Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 142: piece

Ding Zhiru accompanied Yu Xinyuan, Sun Jingxuan, and Chen Huawen into the Kipishi Mountain camp. Dong Yuan also hosted a banquet. After the banquet, it was not early, so Yu Xinyuan, Sun Jingxuan, and Chen Huawen were first arranged to rest in the camp.

This arrangement of residence, Yu Xinyuan is in the east, Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen are in the west, they are separated from each other and are not in the same place.

Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen were naturally at ease. As long as Dong Yuan didn't refuse to see him, there would be no big problem in delaying the discussion for three or five days. The last straw for living.

Compared with Yue Lengqiu, Huaixi has the strength to compete with Huaidong.

There are 100,000 soldiers and horses in Huaixi, and they have been operating in Haosi, Shouzhou, Guoyang, Xinyang and other places for years. Tao Chun guards Guoyang, which is also the most important military stronghold of Huaixi on the north bank of the Huaihe River. In order to prevent the Yanlu troops from besieging the city for a long time, Guoyang City's grain reserves have been maintained for more than half a year.

Even if Huaidong cut off Huaixi's grain, Huaixi's troops and horses would not be in trouble for three to five months.

But can the people of Huaixi turn their backs on Huaidong and force their own family into a situation where they will be killed and then reborn?

Kipishi Mountain originally had a mountain temple, and the military camp was also rebuilt according to the mountain temple. At this time, it was like a mountain city.

The barracks was not so spacious and comfortable. The walls of Yu Xinyuan’s single house were empty, and the roof was thatched. Listening to the strong wind swirling between the river and the mountain walls, people were worried about when the roof would be lifted. There was a brazier inside, and the charcoal was scorching hot in the copper basin. Yu Xinyuan felt the slightest warmth. There was a small window on the north side, and when you opened it, you could see the Huai River under the mountain wall. The Huai River under the night is like a black, sparkling ribbon, with the sound of waves mixed in the wind.

Someone was walking outside the door, and the **** who was traveling north pushed the door first and came in, reporting: "Chu Prince is here..."

Yu Xinyuan, who was almost in despair, heard that Yuanhancheng, the king of Chu, came to visit at this time. It was like a straw when he was drowning. When things turned around, he was overjoyed and went out to see Yuanhan, the king of Chu, set up in the atrium. , nodded again and again, and said, "Prince Chu is really polite, if you have something to call, the source of your heart will come..."

Yuan Hancheng smiled and said, "Master Yu is very polite." He cupped his hands back and walked into the house with Yu Xinyuan's arm.

"Xinyuan also stayed in Shouzhou for a few days, and the emperor also sent people to ask for news twice in Juchao," Yu Xinyuan also ignored his manners and temptations, and went straight to the subject when he entered the room, saying, "Sun and Chen, although Coming here with grain and moss, but seeking the skin of a tiger with Huaidong is no different, Lord Chu, you have always been in Xuzhou, and you have not suffered from Huaidong, so this time you have to hold on to it!”

Yuan Hancheng asked Yu Xinyuan to sit down in front of the brazier, and motioned Yu's entourage to go out so that they could talk.

"Master Yu, this king would like to ask you, Huaidong brought the Queen Mother's will to establish a new emperor in Jiangning. How should Luzhou handle it? How should Huaixi handle it?" Yuan Hancheng asked.

Yu Xinyuan was slightly startled, and then said: "As long as Huaixi supports the emperor, Huaidong will not dare to risk the world!"

Yuan Hancheng shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "There is nothing that must be dared. If the emperor refuses to return to Jiangning, it is almost certain that the Empress Dowager Huaidong will establish a new emperor in Jiangning. You can invite Master Dong to come and talk, if Master Yu can only say these words, this king can only accompany Master Yu to drink a few more glasses of wine."

Yu Xinyuan said in a panic, "Master Chu, you are always a clan giant, do you have the heart to watch a powerful minister bully the imperial family?"

