Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 974: : The Mystery of the Parallel World (2 in 1)

Fifty Avenue, Tianyan forty-nine, take one of them.

This is a word that is widely circulated in the world of Fengshen. Xi Tong also heard it when he was on the earth.

Many practitioners know that these 49 heavens have no chance with themselves and cannot be forced, so they shift their goals to the missing one, and thus generate various associations and guesses.

It's just that there is no post.

Xi Tong was also very puzzled. Where did this stubborn 1 go?

I found this 1 and it was only 50 copies of Heaven. How did I always feel incomplete?

After hearing Xi Tong's words, the light in Hong Jun's eyes flowed, as if reassuring, as if applauding.

"It's great that you recognize the problem."

After a pause, Hong Jun said slowly, "Young man, let me tell a story. A story about the connection between the world."

The old man waved and shook his hands.

Xi Tong, however, saw countless bright stars, and even more the twists and turns in the gaps of countless stars, and the gaps of space that appeared at first glance.

Xi Tong has seen a similar scene once. At the beginning of the Raiders World, I saw it in Pangu.

Only this time, Hong Jun showed more clearly and intuitively.

The celestial circle is wrong, the celestial circle is also wrong, and the nebula and galaxy are not completely correct.

Because the perspectives inside and outside the space are different, Xi Tong ’s perspective is now just outside the world.

This peculiar exercise with bright light dots is the universe and the world.

This piece of practice is long and long, and the pitch does not see the beginning, and I hope that the other end is unknown.

"There used to be an ancient world that was inherently powerful and rich in souls. The earth is rich in virtues, things are rich in treasures, heaven is self-improving, and everything is alive."

"Everything is abundant, the human race is flourishing, and he is in charge of heaven. He has been promoted all the way. The origin of the world has continued to grow and its body has continued to expand. It has finally surpassed the limit and entered a higher level.

Xi Tong immediately thought of "eternity".

Above the martial arts world is eternal existence.

"Then this world became the prey of other worlds, a world with longer births, more prosperous species, and a stronger civilization."

"Being defeated, the world has fallen. At the time of the fall, the world has retained the origins of some of the most powerful beings."

"When the world recovers, these samples re-germinate life, giving birth to Chulong, Chufeng, Chulin, and a series of other species named after Chu."


Xi Tong knew it vaguely.

Legend has it that there was a big war before the establishment of the Yaozu Heavenly Court. The three main forces participating in the war were dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

Among them, the descendants of Chu Feng were Xun Peng and Kong Xuan.

"No, it's not what you think."

Hong Jun seemed to see through Xi Tong's thoughts. With a wave of his hand, the light strips of practise separated out a phantom, more like a branch, becoming a Y shape, one of which continued to extend forward, and the other became unreal ,Disappear.

"Chu Feng was born Xun Peng and Kong Xuan, but Chu Feng and the two children belong to two worlds."

"In a way you can understand, parallel worlds, or cross-temporal space."

Parallel worlds are well understood, and cross space-time means that two parallel worlds intersect for some special reason, just like X.

Kong Xuan and Xun Peng were the intersection of X, and the result of the crossover between two time and space.

Similar results are unknown.

Xi Tong stared at the branch that branched off, watching the direction in which it disappeared.

"So, it's the one that's gone?"

"So, there are so many souls in the flooded world that have been born before they opened?"

"and so……"

Xi Tong instantly understood!

It ’s like chicken or egg. If it was a chicken ten thousand years later, he would lay an egg here?

The chickens of Parallel World A came to Parallel World B to lay an egg and hatched the chicken group.

The chickens of Parallel World B went to Parallel World A to lay an egg, hatched the chicken group, and reached the former.

There is nothing out of the proper.

But I have to admit that this kind of thing is very operable and there is almost no difficulty.

Hong Jun nodded, "After the world fell, civilization was born again, but this time, the world has undergone a fundamental change. It is no longer a single world, but many parallel worlds."

