Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 977: : Xi Tong's brilliant idea (below)

In the early days of religion, there will always be various artifacts, sacred objects, and magic arts.

However, with the development and growth of religion, all kinds of instruments and classics will weaken or even lose their effectiveness, and eventually disappear into the dust of history.

Because, the gods cut corners.

The products they made were disposable items, which could be used repeatedly, and they lost their functions because they were not recharged in time.

The gods also need to eat the right meals. At the same time, they care about so many worlds.

Now that the believer has a firm foothold, there is no need to consume divine power or even the power of faith to make equipment.

Letting believers use their life piles is that human life is worthless anyway.

Similarly, if the power of 100 million faiths is used to make artifacts, at best, one or two pieces will be produced, and according to the quality of the craftsmanship, the effects of the artifacts are also quite different.

But the power of 100 million faiths can buy animal skins, animal horns, and animal tendons, and then make equipment by hand to arm a 100,000 army.

The blessing of divine power and faith on the artifact will continue to drain, but the leather armor and horn bow will not, but will also gain blessings of luck as the user's strength grows, his status rises, and his fame accumulates.

If it is not possible, a large number of equipments will be born that begin with "heritance", "gift from God" and "glory".

If you are lucky, you will even leave traces in the annals with the user, becoming a cohesion of the faith of the people, and transformed into epic and legendary equipment.

The other is Wannian Ginseng and Wannian Ganoderma.

If you do n’t understand pharmacology, you wo n’t refining dan pharmacy ... Just use medicinal materials as radish.

In addition, believers can be rewarded with medicinal materials-full of efficacy and inexpensive.

The most important thing is that the quantity is large and sustainable buying. It is much stronger than those alone weapons and equipment, and there will be no embarrassment of rewarding one time.

But, what if you do n’t have money?

Dashang Wangcheng Chaoge established the Fang City, not only selling things, but also acquiring various items.

Plant seeds, live animals, cheats for exercises, woody ore, weapon armors, and many unrecognizable chicken bits and pieces.

No one refuses.

No matter what you sell, go directly to Kong Fangzhai to find Zhao Gongming.

At the same time, there are other functional buildings in Chaogefang City.

Such as refining equipment, in accordance with the needs of customers, refining weapons armor jewelry supplies.

The brothers Ou Ou and the refugees finally moved out of their nests and moved from Shilipo Sword School to Dashang.

The main task of these two goods is to learn, and follow the Taobao people to learn the refiner means.

The Duobao Taoist is a great disciple under the main leadership of Tongtianjiao. His combat effectiveness may not be unbelievable, but they are all dressed in divine costumes, and there are hundreds of divine costumes in the bag, equipped with the ancestral grandfather.

Other practitioners suffered from Fan Tianyin, all of whom had cracked brains and died of death. Yang Xun practiced eight or nine mysterious powers. Although he was not dead after being smashed, he had to scream in the wind. The Taobao Taoist just shook his body. There is no fart, which shows that God is pretending to be against the sky.

The feudal gods were defeated and the Taoist people were defeated. The Taoist people were caught alive by the Taishang Laojun. The Laojun took him ruthlessly. He could not be killed and was not easy to let go. He could only give it to the Western religion.

This bullman's accomplishment on the refiner can be called the peak, just like Dijun's innate skill in arraying.

This is talent!

Just as the article was made this day, the magical hand even got it.

The achievements of the study and research of Xing Yeye are full of craftsmanship and cannot be compared with it.

This is the difference between learning God every day when you can sleep, and studying the **** Tiantian head cantilever cone thorn stock is still crazy testing on the edge of the passing line.

The Taobao Taoist is obsessed with this, and it is most appropriate for him to take charge of the treasure hall.

In addition, there are services such as alchemy, demon demon, drawing amulet, curse, healing, detoxification, cure, qiqin, calligraphy, painting, eating, drinking and having fun.

Nine saints, such as apocalyptic, expository, human, western, three emperors, and Houtu, have recommended their members.

After understanding Hongjun's plan to assimilate the saints outside the region, Xi Tong was naturally happy to push the boat.

Great business and luck have returned to the human race, and the status of the king is like Mount Tai. The 49 heavenly roads are gathered in the hands of the saints, and there is no possibility of competition.

However, the gods outside the domain are different.

In exchange for resources and beliefs from them, they paid only trivial craftsmanship, along with the transactions, they also had merits.

A life saver is better than a seven-level floating slaughter, not to mention a life saver.

These gods are fighting in the heavens and the worlds, and they are the bearers of the heavens of the world, or the existence of the heavens.

Giving them assistance in weapons, equipment, medicines, etc., will virtually shed a hint of their luck, gather sand into towers, and build up mountains.

Quantitative change produces qualitative change, which can definitely launch waves of strong and powerful shocks towards the saint.

There is no hope of looting God, and it is impossible to fight. If you want to continue to earn merits, you can only rely on your hands.

It is too difficult to conquer a world.

Hitting all the way is not only time consuming and laborious, but also the danger of overturning, and the output is also very limited.

However, from the moment the trading world was established, it was easy to conquer the heavens and the world, and no **** could refuse it.

Therefore, everyone wants to have a place in Chaoge's Fangshi.

After all, this is the center and focus of the heavens and the world. A store here is worth a world.

The area of ​​Chaoge's land is limited, and the area of ​​Fangshi is even more limited. However, the Heluo Formation of Xunyuan can repeat the flood and wasteland, reproduce the vicissitudes of the sea, and easily create space.

It is enough to set up a space-connected entrance in Chaoge, regardless of the number of people and the number of stores.

There are countless extra-terrestrial gods and demons stationed in Fang City. Everyone is a god. You do n’t have to hide and do small things like building a house.

You set up the mountains on the ground, I dig the ground three thousand feet, he stretches the sea nine hundred miles ...

Anyway, how to make it, how to make it, anyway, it is the nested space in the space, the energy consumed is self-supported, the size is arbitrary, once the energy is insufficient, the space shrinks, and the shortage is directly eliminated.

"The Fangshi market has thirty-three days. It is calculated and sorted according to the type, value, and number of transactions. The shops of the same type will be sorted separately and then ranked."

"Any act of fraud, deceit, and bill slipping will be severely cracked down! Exhausting the heavens and the world will not let any ruler out."

"Those who commit me big business, though far away, will be stingy!"

Tianyin Langlang, the gods are amazed.

The wording method followed, thirty-three days rose up, but all the shops were gathered on the first day, and the thirty-two days above were all empty.

Take the first heavy sky as an example. From Chaoge to Fangshi, it appears as a circular high platform with a radius of hundreds of miles. The high platform is surrounded by densely packed shops. At a glance, the signboards and functions of many shops are clearly legible.

After selecting a shop ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it will be directly transmitted to enter the independent space of the shop.

In addition, it enters the second and third days, and the accessible range can be teleported directly.

"I teach the full name system of the main god, and the name of the goods sold is system."

After the large framework was established, Xi Tong finally took out his treasure of the town shop.

That's right, he wants to sell the system.

The strength of a person is small. It is too difficult, too slow, and too slow to conquer the heavens and earth by Xitong alone.

But if there are thousands, even millions, tens of millions of people spreading the system together, it will be different.

Borrowing eggs from chickens is definitely a great deal, or even a great deal.

[Yesterday's second change]

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