Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Di Bao

Entering Jiangning City, Lin Fuxian sent someone to bring Zhezi into the palace.

The empress dowager, the emperor and the ministers of the political affairs hall of course knew that Lin Fu was returning to Jiangning today. Even if Lin Fu's itinerary was strictly confidential, Lin Xuwen and others had already been informed of the big news when they went out of the city to meet such a big news. However, according to the rules, Lin Fu had to bring Zhezi into the palace first, tell him about his return journey, and then make an appointment to meet him.

When returning to Jiangning for the first time, the dust-cleaning banquet was inevitable. After returning to Chen Garden, Lin Fu let everyone rest in the former garden, and he went back to the inner house to wash up.

Gu Junxun, Su Mei, Xiaoman, Liu Yueer, Sun Wenwan and other female relatives have long been looking at the prime minister in the inner house, watching Lin Fu pacing, and swarming up, saying that some of his face is thin, some that his face has turned black , Sun Wenwan's daughter is the youngest. She has not seen each other for more than four months. She is already a toddler. She is holding Lin Bie in her arms with a panicked face, not knowing how to deal with this stranger.

Seeing that the house was full of daughters and children, Lin Fu felt ashamed. After returning to Jiangning, he couldn't reunite with his family in the inner house for the first meal, and he had to deal with those who stayed in the front yard and didn't leave.

Of course, as the principal, Gu Junxun wanted to accompany Lin Fu to Nanyuanzi to have a banquet with the ministers to show his closeness to the ministers. However, the daughters of Sumei, as concubines, did not have the opportunity to appear in such a formal banquet. Lin Bie was also afraid of leaving the girls out in the cold, so he hurried back to the inner house to chat with the girls and explain the pain of lovesickness.

After talking for a while, Gu Junxun went back to the room to change into court clothes and put on makeup. Lin Fu accompanied the four daughters, Su Mei, Xiaoman, Liu Yueer, and Sun Wenwan, to talk in the book hall in the west corner of Dongyuanzi. Come to the palace.

Lin Fu asked, "Have you already entered the palace?"

Song Jia glanced at Lin Fu and said angrily, "Without an order, my concubine can't rush over to see you?" She also saluted Su Mei and Liu Yue'er's daughters, "Song Jia has seen your sisters..."

"Sister Song is really polite." Su Mei smiled, stood up and gave Song Jia the stool next to Lin Bie.

Song Jia took Su Mei's arm and sat down together.

Lin Fu took Song Jia's hand, which was as soft as jade, twisted it gently, and touched his hands, only to feel that the jade person in front of him was more and more truly endearing, and said, "As soon as I entered the city, I asked someone to pass the zizi into the palace, Isn't it just that I want to see you in a hurry?"

Song Jia laughed with Su Mei's daughters and said, "Look, my husband's mouth is getting more and more slick. I don't believe it if it's about me. If it's about you, would you believe it?" Lin Fu held the lead and twisted it, but his mouth was not forgiving. In front of the women, he was also a husband who called Lin Fu.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I'd call him a ghost if I believe him!" Xiaoman coaxed, hugging Lin Bie's neck from behind.

Liu Yueer and Sun Wenwan laughed. Among the daughters, apart from Liu Miaozhen, Song Jia was the one who worked outside. Although Song Jia has a very pungent temperament, she has little relationship with the women.

After laughing for a while, Song Jia told Lin Fu about the business: "The queen mother called her husband into the palace the day after tomorrow, and asked her husband to wash the dust in Chen Yuan for two days..."

"How can I rest?" Lin Bie frowned and said, "Two days are not enough to deal with Jiangning's situation..."

Lin Fuxian had to go to the palace to report his duties, and told the empress dowager and the emperor the details of the four-month inspection of the defense area. The military plan for Jiangxi’s post-autumn period has also been drawn up. Jinghu, Chizhou, Tanzhou, Huaidong, Zhejiang and Xihangying and Yijiang Town have also begun to prepare for battle and adjust the deployment of troops. After the request, it can be regarded as completing the legal level.

"Who told you to fool around in Xuzhou for so many days?" Xiaoman said with a smile, "The preparations for the battle in Shangrao are so tight, you still delayed returning to Jiangning today, you are really busy!"

During this inspection, Lin Fu stayed in Xuzhou for nearly two months before and after, hanging out with Liu Miaozhen. Even if he excused the importance of Xu Si's defense line, he did stay in Xuzhou for a little longer.

Lin Fu said: "The importance of the military, once in Xusi and once in Luyi, the foundation of these two places is not solid, Jiangning will be uneasy, and the stay will inevitably be longer. I will go to visit next year, this hard time I don’t want to suffer anymore, you have to have someone to accompany me out, so that you can feel free…”

"Okay, okay!" Xiaoman eagerly agreed to go out of Jiangning City.