"It's not about being patient, but the situation is like this," Yuan Hancheng said, "Speaking of these words, this king is not in a good mood. To say loyalty, which one is not loyal to the emperor, but Jiangnan Jiangbei Falling into a break, Huaixi was attacked from both sides, and I was afraid that he would not be able to last for three months. The emperor sent a guilt to himself and returned to Jiangning. Although it is not so decent, it is better than being a *****..."

"Prince Chu dare to say that this son Lin Fu has no ambitions?" Yu Xinyuan asked.

"Master Yu, listen to what I have to say," Yu Xinyuan said, "In such a situation, drinking poison to quench thirst is a last resort, not to mention that there are ministers both inside and outside who are loyal to the emperor, and Duke Pengcheng will somewhat restrain himself. Yes, it is time. Governor Yue is in Chizhou and has no foundation at all. Huaixi has to rely on the south for grain supply, and Jinghu and Xiangtan are also subject to Changle bandits and extravagant betrayals for a while. The Governor can stabilize his foothold in Chizhou, Huaixi soldiers and horses can have enough food and clothing in Shouhao and other places, and Changle bandits and extravagant betrayals are eliminated, can Huaidong still run wild? If the loyalty does not change, what will be the situation? The grain supply in Chizhou is temporarily dependent on the supply of Dongyang Prefecture. If the grain is cut off, the Governor Yue will not be able to maintain 30,000 soldiers and horses in Chizhou. After all, the Governor of Yue will be extravagant and betray the border at this time. Increase the emperor's chips! It's not that Mr. Yu doesn't know about the situation that Huaixi is facing..."

Yu Xinyuan sat there dry, at a loss, he originally wanted to persuade the people of Huaixi to fight against Huaidong, but he didn't expect that the people of Huaixi would persuade him in turn...

Seeing Yu Xinyuan sitting there in a daze, Yuan Hancheng also felt pity for the same illness, and the people of Huaixi were forced to choose to compromise.

Yuan Han was prejudiced by Yu Xinyuan sitting speechless, and continued: "If Huaidong wants to hold the government, he has to do it overnight. Even if the Queen Mother and King Lu are willing to use Huaidong at this time, they will protect the clan in the end. The key is that the emperor can go back. …”

Although Yu Xinyuan's heart was as cold as ash, but his mind was still spinning, what Yuan Hancheng said was indeed true.

Yuan Hancheng said painstakingly: "Mr. Yu may not resent that the Queen Mother and King Lu were used by Huaidong, but this root was buried during the Ninglu battle. The Queen Mother used by Huaidong, in the final analysis, is fighting for the righteous name. The battle was for imperial power, and it was a division between the clans, which had to be used by Huaidong... In this fight, the court and opposition would inevitably split into the imperial party and the rear party. Shen Rong entered Jiangning with the queen mother, and the governor of Yue also handed over a confession to the Wanshou Palace. , Liang Chengchong of Nanyang, the former Yongchang Houyuan who returned to the government, and Liang Chengyi of Hezhongfu, they have no intention to submit to Huaidong, but to the Queen Mother. If the emperor is unwilling to return in Juchao, the north and the south are divided and each has an emperor, this is the case. It forced the Jiangzhou army of Weiyang House, Nanyang and Yuedu to stand on the same line with Huaidong, and attacked Luzhou and Huaixi together... But as long as the emperor went to Jiangning, although the emperor would be humiliated, the division of the clan would not be enough. It no longer exists, and the situation will not ask Yuedu, Shen Rong, the brothers of the Liang family and me to make a difficult choice between the emperor and the queen mother. The imperial party and the later party can only be twisted together , it is possible to fight against Huaidong!"

Yu Xinyuan's mind also gradually became more active to Yuan Hancheng, his eyes were more angry, he looked up at Yuan Hancheng, and wanted to see how much of Yuan Hancheng's eyes were true and some were false.

"Master Yu, do you think what this king said is true?" Yuan Hancheng asked.

"Then there are people in the Liang family in Shouzhou?" Yu Xinyuan asked.

"Dong Yuan went to Guoyang to patrol the camp, and before returning to Huai, he met Yuan Hou Ye in Xinyang." Yuan Hancheng also honestly told Dong Yuan that he had met Yuan Guizheng.

