Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1062: : Same as 9 Ru He Duxiu

[Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 Alliance leader reward, plus more 16/30]

"Ding! System upgrade ..."

Yang Dingye's heart slumped. You only started it for a few days. This is about to be upgraded. I will be cold when you sleep for three or five days.

Brother ,, have a discussion and wait for two days to upgrade?

"Ding! System upgrade is complete!"

Yang Dingye :?

System, don't you follow the routine?

"Ding! In view of the irreversible impact of the host on the world, this system has adjusted the mainline mission."

叮 "Ding! Mainline Quest [Aura Recovery] Supernatural power has appeared in your world. As a source of power, you need to guide the world's cultivation path."

"Ding! System task [Beginning of the avenue] Please write a practice method, the content is optional, the level is unlimited, and the efficacy is not required. Task reward: It depends on the completion of the task.

The Buddhist-style gameplay of the sons of Yueyue can indeed lead to the host who is against the sky. These hosts are like matchsticks blooming in the night, only in a hurry.

Qiu Guang has insufficient blooms, and has to pour resources to them so that they can maintain this momentum of bloom and burn more fiercely.

I have to squeeze the host often, otherwise he doesn't know how powerful his potential is.

Xu assigned an assignment for which he had no standard answer, and Xi Tong immediately appeared above the world where Yang Dingye was.

Because he controls the heavenly will of Fengshen World, the world wills of the parallel world are full of friendly to Xi Tong. Looking at the world from a high altitude, the call from the planet can be felt from a distance.

This is the same root induction.

Xi Xitong did not descend on that planet, but raised his hand in the void in front of him, the sword of the magic sword bloomed at his fingertips, and a bright light filled the space instantly.

Energy ring!

There is no reiki in the Wuling Wu world, but the path to the extraordinary is more than this one.

Mastering any kind of energy can transform into a strong one, and any way to the end is the Tao.

习 In Xitong ’s view, the most fundamental problem in the Zero Martial World is not the inability to generate energy, but the inability to retain energy.

The emptiness is not only the entire world, but also spreads to people's hearts and spirits.

Sheung Wan solves all your problems.

Put an energy ring on it, any energy can only go in but not go out. In this way, the energy of this world will only become richer and richer, and the origin of supernatural power will only be a matter of time.

The second, the third, the fourth ...

Xi Xitong casts 360 energy loops around the surface of the planet, and then nods with satisfaction.

不能 Can't grow vegetables in winter? Ever heard of a greenhouse?

条件 Create conditions without conditions.

Xi Xitong is looking forward to the next Aura recovery.

I do n’t say much, I can raise the zero martial arts world to the level of national art.

At the same time, Yang Dingye's mind was blank.

System, you can't throw me here, you take me away.

I will be sliced ​​and cut!

叮 "Ding! Hosts without value will be sliced, and valuable hosts will be banned from breeding."

叮 "Ding! Do your best for your harem dream, boy."

Yang Dingye :?

Do you know the system, you have become skinnier after the update.

But after thinking about it carefully, the system is right. If you have value and have extraordinary value, slicing is simply impossible.

At most, it is shaving a few hairs, collecting a few dandruff, spitting a few saliva, and taking some blood for research.

Correspondingly, all the needs in life have been provided by everyone, a proper iron rice bowl ...

Oh no, golden rice bowl!

If your energy source is constantly creating value, and it is a value that can promote the progress of the world, wealth, status, and honor are all within your reach.

Let captivity come a little more violently.

Well, first of all, it is necessary to show the value of self, and it is extraordinary value.

Yang Dingye scratched his head, what to do?

Cultivation methods, content optional, unlimited levels, no requirements for efficacy ...

Why is it like the requirement of 800 words composition?

Efficacy is not required, that is, even if nothing can be done in this exercise?

I'm right, anyway, I can't practice anything.

He analyzed the elements of his success.

The meaning of the lyrics and the essence of the dance are secondary. These things are buried too deeply, and they are not at first sight.

I haven't read what I said on the Internet. Ordinary people get settled in less than 3 minutes. I forget everything and don't know what's behind.

A strong-willed person can't last 8 minutes.

The foreign student opposite Wu Dayang said in the comments that the assessment requirements of the ugly and loose imperial agents are to watch "Chicken, You Are Too Beautiful" without indulging, and keep it for more than 10 minutes. The longer you persist, the better your grades.

Yang Dingye felt he was a failure.

He fully realized what it is to buy 椟 Huanzhu, but his carefully carved orb is not as good as the box in which it is packaged.


The timid sound of dogs and horses ranks first.

I ca n’t see anyone, but I hear his voice first, which also shows that voice is the beginning of people's contact with the world and understanding of the world.

Understanding this principle, Yang Dingye simply abandoned the low-key luxury connotative line and changed it to simple and crude.

You like to hear it, right?

It happened that the equipment had not been returned yet, and Yang Dingye took a book from the bookshelf and started to produce a second work.

He must prove his value in the shortest time, the value of not being sliced, and even the value of captive breeding.

Uh ...

Jiang Xiamo has been watching "Chicken, You Are Too Beautiful".

入 Every time it takes 3 minutes to settle. I forget both things and enter a strange dream.

In the dream, she felt like an angel in white and wrapped herself tightly every day, charging on the front line.

She always wanted to look at the face of "herself" and see if she looked like her own.

It's a pity that I'm too busy. I haven't even had time to drink saliva.

I wonder if it is an illusion, there is always a force to stop myself from looking straight.

Every time I desperately wanted to look straight at my face, I immediately heard the sound of empty distant flutes, and then the dream was blurry, bursting like soap bubbles and turning into nothingness.

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone again, the video part has finished playing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It becomes Yang Dingye sitting and blowing flute under the laurel.

On the moon, a branch sits under a tree.

Hold a person a tree, a flute in January.

The simple and simple picture gives people different feelings, especially the flute sound, which gives people a wonderful feeling beyond words.

Jiang Xiamo didn't know how to describe the flute, she only knew it was the flute that called her back.

The sound of the flute was unheard of, but Jiang Xiamo sat still for a long time.

This time, she didn't get settled, I forget everything.

But the existence of the angel in white is becoming clearer and more real. She doesn't know what kind of feeling it is, only knowing that feeling makes her very warm and nostalgic.

I do not want to give up.

Pull the video back, Jiang Xia Mo is ready to play again.

But at this time, a push popped up on the phone.

Yang Dingye released new works again?

He couldn't wait to open it. When he saw the second work, Jiang Xiamo quickly covered his mouth with his little hand.

It ’s good, it ’s good, it ’s still 0.01 second, and the phrase “lying” is about to blurt out.

He is the same as nine.

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