Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 55: win

Yue Lengqiu did not expect that the Zhejiang-Fujian army, who was like a lost dog, still had fighting spirit at this time.

In fact, the She family is struggling to the death, but Chen Hansan is fighting high.

Since then, the luxury family will lose all the land in Jiangxi, from a hero to a dog who lost his family. Even if the remnants can successfully cross the river and escape to the north bank, it is truly a tragedy.

However, for Chen Hansan, the feeling is completely different.

In the past six months, despite the secret support of Suizhou and Jiangzhou, Chen Hansan led his troops into eastern Hubei, recruited bandits and gangsters, and the force exceeded 10,000 again, which is considered to have some foundation. However, the main force of the She family's army and horses was to contain Jiangzhou on the south bank, and Luo Xiancheng was still arguing with Jiangning and did not dare to turn his face. Chen Hansan was sandwiched between Jinghu and Chizhou, and the situation was really precarious.

Even if the luxury family is half disabled, Jiangxi will completely fall into the hands of Huaidong. From the perspective of the overall situation of the world, Huaidong's advantages will be further clarified.

However, for Chen Hansan, who was unable to guarantee the future, he couldn't take care of the overall situation for a while, so he could only try to survive in the small situation of Jinghu first.

No matter how crippled the She family is, the thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. There are still 60,000 to 70,000 people who can cross the river north, and no less than half of them are elites. It will completely reverse the power comparison of Jinghu in a short period of time. Let Chen Hansan get out of the current crisis.

As for the general trend of the world, Chen Hansan never thought that he would be able to compete with Huaidong again, and he did not think that the remnants of the luxury family who joined together with Zhou Luo Xiancheng would have the strength to compete with Huaidong—the one who should compete with Huaidong should be Beiyan.

After the remnants of the luxury family crossed the river north, Luo Xiancheng could no longer be a pool of stagnant water, motionless like a mountain.

Luo Xiancheng had not moved before, because Beiyan troops and horses were still far from Suizhou. If they moved, they would encircle Huaixi, Nanyang, Jinghu and Chizhou. Therefore, Luo Xiancheng did not dare to change.

After the remnants of the She family fled to the north bank, they would share the forces of Jinghu and Chizhou for Suizhou, and Huaidong was unable to join Jinghu for a while. Luo Xiancheng showed the carriage and horses to welcome the troops from the north and the troops heading south. What pressure?

At this time, Beiyan's forces in Guanshan were like fire, and the soldiers were invading like fire. Cao's family was struggling to support Guanzhong not to retreat, mainly because Jinghu and Nanyang had strategic support for them in the back.

Once the balance of power in Jinghu changes fundamentally, Luo Xiancheng also raises his flag and attaches himself to Yan in Suizhou. Will the Cao family dare to stand alone in Guanzhong?

If the Cao family retreated to eastern Sichuan, Liang Chengchong was just a candle in the wind in Nanyang.

The development of the situation will be the most critical in the next one or two years.

She family and Chen Hansan are people who have no way out. They can't go to Jiangning, but they have no grudges with Beiyan.

In addition, there are only 300,000 to 500,000 people in Beiyan's own clan. If they want to rule the world, who can they borrow? It can only rely on the forces of the enlisted army.

The She family did not give up their efforts to cede land and become independent until they retreated to Jiangxi, but the remnants crossed the river and fled north, and the She family lost the capital of self-reliance from then on.

The She family was unable to defend itself, but it was not that they did not have the capital to invest in Beiyan.

After the luxury family fled to the north of the river, although they lost the strength to compete with Huaidong head-on, they would still have 60,000 or 70,000 troops. , Tanzhou, Chizhou and Suizhou Luo Xiancheng are stronger.

At this time, attaching to Beiyan has just become the best choice for the luxury family at present; Beiyan wants to sweep the south, and there are luxury families who can borrow it, why would they abandon it?

And as long as the luxury family can always master an elite combat power, it is not impossible to cut a corner and become the king in the future.

