Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 118: Golden cicada shells

The handsome tent was set up in the tower above Donghua Gate. There were traces of fireworks burning over, and the walls were scorched black. However, the urn city of Donghua Gate was built very solidly. destroy. Of course, it is more likely that the Huaidong Army deliberately wanted them to see the hope of defending the outer city, hoping that they would jump into this pit.

How can you not jump in this pit?

She Wenzhuang paced back and forth, the cotton robe swayed with the candles on the side wall, She Feihu, Tian Chang, Su Tingzhan, Yu Wenshan, Fang Zhenhe, Luo Wenhu and others all looked at him, waiting for him to take the final idea.

Although Jiangning City is open, the opened Jiangning City is like a monster with a big mouth open, revealing the irresistible temptation inside, waiting for them to get in and take a bite.

Shewenzhuang suddenly stood still, and everyone's heart skipped a beat, only to see the great governor slowly turning around, his haggard and thin face even more gloomy under the shadow of the candlelight. The voice said: "All the troops and horses on the right wing will be under the command of Feihu. According to Donghuamen, it will reject the strong enemy of Prison Island and attack the imperial city, breaking the imperial city for seven days. Leaving Chizhou, Su Tingzhan immediately led 8,000 elites to the west, Tian Chang immediately returned to the south, joined with the main troops of the Central Route Army, marched westward from the northern foot of Maoshan Mountain, and chased Chizhou - breaking Chizhou, also for seven days. The rest of the troops will be led by myself and will be stationed in quarrying to prevent the Jiangzhou army from advancing eastward..."

After discussing until late at night, who would have thought that the Grand Governor would make such a decision.

Luo Wenhu opened his mouth and said, "The Emperor Yue went westward along the river, most of them heading for Luzhou, and it is unlikely to go to Chizhou!"

Su Tingzhan, Tian Chang and the others looked at Luo Wenhu, their eyes squinted and their mouths crooked, all thinking in their hearts: idiots are really idiots, and the governor is trying to tell a big lie, not to deceive the Huaidong Army and Jiangzhou Army, but To deceive the ordinary generals of the Zhejiang and Fujian army.

When the Huaidong Army and the Jiangzhou Army came around, the combined force would be more than 130,000. Even if the Zhejiang-Fujian Army retracted Zheng Mingjing's left wing, the Zhejiang-Fujian Army plus the soldiers would only have 80,000 troops in total, and they would attack without division. The chances are that the military disadvantage is too great.

The imperial city was unstoppable, and the army was uneasy. When the Huaidong Army and Jiangzhou Army came together, it was too difficult to defend the outer city. Shewenzhuang made up his mind to leave.

I want to go, but how?

Jiangning City opened four gates, turned his head and left, how do you explain to the generals?

Su Tingzhan, Tian Chang and other senior generals knew that Jiangning City was a bait for Huaidong, and they knew that in war, the bullying should be avoided.

What to say about lies?

That is, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops not only want to take Jiangning City, but also capture the Yue Emperor Yuan Jianwu!

In fact, the few people who can sit in the handsome tent and discuss matters are not idiots, and even Luo Wenhu knows that the possibility of Emperor Yongxing going to Chizhou is quite small.

Chizhou is close to the river, sandwiched between Jiangzhou and Jiangning. Jiangzhou is shaky. In the minds of Emperor Yongxing and Jiangning officials who abandoned Jiangning, Jiangning City is not guaranteed.

Whether Emperor Yongxing went to Chizhou City, which was about to be attacked by the Zhejiang-Fujian Army, or Luzhou, an important Huaixi town surrounded by the Yangtze River, Huaishan, and Huaidong, was not difficult to answer.

However, as long as a play is performed and the sentry comes back and lied that the Emperor of Yue was going to Chizhou along Jiangxi, the senior generals such as She Wenzhuang, She Feihu, Tian Chang, Su Tingzhan would not question, and ordinary generals would also Believe it.

When the Emperor of Yue abandoned the city and fled westward, the vast majority of Jiangning officials accompanied him.

As long as ordinary generals and soldiers believe that Emperor Yue went to Chizhou, there will be countless generals and soldiers screaming and asking to pursue westward!

Let She Feihu stay in Jiangning and be responsible for leading the army to attack the imperial city, just to make the lie look more real, so that the generals below can't question it.

Nearly two-thirds of the troops on the right flank who stayed behind to attack the imperial city were surrendered by the imperial battalion army. Even if there were still nearly 4,000 troops left to temporarily form a navy army, the navy army would naturally follow the westward pursuit, and if they stayed behind, It can be regarded as the direct line of the luxury family, and it is said that there are only six or seven thousand people-even if these six or seven thousand people cannot break through and leave in the end, it is the price that must be paid for the preservation of the main force.

Luo Wenhu saw the different expressions and expressions of the people, and only realized it after a while, and cursed in his heart: "Damn, isn't this the golden cicada of his mother's escape?" It hurts to think that the more than ten thousand soldiers and horses that he has finally gathered together may explain it here, but it is better than he himself.

