Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 991: : The opposite side of the road of reincarnation

Everyone has completed the data, and a new reminder appears in the reincarnation mark.

Reincarnation is about to begin. Currently, it is the first reincarnation. The target world is Resident Evil 1 ...

Mission Objective: Survive!

Mission Duration: 15 days!

You have 10 minutes to prepare.

As soon as the reminder came out, all the novice samsaras were shocked.

I didn't expect that the biochemical crisis world really exists and can be experienced immediately.

Xi Xitong is another idea.

These reincarnations come from different worlds, but when they talk about the biochemical crisis, they all show a surprised expression, but none of them is dazed.

This illustrates a problem, they all know the world and they know what is going to happen.

Obviously, this is a human in the parallel world system, and the culture of each parallel world is very similar or even very similar.

Xi Xitong asked the high school student next to him, and the other party immediately told the general plot of the biochemical crisis.

"I'm not the boss, I've been following this world for a long time. I haven't seen the series of movies more than 100 times, and the time when each character appeared was clear."

Xi Xitong nodded, and the other person described something similar to what he knew.

"Who is the director of Resident Evil? Who is the starring?"

When Xi asked this question, Xi Tong had already verified with Luo Tianyi, and he was convinced that the two names mentioned by the high school students were wrong.

At least, not the answer you want.

The people next to me heard the two people talking and immediately reported several names, without exception, all different.

Then, like test takers who answered the questions, people verify each other, exchange information, and try to grasp as much information as possible.

People who don't usually watch movies are all panicked, and approach the movie passers intentionally or unintentionally, just like the scum that holds the thigh of God.

Regardless of whether or not you can, the learning **** at the front table will do.

The countdown passed by one minute and one second. At the end of the countdown, thousands of channels were opened on the square, and each channel also showed the number 100.

When someone enters the channel, the number immediately becomes 99.

Smart people immediately understood what it meant, and each channel could only accommodate 100 people.

Noisy, the brigade rushed into the channel, and in a blink of an eye, 100 became 0, the tall channel collapsed inward, and the light spot that turned into a needle tip disappeared in no time.

Up to 100 people, not one more.

So, how many channels are there in total?

有人 Is anyone unable to get in?

Panic spread!

I haven't figured out what happened to my head, but my head is flexible and has begun to land.

They believe that there are more monks and less porridge, and they don't want to be the last few.

Xi Xitong didn't move.

He knows how many people are on the scene and how many passages are on the scene.

The channel is extraordinary, with 99 more positions.

100There are 100 people in each channel, but there is just a 1 tail, so we have to make a special train for it.

Xitong wonders, is n’t the Lord God space afraid of wasting energy resources?

At this time, a dazzling light flashed on the square, and then 99 personalities appeared.

Well, Xi Tong understands.

Added 99 old birds to come in, this is what Ye Yiruo said, senior reincarnation uses special props to enter the lower world.

In this way, old birds can brush lucky monsters in the low-level world, lucky rookies can also hold their thighs to ensure survival, and the main **** space can avoid driving empty cars.

"Hahaha, thank goodness. I really caught you!"

A hateful voice came over, and then even saw a person with **** eyes.

He was him, a man who was scraped by Xi Tong, and also picked off his tendons and hamstrings.

"I didn't expect it! I have a special item that cannot be traded. This item is a low-level world pass, which can lead a team into the low-level world that it has experienced."

Originally, he wanted to use it when his strength couldn't keep up with the world, go to the lower world, and brush up more resources by the way. If he can touch the lucky monster, he will strike back.

How difficult life is, how can I survive to this day without a dream.

But in order to snipe Xitong, he used it in advance.

One pass has 5 positions, the other 4 can be sold at high prices, but he doesn't take it to other members of the team.

"Everything is to kill you! No matter which channel you enter, we will follow up, and then we, hehehe ..."

The other four people also showed hehehe expressions.

The passersby who originally wanted to hug Xitong's thighs fled away immediately as they avoided the plague.

There is indeed a lot of convenience to follow Xitong, but this situation is obviously dead.

Even more people bowed their knees to the old birds, and acted as if they were enthusiastic.

Xi Xitong shook his head. "What do you want to say, how much resentment, how much resentment, I rob you of your stuff and waste it."

因为 "Because, I checked what you said ..."

Old bird froze, which sentence?

Xi Tong's lips moved, but at this moment, the gorgeous knife light permeated the vision.

Pull the sword!

In a single blow, the group of five died.

因为 "Because you threatened to throw people to the Mochuan River, which shows that you are an islander and an evil person in the island country."


The twenty-five people covered their necks as if they were awake, but they couldn't stop the blood lines from coming out, and they couldn't stop the downward trend of blood channels.

The old birds plead their last strength.

"You kill here, you will be wiped out ..."

Xi Xitong shrugged indifferently.

"My newcomer, one for you is earning. One for five, making a lot of money."

As Xi talked, Xi Tong's wrist trembled and blood trembled, and then he entered the sheath.

"My sword is your sword."

High school students had complicated eyes, but they still took the weapon.

Xi Tong looked up, as if to see through the space of the Lord God.

Reincarnation imprints a stream of prompts.

You killed ...

You killed ...

Five times in a row.

Immediately, the mark of reincarnation warns Xi Tong that malicious killing will be wiped out.

The heads of the twenty-five people finally fell to the ground, and the force of the impact caused the blood to squeeze out from the broken neck.

Just, before the blood fell to the ground, it turned into a green data light, countless 0 and 1 burst out, and then disappeared.

As soon as the five people's bodies disappeared, Xi Tong also turned into a data light cluster, and the body quickly shrank, and then the needle-sized light disappeared.

The body, did not disappear.

Awareness, no sinking.

The mark of reincarnation still exists, but it has changed.

A stream of prompts floats by:

Death is not the end ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the beginning of another cycle.

You will become ordinary monsters, elite monsters, mutant monsters, bosses, lords, plot characters, etc. in the reincarnation world.

You will be part of the reincarnation world, participate in it and get evaluations, and get rewards based on your performance.

Reincarnation of the current world "Resident Evil 1".

You will play-the reckless security zombie (your constitution is slightly stronger than ordinary people, nothing more)

Killing a human and immortal proves that you are qualified to be a cannon fodder.

Kill 3 humans and die, proving that you have value.

Kill 5 ... good potential ... elite qualification.

Kill 15 people ... it's amazing ... mutant monster qualification.

Kill 30 ... ruthless hunters ... the boss qualifications.

Kill 80 ... incarnation of fear ... lord qualification.

Kill 100 people ... impossible missions ... scenario character qualifications.

When I saw my task list, Xi Tong secretly said: Sure enough.

[Still a mobile phone code word, looking forward to returning home, using a computer to repay everyone]

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