Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 996: : One vote for site sanctification

Admittedly, everything is valuable.

Priceless treasures are either afraid to sell or not to buy.

However, there are still many things in the world that you will never buy.

Alas, you buy it often, but you never use it.

For example, a two-dimensional wife.

Another example is the protection fee for taxpayers.

Gao Tiqa's ability to deal with Zhao Gongming came in handy, but it was not enough to look at Xi Tong.

"System Lord?"

Seeing the man in front of him, Tikka was gritting her teeth.

Because the money bag in her hand was dim, and the mouth of the bag was slightly narrowed.

The most important thing is that the rich woman's happy ball has become a stab in her heart, and she reminds her of today's failure and shame.

Although she didn't know the meaning of the word.

But intuition told her that it was not a good thing.

Xi Xitong spread his hands to the sides, and his wide robes and large sleeves blew up in the air like a whip. From the back, Jinwu's embroidery was flowing and his wings were flying.

Although the six-winged archangel is full of visual shock, in the face of Jin Wu, who is fluttering, it is as short, fragile, and worthless as a chick.

The sound of a bang, this flare, instantly wiped away the residual power of Tikka, and it became clear again in the city.

"Since you recognize me, you should know the rules I made in Dashang."

Both sleeves fell like a cloud, Xi Tong's hands clasped together, and the thumb of his right hand was scratching his left thumb.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and chuckled while blowing the powder on his nails.

怎么 "Why, do you want to use force here?"

When the embankment came to a halt, it stopped.

She did think about it.

Although she possesses the wealth that makes the **** of wealth move, covet, and envy, she has no real wealth authority.

Because, she prefers to make a fortune and burn and plunder.

The essence of the conquest of the heavens is to burn and plunder, to nourish his bones with the flesh and blood of other worlds.

The so-called paradise is just a spring sticker for the bird people to hide their shame, and it is also a pinhole for the bird people to communicate, communicate and communicate with other worlds.

She Di Ka dare to go alone, naturally she has her backing.

A purse pursed at the waist can buy everything-the enemy's weapon armor, and even the soul of life.

She is a lucky person. Her luck has always been very good, and she can mumble an ancient treasure by kicking on the stone on the side of the road.

So no one can refuse her deal.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

She Diqa's white palm was grabbed in the purse, and all kinds of coins, gold jade appliances, armor weapons, heavenly treasures, and ore monsters all slipped from her fingers like quicksand.

"Who is willing to accept my employment?"

Thousands of eyes stared at her instantly, at her palms, at the dazzling, dazzling yellow in her hands.

I never mean to beat her.

Of the thousands of objects falling down like the quicksand, any one of them can break the head.

It's a pity that I'm indifferent.

Those who can enter Fang City are at least gods, and most of them are the masters of one world.

矿 There are mines in every home, who cares about such a thing outside the body.

Hey (Actually, I really care)

I have seen the system of the main gods, and the gods who know the strength of the religion have all wiped out the greed and desire in their hearts.

After all, it was the powerful existence of the old ancestors that slayed Peng Peng with warm wine and chopped the ghost river.

I have life to take, and life to spend.

Speaking again, what is rare about gold and silver coins?

Isn't Kong Fang Qian fragrant?

Is it enough to be a fan of faith?

Is it too much for merit coins?

Armored armor, weapons, and elixir are rare, but those shops in the 33rd Heaven are more and more complete, and most importantly, not expensive.

什么 What do you want?

For one or two things outside the body and the main **** of the system, is this the head kicked by the donkey?

The embankment was rattling.

Our own Jinyuan offensive failed.

经历 In the past, in those worlds, there are very few people who are determined and not disturbed by common things, but 99% of them cannot resist the temptation of money and are willing to go to the fire for themselves.

Saving money can communicate with gods and better guard ghosts.

The more people there are, the higher the upper limit of Tikka's capacity.

I do n’t need all of them. As long as one third of the people are eroded by money, it is enough to stir the wind and rain.

This is her reliance on killing herself into other worlds alone and retreating.

But here, she rolled over.

Xi Tong raised his hand and pinched a gold coin floating in the air, and then forced his finger to annihilate the gold coin to invisibleness.

"Your gift of luck! But luck has never been a separate existence and must be manifested in other forms."

"The wealth of the carrier of your choice, but sorry, I have more money than you."

The words seemed to pierce Di Ka's heart with a sword.

Yes, luck is never a separate thing and must be presented in other forms.

For example, picking up money and leaking, getting promoted and getting rich, career advancement, gold list title, happy scene ...

不可能 "Impossible! My wealth comes from the heavens and the world and is the essence of many worlds. How can you be more than me ..."

Xi Xitong said nothing, but just raised his hand and opened one world channel after another.

The other end of the channel is another world.

Some of them are explored by Xitong himself, and others are sold through the sale of system upgrade packages from other gods, and barely can be called heaven and earth.

"Sorry, I am the master of the heavens and the world!"

而 "And you, just a thief in all realms."

Gutika was smashed, and his eyes were scattered for a while.

This is no longer kicking iron, but kicking a planet of pure iron.

Xi Xitong waved his hand, and Tikka didn't see what was going on, so she felt light.

"My wallet!"

Xi Xitong pierced the bag ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and threw it into his sleeve.

I'm sorry, now it's my wallet.

Of course, Xi Tong is a face-to-face person.

"You violated the ban, in the city of Fangshi cleverly grab, buy strong and sell strong, I do not know repentance, but also intend to buy fierce resistance to the law, bribe people.

"Since you're trying it yourself, it's no wonder I am!"

As Xi Tong said, Tikka's talents are all lucky, but luck is never a separate thing.

Fortunately, there is no root tree, no passive water, and duckweed undulates like waves.

One more thing, luck has always been relative. You must know that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Bian Ti Ka lost his money bag, just like a snake without bones and scattered power.

看 Look at her rising from the tall building, look at her guests, and see her building collapse.

Lucky is like a gamble.

You can have Jinshan Yinshan and Qianshan Coinhai in an instant, but in the next second, you may lose money and build debts.

Xi Xitong was thrown to Zhao Gongming in front of everyone.

After all, Zhao Gongming is the **** of wealth, and financial management is his duty and his practice.

Zhao Gongming worked for Xi Tong. The money was left-handed and right-handed.

Subsequently, Xi Tong came to the shop of Taobao Taoist and watched Ou Huang and the refugees who were devoted to practicing magic production.

小 This boy is really lucky. People sit at home, and women come to heaven.

Slap this cannon and sanctify the site.

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