"These worlds have the same roots, they are related to each other, affect each other, cause each other to cause one another, and move the whole body. But they are parallel and never intersect. Each is independent."

Xi Tong looked cold.

"I once encountered a bear named Yuri on earth. Did it come from Yuri's world?"

"Where did I conquer in Atlantis? Did he come on purpose?"

Hong Jun nodded, "Yes, there is Liu Xiu, the great demon mentor."

"This is the benefit of multiple parallel worlds. Eggs are not placed in the same basket. At the same time, if any world encounters an invasion by an external enemy, it can request reinforcements from other worlds."

"Depending on the situation, the strength of the reinforcements is different. Of course, this is also a test. If the target passes the test, it can be assimilated into a member of the world system."

"For example, hermeneutics, truncation, humanism, Westernism."

Xi Tong shook his head. Perhaps the saints in the "Following the Gods" finished the battle of the gods and divided up the origin of the world.

But they never imagined that the next world would be the skin-changing world.

At that time, they will become Hongjun's royal thugs like Yuri and Nezha, helping him to manage the troubles of other worlds.


It's really high!

"Just, old Hongjun, I'm wondering, if you tell me this, aren't you afraid of my rebellion?"

Hong Jun looked at Xi Tong with amusement, "Will you?"

Xi Tong is dumb.

Hong Jun doesn't touch everything, there is no cause and effect involved, he does not have any resentment with Xi Tong, Xi Tong has no reason to make trouble with him.

Furthermore, the world of Fengshen has fallen into the control of Xitong, and it has transformed this world into a neutral, trading world of Huitong.

It is for the output of this world that Xi Tong will not give up lightly.

The most important thing is that Xitong is an Earthling, originally a member of many worlds of parallel systems.

Hong Jun waved again.

"I wonder if you have heard this sentence ..."

"A foot of a foot, half of the day, endless."

For a one-foot long thing, half of it will be taken today, half of it will be taken tomorrow, and half of the half acquired the day after tomorrow will always be half, so it can never be taken.

At this time, a vague figure appeared in the air, his breath was vigorous and his figure was strong, the undulations of each muscle texture seemed to condense the rules of heaven, and the end of each hair showed the light of space collapse and world birth.

Xi Tong knows that his language is lacking, which is simply not enough to describe the tall and mighty shore of this figure.

But there is a word that explains it all perfectly.


That's right, the moment he saw this figure, Xi Tong thought of Pangu, and only this name was worthy of the person in front of him.

Lift the axe and wave it off!


A thick cylindrical leg in front of Pan Gu's body immediately split into two halves.

Later, Pan Gu raised half of them up again, raising the axe and waving again.


Then repeat this process again and again, endlessly.

Thinking of what Hong Jun just said, Xi Tong's head stunned.


All understand!

Fifty Avenue, Tianyan forty-nine, take one of them.

That was what it meant.

Xi Tong pondered for a long time, then slowly raised his head, staring at Hong Jun with a burning gaze.

"You mean, there is a great existence that divides the world in two, then divides it in two again, and repeats this process continuously."

"The first world, one hundred avenues, ninety-nine heavens, one of them."

"The one that went away became the second world, 50 miles away, Tianyan 49, and one away."

"So, you want to tell me that the one that is gone does not exist at all, or does not exist in this world at all."

"You've always used your own connection to connect the world, so you're the one who's gone, right?"

"That's why the world hasn't opened yet. Hong Jun already has a statement?"

"You're not the only Hongjun, there are still many people like you, right?"

Hong Jun nodded.

Then he pointed at the silhouette of the firewood.

"This is the way the world was born. Pangu opened up the world, but it was carved in those wood sticks, and the pattern was too small."

Xi Tong took a deep breath.

The ground is just carved in a wooden stick, the pattern is too small?

However, looking at the figure that kept chopping wood, Xi Tong nodded silently again.

This is really fine.

It is also an axe. Pangu waved it inside the firewood stick, which was cut by the person in front of him.

Immediately, Xi Tong was puzzled.

