Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 972: : The Great Merchants of Huitong


Xi Tong carried the head of Minghe's ancestor and slowly walked in with the back soil.

At that moment, all forces and individuals were stunned, and then knelt down all the way in the call of "Glorious Saint".

How long has this been?

If Houtu is entrusted, the saints who surrendered to the church surrendered as soon as they arrived. What about the ancestors of the Hades

It's too dedicated to use your own head as a trust.

Especially the two saints in the West taught that they had bad intentions when they revealed the news of the ancestors of the Ming River.

Remember, it is weakening and suppressing.

They thought that the ancestors of Minghe would fail, but they never thought that the ancestors of Minghe would die.

And it died so fast.

How did the saints break the battle?

The blood sea battle is extremely difficult and extremely difficult. How did it happen?

There are also 480 million blood gods, countless scarlet towers, and the asuras in the tower ...

At this time, the second child under the saint stood up and stood with Xiu Tong in front of Xi Tong.

The old second-hand was secretly working hard, the heat was transmitted to Tong Jue, and a hint of white gas rose on the mouth of Tong Jue.

"The wine is still warm!"

After hearing what the second child said, Xi Tong reluctantly shook his head. This B suit was not beautiful at all.

However, he still had to cooperate with him.


Xi Tong slowly raised the Tong Jue and tasted it carefully.

"Warm wine cuts the sage, and turns his hands on it! Who else do you want to kill, how many? I will give you a few more wines!"

After hearing this, the sacred and educated saints were all excited, and then they knelt down.

They have understood their situation.

The ancestors of the Styx River have been chopped on their own land. The saint, who has lost his foundation, is the fish on the chopping board. Whether he is dead or alive, he has to teach the saints.

Although you are not afraid of death, even if you die, you will damage an avatar, but when you think of tens of thousands of years of hard work, Yuan Shi Tianzun and Tai Shang Laojun feel pain and liver pain.

Fortunately, they weren't arrogant figures, and they made wise choices the first time.

When Xi Tong and Tong Tian came in before, all the guests fell to their knees, except that the saints stood, just bowing their hands.

However, this time, the saints and the saints taught to take the lead in kneeling, and other saints could not help but kneel down when they saw the situation.

"I kneel in heaven, not a saint. Yes, yes."

Xi Tong walked to the king of the king, lifted the barbecue on the table, and then put the head of the Minghe ancestor in a tray.

Then turned around.

Holding 49 copies of Tiandao, Xitong almost held the will of the world in his palm, becoming the embodiment of heaven and carrying the will.

"I know that you have a lot of things to say, and I also know that you have a lot of things to do. Your purpose here is to take advantage, don't deny it, because ..."

"I'm the same as you!"

Everyone is the same, but now that Xi Tong has become a vested interest, the two sides are no longer the same.

"In the future, you can do whatever you want to do for free. In this world, you will not be subject to any constraints and will not be treated unfairly."

"On the premise that you follow the rules of this world."

Everyone listened, waiting for Xitong to promulgate the world rules.

The rules of some worlds are abstract and vague, requiring people to constantly explore, explore and summarize.

But in some worlds, rules are made artificially. Just like Xitong at this time, what he says is rules—anything.

Even if the water is flowing high, the water can burn, the fire can fill up, and the ground can grow gold coins ...

With the wording of the constitution and the dictating of the law, any of his will will be put into practice by the world, maintained and realized in the form of rules.

At this time, even if Xi Tong said that human beings would live for thousands of years, and heaven and earth live together, everyone would be a god.

Only in this way, Xi Tonghui simply bears countless causal influences and bears all the blessings and consequences brought by human life extension.

The current world rules of Fengshen World have evolved on their own after groundbreaking. As a result of natural development, the relative balance has been roughly reached, and hastily modifying any data will bring a series of unpredictable results.

Such as losing the "merit" feature.

The smartest choice is to maintain the present.

Even if it is to be modified, it is a minor revision, not a radical one or even a subversion.

Xi Tong thought of the ending of "Feng Shen Yan Yi".

Many saints disappeared completely after the battle of the gods, and the Western religion also gave it to the top Buddha, such as the Buddha, and it was unknown.

In Xitong ’s view, they are reaching an agreement, fighting a battle of gods, bringing the heavens together, gaining enough benefits by making rules, and then fought in other worlds.

For example, enhance and strengthen their avatars, instill the power of their merits and powers, and strengthen their magic.

The harder it is to implement the rules, the more the power of the source will be consumed, and killing chickens and eggs will definitely hurt the world's vitality and drop the grade.

Therefore, Zhou Tianzi only received the benefits of fur, which was not enough to formulate rules. Only a "ceremony" was formulated, and the super-wushu world that was originally flying wildly fell to the level of Zhongwu or even low-wu.

Xi Tong took a deep breath and curbed the idea of ​​exhaustion.

“First of all, Dashang Shengping, Guotai Minan, Jiangshan Yonggu, Shou and Tianqi.”

This one can also be regarded as fulfilling the promise to the King of Kings. With this article, it can also make King of Kings dead and loyal to Xi Tong for its use.

"Second, Dashang opened the door to welcome all the guests from the heavens and exchanged the goods of Wanjie. From now on, any outsiders can apply for a voucher from the king and enter and exit freely.

"People with credentials can refer others, get rewards from the referee's spending, and also guarantee their actions."

Xitong has a dream to create a paradise-like world.

Dashang is an excellent choice. Tiandao has a strong will, that is, the saints must be lying and lying down. Xi Tong has the power to kill the saints, and the right to make rules is enough to suppress everything.

As for issuing vouchers, it can be regarded as a "road guide" or as a "business license".

There is no need to talk about commissions and guarantees, just promotion.

As long as specific reward and punishment measures are formulated, the demon gods outside the territory will be encouraged to pull people's heads with high quality,

In this way, Dashanghuitong's dreams will grow like snowballs.

"As for the official currency of Dashang, in addition to copper kong square money, there are ..."

Xi Tong turned his hands, the strength of 100 million faiths gathered, and then condensed into a Kong Fang Qian.

"Ordinary Faith Coin!"

"Fanatical Coins of Faith!"

"Little merit!"

"Great merit!"

On the currency system ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xi Tong copied heaven, but just one more currency than heaven.

The merit coin is a combination of merit, which is not easy to obtain and the value is extremely high. Even the saints will tear their faces and stab each other for this thing.

Merit is not as easy to obtain as the power of faith, but in the hands of the will of heaven, and there is a king in hand, Xi Tong can take a lot of merit and power.

In addition, in the process of the growth and development of the human race, the power of merits will trickle like a spring water and automatically overflow.

Another is to turn big business into a paradise, and to meet the great aspirations of the heavens and the world. This is originally a supreme virtue. As long as you manage this matter, the power of merit will surely emerge.

Compared to the "God of Romance", killing chickens and taking the eggs to plunder the world's roots, Xitong is doing solid education and sustainable development.


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