Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 981: : How do you know me (2/5)

The hustle and bustle of Chaogefang has nothing to do with Xitong, just like the endless coldness behind the fireworks.

God, after all, is lonely.

In the endless practice, he walked forward, walking on the footsteps of his predecessors. After the path was interrupted, he continued to be a sickle and slashed.

Only when you break the diaphragm and break the cocoon, you will understand when you feel the new world, and it will be worth the long time of cultivation and exploration.

Hong Jun has already made the question. Now it's up to Xi Tong to decrypt it.

What is the mystery of the parallel world system?

Chaoge, Kong Xuan's residence.

The members of the Homeless Squad all looked respectful.

They have all experienced strong winds and waves, and have seen the explosion of the earth with their own eyes.

But this scene today ...

I have never seen it before.

It is estimated that the Lord God system has to kneel when it comes.

The reincarnation respects and hates the Lord God system. What is awesome is its power, incredibleness, and omnipotence. What it hates is its cruel, cold-blooded, and ruthlessness.

However, they did not have the ability to struggle, nor did they have the confidence to resist. The only thing they could do was to walk like a dead body and let the Lord God system drive it.

Today, they meet a more powerful being, a superpower who makes the saints bow their heads.

Although I don't know what a saint is, it is clear that he is more advanced and powerful than the Lord God system.

What's more shocking to the Homeless Squad is that the super strong is just like them from the earth.

Xi Tong shook his hands, and his long sleeves spread like clouds. He sat on the chair gracefully and looked with interest at the group of people with their heads down to their chests.

The strong are powerful, invisible but qualitative.

"Tell me about your situation. I'm interested."

The authentic dialect of the earth, not the language of Da Shang, can be clearly understood even without the simultaneous translation of the main **** system.

Very familiar tones, words that I miss, this is the voice of my hometown, but unfortunately, I haven't heard it for too long.

Xi Tong tapped his finger on the armrest.

"Look at my memory. Okay, now you can talk freely."

While talking, Xi Tong waved a few powers into their bodies, and in the blink of an eye disintegrated the power of the reincarnation mark, erasing it.

When Xi Tongtong cuts the world of Atomi and Atlantis, Xitong can release the power of the mark of reincarnation, not to mention now.

The members of the Homeless Squad were shocked to add.

The imprint of the cycle of endless nightmares, which has not been controlled for many years, is gone.

Ye Yiruo took a deep breath and asked bravely, "Can you tell your surname before you answer your question?"

What is your surname?

Xi Tong replied casually: "My surname is Xi, Mingtong."

With Xitong's current strength and status, it is not necessary to be modest.

Hearing this name, Ye Yiruo burst into tears instantly, and everyone else was incredulously open his mouth and eyes wide.

Ye Yiruo listened to his heart, and whispered, "You all go out."

The others got up immediately, lowered their heads and took a few steps, then turned around and walked out of the house. The people at the end didn't forget to bring the door.

"So many people are meeting the King. You haven't seen anyone, but you have only left us. If you want to come, you must know us."

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar face in front of him, Xi Tong had an incredible idea.

New love or old love?

In this case, shouldn't the two boats be derailed?

Talk to Hongjun and know the mysteries of the parallel world system. Some major events or important tasks will have historical inflection points. These inflection points will lead to the emergence of parallel worlds.

Even in parallel worlds, many subtle factors can lead to "future" confusion.

If the third empire is not overthrown, or the red empire is not disintegrated, the world structure must be another look. Many people who should have been born will not appear, but many people who should not have been born again. The wheel of history rolls forward. pack.

Therefore, Ye Yiruo's world and Xi Tong's world are also closely adjacent, even close to each other, just like the two branches of a tree, not only with the same root, but also with the same branch.

There is absolutely no such world.

"In the world I live in, the earth still exists, and the Huaxia government is flourishing under my protection, and has control of every inch of land on the earth."

"During the resurgence of Aura, most of the humans on the earth were damaged, and then I migrated all humans of non-Chinese ethnicities to other worlds."

"Probably, that's it."

Ye Yiruo nodded, "I didn't ask the earth, but I asked, do you know me?"

Xi Tong was silent for a few seconds, his eyebrows slowly twisted, and then he stretched out.

The drooping gaze rose up a little, as if leaping out of the dawn of the horizon, looking up at Ye Yiruo's eyes.

"Yi Yiruo, my girlfriend."

Ye Yiruo's eyes narrowed, and the tears in the eyes were squeezed out of the corners of the eyes, dripping down his cheeks.

She shook her head and flew the remaining tears from her eyes.

"Is she okay? Still ... alive?"

"Can I ... see her?"

"Just a glance."

Ye Yiruo didn't know why, and he couldn't help saying so many words and making so many rude demands.

She warned herself: For so many years, the day and night the person who loves is in front of you, why did you turn a blind eye to see another person, and that person is himself.

Another world's own.

What about seeing her? I just asked her if she was doing well?

Does it make any sense?

Xi Tong shook his head. "If you meet, something bad will happen. You and her must disappear. So it's better not to see each other."

"Now talk about your things. For example, what is the situation in your world, and how is your life going."

Ye Yiruo sighed.

She knew that she had no choice at all, and there was no room for refusal.

Regardless of the strength of the other side, which is far beyond the saint, the name "Xi Tong" alone is enough to look back and understand.

After all, he inherited his will and shouldered his responsibility, and now he can finally return it to him.

Ye Yiruo talked about his basic information, date of birth, place of birth, etc.

Then start from kindergarten, and then go to primary school, middle school, high school ...

She spoke very carefully and Xi Tong listened very carefully.

Many of these things are known to Xitong. At this time, listening to another Ye Yiruo tells it again, the strange feeling that cannot be described in words ...

I really don't know how to describe it.

"How did you meet Xitong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~?"

After hearing this, Ye Yiruo looked up and looked strangely at Xi Tong.

In this case, you should not say "how did you and I know each other?"

But this is even more strange. Why should I ask it again?

No, this practice is not a separate practice.

Uh, what a headache.

"When I was 12 years old, when I was traveling with my family during the summer vacation, I saw him for the first time in XX Mountain Scenic Area ..."

12 years old, summer vacation, XX mountain scenic area?

When Xi Tong moved, he immediately remembered a major event.


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