Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1016: : Despite going out to do something (Mon./Thu.)

"This place is called Xinxianjie, Longyang, you should remember it deeply."

Longyang nodded.

He has awakened the last life, gained the strength and memory of the flying poncho, and naturally knows where it is.

"The last life was just a duel with Chonglou at the edge. At that time, I still felt the annoying tightness of the rubble, but I didn't expect ..."

He did not expect that there is such a huge rubble here, even comparable to a continent, a world, a world of its own.

Xi Xitong nodded, reminding everyone: "The rules of heaven and earth here have collapsed, but they have not disappeared. Instead, they diffuse the world and place them on all living beings."

"The creatures in this world are born with a very high level of kendo talent. At the same time, this world uses sword weapons to gain blessings and is a great place to learn about kendo."

然而 "However, in contrast, weapons other than swords have been suppressed and weakened or even unable to perform. Therefore, you must strengthen your mastery of swordsmanship."

When He heard this, the disciples were happy and sad.

Xun Longyang is the happiest. He was practicing kendo. His last life was, this life is, the accomplishments in this area are extremely powerful, the Xinxian Realm revisited, and it is almost a return to the sea.

Although Nazhan is best at using guns, he has arms and swords when he has three heads and six arms, which is no stranger to him.

Kong Kongxuan and Lu Ya did not have any unique weapons, in other words, all weapons can be used, it is not a problem to master one skill, not to mention their talents and understanding are superb, learning swordplay will not be slow.

Qi Zixuan and Xiaoliu were depressed for a moment, then laughed again, and they didn't know what to mumble about.

Nazha and Longyang followed the disciples of the Shilipo Sword to fly to the sky, set off outside the territory, and competed for islands floating in the void outside the mainland.

Xuan Kongxuan and Lu Ya went into the Tibetan scripture hall of Shilipo Sword School, read the books of various factions searched by Shilipo Sword School in the process of unifying Jianshan, and systematically and comprehensively learned swordsmanship.

Xi Zixuan and Xiaoliu have long since disappeared.

"Master, during this time, all the hills are recruiting disciples. After the peak period, the number is gradually decreasing, and the number will be further reduced in the future. It is estimated that only 200,000 people will go up and down every day."

I recruited 100 million disciples a day, but this is not a daily situation. Jianshan has a limited population and there are a few children of appropriate age. Before that, the history of Jianshan's accumulation over the years has burst into a brain. This kind of grand occasion cannot be found every day.


Xi Xitong thought about it, "Actually, the standards can be further relaxed, and the qualifications are not bad. High perception, perseverance, or other skills can also be recruited, not just focusing on Kendo."

Xinxianjie is the world of Kendo. Over 80% of the people are born Kendo talents, but there are still a handful of aliens, or heretics in the eyes of ordinary people.

For example, those who play with swords, guns, horses, archery, piano and chess ...

It is not in line with the development direction of the world and can be easily isolated and cast aside.

He is like Bai Qi and Han Xin. Born in troubled times is a princely general. Born in a society ruled by law, it is worthless or a peanut.

People and things that do not agree with the mainstream in the New Fairyland may not necessarily disagree in other worlds.

Many people who are useless in this world may be peerless geniuses in other worlds.

The main **** space favors all kinds of people with disabilities and metamorphosis. This is a very typical example. Wu Han is also a very typical example.

A person who is worthless outside, when he arrives in the space of the Lord God, after the data of life, the special qualities of his body are infinitely magnified, but instead they will become as bright and dazzling as stars and moons.

Su Yuxuan secretly said: In the past, the Shilipo sword faction had very strict admission criteria. Successfully worshiping the Shilipo sword faction would all honor the Zongyao ancestor. The glory is very great. After the admission of an unlimited number of people, this glory has faded a lot. Threshold, there is no glory in this identity. If all spicy chickens are accepted, the sign of Shilipo Sword School will be smashed.

However, there is no doubt about Master's order, and Su Yuxuan dare not refute it.

Perhaps, Master has another meaning.

The two continents are fighting each other, and they are infiltrating each other, and the other party is bound to start infiltrating into themselves. Many depressed people in the past may be bought by the enemy. In this case, why not wipe them out.

Huh, Master must have planned this way.

Xi Xitong didn't know what Su Yuxuan was thinking, but sent more than a thousand reincarnations in the space of the Lord God, and sent a brain to the opposite point Cangshan to let them play freely.

Except that Wu Han was Luo Tianyi's toy, everyone else sent it out.

This group of guys are experts in investigating infiltrations and killing and sabotaging. The typical representative of the gold belt for killing and arson is tormenting them step by step.

Xi Xitong didn't ask them to behead the other person's head. They only hoped that they could collect more secrets of practice and customs.

I don't see myself holding a paper to play the picture.

As for the hundreds of millions of Shilipo Swordsmen Meng new disciples, although they are growing fast, they cannot yet be sent to extraterritorial battlefields.

After all, to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, the first condition is the flying of the sword, at least it must be innate, and a good flying sword must be available.

The Shilipo Sword School has just finished unification. There are no swordsmen in the warehouse, and Ma Nannan Mountain. The combat effectiveness has remained at its peak.

The only disadvantage is that the loser did not cut off the roots in the process of reunification, and did not leave the chickens and dogs. It is more of a compilation. The composition of the compilation is complex and the heart is not pure. It is quite a situation after the emperor Qin Shihuang destroyed the six kingdoms.

This is also the reason why Xi Tong put the training and teaching of newcomers and disciples into the space of the main **** instead of leaving it to each peak of the Shilipo Sword School.

Cut off the erosive and corrosive effects of Shen 疴 stubborn disease on the new blood from its roots, making the Shilipo Sword School pure as water ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ unity as iron, completely eliminating hidden dangers.

At the same time as taking a salary at the bottom of the kettle, you can also send collection and editing personnel to take the lead in extraterritorial battlefields, killing them all.

Qi Su Yuxuan did exactly this, weakening those unstable factors by the hand of the enemy. In the short term, the losses are heavy, but the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.

However, no one expected ...

Xun Longyang and Nezha's fighting power was too fierce. That was called a **** blocking the god, and the Buddha blocking the Buddha. They ran into the battlefield outside the territory, killing the Cangjian faction and defeating the army.

There are many floating continental fragments between the two continents. The small one has only a foothold, and the large one is almost a mountain. The super huge one can even reach one kingdom or even several kingdoms.

Some aura-rich pieces will still breed life and nurture spiritual materials, which has great development value.

These places can be stationed with troops, hoarding supplies, serving as a bridgehead for attacking the opponent, and as a watchtower to detect enemy conditions.

In the past, there was no need for occupation, but now, each piece is significant and has reached a level where every inch of land must be contested.

The Piandian Cangjian faction started early, and more than 70% of the continent fragments were occupied by them, especially some of the soldiers' contends, almost all of which fell into their hands.

But now it's all reversed.

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