This scene really took turns. When Liang Chengchong led the remnants of the Liang family to Nanyang, Huaidong supported Liang Chengchong to establish a foothold in Nanyang, and he had the intention of containing Huaixi. When he turned around, Nanyang ran with Huaixi again.

The intrigues and deceitful people above the court are not as good as the handsome officials of this foreign vassal!

Indeed, once Emperor Yongxing returned to Jiangning, he would be subject to the empress dowager, and the division between the clans would cease to exist. Compared with Huaidong, Nanyang would definitely choose to stand on the same front as Huaixi.

It turned out that Dong Yuan and the others had already made the abacus, and now they are going to work with Huaidong to force the emperor to return to the court! Yue Lengqiu was just taking a step forward.

It was true that Yue Lengqiu, the Liang brothers, and the people of Huaixi still had a choice, and they still had the capital to bargain with Huaidong, but he only had room to struggle to the death.

Yuan Hancheng peeked at Yu Xinyuan's face, figured out his heart, and said, "Master Dong and Master Liu also said that in the defeat of Huizhou, Xie Chaozhong, as the general of the army, is naturally responsible, but the emperor also has to bear most of the blame. Responsibility, it is Lord Yu who is dedicated to the court, even if there are mistakes in words, but it is not a big fault, Lord Dong and Lord Liu are willing to intercede for Lord Yu, please ask the Queen Mother and her old man to forgive me..."

Yu Xinyuan's eyes lit up, Yuan Hancheng offered him a condition, but he also understood that the premise of Huaixi protecting him was that he should obey Huaixi's arrangement and seek the greatest benefit for Huaixi when he persuaded the emperor to return to the capital.

Yu Xinyuan didn't have too many extravagant demands at this time. It was impossible for him to return to the capital with the emperor. It was impossible to maintain his previous position. I want to save the Yu family and not let the family loot and destroy the family.

Speaking of which, even if Huizhou was defeated, even if he had to take responsibility, it was not the crime of looting his family and exterminating his family. But Yu Xinyuan really didn't dare to go back to Jiangning before he made an agreement with Huaidong!

Who knows how many people Huaidong and the Empress Dowager will take advantage of Huizhou's defeat and abandonment?

"Thank you for your great love, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" is a matter of life and family, and Yu Xinyuan didn't care about his manners, he stood up and saluted, "But there is something difficult for the heart, please ask the prince to order!"

Yuan Hancheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seemed that Yu Xinyuan was concerned about his own life after all, so all this would be easy to handle.

Jiangning has sent Liu to Luzhou to welcome him. If he really wants to successfully welcome the emperor from Luzhou back to Jiangning, Liu Zhi must divide and win over the officials who fled west with the emperor.

Huaidong will carry out a major purge, but judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Huaidong to be bloody. In fact, to save the life of Yu Xinyuan is not a condition.

But things are messy when it concerns himself, and his own life is involved, so it is difficult for Yu Xinyuan to keep thinking about the problem rationally. With the guarantee of Huaixi, even when Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen are in Shouzhou, after negotiating this condition, Yu Xinyuan can return with peace of mind. Go to the emperor.

With this layer of protection, Yu Xinyuan's mind became active, and he could gradually understand the intention of Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng to come over on behalf of the people of Huaixi: At this time, the fierce confrontation with Huaidong would only be a chicken-and-egg fight, and Huaixi would die first if he died; It is in the interests of Huaixi to take advantage of the opportunity of Huaidong’s eagerness to welcome the emperor and return to the dynasty, to strive for more favorable conditions, and to cooperate more closely with Chizhou, Nanyang, and even Jinghu and Xiangtan. Xi has already regarded the emperor as a **** to use instead of protecting the emperor, but Huaixi cannot directly control the emperor. If he wants to use the emperor to win more and more direct interests for Huaixi, there is no more suitable person than Yu Xinyuan. selected.

Thinking of this, Yu Xinyuan no longer just wanted to save his life. Huaidong certainly didn't want to make troubles with the emperor's return to the court. Thinking of this, Yu Xinyuan thought to himself: Maybe I should talk to Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen tomorrow? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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