Shewenzhuang looked at Su Tingzhan and said, "Tingzhan, what do you think?"

Su Tingzhan licked his lips. Most of the soldiers and horses on the right wing were his direct descendants. She Wenzhuang's words meant that in addition to the 4,000 navy troops, he would be supplied with 4,000 elite soldiers. The possibility of being able to break out is not too high, making it difficult for him to give up.

Su Tingzhan swallowed hard and said, "The last commander will follow the orders of the Governor."

She Wenzhuang looked at his son She Feihu and said, "If you can capture the imperial city before the main force of the Huaidong Army arrives, then defend Jiangning City, and I will lead the troops to help Jiangning; otherwise, you will abandon the Donghua Gate and go there. go west..."

She Feihu nodded, as a child of the She family, she naturally had to make sacrifices for the She family at this time.

They couldn't attack the imperial city, and after the main force of Huaidong troops arrived, they abandoned Jiangning and left. If the Huaidong Army pursued, there would be no way that many troops could escape.


Several people here agreed that Shewenzhuang would immediately convene the generals above the battalion for a military meeting, and arrange for the dark pile and the outpost to join the Yongxing Emperor to flee Chizhou.

The successive victories made the generals of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army become greedy, aggressive and arrogant.

Before Shewenzhuang decided to escape Jinchan, Su Zhanting, Tian Chang, She Feihu and others, even if they knew that Jiangning City was hiding a murderous intention, why didn't they want to take a gamble?

Many generals were not satisfied when they slaughtered Lishui, so they thought of going to Jiangning to do a great job, sharpening their fists, but when they heard the Yuedi and Jiangning officials fleeing westward, they were even more excited and screamed, no need for luxury. Or when Su Tingzhan and others were acting, several generals stood up and asked for a chase.

For a long time, the elimination of the Jiangning regime and the capture of the Yue Emperor Yuan Jianwu have always been the important goals of the Zhejiang-Fujian army to attack Jiangning.

Since ordinary generals believed that Emperor Yue and officials from all over the city had fled to Chizhou, it was only logical to pursue them afterward.

Of course, in addition to the desire to obtain more dazzling military exploits, there must be a lot of gold, silver and jewelry carried by the Emperor of Yue and the officials of Manchuria, as well as the accompanying beautiful family members, which is also hard to suppress greed.

Shewenzhuang immediately decided to divide his troops westward. While Jiangning was guarding the prison island, Liushe Feihu immediately organized an attack on the imperial city and occupied the entire Jiangning city. The other troops immediately moved westward to attack Chizhou and promised to break the city. That is, the promise of slaughter.

The navy that was temporarily reorganized in the upper reaches of the Rouge River gave up the plan to storm Prison Island, and immediately recruited another 4,000 elite soldiers to accompany them to board the ship, and they headed westward against Jiangxi at dawn.

There are nearly 20,000 main troops in the middle route, and they are still on their way to Jiangning. In the end, Shewenzhuang decided that he and Tian Chang would go back south to join the main force of the soldiers and horses in the middle route, and head west directly from the northern foot of Maoshan Mountain, heading towards Nanling and Qingyang.

She Feihu immediately took over the troops on the right wing, with Yu Wenshan and Luo Wenhu as lieutenants, and organized an attack on the imperial city.

Naturally, a secret order will be sent to Liyang and handed over to Zheng Mingjing, which will let him choose the opportunity to move westward, but it will not be too urgent, and the left-wing soldiers and horses need to stay in Liyang to confuse the Huaidong Army's judgment.

In addition, as long as Zheng Mingjing led his troops to block Liyang, the Huaidong Army soldiers and horses would not dare to run away. For She Feihu, there are still seven to ten days to attack the imperial city.

Why does She Feihu want to be a bereaved dog? In seven to ten days, it might be impossible to capture the imperial city. No matter what, it is worth fighting, and it is also necessary to confuse the judgment of the Huaidong Army.

Jiangning City was a trap that the Zhejiang-Fujian Army had to step into. The nearly 30,000 troops on the right wing of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army were the bait that the Huaidong Army could not refuse.

Shewenzhuang, Tian Chang, Su Tingzhan, Fang Zhenhe and others left one after another.

She Feihu immediately arranged deployment with Yu Wenshan and Luo Wenhu, and gave up the camp outside the city that night, and the right-wing soldiers immediately entered the four cities and nine gates. The other eight gates each arranged two battalions of soldiers to defend the defense, suppressing the rebels and mob. The main force of the right flank, more than 15,000 people, was concentrated in the Donghua Gate and launched an offensive against the imperial city, which was only 500 miles away from the Donghua Gate.


In the snowmelting weather, the roads were wet and slippery, and the temperature in Hangzhou was not cold enough to freeze the muddy roads all day long. .