Because the She family lost their hearts in Jianghuai, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, and had a deep hatred, Beiyan won the world in the future, and then cut East Fujian to the She family, at least in a short period of time, there is no need to worry that the She family still has the ability to sweep the world, threatening Beiyan against **** of the Central Plains. Or call the luxury family to guard Guangnan, which is also an option.

In fact, the only way for luxury families to cross the river north is to join Beiyan.

First of all, the land of Jinghu is small, and there are already five powers including Luo Xiancheng, Liang Chengchong, Chen Hansan, Hu Wenmu, and Yue Lengqiu. If the extravagant family squeezes in, it is impossible to gain much living space and form a long-term situation of separatism. .

If the She family really wanted to separate Jinghu Lake, Luo Xiancheng would definitely not agree.

In addition, the general situation of Huaidong in the periphery has been established. The longer the time drags on, the easier it will be for the Huaidong army to crush Jinghu. The three forces of Shejia, Chen Hansan, and Luo Xiancheng have the only chance of survival. At that time, he opened the Jinghu channel for Beiyan.

Either lead the army of Beiyan to the south, or rely on Beiyan, they will be able to compete with Huaidong.

The reasoning here, Shewenzhuang also sent someone to explain to Chen Hansan one by one before, and Chen Hansan can also understand the mentality of the She family facing the end of the road at this time.

Extravagant family is the end of the road, desperate is a last resort. However, after Xuzhou's defeat, Chen Hansan almost lost all the trousers, and now there is a chance to welcome the Beiyan army to the south and attach it. Chen Hansan's mood is diametrically opposite to the extravagant family.


The She family is fighting to the death, and Chen Hansan is fighting for more chips to join Beiyan in the future. It can be said that this opportunity has pushed the fighting spirit of his department to the highest level after going south.

Shewenzhuang abandoned Jiangzhou and crossed the river north to escape was a hasty plan, and it only took two days for Chen Hansun to get the letter.

In order not to disturb the Chizhou army, Chen Hansan led the elite 600 cavalry of the headquarters to take the cover of the night and sneak back to Huangmei from the west of Qichun facing the defense line of Jinghu Lake.

The third water camp in Jinghai has to come from the Yijiang River, and there are nearly 400 miles to go against the current. It is urgent to catch up with the river that is descending at this time. intercept.

In order to limit the large-scale withdrawal of the luxury family from Jiangzhou and flee north across the river, the Chizhou army attacked in three ways. Yue Duming led more than 12,000 troops from Xiaocang Mountain on the north bank to attack Huanglongling; at this time, Chen Hansan attacked. Just in Huangmei City, staring at every grass and tree to the east of Huangmei City.

Chen Hansan was also worried that the Zhejiang-Fujian army would be weak due to the collapse of Shangrao, so he resolutely decided to lead his troops out of the city.

Not a single **** was left in Huangmei City. Chen Hansan led a 5,000-foot ride out of the city and attacked the flank from the northwest. This was unexpected by Yue Lengqiu and Yue Duming.

When Yue Duming was in a hurry, he could only split half of his troops and horses to attack Chen Han's three troops from the flanks, and half of the 6,000 troops and horses to meet the Zhejiang and Fujian troops coming out of Huanglongling.

Shewenzhuang gave up Shangrao and refused to save, and secretly ordered the troops of Ganzhou, Yuzhang and Fuliang to withdraw from the east bank of Poyang Lake to the south. The state does not defend and crosses the river first, which makes the generals and officials of the Zhejiang-Fujian army in Jiangzhou very resistant and angry.

Although the command to retreat in Shewenzhuang was suppressed, the morale of the Jiangzhou Army, including the Huanglongling garrison, naturally fell to a low point.

Perhaps it was the intrusion of the Chizhou Army that angered the Huanglongling garrison, or the fact that Chen Hansan's troops spared no effort to attack the Chizhou army's flank, which aroused the fighting spirit of the Huanglongling garrison.

