Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1002: : There is light in this world (3/5)

[Several million rewards from the split rain shadow cloud, Calvin hasn't paid back yet, first paid his account, currently 1/3]

Very wonderful feeling!

Xi Xitong didn't know how to describe it.

Before I started, although my palms had strange abilities, it was like wearing gloves. There was a film across everything, which was very unreal.

Also, when you take something, it is equivalent to putting your hand in the box to catch a table tennis ball. You only know what it is when you take it out.

What you feel is not what you want—unless there is only one item in the box.

It's different now.

Xi Xitong felt that his palm was like a peeled egg, and the feeling of contact with the air was so real, as if he could perceive the flow of each air molecule.

The palm replaces the five senses and six senses, and explores the world in a clearer, more intuitive and essential way.

He can feel the sorrow of frost, the joy of fire, the flow of wind ...

的 The emotions of each energy are all at your fingertips, and their flow, trajectory, and gathering are also emerging.

I didn't even need to call for flames, a cluster of flames was already blooming at my fingertips, and all the surrounding flame energy was converging to the fingertips like a bird.


Alas, this is obviously the master!

All things in heaven and earth are in the palm of your hand.

Xi Xitong's palm spread out, and a mass of data energy emerged.

This is the most consumed and frequently used item in the main **** space-the primary healing potion, also known as the small blood bottle.

The bottle of the Shuanghuanglian oral solution is surrounded by more than a dozen data streams. The data streams flow slowly from end to end, and the bottles are looming and sometimes absent.

Just, Xi Tong no longer uses two eyes to observe things, and replaced his right hand.

团 The energy of this data is on the hand, just like watching the pattern on the palm. Everything is clear and there is no secret at all.

"That's it!"

With a quick flick of Xitong's finger, the data flow stunned for a few moments, and then a mass of redundant data was eliminated.

The data stream not only did not decrease or shrink as a result, but also expanded a circle, and the bottle-sized medicament in Shuanghuanglian oral liquid also became the size of a battery.

Intermediate therapeutic agent.

The treatment is better, the treatment is faster, and of course, the value is higher.

However, Xi Tong once again flicked his fingers and made a little redundant data.

The data flow has become larger again, and the medicine bottle inside has also become the size of Wahaha AD calcium milk.

Advanced therapeutic agents.

This time, Xi Tong stopped.

I used to think that there was a discordant redundancy in the data stream, so I removed it, but I didn't expect to improve the quality of the drug.

数据 The data of advanced therapeutic agents has been very smooth and perfect. It has reached the point where it cannot be changed or deleted, and nothing can be played again.

Xi Xitong also took a bottle of purchased advanced healing potion from the inventory of the main **** space and carefully compared the two.

It turns out that the purchased advanced treatment potions still have a small amount of redundancy, inconsistency and imperfection.

This is either a defect left during the refining of the drug or a defect during the dataization.

Xitong flicked his fingers to filter out the impurities.

数据 Life dataization can change the data to achieve the purpose of changing life.

For example, the attribute point data energy, after adding, will increase the corresponding attributes of life.

It is like inflating the balloon to make the balloon inflated, but the balloon cannot be inflated if it is inflated to a certain extent. If it is strong, it will burst instantly.

Skills use the same principle.

Data has a limited life capacity, and it is impossible to add data energy to it indefinitely, unless "self" is integrated to increase the upper limit of capacity.

It is just that this method is impossible to find and cannot be popularized on a large scale.

If data energy can be streamlined and optimized, wouldn't it increase the upper limit of data life in disguise?

The data energy purchased has indeed been improving, but that is for heaven, and for the main **** space, in Xitong ’s eyes, it is simply a slag, full of defects and deficiencies.

Not only the purchased data energy, but also those reincarnations in the Lord's space, all covered with flaws.

数据 Life data is inherently inadequate. The data energy of various potions, skills, attributes, and equipment is stuffed into the body. Over time, various incompatibilities have become increasingly apparent.

But they didn't realize it.

If it was Xitong in the past, I would not realize it. After all, in the field of life dataization, Xitong is purely a layman.

But Xitong is different now.

After his right hand becomes stronger, he has the ability to control everything.

Although the range of abilities is not large, within this range, Xi Tong is the supreme existence, and everything can't escape his palm.

Whether it is material, spiritual, or whatever.

Xi Xitong opened and raised his right hand to become a celestial figure, and the invisible power was rippling in all directions like ripples.

Within 100 meters of the circle, it is absolutely in control, and then gradually fades outward, and disappears completely after 800 meters.

Alas, enough!

Numerous data energies appeared in front of Xitong, and the space of 800 meters was filled with airtightness.

The masses of energy were removed by Xitong from redundancy, impurities, and defects, and became more refined and concise.

The original whiteboard equipment is still a whiteboard, but the attributes of the equipment have been greatly improved, even catching up with blue-grade equipment.

All equipment and potions are upgraded by one grade or even two grades.

All skills are like a dog planning conscience to discover and collectively enhance a wave.

习 After a bit of refinement in Xitong, the main **** space has changed its face, and all the inventory items have doubled in value.

As for the redundant data energy that has been removed, Xitong has not wasted it, and in one thought, they are restored to the most basic and pure data energy.

Immediately, bottles of potion, pieces of equipment, and skills appeared in Xi Tong's palm.

"It turns out that this is life data."

"But that's it."

God ca n’t make things out of nothing. Even if Xitong makes life, it is cultivated through biotechnology, not out of nothing.

Heaven has not mastered this ability ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Heaven has mastered the excessive ability of life dataization.

Although it is not possible to create things directly, you can use the data energy to make various items, which is equivalent to indirect creation.

出售 By selling data energy, Heaven firmly controls each of the main gods' space, and fights the world through these spaces to plunder resources.

Now, Xi Tong also controls the data of life, and controls the creation of data energy.

The only thing that needs to be solved is the data energy.

The dwarf tribe hesitated, and the huge force of faith flowed in, turning it into raw and pure data energy.

Belief is a very magical energy. Gods can achieve the throne by igniting beliefs. They can also consume beliefs to improve rules and instill beliefs to create artifacts.

From this we can see that faith can create gods, creatures, and rules.

Data energy just makes this mysterious process visible, stable and controllable.

Looking at the data energy around her body, Xi Tong laughed, and her laughter was full of passionate ambitions and ambitious ambitions.

The raised hand slowly slid down, as if lowering a curtain, as if opening a prologue.

"Let there be light!"

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