingxi. At this time, he also used the soldiers of the First Water Battalion to take over Jin'an City, thus reducing the time for military adjustment.

The former Jinghai First Water Battalion, including two "Lin Zhengjun" class warships, four "Jinhai class" warships, and some of the warships, as well as the officers and soldiers who accompanied the ship, will be incorporated into the commander of Ge Cun Trust. The second water battalion, strengthen the strength of the second water battalion.

Next, the focus of the competition in the East China Sea is the north rather than the south, and Huaidong's limited military budget cannot be used to expand the navy indefinitely.

Although it is necessary to retain a strong naval force on the southern line as a threat and contact, the actual threat that can be encountered on the sea surface of the southern line is far from that of the northern line. The second water battalion is the next Huaidong. Enhanced focus.

As the largest river in the southeast, the Minjiang River has the characteristics of short flow and large drop. The waterway from Zhuqi to the west has rapid water flow due to the water level drop, but the actual water level is not deep, which is not suitable for large warships to enter combat. .

The first water battalion will be supplemented with elite small and medium-sized warships. The main warships are drawn out to strengthen the second water battalion. Naturally, this is the meaning of the title.

In addition to the strengthened Second Water Battalion, those who returned with Lin Fubei were also the Chongcheng Army of the Infantry Division Zuo Army under the command of Zhou Tong.

In the war in Eastern Mindong, the Chongcheng Army served as the main force in the attack, capturing Nantai Island and Jin'an City, causing heavy casualties for the Chongcheng Army. Chen Dingbang was also injured by arrows and had to stay in Jin'an to recuperate.

Lin Fu asked the Chongcheng army to strip off the wounded soldiers and the field military medical battalion, and receive them by the local government. In the future, these wounded soldiers will either be placed on the spot or taken over by the Mindong Camp Army to strengthen the combat power of the Mindong Camp Army.

After the Chongcheng army took off the burden, the number of troops was reduced to less than 20,000 people, and they did not enter Jin'an House, but directly retreated to Nantai Island to rest and prepare to return to the north at any time.

Judging from the current tense situation, there is no possibility of the Chongcheng army expanding to 30,000 in a short period of time.

In addition to the military deployment, Lin Fu appointed Ye Junan to know the affairs of Jin'an government, and directly controlled and operated the core area of ​​Mindong on behalf of Huaidong; on top of Zhao Qingshan and Ye Junan, Hu Zhiyong made Huaidong's envoy to the right. The history and deputy envoy of Zhidu governs the affairs of East Fujian, South Fujian, and Yizhou, and supervises military preparations.

Lin Fu wanted to directly press Hu Zhiyong the title of East Min Xuan Fu Envoy or Xuan Consolation Envoy, but there was no official confession issued by Jiang Ning or the decree of Emperor Yongxing, and pressing it was too unruly. The military and political affairs of the various prefectures and counties in eastern Mindong were taken over by officials from Huaidong. Even if Hu Zhiyong did not have a formal title, he would not be in the way for the time being.


In the end, the defenders were more concerned about withdrawing more troops and saving them, rather than destroying Jin'an City. The damage to the buildings in the city, including the Governor's Mansion of Zhejiang and Fujian, was not serious.

The defenders had to withdraw from the path of Beifeng Mountain and escaped to Jian'an through the lofty mountains and mountains. A large amount of luggage could not be carried, and even heavy armor and mules and horses were burdensome.

After the capture of Jin'an City, the seizure was not bad. After the fire in the granary was extinguished, 60,000 to 70,000 bags of grain, armour, iron equipment and other materials were also seized. There were also considerable reserves that were not evacuated by the luxury family in time, and did not have time to destroy.

These are not as good as the newly acquired grain fields after the capture of Jin'an Prefecture.

From Zhuqi to Nantai Island alone, there are more than 1.4 million mu of flat fields in the Mindong Estuary Basin.

The She family evacuated a large number of people to the west, and Huaidong occupied these grain fields without even considering the sentiments of the local remnants. Including Xiapu, Luoyuan, Jiaocheng, Xing'an and other coastal counties, Huaidong's eight surnames remained. If the forces continue to suppress, the public land that can be directly confiscated is expected to exceed 2 million mu.

Of course, in addition to the Song clan, there were also small clans like the Du clan in Mindong who finally chose to join Huaidong, and Huaidong could not overly infringe on their interests.

"There will be bad news from the north at any time, and I will leave the northeast of Fujian at any time to return," Lin Fu led the crowd into the house and sat down, and talked about the issue of the land system, "Some things, it is best to set a tone first, Hu, Ye stayed in Mindong, and there was a basis for what he did..."

Lin Fu left Ye Junan with the right to know about the Jinan government. In addition to the fact that when Huaidong conquered eastern Zhejiang, the Ye family headed by Ye Junan made great efforts to stabilize eastern Zhejiang, and Ye Junan spent a long time by Lin Fu's side. The East has a deep understanding of many New Deal ideas.

