Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 39: war weapon

She Feixiong, Deng Yu and Wang Hui went to the top of the city, only to see that after the moat, thousands of Huaidong soldiers had already left the camp.

Above the long empty trenches before, the Huaidong Army also temporarily built more than ten trenches with a width of more than three feet with trench bridge vehicles, thinking that they could send troops.

Shefeixiong built the Jiahe River to prevent the blockage, and did not dig the outer trench. Once the outer trench is dug, the protection against the blockade is actually very limited, and the defenders cannot have any other counter-attack channels except through the city gate.

There were no outer trenches for the Jiahe Anti-Fortress. The Huaidong Army approached the city. Instead, they had to build a moat to surround the Jiahe Anti-Fortress in order to restrict the defenders from going out and fighting back.

Since the range of the heavy catapult can be 400 paces or even longer distances, the moat for the Huaidong Army to attack the Jiahe can only be built at a distance of 400 paces.

Behind the moat were built several small fortified villages, and stationed a small number of elite soldiers to prevent the guards who guarded the river from sneaking across the moat at night, or drove the people to fill the moat.

The main troops of the Huaidong Army entering the front line were mainly stationed in the front camps more than a thousand steps away from the trenches.

The Huaidong Army was going to attack the Jiahe to defend the blockage. The troops and horses had to be dispatched from the front base camp, and they would advance to the trenches and form a formation to make the final preparations before the attack.

They were only more than 400 steps away from each other, and She Feixiong could see clearly what was going on after the moat.

When they arrived at the head of Nancheng, thousands of soldiers and horses from Huaidong had already left the camp and lined up in the moat. In front of the shield car, the arrow stone was used to cover the front wing of the formation, and the sword and shield hands, the swordsmen, the spearmen, and the bowmen lined up behind the moat.

Different from the traditional formation method, the Huaidong generals gathered in a unit of sixty soldiers from one capital, so it can be quickly calculated that Huaidong used about 3,000 soldiers to attack the city this time. The formation of the first soldiers of the Eastern Brigade—they were mainly protecting the moat bridge used to send troops to the city.

After the battle, nearly 2,000 soldiers pushed more than 100 vehicles with small wheels on their bases, and the waterproof varnishes were withdrawn, revealing arrow slots or twisted strings, bed crossbows, scorpion crossbows and other weapons from the cannon. These weapons were still pushed by soldiers, and those heavy bomb carts loaded with stone bullets and crossbow arrows were dragged by cattle and horses, leaving deep ruts on the rain-soaked mud.

About 20 heavy catapults of the Huaidong Army had been erected in the sturdy small village behind the trenches before the day before yesterday, and they were covered with waterproof varnished cloth when it rained. At this time, the rain stopped and the wind stopped, and the waterproof varnish was removed.

Only the generals who had seen the power of Huaidong's heavy slingshot would know the monstrous erection of the pole.

The Huaidong Army was on the flanks, and there were hundreds of horses clad in armor, and the neighing of the horses came with the wind. The Huaidong war cavalry came out to line up, mainly to prevent them from sending troops and horses out to fight back.

The Huaidong Army's formation behind the moat did not go out with the city-attached combat equipment, such as cloud ladders, city climbing vehicles, and nest vehicles. She Feixiong knew that Huaidong was using the advantages of warfare equipment to destroy many of their defenses at the top of the city. Before the installation, for the time being, it will not be directly pushed to the foot of the city to use the method of ant attachment to conduct a **** siege!

But She Feixiong's heart was not easy.

War weapons have a service life, like those catapults that throw 40 to 50-pound stone bombs at a distance of four or five hundred steps, the wear and tear during operation is extremely severe, except for the calibration of shooting distance, no one wants Will be extravagant enough to send two stone bombs to play.

She Feixiong knew how big the gap between the two sides was in terms of weapons.