Su Mei turned around, pinched her lightly, and said, "My husband leaves Jiangning to inspect the military and political affairs in various places, and you should set an example of hard work. When it comes to helping women learn, someone asks Su Mei to help her in front of her husband..."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Lin Bie asked. Su Mei doesn't promise others indiscriminately outside, and it's quite strange to suddenly mention that someone asked her for a request.

"Chen Qingqing wanted to donate to a women's school, because he was afraid that the Privy Council would not accept it. When I came here a few days ago, I guessed that you were going to come back, so I asked for it." Su Mei said.

"Ah!" Lin Fu was slightly startled, and said subconsciously, "Gao Zongting went to Luzhou to meet me, but didn't say a word?" After thinking about it, Chen Qingqing had a rough life in his early years, and was married to He Yuejing, a general of Fuguo Concubine, He Yuejing was killed in the war, Chen Qingqing expelled He Yuejing's wife from the Chen family and re-entered the music membership.

Even with Gao Zongting acquaintance, Chen Qingqing was probably reluctant to be a concubine.

"Mr. Gao has no opinion!" Su Mei said.

Running a women's school is a shocking move, and Chen Qingqing is even more sensitive because she is a low-lying family member. Gao Zongting couldn't make up his mind for Chen Qingqing for a while, so Chen Qingqing came to Su Mei to ask if this could be done.

Lin Fu said: "What's wrong with that? If Chen Qingqing is willing to donate to a women's school, it is a righteous act, and the court should commend it. These days I don't have the energy to talk about these things. If Chen Qingqing wants to donate, then do it quietly first, don't No matter what the world is talking about! There are some rumors, you must listen carefully. But there is also a saying that it is impossible for a scholar to rebel in ten years. Those who can only talk about it, no matter how fierce the rumor is, it is actually difficult to make a big mess. !"

"If everyone in the world is as open-minded as you, everything will be easy," Su Mei sighed, "I will tell Chen Qingqing about this in two days."

Gu Junxun came over after changing the court clothes, and Lin Fu got up and went to Nanyuanzi to accompany the ministers to a banquet, and asked Song Jia to stay in the inner palace to eat with Su Mei and the others.

In the afternoon, when they went out of the city to greet them, only Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian and others were free; but all the important people from the Huaidong family in Jiangning attended the banquet at Chenyuan Nanyuan at night.

Lin Fu and Gu Junxun were sitting in the middle, and there were four long tables on the left and right. , Zhou Pu, Sun Zhuang, Chen Enze, Hu Yuer, Ge Siyu, Wu Jiye and other nearly forty generals and ministers attended.

Lin Fu was not used to cumbersome rituals, but rituals were also a way to increase power in the world.

After the banquet, Gu Junxun went back to the inner house first, and Lin Fu also told everyone else to go back to rest first, leaving Lin Tingli, Lin Xuwen, Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Cao Ziang, Gao Zongting, Sun Jingxuan, Song Fu, Huang Jinnian, Liu Shidu, Chen Huazhang and others behind. discussion. These people are almost the core figures of the Huaidong family in Jiangning.

"I will meet the Queen Mother in the palace the day after tomorrow, and I will recommend Chen Gong and Chen Huazhang to take charge of the entrance hall, and the Ministry of Household will also jointly sponsor it," Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen said, "This matter is best done before the war. ."

According to the prefectures, the Academy of Proceedings has set up a Proclamation Officer, who is responsible for reporting the situation of the subordinate counties to the imperial court, and is responsible for timely reporting the situation of the imperial court and other counties to the subordinate counties, and conveying imperial edicts, letters and other matters. An office that is connected from top to bottom, officials from various counties entering Beijing and directors, are also contacted by the Academy of Music for many matters.

Entered into the officials above, set up the hospital envoy to lead the affairs, went to the Chengzhengshitang, and was under the jurisdiction of the Shangshumen.

After Emperor Yongxing ascended the throne in Jiangning, the area under his jurisdiction decreased sharply, and he wanted to strengthen the concentration, abandoning the prefectures, and directly administering the prefectures. . After Emperor Yongxing returned to Jiangning, the prefecture was officially abolished and no longer used, and another battalion was set up to govern the military and government, that is, the battalion and the prefecture had the right to advance and were directly under the jurisdiction of the central government.

Previously, Yuan Guizheng served as a servant to the family and also led the envoy to the academy.

Lin Mengde asked, "Does the lord want to officially set up a residence newspaper?"

Lin Bie nodded and said, "Yan Hu had signs of dispatching troops in the Qinxi area as early as mid-August. After the first trial, Yan Hu's use of troops in the Guanshan area this time will be longer than the last time. , the destruction will be more thorough, and obviously we have a low probability of ending the war in Jiangxi before next year, and we need more means to consolidate the foundation."

The Jinyu Academy is an institution assigned from above, and it only plays the role of inheritance. The rank of the Jinzongyuan is only from the fifth grade. However, compared to the secret intelligence system, the Jinzongyuan and the Supervisory Academy are the same. There are only two places on the bright side that can gather information from all over the world.

