Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 999: : Double repair between men

[Try to add more from tomorrow, first repay the previous account, and then join the master's more]

"Brother, are you okay!"

As soon as the restrictions on the heavens disappeared, the refugees rushed past.

He cares about his brother in his mouth, but never looks at his brother.

"Where do I rely on that woman?"

"So big a living person, put it here plainly, why am I lost?"

Suddenly he was shocked and looked at Xi Tong in astonishment.

Raising his hand on Xi Tong's shoulder, biting his ear, he said, "Boss, what new product has been developed? I am willing to be a little mouse. Believe me, I will definitely provide a lot of failure experiences, help to check the shortcomings and insufficient."

Capsule beautiful girl, yes, it must be so.

Xi Xitong shook his shoulders slightly and shook away the refugees, moving to the side without any trace.

He is not disgusting, but afraid.

Others don't know what happened to Ou Huang. How could the 49 copies of Xitong from the heavenly holders not understand.

The independent space created by Xiantiandao can shield everything, naturally including the doom of refugees.

European and refugees are at odds with each other, and they are neutral to each other, and they seem to be ordinary, even if they are a little extraordinary, they are very limited.

However, Xi Tong knew that the moment when Tiandao created an independent space to wrap up the European Yellow, the power of luck in the independent space erupted, and the force of doom outside the independent space also flooded the world.

的 The process of neutralizing each other is also the process of sharpening each other.

Like a diamond, the diamond just dug out of the pit is neither dazzling nor dazzling, even with turbidity and dullness.

However, the polished diamond immediately changed shape. After the master cut it to show countless cross sections, the diamond refracted the light into a magnificent and dreamy color.

Saitama does n’t know what to say, and this is the truth.

欧 If Ou Huang and the refugees don't meet each other, or they meet each other after a brief intersection, they will surely be able to quickly emerge and become powerful men.

However, their accomplishments also end there.

Gifted magical power cannot be improved through cultivation, and there will not be much change and fluctuation throughout his life.

Is like Kun Peng's devouring the world.

Upgrading and not upgrading have the same effect. There is no need to invest resources in this ability. Forcibly investing, the proportion of cost and income must be very touching.

For example, Kong Xuan's five-colored divine light, everything is not brushed at birth, no matter how much sacrifice it is, there is no need to continue sacrifice.

He did not mean that the sacrifice was meaningless, but that the method of sacrifice was incorrect, and the effect was too small.

The most effective way is to integrate the selves of other worlds to produce a substantial ascension.

It's just that a unique existence like Kong Xuan can hardly find the ego of other worlds.

For now, the only thing Xi Tong can think of is traveling westward and devoting himself to the King of Peacock Ming.

Journey to the West doesn't feel as powerful as Fengshen World, but when you think about the power of Buddhism in the West, Xi Tong has a headache.

Sealing the world of the gods, the saints of the Four Religions do not have the blessing of their origins, and they are unable to exert one-tenth of their strength. Even so, Xi Tong still took advantage of the advent of the deity, and was eligible to sit on an equal footing with saints.

随着 However, with the passage of time, the power of others' seals has continued to be liberated, Xi Tong is still standing still, and the title of saint is no longer true.

As for Xi Tong, after receiving 49 copies of heaven, he really has the strength to suppress saints.

But in the journey to the west, the saints have obtained the indigenous identity and the recognition of heaven, they can exert all their powers, and even the deity comes.

The sage does not appear, but it does not mean that it does not exist. The water in the westward journey is definitely not as simple as it seems. The study of Tang monks is only the tip of the iceberg in the westward journey, but not all.

Even if he found the world to travel to the west, Xi Tong did not dare to say that he was 100% sure that he would succeed. This kind of thing that is half or even half is not dared to pack tickets at all.

It is for this reason that Xi Tong understands the value of refugees and Ou Huang sharpening each other.

关系 The relationship between the two is clearly a double cultivation!

No, it is more powerful than Shuang Xiu!

收益 Yin and Yang blending double repair is not very profitable, but the ceiling is very low, and it will soon reach its limit.

But the "double cultivation" of refugees and Europeans is endless, and they are truly endless and endless.

The blessings that the refugees repaired for several generations only found Ou Huang, a good base friend.

Ou Ouhuang fell for eight lives before spreading the refugee pit.

This may be luck.

It ’s all luck, whether it ’s good luck or bad luck.

It is also because of the improvement brought about by mutual sharpening that Ou Huang can push the embankment on air transport.

He is not the little sheep in Tika's imagination, but just neutralized by the refugees. He doesn't show his own magic.

But because of this, once the refugee's neutralization is lost, his luck that has been suppressed for many years bursts out of his brain, and a wave will rush to death.

From the moment he stared at Ou Huang, Danteka was doomed.

Because her luck is not as good as Ou Huang, relying on a little bit of luck to harden Ou Huang, it is tantamount to Shou Xinggong hanging.

By contrast, the doom of the refugees also burst out.

Fortunately, he had been squatting in the corner to draw circles before, and he was not too close to Xitong and Duobaodao people, otherwise they must be **** mold.

Although I touched Xitong for a while, but Ou Huang had already appeared at this time, the strength of the two people counteracted the neutralization again, and the distress of Xi Tong's body disappeared instantly and ceased to exist.

I looked at Ou Huang up and down, and Xi Tong finally smiled.


Although he is the saint who is the best dish now, he is indeed a real saint.

In terms of "slashing three corpses", Ou Huang has "slashed" 13 times.

堤 Of these 13 "self", the strongest fighting force is Tika, but the other "self" is not useless.

European yellow in the world in particular, and European yellow in the current world, have the deepest connection, the strongest bondage, and the greatest potential.

In terms of potential alone, Ou Huang is Xitong's most powerful.

The only weakness is that I don't know how to cultivate.

No, you can do it with refugees.

Ouhuang is too strong now, and has far surpassed Shuangxiu's companion. The original balance was broken, and the friendship boat turned over.

You must add weight to the refugees or reduce weight for Ou Huang.

For example, draw some lucky power from him on a regular basis, or let him use his lucky power to instill equipment and blessings.

Xi Xitong rubbed his hands and finally felt free of any psychological burden on the wool.

And it is golden wool.

Like coinage!

If every coin can be contaminated with luck, the value of the currency will inevitably increase.

This kind of coin must not be compared with the previous one, and double the value is inevitable.

For example, it is worth a hundred dollars and a million dollars ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tikka makes sense to choose wealth as a carrier of her own lucky power. Although the two have no natural connection, they are born bound.

Wealth cannot fully represent luck, but luck must include wealth, and most of the time it is displayed in the form of wealth.

"Ou Huang, congratulations on your sanctification."

Although Ou Huang was ignorant, but after integrating the "self" of Tikka, he understood a lot.

There is no form of learning, experience, or sharpening, but it suddenly penetrates, as if you knew it by birth.

This is what is called the "awakening" in the space of the Lord God.

When he woke up, he realized it.

Yi, Ou Huang folded his hands and worshiped Xi Tong deeply.

感谢 "Thank you for your cultivation."

The refugees were so anxious that they scratched their ears and grabbed Ou Huang's shoulders.

"Brother, isn't it a capsule beauty? There are two brothers in the world, you can't hide this thing, take it out, we'll give you more details."

He glanced at the hand on his shoulder, and Ou Huang lowered his head.

His face turned red.

[2300 words]

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