The large-scale combat equipment above the Huaidong Army's bed crossbow can reach an effective range of 300 steps, and the large scorpion crossbow and tip crossbow can directly attack the city head after the moat.

As for Huaidong's heavy-duty catapult, it only takes a dozen or so people to operate it, and it can throw 40 to 50-pound stone bullets as far as 500 paces away.

If the Zhejiang and Fujian troops wanted to throw such a heavy stone bomb five hundred paces away, the catapults they built were bigger than imagined, and it even required two or three hundred people to operate them at the same time. In order to put down such a catapult to kill the enemy, there is still a space of 200 steps deep.

Even if such a catapult could be created, it would not be able to be placed on the city wall, and not a few could be placed behind the blocked city wall; and Huaidong had twenty heavy catapult sticks exposed in several small camps behind the moat. as much.

The Huaidong soldiers who went to battle were lined up behind the moat, and behind the moat, there were sections of fence walls, which provided the most basic protection in advance for the Huaidong army arrayed after the moat.

At such a long distance, in addition to the four large stone throwing crossbows behind the city wall, the only thing that can be attacked by the defensive side is the ten three-bow crossbows placed under the battle shed at the head of the city.

In any case, it is not yet time to show weakness.

She Feixiong waved his hand and ordered the city guards to temporarily hide under the battle shed to avoid the stone bullets and giant arrows that were about to be thrown by Huaidong. After the machine was pushed to the crenel, the catapult crossbow behind the city wall was made to remove the waterproof varnished cloth, ready to counterattack.

At this time, the sun was slightly slanted, and a rainbow after the rain was revealed in the sky. After the moat, the stone bullets were like the rain that was about to start. First, they were thrown to the Jiahe anti-block, and then gradually became denser.

The accuracy of the catapult was limited at the beginning, only a few stone bullets just landed on the city head, and more fell on the inside and outside of the city head or directly on the city wall.

Before falling on the city wall, muddy water splashed.

Smashing the front of the city wall, She Feixiong and the others stood under the battle tent, and they could feel the city wall trembling and howling in pain under their feet. It makes people suspect that if the stone bullets called Huaidong catapults hit the same spot several times, the entire city wall will crack.

The stone bullets weighing more than tens of kilograms smashed on the top of the city and on the battle shed. The battle shed made of rows of wood could only support one or two shots before it fell apart.

A stone bullet that falls behind the city wall can even cause a large area of ​​the house in the defense block to collapse; if a person is unfortunate, a stone bullet can directly smash into meat.

Only two rounds of stone bombs passed, and a catapult placed behind the city wall was completely shattered!

"The head of the city is dangerous, and the young marshal should go to the watchtower at the back to count on the war!" Seeing that a war shed on the left was smashed by stone bullets, dozens of guards were killed and injured all at once, making Deng Yu feel that the wood was lined up. War sheds are also very unsafe.

The Huaidong catapult falls on the heavy object at the tip and tail, which is regarded as the force of the hair tip, and the heavy object has a constant weight, so it can be calibrated and adjusted when it is fired. It will hit directly on the top of the city.

Deng Yu will not be greedy for life and fear of death, but if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, there is no need for him and She Feixiong to stand at the top of the city to bet that the stone bullet from Huaidong will not fall on them. superior.

Between the stone bullets, a clay pot was thrown, and just one fell on the war shed above Shefeixiong's head.

The jar was broken and leaked, and a few drops fell on Wang Hui's helmet. Wang Hui reached out and touched his nose to smell it, and said in surprise, "Is it water?"

"No, the Huaidong Army is calibrating with water cans, and will inevitably throw kerosene canisters over here. You can't stay here any longer, young commander!" Deng Yu was about to signal to the guards to forcibly drag She Feixiong down the city. go.

Although Chengtou had prepared some wet blankets and piles of river sand in order to deal with Huaidong's oil tank tactics, the protection was still insufficient.