"It's half the day, it's inexhaustible, but the world's origin is getting smaller and smaller, will it be inseparable in the end?"

"And what does the end of the world look like?"

Hong Jun reached out with a finger, and under the Pangu axe, the sticks were so small that they could not be separated.

"When the road is inseparable, it does not exist in any world, but it exists in many worlds at the same time."

"Take the earth you live in as an example. The avenue disappears and no longer exists, so your world cannot be cultivated. You can only find another way and go out of a technological way."

"It is precisely because there is no need to consume heaven, so similar worlds can be opened up infinitely, so there are countless mirrored worlds of the earth. As many historical turning points as possible, there are as many worlds.

"For example, the world where Manqing entered the customs successfully, the world where the Manqing clearance failed, the world where the Chiang Kai-shek succeeded, the world where the Chiang Kai-shek failed, the world where the Third Reich succeeded, the world where the Soviets succeeded ..."

Xi Tong clenched his palms, his heart beating wildly.

The world in Zhao Dachuan's memory, the world where the reincarnation wandering earth team lives, and the current earth ...

Hong Jun is still talking.

"The worlds are parallel and never intersect. Each of them will develop along different directions and routes. It is also a technology-based world, but it will have different research results."

"So, when some Superworld heroes break free of the world and resonate with other worlds, there will be countless spiritual words, countless auras, and then the outbreak of black technology. For example, the Third Reich, Einstein, Hawking. "

"They have one feature in common: they think ahead of time and technology surpasses the times, but the theory they put forward is extremely real and can withstand current practice or future practice."

Xi Tong nodded.

As far as the six reincarnations are concerned, if a person is engaged in the same profession for life, he will always study the same problem.

Then, after the tenth century, quantitative change caused qualitative change, resulting in heroes that transcended the world, such as the tenth good man, the tenth wicked man, and the natural sword genius.

If it is a parallel world, there is no need for the tenth, and the moment is enough.

For example, Einstein, he is engaged in scientific research in different worlds, and they are all studying the same problem.

Although these Einsteins would encounter all kinds of accidents and ordeals, or get boxed because of the war, or be persecuted, or give up scientific research because of various depressions, or they would still be as clumsy and clueless as children.

However, a handful of Einsteins in countless worlds have always survived, and at the same time, they are engaged in a certain topic and at the same time fall into thinking.

Then, a spiritual resonance that transcended the world was generated, and all the problems that had troubled me for many years were all suddenly opened up in an instant. I copied the answers and completed the original hopeless project.

It's like what the Master of Heaven told us, the way to achieve eternity.

A person symbolizes a point, two identical identities are connected into a line, and three are planes. If four, they can form a triangle like a pyramid.

This is the so-called Beheading the Three Corpses.

The so-called three corpse primitive gods are brand new selves.

The "corpse" can be regarded as "like".

Dao has one, two, three, and three things.

The three corpses are three similar, that is, they are exactly the same.

But it is not the same at the physical level. Even a man and a woman and a man and a beast can be called "like", similar and different.

No matter how strong personal strength is, they are small in the heavens and the world, like duckweeds that follow the current.

But with the Three Corpses Primitives ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it is equivalent to having support and reliance.

Einstein is this truth. The "self" of other worlds can be regarded as the three corpses. Although they don't know each other, they collide with some special thoughts and ideas, and they spark the spark of wisdom.

However, such examples of Einstein are rare and rare.

More talents were devastated by life, lost their lives by natural disasters and man-made calamities, and gave up their original careers in job-hopping again and again, giving up the dream chase due to the pressure of life.

The more parallel worlds, the more ego, the greater the variables, the more they can't control themselves, the more Hongjun can do nothing about it.

[Last night I was in a police car to send people away. I used to hold a mobile phone code, but I was dizzy and uncomfortable after only writing a few hundred words. Time is running short. There was a paragraph at the end of the update and I didn't pay attention to it. Yesterday's chapter had about 80 words of extra content. Also, there was a change yesterday, which I added today, but I was too busy to come back today. Continue to write later]

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