Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1013: : This loophole is a bit big

Xi Xitong stared at Wu Han's drawing while viewing Wu Han's attribute information.

In the past, there was no level division of the main **** space. All were distinguished by attributes, equipment, and skills. It was very vague and there was no clear boundary.

If you have money, the newcomer can also have a high-status and divine costume.

But after Xi Tong transformed the main **** space, he introduced the setting of levels.

From 1 to 3 stars is the acquired realm, and 4 to 6 stars is the innate realm. Each level is subdivided into 10 parts for a total of 60 levels.

提升 Each level is fixed to increase the 1-D and 2-D free attributes of the four-dimensional attribute. In addition, you can spend money and experience to purchase additional attribute points. Each level can purchase 4 points.

越高 The higher the level, the more expensive it is to purchase attribute points.

If it is fast, you can upgrade first and then go back to make up the attribute points.

I can also lay a solid foundation. If the attributes are high, I can challenge more advanced copies, and do more with less.

In short, every attribute is extremely precious, and careful when assigning, there is no arbitrary squandering.

People with selection difficulties even have several attributes that are not assigned, so they only click when the skills or wear equipment requirements are not met.

But Wu Han is different.

All his attributes are added to power, pure power, other attributes are automatically increased by upgrades, and nothing is added.

Pure power, combined with longbow throwing ...

I saw him squatting on a stone, carefully looking at Goblin in the grass, bushes, and shade in the distance, while moving left and right, and continued to observe.

He squirmed quickly in his mouth, and he missed words. Xitong listened carefully and found that all his thoughts were directions and numbers.

As the perspective narrowed, Xi Tong found that Wu Han's eyes were scattered and unfocused, as if his sight had broken the world in front of him and pointed to the essence.

When the wind calmed down, he decisively opened his bow and took an arrow. The arrow cluster pointed at the sky, and he corrected it up, down, left, and right.

A loose finger ...


The trembling sound of the animal's tendon shook his ears, and Xi Tong saw that the flesh on Wu Han's cheek had a slight ripple of water.

If someone else shoots an arrow like this, it will be given to fate the moment he leaves the string.

But Wu Han is different. After the arrow leaves the string, he is still in his control, under his control.

Everything in your hands does not have to be held in your hand, in your palm.

Above the physical level, there is also a spiritual level of control, such as controlling the human heart, and above the spiritual level, there is a stronger control, such as faith ...

No doubt, Wu Han is a man of faith, but he believes in data, science, and himself.


Under the cypress tree, a Goblin who yawned with Erlang's legs trembled, his hands and feet flinched, and then he collapsed weakly.

At its position between the mouth and nose, a feather arrow was inserted straight down, and it entered from the mouth and penetrated the **** from the back of the neck. It was so deep in the soil that almost all the feathers of the arrow tail entered the mouth of Goblin, and the blood was taken out infiltration.

One hit kill!

Xi Xitong doesn't care how this damage is calculated, but he knows that the pure force attribute, strong bow sharp vector, elevation angle ejection, **** ...

At the same time that he strengthened the arrows, he also avoided Goblin's flesh and bones, and in the middle of the mouth, the back of the brain, the neck, and many other defenses.

Injury is not only sufficient, but also severely spilled.

Most importantly, from beginning to end, there was no sound. Goblin died one by one without making a sound.

Until the lord of the copy was thrown to the ground by an arrow penetrating through the heavenly cover, and the battle was over, the Goblin side did not realize the beginning of the battle, and the full armour was dressed in his body and held in his hand, but did not play a slight effect.

It's over before it starts. If it is a junk server, it will be decided to open and hang it, and then it will be blocked.

But Luo Tianyi did not.

She looks at everything from beginning to end, and understands that it is all strength.

There is no trace of [skill] factor, it is [basic attack] at best.

But because of the control of various details, this attack far exceeds the limit of ordinary attack, and even surpasses the effect of many skills.

Skills are originally the fusion and sublimation of skills.

I just know that most people just don't know why, just know the effect of skills, but ignore many principles of skills.

Learn skills directly. The method of learning and using has reduced years of hard work. Compared with traditional methods, it can quickly form combat effectiveness, but this has considerable hidden dangers.

For example, the foundation is not strong, the understanding is not thorough, and the real understanding cannot be achieved, let alone innovate.

The traditional method is equivalent to 攒 buying a house in full, which is not enough to move in; learning skills is equivalent to buying a house with a mortgage and zero down payment.

Although the latter is simpler and more convenient, don't forget the existence of "interest". If you don't realize it, "interest" will far exceed the principal over time.

Wu Han is equivalent to buying a full house, but his way of “saving money” is too easy and fast.

Understand the extreme, master the limit, now that I have learned, what else do I buy?

Easily clear the hell-level copy, Wu Han received extra rewards with super high scores, attribute enhancement, and level enhancement.

Then, he opened the professional system of the Terra Stone Energy Chip, switched to the warrior class, and chose [Barbarian Iron Fist] to confirm the purchase.

"With my current strength and physical fitness, I can barely meet the requirements for the use of skills."

He doesn't have the main **** of the belief system, he can't produce faith, and he naturally has no currency in the professional system.

But he has a deep understanding of skills. He has commented on and explained many skills, and posted posts to earn manuscript fees. Although not much, it is enough to buy a brutal iron fist.

After all, this skill is quite cheap, even cheap.

I am also because of this, the brutal iron fist is the lowest level of the skill tree, not even the novice skills.

I thought that I had increased my pure strength and spent so much effort to meet the skill learning requirements. Wu Han was full of respect for the barbarians.

The effect of Savage Iron Fist needn't be repeated. As Xitong's starting skill, it has received special attention. It has been improved and improved time and again. This skill is continuously enhanced and can be called a magic skill.

Of course, Wu Han's emphasis is not on the attack effect of this skill, but on the improvement of the strength of both fists and arms when performing.

Skills can be seen at a glance, but the brutal iron fist is not only a skill, it also involves a lot of mysterious things, which must be understood first.

However, many times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ even if you understand it, you can't simulate it.

Techniques can become bigger and smaller, more and less, but nothing can be created out of nothing.

"With the barbarian iron fist, the strength doubles when it is cast, it continues to cool down quickly, and the time for observation and calculation can be eliminated, which can basically be the whole process."

"It's time to challenge a more advanced copy, or even a leapfrog."

At the same time, Wu Han also selected the next skill, [Shadow Player] for the swordsman profession.

必 A must-learn skill for slashing swords. The effect is simple and rude. It is to accelerate the speed of drawing swords and draw swords, and enter the combat state instantly.

"If you have this skill, you can quickly pull the arrow and wind it. With the skill of renju arrows, the attack frequency and speed can be improved qualitatively."

只 "Unfortunately, Shadowplayer has too high requirements for agility. If you don't add a bit to agility, you must have at least level 10 to achieve the four-dimensional attributes."

"Wait a while in the market to see if there are any equipment or consumables that increase agility."

I heard Wu Han's muttering to himself, and Xi Tong was extremely speechless.

I have n’t even been out of Xinshou Village. It ’s so abnormal. Is it ok to get out of Xinshou Village?

突然 He suddenly discovered that Wu Han was a bit big.

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