They could see that the Huaidong soldiers and horses fired the clay pot for the scorpion crossbow—the Huaidong scorpion crossbow was more accurate than its heavy catapult. There must be a dense can of kerosene thrown.

Surrounded by guards, She Feixiong reluctantly retreated from the city head. She Feixiong had just walked down to the city and had not yet climbed up to the watchtower behind the city wall. Seventy or eighty kerosene canisters were thrown at the front of the city where he had just stood, and they shattered; Both sides of Hao.

Seeing the black viscous oil flowing out of the broken can, She Feixiong frowned slightly - it took them a long time to figure out what this oil was.

The Huaidong Army dug kilns to smolder coal, and in addition to smoldering coal, it also produced black viscous oil. Huaidong's lighter is called coal plaster, and it is difficult to put out a fire, and the smoke is also toxic, which irritates the eyes and throat.

Huaidong used a lot of smouldering coal, so the output of coal gypsum was also huge, making Huaidong's use of kerosene tanks unrestrained, and it became the most headache for the Zhejiang and Fujian troops. Under the cover of swords and shields, more than a dozen Huaidong archers touched the foot of the city and fired rockets to ignite the ointment sprinkled on the city's head, burning the ten-foot-wide head of the city into a sea of ​​fire.

The guards at the top of the city took sand to put out the fire, but the Huaidong Army kept throwing kerosene oil behind the moat to set fire to the fire. There were still dozens of soldiers unfortunately stained with kerosene, burnt and mourning.

The billowing black smoke from the fire shrouded the entire city, which stimulated the soldiers to cry and cough, and blocked their vision. The more difficult to control.

She Feixiong was crying blood, so he could only ask more soldiers to temporarily withdraw from the city head, and then go up to the city head to resist when the Huaidong troops and horses were pressed down under the city.


Ao Canghai stood on the specially made high car, and he could look at the situation of his own formation and the defending city at a glance.

The upper reaches of the dam closes today. After the river is cut off, the water level will drop. It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to prevent the guards in the river guarding from being aware of it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

She Feixiong has three choices within the Jiahe defense.

The first was to counterattack by attacking the front of the Huaidong Army, breaking down the front line of the Huaidong Army, and the Jiehe Dam on the upper reaches of Shanxi River was naturally exposed before the attack range of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army. If the dam is destroyed in advance, the Jiahe River will no longer be threatened by the upstream hanging lake. It's just that the Huaidong Army had 30,000 elite soldiers behind the trenches, and the Zhejiang-Fujian Army had no more than 20,000 troops in the Jiahe Defense Fortress.

The second is to take strict precautions and bet that the hanging lake created by the Huaidong dam will not be able to cause too much impact on the anti-blocking of the Jiahe River. The Zhejiang-Fujian Army's Jiahe defense block in the south of Hengshan was built in a hurry. Although they were reinforced together in the later period, they mainly strengthened the southern city and its two flanks, which were vulnerable to direct attack by the Huaidong Army from the land. The blind spot and the inner side have always been the blind spots for the Zhejiang and Fujian troops to strengthen the city defense, but it is precisely the front of the water.

Even if the Jiahe River is impregnated and can block the water attack, but the Shanxi River is cut off and the river bed is bottomed out, ordinary generals in the anti-plug will know that Huaidong is building a dam in the upper reaches to build a hanging lake to flood the city with water, all day long. Worried, how can you feel at ease?

The third option that She Feixiong had was to resolutely give up Jiahe and retreat to Hengshan and Shangrao while Huaidong was building a dam to store water. Although this move will also severely damage the morale of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops, it can at least preserve its strength, use Shangrao, and even use the long interior line from Shangrao to the Ganjiang River to entangle and delay with Huaidong until the situation on the northern front changes.

People in Huaidong are not afraid that She Feixiong will lead his troops to counterattack against the blockade or defend the Jiahe blockage. Only when She Feixiong's arm is lowered can he reduce the pressure for the battles that follow. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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