Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1070: : 1 day 48 hours

感谢 [Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 Alliance leader reward, plus 18/30]

I did not expect the real person to show up after obtaining the system. He was secretly hidden in the city. Yang Yudie went to Jingmensheng secretly under the arrangement of her father.

For the sake of safety, the manuscript has been burned to death. It only exists in the memory of two people, and it is also declared to be a returnee to Beijing.

With the identity of the Yang family, it is not difficult to face the Saint. After seeing the big son, Yang Yudie immediately asked the whole thing.

Xi Tianzi was shocked and immediately summoned the full-fledged scholars to identify the "black technology" copied by Yang Yudie.

Even more shocked!

Yang Dingye's physics knowledge in elementary, junior and senior high schools can be called black technology.

东西 This thing is purely difficult or not, it will not be difficult, the direction of the technology tree is different, and this result will definitely occur.

But it's not that Daming's technology tree is useless.

Daming's time is equivalent to the 18th century on Earth, but Daming's technology has developed to the level of the early 19th century, especially the shipbuilding industry.

His Majesty's Western-style drawings were not destroyed. Instead, with the development of grids, it was precisely because of the iron and steel ship that Daming was able to keep the West from raising his head and force them to develop into the sky.

At the same time, Yang Dingye's tutoring team arrived.

I am an old master of Guozijian and Taiyuan College. Not only is my professional level high, but my teaching and education are very good. The most important thing is to be loyal to the patriot.

Ask such a group of Taishan Beidou level characters to teach a high school student. Without knowing it, no one is comfortable in his heart.

But after seeing Yang Dingye's face, everyone understood.

This is the celebrity of the Internet, the kind of super-fire, the fire goes abroad and even the Internet, the influence is inestimable.

It is because his influence is so great that his good and evil will be infinitely amplified, which will affect billions of people.

Teaching and educating people, how many people can be affected by teaching a lifetime?

$ 10,000? 100,000? million?

Who dares to brag about the world in today's world?

No one dares!

No matter how good you are, you can't say such a thing.

However, they saw Tao Liman's hope in Yang Dingye.

He does n’t need to teach everyone. He only needs to teach this one and teach the whole world in disguise.

After all, Yang Dingye ’s influence is too terrible. The Internet celebrities can no longer use “flow” to describe him to such an extent.

Jain is a force of near faith. His words and deeds can truly affect society, affect people's hearts, and even change history and change the world.

The most important thing is that Yang Dingye can make what he has learned into a program and transform it into brainwashing magic sound in a unique way, which is unforgettable.

This is the ability that the old masters dream of. If this ability is available, it will not be impossible for Tao Liman.

I wasn't for the fame of Tao Liman, but the real enlightenment of the world.

Don't look at the current advanced technology and prosperous civilization, but foolish people abound, and the degree of ignorance is incredible.

Therefore, the old masters are aware of the heavy tasks on their shoulders.

At the age of halfway into the coffin, Li Du can still encounter this opportunity at the last moment. Can he save the character accumulated by the world in his last life?

Yang Dingye finally took a two-hour class and waited for a break to continue wandering. Why would you think ...

Before the old master had left, another old master rushed in and hurried in, throwing his teaching materials to Yang Dingye, and started the lecture directly.

Yang Dingye: "Beginning at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, are you early, sir?"

The old master coughed, "A person like you is precious every minute and every second. It is shameful to use time for rest and entertainment, so we decided to sacrifice the rest time to take you to class in turn. . "

"If you can afford it, there will be no problem with the nine lessons. Rest assured, you will have a dedicated person in charge of your daily life. You just have to follow us and study well."

Yang Dingye paused.

两 Each lesson is two hours, eight lessons a day is sixteen hours, that is to say all but eight hours of sleep are used for class?

Want to add another lesson to this?

Do you think I have forty-eight hours a day?

No, no, no!

In view of the age of the old master, Yang Dingye was not good at catching people directly, so he could only listen for two hours.

After class, I was about to make a phone call to complain. As a result, another old master came in and left the textbook.

Looking at the skinny coughing of the old Master, Yang Dingye was afraid that he would give him an opinion to make him angry, and endured another quarter.

The old masters felt the temper of Yang Dingye, and did not wait for the previous one to finish. They directly sat in line with five old masters to accompany Yang Dingye to class.

I also supervise the level of lectures of my colleagues.

The old master who was taking classes above was called Yalishan University.

The five old guys sat in the back with cups and closed their eyes, but once they opened their eyes, it meant that they were wrong.

This day is destined to be a tortured day and a day of physical and mental exhaustion.

The old masters don't feel tired, after all, they have long been accustomed to lectures and meetings, and they are fine for a day.

But Yang Dingye can't.

Although the old masters spoke very well, every sentence in the two hours has benefited Yang Dingye a lot, learned a lot, and won a ten-year book ...

Well, sixteen hours a day.

I tried to make a phone call by going to the toilet, but the old master glared, Yang Dingye persuaded, and the bladder almost blew up.


I ca n’t do this, I have to complain.

"Yes, the class is too long, I don't have enough time for me to digest my knowledge. I can't create any more than a minute of free time except sleeping, don't I?"

The next day, the old masters really became much milder.

降低 Reduced from eight to four lessons, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, and a break in the evening.

Yang Dingye has to admit that these old masters teach at the top of the top. The same knowledge point is particularly easy to understand from their mouths, which makes people feel that the university courses are simple.

This also saves Yang Dingye's difficulty in digesting and transforming knowledge.

Knowledge points have been refined to the extreme by the old masters. There is no nonsense at all. You can not use a steel file to file a little powder, and you can use it directly.

That night, Yang Dingye produced a few works, which are about what I learned yesterday. By the way, I also thank the teacher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yang Dingye feels that he is a tool person who is responsible for teaching the content of old masters. Transform into a brainwashing melody, make a video and post it online for people to learn and understand.

Only in Mandarin.

However, Yang Dingye didn't know that after those works were posted on the Internet, the entire education industry shook.

Countless old masters from across the world have recommended themselves to the book, hoping to teach this internet celebrity to learn from each other without receiving a penny.

最 What's the worst thing about being a teacher?

I was only one stone tall. The students only learned eight buckets. The remaining two buckets could n’t get in. I could only bring them into the coffin.

It is a good idea to hold the book stand, but the effect is greatly reduced.

I ca n’t keep all my thoughts on the paper. The reader ca n’t learn his thoughts and ideas from the paper completely, and it is easy to have differences.

Therefore, the best way is to take disciples and teach them what they have learned.

All over the world, no one is more suitable as a disciple than Yang Dingye.

I heard the meaning over the phone, Yang Dingye replied stiffly-no time.

Also, I do n’t buy one get one free.

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