Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1005: : Don't ask me who is Zhongya

Heaven's positioning of the main **** space is very accurate-training newcomers and delivering new blood.

For whom are the reincarnations fighting?

Lord God?

The Lord God does not even have the most basic intelligence. It is just a mechanical process. What is the significance of occupying the world?

There is no doubt that the reincarnations fight for the power that controls the space of the Lord God.

They were born for war, died for war, and transferred to sneak in, assassinate, destroy, and collect.

Penetration into the world has reached a certain level, and the birdman in paradise has come to discuss the way of the savior, to save people from water and fire, and easily establish faith.

This is the answer that Xitong obtained by consulting the space log of the main **** space.

最后 The last time the space received a mission from heaven was to target the world of God. The mission was extremely rewarding, far more than a hundred times unusual.

Query the space log of the Lord God, and Xi Tong generally understood the tentacles, operating methods, and tricks of heaven's forces.

Now, Xi Tong is going to create his own routine based on the main **** space.

The first is the reconstruction of space.

The space of the Lord God is not the world. To be precise, it should be the world that is about to be born, or the world that is about to be destroyed.

In this special form, it has been transformed by external forces and has become what it is now.

In this special state, the rules are extremely chaotic, or even no rules at all, so it is possible to steal the power of creation and use data energy to achieve the effect of indirect creation.

The method of transformation is roughly to strengthen the space through the matrix method, so that it can maintain the shape of the space permanently.

In the past, Xi Tong knew nothing about data energy, but now, Xi Tong has strengthened his right hand, and has control over everything and beyond to the extreme.

There is nothing secretive about the Lord God Space in his hands.

Emperor Benji!

The pages of the book opened, Di Jun's strength spread, and Xi Tong instantly entered Di Jun's personality.

The power of the formation method is used in the space structure of the Lord God, and speaking of the formation method, Emperor Jun's accomplishments surpass the world.

Xun is like Xun Peng's talent is devouring the world, Kong Xuan's talent is five-colored divine light, Dijun is transformed by Pangu's left eye, and inherits Pangu's wisdom, and his talent is matrix formation.

帝 From the perspective of Emperor Jun, the matrix method to maintain the main **** space is almost full of loopholes, especially a torn wound that almost runs through two-thirds of the matrix method.

Yun Dijun personality said: "This space has been shattered. Although it was restored, it was not completely repaired, nor was it thorough."

"Minor repairs and minor supplements are meaningless, simply overthrow reconstruction!"

When thinking of the personality of Yun Dijun, the main space of God immediately changed, showing the magnificent weather of reopening of the heavens and the earth, and the reopening of the famine.

The main **** space is like an egg, and the structured matrix method is equivalent to the egg shell, and the interior of the egg shell is filled with data energy.

Now, part of the eggshell is plucked into the mountains and reclaimed, and the ground is split into rivers. There are changes in the sea and mulberry fields, but the data energy across the line has not been affected in the slightest.

The savages failed again, the battle resumed, and the monsters were still fighting for their lives, without feeling anything wrong.


布置 The last node was arranged, and Dijun was piled with mountain-like materials.

These are all the redundant parts removed from the space array method, and the pieces inserted to repair the cracks.

"It should be enough right now. If you have enough resources, you can continue to enhance it."

Immediately, the light on Emperor Jun dimmed, and the appearance of Ying Wu faded like water, once again turning into Xitong's appearance.

This time, Xi Tong's eyes are full of clear and bright, and the memory is no longer like a fragment as before.

Xi looked at the emperor Benji held in his right hand, and Xi Tongjiu was speechless.

"In other words, I have more control over Dijun's personality."

查看 When I checked the space log before, the starting date was more than a hundred years ago. Xi Tong thought that the space had only a hundred years of history.

Seeing these superfluous materials in front of him, Xi Tongcai understood that the predecessor of this space has experienced at least tens of thousands of years.

From those old objects, Xi Tong saw a group of people who broke away from the restraint of the Lord God space, broke the Lord God space, and escaped from it.

"So it is."

Unfortunately, that battle completely destroyed the main **** space, and the data energy was completely dissipated. The array materials could not penetrate deep into the main **** space, and did not understand the changes at all. It was just a glimpse of the explosion light, not too real.

But it doesn't matter, just trade with Heaven.

I sold millions of reincarnation before, and returned a large number of resources, which just happened to be able to make a big purchase.

Various potions, the same base.

Actually, it's enough to have the same one. Xitong can figure out the data energy structure of the potion at first, and then create it by himself.

However, each bottle is too weird. In order to prevent the paradise from noticing, Xi Tong can only spend a little bit more.

Then comes the equipment.

There are too many equipments in Heaven ’s equipment library, various shapes, various functions, various attributes ...

Excluding homogeneity and filtering duplication, Xitong only selected equipment with unique functions and rare attributes, and then purchased one by one.

是 如此 The same is true of skills.

I quickly spent all my points, but even so, Xi Tong abandoned many optional equipment and skills.

As for bloodlines, pets, etc., affordable Xitong is not rare, or there are better ones, but you ca n’t afford them.

I can only do the tasks released by Heaven slowly in the future, I bought them with points.

Subsequently, Xitong learned about the purchased drugs, equipment, and skills, and optimized and improved them by the way.

With Xitong's current knowledge, experience, and accumulated knowledge, and absolute control over everything in essence, these items sold in heaven have no secret at all.

These equipment, medicines and skills are useless to Xitong and are not worth mentioning.

However, these things are of great significance to newcomers, especially the new rookies who have just embarked on the cultivation path.

No force, not even a country or race, can rely on a handful or a few people to support the situation.

Pioneers are only leading the way. Those who truly support nations, nations, and forces are always the backbone of the backbone. It is of great significance to cultivate them and transform them into intermediate foundations.

I asked Qu that it was clear as promised, for the source of living water.

There are talented people on behalf of the Minjiang River, each leading for hundreds of years.

What He said was the truth.

Even heaven, it also replenishes new blood from the space of the Lord God, and also absorbs other races from heaven and earth to transform the blood of angels for it.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even an ordinary wooden stick, an ordinary iron sword is of great significance.

The growth systems such as skills and equipment are all step by step, like a staircase, which makes people step up and move forward steadily.

No fault will occur at a certain height, you must run to take off, and then there is no way forward, falling to pieces.

In the process of making medicines, equipment, and skills, Xi Tong also glimpsed the composition of the top heavenly powers.

For example, there is a thing called lucky amulet in the purchased equipment. This thing is likely to come from Tikka.

相对 The opposite is the cursed and engraved props, indicating that there is a refugee-like strong in heaven.

From the division of equipment attributes by heaven, the number and value of rare attributes can be seen, the number of special talents is not large.

Also, there is no time power related equipment or skills in heaven.

没有 Nothing.

At the same time, Xi Tong ’s data energy flow slowly turned into a prototype of an hourglass.

Xi Xitong called it-Zhongya hourglass.

Don't ask who Zhongya is, and ask again to change the name of the hourglass.

Looking at the flowing sand in the hourglass, Xi Tong felt it necessary to change his name.

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