Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1027: : This old guy is very bad

感谢 [Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 for rewarding the leader, plus 4/30]

When the Cangshan ancestral gate was chaotic, countless disciples rushed to the battlefield under the leadership of their respective brothers and sisters.

They want to repel the invasion of demons outside the territory, defend their homes, and help the world.

I am very bloody.

Is used to confuse the middle and lower class disciples with extraordinary effects. Let them touch the enemy and touch the enemy ’s foundation. At the same time, they can show their strength to the enemy. They will not be too passive when negotiating in the future.

As for victory ...

The superiors know that this is simply impossible.

When they saw the huge floating mountain on the horizon, they knew that this was an enemy beyond their imagination.

He drove the tattered floating mountain to other continents can claim the heavenly right and obtain the god-like right.

This huge floating mountain is more heavenly than heaven, and their leader must be more immortal than gods.

This is an irresistible enemy.

The destruction of Cangshan is inevitable. The only difference is the length of time and the number of postures.

"Head, if we resist too violently, will we anger each other and refuse to negotiate with us?"

I spoke to the deputy head, who has been in charge of the sect for thousands of years, and can be called the number two person in the sect.

The head shook his head. "Do you just want peace talks?"

The deputy chief despise heart, here are the two of us, what else to pretend.

"If there is no peace talks, is there any other way out of the predicament?"

The head of the sneer sneered, his gaze looking at the deputy head a little sharper.

"Do you think that for thousands of years, you have taken care of the martial arts and combed all the way up and down so you can figure out my mind and decide my will?"

The deputy head said nothing, but he did think so.

He took care of everything in Cangshan. He devoted his whole life here, and naturally he could not bear the sectarian war and was ruined once.

He is even willing to bear insults for the head and take the initiative to beg to the enemy to protect the reputation of the head and make the head do and stand.

However, the indifferent look in the head made him sting.

"Hum, you are just a running dog under my door, just care for the home care home. You even want to be your own owner. Dog meat, after all, is something you can't eat."

The uncle's head was angry, but the next instant he froze.

Suddenly the anger in my heart went out, and the pain disappeared.

Because ...

His heart is gone.

A sharp breath circulated between the fingers of the head, as if the sparkling water was slowly rippling.

光芒 Every ray of light it radiates is sharp and sharp like a sword, and all the places it shines are like a knife and axe.

The walls smashed and fell, the beams and pillars collapsed, and everything around them was shattered and annihilated, centered on the head.

"It's the point of a sword ..."

When the deputy head of the army did not finish speaking, he was illuminated by the sparkling waves. The clothes on his body shattered instantly, and the flesh and bones under the clothes immediately collapsed and shattered, as if a thousand swords.

The expression on the face of the vice-minister was distorted to the extreme, and the pain suddenly burst beyond his limit.

It was a pity that before he could cry out, he was completely annihilated and no longer existed.

"Yes! It's the point of a sword!"

The head sighed.

"The whole point of the Cang continent is the resources, nutrients, and stove of the sword sacrifice. If I can collect more fragments of the sky sword, even if the point of Cangshan is gone?"

Li sect, disciple, Cangsheng?

I'm all jokes in front of the road!

How powerful the enemy is, as long as they kill them, everything will become their own.

I saw a few people rushing on the battlefield, and the head of the door snorted, and then stepped out of the sword and blasted away.

Seeing the head of the Royal Family Proposal, the disciples at Dian Cangshan all cheered.

It doesn't matter if the manager is strong or handsome, he can be here to inspire morale.

He was fighting with a dozen or so Cangshan elders, and Longyang noticed that the atmosphere was not right. He immediately swept his sword and flew a kilometer-long sword to repulse everyone, then flew backwards.

Before he came, he was killed by his ears. There was a very magic weapon in the hands of the head of Cangshan. When he met him, he must retreat.

Xun Longyang opened his mind sensibly, but the next moment, his heart became proud.

I was so scared of the enemy ’s reputation, coward!

However, before Longyang returned to the battlefield, a bright light descended from the sky, flying like a searchlight.

Xun Longyang dodged subconsciously, but found that light flashed up, down, left, and even before and after.

Avoidance is inevitable!

Nothing to hide!

A ray of light locked on him, passing over him.

Pain into the bone marrow, painful heart palpitations.

战 Since defeating Yang Wei and gaining eight or nine mysterious powers, Longyang has never suffered such a huge hit.

Is almost unloaded.

A brief encounter of light on Longyang's body broke away, the eight or nine mysterious powers failed, and Longyang's broken body immediately fell.

Fortunately, Yao Jiu Xuan Gong brought a rude body. Although Long Yang was unloaded eight pieces, his head was not cut open, although the pain was not fatal.

Grasp your head with one hand and press your other hand against the waist to put your own pieces together. Don't dare to be strict, Longyang stepped on the town demon sword, and turned back to Xiang Jian. Star ran away.

"Master, help!"

After receiving Longyang's distress signal, Xi Tong appeared on the battlefield.

At this point, the head of the Cangjian School is holding up the sword. The point of the sword is like a lighthouse. It emits dense rays of light. The rays of light are intertwined on the battlefield.

As for where the head of the body stands, the surrounding space and the ground underneath are all eroded and shattered by Yu Guang, turning into the most basic material, and turning material into energy.

混沌 Chaos.

The magic sword came out.

"Brother, it's the point of the sword!"

The sharp point of the shard of Tiantian Sword, the sharp condensation, the sharpest thing between heaven and earth.

东西 The power of this thing is too strong to be able to carry the heaven and earth, the material in the place collapses, and the rules are shattered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ into chaos.

Such horror.

唤 It is ruined if it is summoned. What if it is used for attack?

I just passed by Yu Guang and unloaded eight pieces of Longyang with eight or nine mysterious powers. What if the body was stabbed?

Xi Xitong grasped the magic sword in his hands and felt the special power in the hilt. His trembling heart calmed down slowly.

Is also a fragment of the sky sword, but Xitong has a hilt, which has no attack power at all, and is naturally different from the sword tip.

The head of Piandian Cangjian School also discovered Xi Tong.

The gaze fell on the magic sword in Xi Tong's palm, and the palm of his head suddenly twisted.

"You actually have two Sword Shards."

I learned a pass.

"I obviously only have one ... Damn, how dare you lie to me."

老 The old man's expression was too real, his tone was too in place, and his infection was extremely powerful, and Xi Tong was substituted by him.

I didn't expect that the jealousy on the manager's face was stronger.

"You don't even know you have two Sword Shards, hateful!"

Xi Xitong secretly cursed the drama, but no longer connected, and raised his hand to attack.

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