Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1008: : Dragon Knight Lifestyle

Xi Xitong didn't know that his inadvertently inserting willows gave Duobao a chance to be sanctified. At this time, he was still listing items in the mall.

As far as equipment is concerned, only attack, defense, life, and blue volume are the most garbage whiteboards.

附加 Adding basic attributes such as strength and physical strength to the whiteboard equipment is blue grade.

Green equipment is based on blue equipment with special attributes such as crit, armour, speed, recovery, hit, curse, gain, etc., and began to have the concept of a suit.

Purple equipment adds [Skills] on the basis of green equipment. Both passive and active skills can only be possessed by purple equipment. The more skills you have, the more powerful the skills and the higher the quality of the equipment.

The magic weapon is generally purple equipment to start.

I go up again to touch the power of the rule, or the artifact of condensed belief.

Most of these things are promoted in the main **** space. If the external artifacts are digitized, the input and output are simply not proportional.

The existence on the divine artifact has exceeded the carrying capacity of the main **** space, which can neither be bred nor accommodated.

It is like a whale's belly cannot be pretended to be 装 peng.

Other medicines and skills have also been divided into categories and levels, and the meritorious points spent on purchases have been set.

Everything is ready, only the buyer.

It's a pity that the savages have fought more than 30 times in 24 hours, and persisted for an hour and a half at the longest.

Mall opened on the first day of trading volume 0.

When the 100,000 barbarians returned to the Titan Kingdom, they all shut themselves down.

相对 The opposite is the monster side, which becomes a sea of ​​cheers.

Kill the top ten monsters on the merit list to be redeemed and restore the status of samsara.

The remaining monsters were envious of envy, but there was not even a minute of waiting, and the battle began again.

This time, it is no longer a barbarian, but an army of large businessmen, trained by Xi Tong, and all of them are tied to a systematic human army.

Puppets are still 100,000 people, but these 100,000 people are well-advanced on the battlefield, relying on coordinated battles and formations, as if a meat grinder, constantly swallowing up the monster army.

Although they still failed in the end, they persisted for an hour and a half in the first battle, which was a level reached by the barbarians after a day of fighting.

The numbers are equal, they all have a professional system, and the barbarians have been training longer, and their average strength is stronger.

However, their record is horrible.

Investigating the reasons, the career of the barbarians is too monotonous. The one-to-one battle with the axe warriors is okay, but 100,000 to 600 million is enough.

The ruler is short and has some advantages. The team pays attention to coordination. A single unit can be easily targeted. If you break one, you will break all.

The reincarnations tend to fight alone, and even if there are small teams, they can't change the fact that they are brave.

Therefore, reincarnation is usually used to sneak in, destroy, assassinate, but never conquer.

Xi Xitong understands this, so he can make targeted changes.

What he wants is the combat effectiveness of the legion, retreating to defend one world, and entering the invincible legion that can conquer the heavens.

The monster in the space of the Lord God is the best whetstone.

They may not be the most powerful opponents, but they are definitely the craziest and most exhausted sparring targets.

"Open up a new battlefield."

"Buy monsters."

The Lord God Space will sell reincarnations that have completed cultivation, and can also sell reincarnations that have failed in cultivation.

After all, the significance of the existence of the main **** space is to find a matching "self" from the vast world against the parallel world system.

The probability of shou shou shou rabbit is too small, so every once in a while, the main **** space will sell some of the monsters that are judged to be worthless, and buy new monsters.

It's like a group of people exchanging toys with each other, keeping fresh feel and different experience at all times.

However, most of the main **** space is more inclined to **** newcomers than to buy monsters.

It is because of this that the price of monsters is very low.

Soon, Xi Tong bought 1 billion monsters and placed them all in the newly opened battlefield.

Then came the third battlefield and the fourth battlefield.

Open up 100 battlefields at a stretch, and the number and type of monsters distributed in each battlefield are also different.

Some are hodgepodges, stuffed with 1 billion casually, while others are carefully coordinated by Xi Tong and have a good team.

At the same time, the terrain of the battlefield is also different, some are similar to the lost ruins of the pyramids, some are street fighting in modern cities, some are empty, and there are swamps, beaches, the sky and even the ocean.

All battlefields are in the early stages of creation, and will be adjusted and supplemented at any time in the future.

As for the experienced personnel on the battlefield ...

Let Tamil continue to arrange for ascension.

At the same time, Dashang's army continued to expand, and then these troops were trained to turn Dashang into a Xiuxian dynasty.

Nowadays, Dashang is full of mountains and many schools, especially after many foreign gods come here to settle, and the countless traditions are spreading, which is more dazzling than a hundred schools of thought.

After the original war of ravages of God, all the Taoists in the world explained the Second Religion.

He means that from the beginning of the Zhou dynasty, all monks were either interpreted from the Second Religion or created by the disciples of the two religions.

Sounds like a bull's fork. Carefully, this pattern is too small and the level is too low. No wonder one generation is not as good as the next.

Fortunately, Xitong appeared.

外 In the eyes of outsiders, the world of Fengshen is the top religion, as the existence of the ruling heaven, the supremacy of religion is taken for granted.

But the Department of Education did not seize the hilltops, plunder resources, and suppress other denominations. Instead, it welcomed the gods and demons of the heavens and the world to stop trading here, and it was only thirty-three days to establish Fangshi.

The benefits that could only be gained by attacking the world through exhaustion and hard work are now directly available to the king of the king. It is okay for anyone who is full to support ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Not only that, the Department of Education also came up with the system. Things, any **** can receive one.

Therefore, regardless of morality or interest, the gods and demons of the heavens and the worlds are convinced by the teachings.

Li Guang is not convinced enough to take orally, Da Shang's force must keep up.

Someone has come to trouble in Fang City before. If Xi Tong did not know in advance, Tikka relied on her special ability to buy Ding Haizhu and kill Zhao Gongming. Then she would spend money to hire a large number of people to cause confusion and get away. The face of Dashang would be left home. Already.

Not only ordinary people in the big business, but also the souls of the hungry ghost world and the Shura world can also be recruited.

Western religions can reduce demons and ghosts, and train them to protect the congregation. There is nothing wrong with the great businessmen letting the nations come.

At the same time, it can also accept stray races from all walks of life, allowing them to thrive in business, assimilate and integrate from the roots.

Those who are strong can cultivate, after transformation, they are all humanoids, and there is no racial difference under Datong.

Those who are sparse in strength can digitize their lives. In this way, no racial differences or reproductive isolation exist.

The Dragon Knight is not only a profession, but also a harmonious way of getting along.

Hmm, just do that.

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