The Huaidong Army's supplies can be said to be more abundant than those of the Imperial Army, but waterproof leather riding boots can only be popularized to the level of the commander's head. Ordinary soldiers still have cotton soles tied with hemp ropes to prevent slipping when marching in winter.

Hangzhou and Huzhou have been busy with war over the years, and the post road has been in disrepair for many years.

Often thousands of people in front have passed by, and the road will not be seen as it was before. Once you step into the mud, it will take a long time to pull it out. The elite who can travel a hundred miles a day will be exhausted if they walk thirty or forty miles a day on this kind of road.

It was not until noon on the 27th that the main force of the Huaidong Army arrived at Deqing County, north of Hangzhou.

"Damn it, I knew earlier that it might be better to let the Chongcheng army go to Chongzhou for repairs and then go to Jiangning!" Lin Fu couldn't help complaining when he saw such a bad road.

Since it is not beneficial for large sea ships to enter the Yangtze River to fight in autumn and winter, the Second Water Battalion does not actually have any extra warships to transport the Chongcheng Army infantry westward to Jiangning. Therefore, Lin Fu decided to send the Chongcheng Army to Xiaoshan and follow Changshan. The main army will meet and then head north.

Combining the troops is strong, and it is necessary to prevent the Zhejiang and Fujian troops from returning to Huizhou. The real battlefield is likely to be in the Guangde and Liyang areas. The decision to let the Chongcheng army enter Xiaoshan to rest is not wrong. The bad road, can not help but complain.

The post roads along both sides of the Yangtze River have always been repaired, and the situation is naturally much better than the post roads in northern Zhejiang.

In addition, the Yangtze River is also colder, which means that the road will be frozen for a longer time.

Chen Huawen led the horse and heard Lin Bing's complaint, but did not respond. He raised his head and looked into the distance, but could not see the end of the team.

The front of the army has already camped in the west of Guangde City, and they are in the middle and rear of the entire team, and they are still more than ten miles away from entering the camp to rest.

The news of the fall of Liyang, the destruction of the main force of the Hanghu Army, and the death of Meng Yishan did not reach Hangzhou until the middle of the night on the 25th. After the fall of Liyang, the northern foot of Xiling was controlled by the rebels. If you want to get news of Jiangning, you have to make a big circle from Danyang.

Lin Fu and Chen Huawen didn't know the situation of Jiangning City at this time, but the main force of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops were all moving northward, and there were 40,000 or 50,000 soldiers and horses rushing to Jiangning City. It should also be able to enter the prison island one after another before the night falls today. But as long as the main force here cannot catch up, there is no possibility of a battle.

Lin Fu was also anxious: if the Zhejiang and Fujian troops let Jiangning go and turn westward, Yue Lengqiu would block; if the old fox in Shewenzhuang immediately retreated south, they would bite Zhejiang and Fujian in the north of Ningguo The tail of the army needs to hurry up.

It was not until the 25th that Zhang Gou and Chen Kuili led their troops to invade Dongyang County.

Lin Fu was also able to let go of his worries about the rear line in eastern Zhejiang on the 25th, and immediately ordered Chen Kuili to lead his troops to take over the defense of Dongyang County, Luohe Mountain Defense Village and Shengzhou. Zhang Gou led his troops north to Xiaoshan to rest, while Chang The main force of the Shan Army and the Chongcheng Army will also accelerate their northward march from now on.

Chen Huawen also led three thousand Haiyu troops to accompany him.

The troops and horses marched with their own generals and commanders, and Chen Huawen accompanied Lin Fu.

Lin Fu saw that he was unhappy and thought that he was probably also unhappy because the main force of the Hanghu Army was destroyed in Liyang, and the Chen family had no other choice.

More than a dozen horses came from the wheat field on the left side of the post road, led by Tang Fuguan, the deputy commander of the Chongcheng Army, and Chen Zhuo.

There was no objection in front, and Tang Fuguan, Chen Zhe and others were in charge of marching in the front line of the overseer. Seeing them rushing over together, Song Fu, who was sitting in the front of the carriage, looked refreshed and said, "It should be Jiangning who is important. The news comes..."

"These tortoise sons didn't have enough fun in Mindong. I can't wait to rush to Jiangning to do a good job; I don't know if the luxury family can do what they want!" Lin Fu laughed, restraining the horse and waiting for Tang Fu to watch them. The galloping horse came over and asked, "What message did you cut down ahead of you?"

"The emperor abandoned Jiangning and fled westward on the 25th day and night!" Tang Fuguan clutched the letter that had just come from Jiangning around Danyang, dismounted and said, "Mr. Gao has another secret letter from Jiangning!"

"Fuck!" Lin Bie subconsciously spit out a dirty word at the corner of his mouth, Song Fu smiled slightly, Zhou Pu and other generals showed their eyes, and Chen Huawen was stunned on the spot - Chen Xiang's hard work and thousands of generals who died in Liyang. What's the point of dying at this moment? What is the significance of the Chen family's loyalty to the court and the emperor over the years? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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