Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 958: : Salt fish turning posture

In the three times of the flood, Xi Tong has mastered it. The Donghuang Bell has recorded almost all the formations, exercises, and practice routes in the flood season.

But after that, Dong Huang Zhong knew nothing about it.

But Xi Tong knew.

Wuxian Sword Array and Wanxian Array are almost all existences in the world of Fengshen. Any one of them can be used to slay Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the two sages of Western religion.

It was four people joining hands, not one by one.

The East Emperor Bell can be used as an object to suppress the flood and to maintain the luck of the demons, but the power of the Xianxian Sword Formation is too great. Even the Master of Heaven cannot do it easily, and it cannot suppress the luck.

It ’s over, and playing so much.

One sword cuts down, even if the Peng Demon Division is not dead, it has to be severely disabled, where can it stop the suppression of Heluo's formation.

Although the Xun Peng Demon Master is lying on his back, his **** eyes slowly move upwards, his pupils look up to the sky, and he looks at the Master of Heaven in the air.

However, the murderous air in the air is pervasive and the sword air is vertical and horizontal. Even with its eyesight, only a vague figure can be seen.

Xi Tong stepped on the magic sword and decisively rolled out a hundred miles.

Wuxian Sword Formation, this is the famous killing move of Fengshen World. If the suspicion is long, it will stand in the attack range.

No, not even the edges.

Xi Tong felt unsafe beyond a hundred miles, and backed away a hundred miles.

Even if it is not affected by sword air, what if it is sprayed with blood?

However, above, the Master of Tongtian is full of clothes, although I do n’t know what material and function this dress is, but it can be worn on saints, and it will last for thousands of years.

However, under the scourge of the four swords of Xunxian, the clothes soon showed signs of changing to beggars.

Because of this, Xi Tong finally saw the strong chest muscles of the Tongtian Master, the abdominal muscles like a washboard, and the forearm like an umbrella bone.

The most important thing is, how can the body of the Master of Heaven be so large?

What is a 40-meter sword? Have you seen a sword of four thousand miles?

This is by no means a special effect of dazzling and dazzling blasts, nor is it a blinding trick, but it is really four thousand miles ...

No, it's already 40,000 miles.

However, the Tongtian leader still has a height of two meters, which is a bit stronger at best.

Qing Ping Jian is still a four-footed Qing Feng, not an inch or one cent.

This kind of length must be particularly awkward to use in the hands of ordinary people, because the sword is too long, and the arm length of ordinary people cannot be pulled out at all, and it is easy to appear the funny picture of Wang negative sword.

However, this kind of sword length is particularly harmonious in the hands of the Master of the Heavenly Master, surprisingly pleasing to the eye, no matter the posture of holding the sword or the angle and speed of the sword are so perfect, no flaw can be found.

As if not in this world.


Xi Tong finally understood where the problem was.

This sword does not belong to the world of Fengshen at all, as if it was cut from outside the world, and the target of the attack is the entire world.

From the inside, the world is huge, boundless and boundless.

But from the outside, what does the world look like?

Is it like the Buddha said, one sand and one world?

This is the case of Ming Wu in Xi Tong's heart. The sword of the Tongtian leader seems to be chopped on the sand.

Although it is only a four-foot green front, the object it kills is the entire world, and this world is only the size of a rice grain under the green front.

In this way, what's the difference between the body type of Xun Peng Demon Master and one meter?

Must die!

Immortality is uncomfortable.

The saint is worthy of being a saint. This means is not something that other people can figure out at all. Even if it is figured out, it cannot be put into practice.

Anyone who is sexually promiscuous will be done. The mortal will be finished after sexual prostitution, and the entire world will be dull, and the saint will enter the sage mode after the sexual prostitution is completed, and the content of sexual prostitution will be realized in the real world.

Immediately, Xi Tong thought of the picture that Jinghong saw at a glance.

That seems to be the layout of the Xianxian Sword Formation.

At this time, Kun Peng demon division moved.

I saw it turned over and turned its belly up and its back down.

It is said that the beast's open belly is a sign of surrender, exposing his fatal vitality to the superior, showing that he has no resistance.

"It's late to surrender at this time!"

Xi Tong won't let go of Peng Peng, let alone the Tongtian leader can't do it if he wants to let it go.

The power of Wuxian Sword Array is unparalleled in the world, just like the pretending line in the martial arts—the sword comes out, don't drink blood and don't return it.

Keep going, kill everything.

Just like a nuclear bomb, humans only know how to release it, but they don't know how to cover it and tuck it back.

The same is true of the Celestial Sword Formation of the God of Heaven.

If the sword is not light, it will kill every time!

He never thought about collecting a sword, just like he never thought his sword would fail.


The moment when Xun Peng Demon Master rolled over, great changes took place above Chaoge and even the entire Shang.

This great change made the main subject of Tongtianjiao want to crack, and his body was full of blue muscles.

Xun Peng's demon division arranged the Zhou Tianxing array on the belly, and arranged the Yuanyuan Heluo array on the back, causing the world to overturn.

I thought that there was any mystery in Xun Peng's demon master, but I didn't expect it.

The two large arrays ceased to operate at the same time, as if they were out of order anyway, all the confrontation and dumping disappeared in an instant, and everything returned to harmony.

The moment the salted fish turned over, it changed.

No longer so arrogant, arrogant, brutal ...

It became silent like water, slowly like the wind, and the fish flew shallowly, completely submerged in the water.

It was originally a soul born on the land of Dashang, a native of Miao Hong. Although it has been dormant in Beiming for thousands of years, when it returns, it is still a lost child.

This land embraced it, contained it, and wrapped like layers of cabbage.

Guarding the beings on this land was originally the mission and task of Heluo.

What's more, Xunpeng Demon Master has been exerting his talents to devour the heavens and earth, absorbing the essence of mountains and seas, and the aboriginal atmosphere is unparalleled.

Backstroke Yan Peng looked at the sky with a piercing look, and looked at Xi Tong next to him, his eyes were full of mockery.

It was intentional!

As far as the understanding of Hetu and Luoshu is concerned, Xitong's shooting is not as good as it can be, and Xitong can be turned around in a whole.

This is no longer a joke, but a fatal blow.

The Master of the Heavens froze.

The target is not lost, but there is a layer of defense on the target.

It is the Heluo large formation, and it is also the businessmen's law of protecting the country.

This sword can really damage or even kill Xunpeng Demon Division. However, before this, the stormy Heluo array will be destroyed by a blow.

If it's just a formation, it's broken.

But the problem is that the formation of Dashang's protection of the country ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is involved in all mountains and rivers in Dashang, and it is also the conviction of Dashang and the people.

The most important thing is that the warrior is his partner, the leader of the system's main deity.

In a big battle, many of his arraying equipment will be severely damaged or even damaged, and he will also eat back because of it. A bad one is falling.

How to do how to do?

Anxious to wait online!

[I communicated with my daughter-in-law today. I want to change a post. I want to be more leisurely and salty. I can spend more time on fish and water, read more books to enrich myself, and write more time. The daughter-in-law said decisively that he would resign. At that moment, I suddenly hesitated. I felt that my work was tired and annoying, although all the fake work was meaningless all day long, although I was doing all the other people's work for a while, I was hurt by those people ... But anyway, there are two thousand dollars a month. What if I quit the street after I resign ... Then I reflected, when I was overwhelmed by life, rounded out, eroded, and became Real salted fish. The person who opposed me the most before was the one who supported me most. Five flavors are mixed. Today I was very confused. It took four hours to write such a picture. Really no status, sorry]

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