Of course, in Lin Fu's eyes, the newspapers run by the Jinzun Academy have a more important role.

The Die News, organized by the Jinzun Institute, collects the latest information from various places and the center, distributes the capital and the prefectures, and prints and sells it to the local officials. It can be said to be the prototype of the current government-run newspapers. However, traditionally, the Dibao simply collected the information from the center and various places to inform all parties, and did not play a role in guiding public opinion.

Lin Fu had discussed with Lin Xuwen and the others about the Di Bao matter earlier, but his previous ideas were not mature enough, and his grasp of Jiangning's situation was not solid enough, so he kept pressing it.

Lin Fu was the first to talk about this when he came back. Lin Xuwen knew that Lin Fu should be thinking about being mature, and Song Fu and Gao Zongting had been with Lin Fu for so long, and they should have had many discussions, and they agreed: "It's done. , I'll write a recommendation when I go back..."

The Dibao itself was delivered to the prefecture in a timely manner by means of a courier, and it was also the only channel through which the gentry and the general public could have fair access to the court and comprehensive news from all over the country. Lin Fu has a memory of later generations that has been heavily publicized. Of course, he knows that the status of the Dibao is irreplaceable. of. It's just that the propaganda role of Di Bao has not been discovered by the world.

No matter how stubborn the world's brains are, one or ten times of brainwashing will fail, but hundreds or thousands of times will make it difficult for most people to hold on to their own opinions. The key point is that there are very few channels for the world to receive information from the outside world, except for announcements posted by the government and the government In addition to the hearsay of vendors, pawns, merchants and tourists, most people have almost no access to the outside world.

Lin Fu asked Chen Huazhang to run the Dibao as a newspaper. In addition to publishing the central and local news and decrees that can be made public in real time to the public, the more important thing is to make the Dibao a place to discuss the new policy, new studies, dissemination of new policies, and new studies. core tool.

From the meeting in Chongzhou in early May, Lin Fu asked Chen Huazhang to accompany him to walk around the Jianghuai land for more than half a circle. For almost four months, Chen Huazhang never left Lin Bie. After returning to Jiangning, Lin Fucai officially recommended Chen Huazhang to enter the Academy, but in fact, it was to let him have a systematic and profound ideological understanding of the new policy implemented by Huaidong and the new learning he advocated.

Only in this way can Chen Huazhang understand Lin Fu's intentions, and use the tool of the Dibao to convey the ideas of the New Deal and the New School, instead of simply taking charge of the entrance hall and keeping Huaidong up to date with the latest developments in the prefectures.

When it comes to his understanding of the new school and the old and new political systems, Zhao Shuhan is not reconciled to others. Lin Fie originally wanted Zhao Shuhan to serve as the envoy of the Academy. However, Zhao Shuhan was the founder of Zaxue in the early days, but at this time, like Zhang Yubo, he became increasingly conservative.

The matter of running a mansion newspaper is very idealistic. If UU reading www.uukanshu.com's pen is crooked, it may become a public opinion position for Baohuangtang. Lin Fu would rather ask Zhao Shuhan to go to the Ministry of Industry to do some practical work, and he would not dare to ask him to take charge of the affairs of the newspaper.

Lin Fu added: "The Jinzongyuan only has a small-scale engraving workshop. After all, the number of engraved papers before is small, and it only needs to be distributed to the state capitals and the six central temples, and then the state capitals will copy and sell them privately. , it is not under the jurisdiction of the Engraving Institute; in the future, the printing volume of Dibao will increase greatly, and the scale of the previous engraving workshop will be too small..."

"Maybe you can give the impression to the Ye family." Lin Mengde said.

The Ye family that Lin Mengde said was Dongyang Ye family, not Mingzhou Ye family.

Ye Kai and his father and son have been printing books in Jiangning for two generations, and Zhengyetang is the largest bookstore in Jiangning today. The prison book jointly written by Lin Fu and Zhao Shuhan in his early years was also printed by Zhengyetang.

Lin Fu said: "The specific printing is still prepared by Duke Chen, so I won't discuss it in detail here..."

The matter of Di Bao was discussed in detail with Chen Huazhang and others on the way.

The Jinzi Academy should undertake all the distribution of the Dibao, which is divided into a half-month period and distributed to the county by Chuanyi. Officials, gentlemen, and civilians must purchase from Chuanyi, and local private printing is strictly prohibited; Jiangning and Chongzhou, Weiyang, Pingjiang, Hangzhou, Mingzhou and other big cities with many households have also handed over to Chuanyi to set up multiple sales points in the city.

Huaidong's movable type printing technology is relatively mature. In large-scale printing, it has great advantages in cost and printing speed compared with traditional engraving printing. The cost is about twenty dollars.

The initial price was 100 yuan, 24 issues a year, and the total price was 2,400 yuan. It was not something that ordinary families could afford. At the beginning, it could only be like this. At present, cheap newspapers do not have the conditions to be realized— My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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