"Each family owns grain fields, and the limit is 500 mu. It is allowed to divide the households into different families, but if each household exceeds this number, it will be purchased at the benchmark price of two and a half years of harvest," Lin Fu said. "If you pay directly with silver money. Acquisition, this number is too large for the Huaidong Military Division to undertake; if the Huaidong Military Division indiscriminately distributes Huaidong copper coins to purchase grain fields, the Song family will be the first to oppose it..."

"Song's dare not." Song Fu said.

The Song family owns more than 2,000 hectares of grain fields in Quanzhou, and the land production in Yongtai County is no less than this. It far exceeds the limit of "five hundred acres" that Lin Fu said.

When the land price is almost based on two and a half years of harvesting, the value of each mu of land is about 10 shi of japonica rice in terms of the upper-ripe field that yields four shi per mu in eastern Fujian.

If Huaidong honestly bought grain and fields from the Song family at this price, he would have to spend more than three or four million shi of grain or the equivalent of gold and silver. For households, the acquisition of grain fields alone is enough to make Huaidong go bankrupt.

Of course, Huaidong can also forcibly promote Huaidong copper coins by force, but the result of indiscriminate issuance of Huaidong copper coins is that Huaidong copper coins have since become notorious and worthless.

Changing the land system and suppressing the wealthy households is a natural move of any emerging force, but the means are strong and weak, good and bad.

In the past, Huaidong's promotion of the New Deal in Hailing, Huai'an and other places only adopted some more moderate measures to reduce rents and taxes, and there was no direct "land restriction".

Song Fu also wanted to see if Lin Fu had better means.

"The prefectures and counties should be involved in the purchase of land, but the lead is still Huaidong Bank," Lin Fu said, "Zhou Guangnan should be able to go to Jin'an tomorrow. Calculate one share, and use the principal shares of the bank as the land payment, and pay it to the big households in East Fujian for the purchase of the land. The concentrated grain fields will also be sold to the farmers by the bank at the original price, and the land money will be charged into the bank as the principal. Don’t make a profit from it. In this way, even if each family hands over the grain fields, the number of bank shares in their hands can correspond to the bank’s principal, and there is no need to worry about damage to their interests…”

"It's said that Huaidong's ships are strong and soldiers are strong. From what I see, the bank is Huaidong's weapon." Song Fu smiled, as he recognized Lin Fu's disposal method.

Except for the Song family, the eight surnames in East Fujian are all targets of suppression. The remaining small families and small households will all stare at the Song family.

The Song family has no ambition to separate, but it has hundreds of thousands of acres of grain fields, and most of the tenants are from the Song family.

Only by implementing the most thorough division of land in Eastern Mindong can the Song clan's control over the clansmen be minimized and no longer become a threat.

Of course, it was unwilling to ask the Song family to hand over so many fields for nothing, but with so many fields that supported so many Song clansmen, Song Fu himself was also very uneasy.

The method mentioned by Lin Fu turns the land occupied by the Song family into a stake in the bank~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the Song family does not have the ambition of separatism, the interests will not be damaged, and it can be regarded as a proper and ingenious disposal. , called Song Fu unable to refuse.

Hu Zhiyong, Ye Junan, Zhao Qingshan and others all echoed their voices. Lin Fu mentioned this matter mainly for the Song family. As long as Song Fu has no opinion on behalf of the Song family, it is naturally good for him, good for me, and good for everyone.

As far as Mindong's current main government affairs are concerned, the land belonging to the eight surnames in Mindong except the Song family is still confiscated and used as public land.

Regarding the disposal of the Song clan, in addition to Song Yi as a deputy general assisting Shou Zhuqi, and Song Bo as a senator to assist Hu Zhiyong in dealing with the affairs of Fujian Province, other important Song clan officials headed by Song Fu will all return with Lin Fubei to Zhejiang. Dong or Huaidong and Xu Si respectively served as officials.

Lin Fu's attitude towards the Song family is clear. He will not allow the Song family to have the opportunity to dominate Quanzhou or even Mindong, but he will not limit the Song family and eliminate the hidden dangers. Everyone will feel at ease with each other, and will completely treat the Song family. Tied to Huaidong's chariot.

Ye Junan stayed to preside over Jin'an's political affairs, and Song Fu took his place.

The luxury family had planned to withdraw the population to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River years ago, leaving a large number of vacancies along the east coast of Fujian. Only the estuary basin of the Minjiang River is around Jin'an City, and there is not much pressure to relocate 100,000 new households. .

Next, Huaidong's work in eastern Fujian will focus on relocating military households from Xusi and other places to resettle them in the south through land and sea, and will also recruit people from Pingjiang, Danyang, northern Zhejiang and other places to come to Fujian. Farming, in order to consolidate the foundation of Huaidong's rule in East Fujian.

On the eighth day into the night, the news came that Feihuangshan fell and Deng Yu led his troops into the deep mountains of Xiling. Lin Fu also ignored the difficult reality that the army had only rested for two days, and the morale and physical strength of the generals had not recovered. The Chongcheng army could only be ordered to immediately board the ship from Nantai Island and return north. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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