Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 967: : This is just the beginning

When Tongtian taught the main sword to die, he couldn't bear to practice all over the world and donated a sword to Xitong.

This is the purest strength in the incarnation of the main virtues of Tongtianjiao, and it is the sword that polishes tens of thousands of years.

Don't look at only a small wire, but as a seed of strength, it is definitely a skill or exercise with more than 9 stars.

It is also by virtue of this sword qi, Xi Tong instantly transformed into a kendo saint. Although there is still a big gap compared with the pure sword cultivation such as the Tongtian master, it is stronger than non-sword repair saints such as Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun. Several chips.

At this moment, Xi Tong ’s understanding and use of the sword are all peaks. One person and one sword rushed towards the sea of ​​blood, but the ancestors of the Heihe opened their bows from left to right, grabbed Nose and Yuan Tu, and made a cross in front of them Parry.


Thousands of meters of blood sea waves rushed head-to-head, completely rising from the ground, holding a mountain to crush and smash people.

However, Xi Tong's toes lightly stepped on the tip of the blood sea waves, and the channeling monkey seemed to fly, reaching the height of the waves instantly.


One sword cuts down, although there is no invincible gesture that the Master of Heaven will cut the world when performing the Xianxian Sword Formation, it is more than enough to break a wave.

There are no dazzling lights and shadows, and no rumbling sound. The whole world is like a silent movie.

The blood waves were silent, and the magic sword was silent.

This sword cuts everything and freezes time.

When everything was restored, the ancestors of the Minghe horrified to find that the sea of ​​blood was penetrated by a sword, exposing the bottom of the sea that has not seen the sun for thousands of years.

The blood column under his feet, and the throne below him, all appeared as smooth as mirror cut marks.

So fast!

I didn't even see what was going on ... I was killed.

The halves of the ancestors of the Minghe River sink into the sea of ​​blood like stones, the injuries recovered in the blink of an eye, and their strength returned to the peak.

At this time, the noise coming from the direction of Xi Tong, and the frantic shouts of the mountains and the sea.

Brahma Sage.

Numerous yaksha and Luosha rushed out from the floodwaters, stepped into the Asura realm from the hungry ghost realm, and waved the swords and halberds given to them by Xi Tong, launching the Ural charge.

In front of them was a group of Asura who had lost his helmet and armor.

They are the army guarded by the hungry ghost world. The army that originally oppressed the realm was only a handful of people in the blink of an eye.


The ancestors of the Styx River have been arrogant and domineering for tens of thousands of years. When did they suffer such humiliation, a group of humble clutters dare to set foot on their own land.


Although facing the saints, but fighting in the blood sea area, the ancestors of the Heihe can fight superbly, and one-on-one single-handed is absolutely invincible, even one-to-two can also come and go.

"go to hell!"

"Shadow avatar!"

The ancestors of the Styx River covered their skin with 48,000 pores, and at the same time, they blew out the blood of fine hair like cattle hair. These blood rays quickly stretched and swelled as soon as they left the body. Puppet thing.

The blood shadow avatar is pure blood light condensing, invisible and quality, but has powerful lethality.

The ancestors of the Styx River swelled up, as if they were farting, their chests, waists and waists were trembling slightly, and blood was spraying like pores of Gatling. The speed was that the Buddha of Nanwu Gatling also sighed.

After these blood shadows avoided Xitong, they rushed at the intruders.

The first Asuras to see the **** shadows of the heavens, instead of being surprised, they have endless fear.

Even if they had been shot by a spear, Ashura still fell to his knees, scratching his head like garlic.

However, Xueying smiled, the moment when he passed by, the sword in his hand was instantly solidified, and the Ashura were all stiff, and then they were incredibly covering their necks.

No blood was flowing.

Because they don't even have a drop of blood on them.

More blood slammed on Ashura's body, appearing behind Ashura as if through a wall, and Asura who passed by it fell to the ground instantly, his whole body blood was swallowed up, leaving only two residuals skin.

Asura's defeated soldiers will be slaughtered in an instant, followed by Yasha and Raksha.

Hundreds of millions of blood shadows gathered in front of the hungry ghosts to form a blood-colored wall. Countless blood shadows clasped their chests with their hands and sneered, bringing unparalleled spiritual oppression to the souls below.

Yasha and Raksha hesitated for a moment, but soon, they put on a fighting posture without hesitation.

They were conquered by Asura for tens of thousands of years, suffered endless slaughter, plunder, and crushing. In order to survive, the land of the Hungry Ghost Realm was thinned one after another.

They wanted to resist, but there were no masters, no weapons, and the bravery of blood was just a filler for the sea of ​​blood.

Now, they have finally waited for a rare opportunity, and naturally they must seize it tightly.


Blood shadows are invisible, and the weapons given to them by Xitong are not ordinary. They can cause heavy damage to spirits, one for each, and one for each shadow.

The sly blood shadow runs down the eyes, ears, nose, and even the pores into the body of Yasha, Rakshasa, and controls the host's movements by controlling the blood flow.

But Yasha and Raksha beside him didn't hesitate, and slashed their companions with one sword and divided them into corpses.

No way, Yasha and Shura's lives are too cheap, not even grass.

At least the grass mustard can still be eaten, and they can't even eat the grass mustard. They can only eat the soil every day.

Xi Tong watched with his arms folded and didn't mean to intervene.

A race wants independence without blood and fire struggles.

Yasha and Raksha are non-recognized species. They are not qualified to survive in the world of God. They can only have the status of indigenous people if they experience the blood and fire, gain merits, and even get the approval of Tiandao.

Xitong holds 48 copies of Tiandao, which can give Yasha and Raksha an indigenous identity, but Xitong does not want to do so.

This is not a world that is weak and reasonable. Poor people must have hate. If they have a ugly appearance, they are weak and timid. Even if they have an indigenous identity, they are just a garbage creature that pollutes the world. Race.

If you want to gain something, you must give blood and sweat instead of living with tears from the tragic experience of your ancestors.

Xi Tong smiled at the ancestors of the Minghe who re-bleeded.

"You have 480 million blood shadow clones, right?"

The ancestor of Muhe did not answer, because after such a short time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he only has 360 million blood shadow clones, which are the ones released, and they are also damaged by a tenth. One.

He never imagined that his power was unparalleled, and the intangible killing skills were easily broken.

If it was broken by a saint, the Styxian ancestors would still be able to accept it, but it would be the inferior and lowly creatures such as Yasha and Rakshasa.

Although ten, twenty, or even one hundred Yasha and Rakshasa will be killed for each loss of the Bloodshade avatar, this kind of war loss ratio will be lost.

After all, each blood shadow avatar requires long years of soaking and sacrifice, and Yasha and Rakshasa are more than rats, more tenacious than cockroaches, and more disgusting than maggots.

Damn it!

Watching the continuous influx of inferior species at the junction of the two realms, the ancestors of the Minghe sink into the sea of ​​blood a little.

Immediately, the sea of ​​blood rose sharply, and the sea level rose instantly by 100 meters.

And this is just the beginning!

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