Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1041: : Just ask you to be angry

[Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 Alliance leader for rewarding, plus 8/30]

Xi Tong was stunned to learn that the son of the moon was 13.1 billion billion in fanatical faith.

If you convert it into a fanatic belief coin, you can exchange 131.4 billion pieces. This huge amount of faith can support the business system of Dashang for many years ...

Xi Xitong felt that it would not be possible to use Kong Fangzhai's bankruptcy.

You know, Fang City only sells 10 fanatical belief coins for auction each day, 100 festivals and 1,000 Wang Shouchen.

This is also highly sought after. Every day's auctions are extremely fierce. Many gods collect materials and beliefs in various worlds, and then they come to Dashang to exchange their brains for faith coins, just for the bidding of fanatic faith coins.

The power of 100 million ordinary beliefs is very easy to get. As long as you have patience, you will definitely be able to accumulate time, but fanatical beliefs are not just patience and time. You must have the opportunity.

Enthusiastic believers—Religious and firm beliefs from the bottom of your heart, not the irrational lunatics, nor the impure utilitarians who want to go to heaven after death.

Pure to the extreme, pure to the extreme.

Other gods racked their brains, dug out of confusion, and the believers were still screaming poorly. The sons of the moon did not contend, and they followed the Buddhism system, but they got the power of faith that any **** was crazy for.

This is like a starting point. The street writer has n’t had a few subscriptions every day. He is too poor to eat. Some great gods today and tomorrow pigeons. They are updated once a few days to pay for their monthly tickets. As a result, various rewards continue.

If you are angry, ask you if you are angry.

Many gods of non-Chief descent will never get a true fanatic in their lifetimes. Even if they do, in the short life of fanatics, they will dedicate at most 20,000 fanatical faith.

God will try every means to ensure that his fanatics are healthy, disease-free, and prolonged, and gain a lot of fanatical faith.

Therefore, the life of true fanatics is full of divine help. Any sinister dilemma can be met with vicissitudes, and all the winners are happy in life.

Xi Xitong couldn't help but think: What would happen if the power of such a huge faith were ignited and consumed?

Temper an artifact to destroy the heaven and earth, strengthen an artifact to an unbelievable level, or create a perfect race like never before?

It is a pity that the son of the moon has no talent for combat, and has nothing but the accompanying osmanthus. There is nowhere to use such a huge amount of faith.

Xi Xitong couldn't help thinking about it. Every day 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then running can become a peerless power.

Is there any incredible metaphysical power in singing, dancing, blowing flute, and playing basketball?

No, I have to find someone to try.

Switching perspective, Xi Tong began to keep an eye on the son of the moon.

家伙 This guy exchanges all the power of ordinary faith to get 12 faith coins.

If anyone knows this scene, it is only a poor boy in the countryside. He would never think that the wealth of this poor boy would be enough to buy half or even the entire market.

Unfortunately, no one knows.

Kong Fangzhai, hosted by Zhao Gongming, kept all the guests extremely confidential, which is also the source of the trust of the gods from all walks of life.

Xinfang City, thirty-three days.

The son of Yueyue raised her head up, and made a sincere exclamation in her mouth.

I originally thought that it was a bustling bazaar, but I did not expect it to be a separate world.

It's already amazing to open up space, not all gods have this method.

I not only opened up space in front of my eyes, but also expanded this space into a world, an extremely large world, 33 floors.

Like a shaft, the 33rd heaven is arranged from bottom to top, and the shaft is the way to enter and exit the 33rd heaven.

看 Looking from the bottom up is like looking up at the sky from the bottom of the sea, clear but a little unreal.

The son of Yueyue was thinking of buying basketball for the believers, so she took her eyes off and looked for it on the first floor.

Basketball was not found, but a lot of strange things were found.

Medicines such as ginseng, ganoderma, Polygonum multiflorum, Huangjing, Zhuguo are sold in many shops.

Hundred years, five hundred years, thousand years, three thousand years, five thousand years, ten thousand years ...

The price of various medicinal materials has gradually increased according to the year, and there are also 10,000 years and 100,000 years. One of the pharmacies also provides a king of ten years.

The town's treasures are not sold, but with this baby, the credibility of the store has also been strengthened a lot, attracting many customers.

The sons of Yueyue looked around and found that there were many rushing gods in the first heaven.

Yes, gods, many!

Before joining the system's main deity, the son of the moon had never seen other gods in thousands of years. Today, the next time I saw so many, the son of the moon was dull.

Your Majesty followed the steps of other gods to the pharmacy.

老板 "Boss, 100 years of ginseng comes to 100 groups, 100 years of ganoderma comes to 100 groups, and ..."

The son of Yueyue is curious, is there any use of the 100th grade medicinal herbs for the gods?

The **** looked at the son of the moon up and down, and immediately realized that this was the first time he had been in Dashang.

"Isn't this for my host, something he didn't worry about, let him go out of the official mix, but set up a gang for a group of orphans. Isn't this buying medicine for him to make Huoxue Dan and Yiqi Pills to improve the strength of the team. "

Although he scolded his mouth, the corners of his mouth were still raised involuntarily, as if ...

show off.

The **** continued to point out: "You will know when you buy a system. In fact, those elixirs can be purchased in the second-day elixir shop. I am not poor. In order to save costs, hehe ..."

"If you want to save more cost, you can plant it yourself, but it is too wasteful. It is better to buy the spot."

The owner of Shaoyao Pharmacy immediately interjected: "My host **** also has a shop in Ertian. If two people need elixir, they can visit XX shop ..."

The son of the moon is faint.

Host? what is that?

System? Can this thing be bought?

Looking at the gods in and out of the medicine store, ore shop, rare bird shop, strange animal shop, scroll shop, Fuyu shop ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and other strange shops, a big question emerged in the mind of the child.

Are these gods buying resources to cultivate their hosts?

Host, what is it?

Uncontrollably, Tsukiko went to the store where the system was sold.

Pay 1 Faith Coin, and a prompt will appear in the chip: The payment is successful, the system is generating, the system generation is completed, please name the system.

______ System

Because it is the lowest level 1 system, you can only take a two-character name. You can increase the length of the name after upgrading the system level.

Many of the gods who want to write their names so that the host simply and directly worships their gods scratch their heads for this.

This is too short to reflect his profoundness.

The sons of Yueyue did not use the simple and direct names of the lunar system or the moonlight system, but chose the unknown name "Xiaogui System".

Gui Guishu is his birthplace and his home. His surname is Gui, and his host is naturally Xiao Gui.

That's it.

Anyway, he was just for fun, not for anything.

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