She Yuan, the defender of Huanglongling, was the eldest son of She Feixiong. His father and younger brother were trapped in Shangrao, but his grandfather refused to divide his troops to rescue him. She Yuan's anger was held down by She Wenzhuang, and there was an evil fire in his heart. At this time, attacking the Chizhou army and massacred the Chizhou army became the only channel for him to vent.

Shewenzhuang personally crossed the river and went to Huanglongling to sit in town. Except for one thousand soldiers and horses who stayed behind the camp, which did not give the Chizhou navy a chance to land on the beach and seize Huanglongling, the other eight thousand elites who first entered Huanglongling were led by Sheyuan. Fall out of the nest.

She Yuan straddled an eight-foot warhorse, and the warhorse was clad in armor. He also wore heavy armor and rushed into the army formation in Chizhou with a halberd as the forerunner. To wash away the anger in his heart with slaughter, the halberd waved like a dying star, and all the way, blood and flesh rained, there was no three-in-one general in the Chizhou army.

The luxury family can use a corner of the land and a clan to destroy several counties in the southeast, and it has a great relationship with the luxury family itself.

When the front line and the flanks were attacked by Huanglongling soldiers and Huangmei Chenhan's three divisions at the same time, Yue Duming fully understood that he was wrong, and then fully understood why Lin Fu's secret letter emphasized that the Chizhou army should make every effort to defend the north of Shejiabei on the north coast. ferry.

We must do our best to prepare for the enemy on the north shore, we must do our best to prepare for the enemy on the north shore!

Yue Duming looked at the enemy army coming in like a tidal wave, and there were bursts of darkness in front of him. About half of the Chizhou army was led by Yue Zhi and Deng Yu to attack Peng Ze on the south bank, which completely dispersed half of their strength.

"To divide the enemy and make oneself unite", the six-character mantra of the art of war, may be fully comprehended until death, but for Yue Duming, it is too late.

Under the attack of the two wings, the 12,000 soldiers and horses that Yue Duming led from the north shore could not support for even an hour, and then collapsed. Chen Hansan even led a thousand cavalry elites to fight out from the defeated troops and attacked the main camp of the Chizhou Army in Xiaocang Mountain.

After the main force was led by Yue Duming, there were only less than 2,000 defenders left in Xiaocang Mountain. Seeing that several enemy troops were like wolves, interspersed among the defeated soldiers in the mountains and plains, and went straight to the Xiaocangshan camp, Yue Lengqiu also knew that the situation was over, and he could not save it alone.

Du Ming's life and death are unknown, the front of the attacking troops and horses have completely collapsed, and they are involved in the chaos. He boarded a military ship on the east bank of Guihu Lake, sailed to the south bank, and joined Yue Zhi and Deng Yu.

At this time, Chen Hansan and She Yuan had joined forces to capture the main peak of Xiaocang Mountain. Crossing the Mashan Rock, two groups of troops and horses swept towards the west foot, covering up the garrison who had no time to withdraw from the Yangui Lake Water Village.

Yue Lengqiu felt a pain in his heart, so he could only flee to the south bank first.

The land battle on the north bank was so easily defeated, and the Xiaocangshan camp and the Xilu Yanguihu water village were successively lost, and the blow to the Chizhou navy who was advancing westward from the waterway to suppress the Jiangzhou navy was also fatal. From noon, they retreated steadily, and when the sun went down, they could no longer support the ship formation, and hurriedly fled east.

Taking advantage of the great victory on the north bank, the Jiangzhou navy also came out in full force, and was about to defeat the Chizhou navy.

Xiaocang Mountain is not lost, and the Chizhou navy fails in the surface battle, so they can avoid Yangui Lake and use the shallow water at the mouth of the lake and the terrain features of the interdependence of water and land to block the enemy army from Yangui Lake. After the fall of Xiaocang Mountain, the Chizhou navy had to flee to the mouth of the Qiupu River to escape the pursuit of the Jiangzhou navy. The rout of the two hundred-mile waterway almost caused the psychological collapse of the remnants of the Chizhou navy. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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