Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1074: : All blow me to the dead

"Your Majesty, the first ability the system gives me is basketball."


Mingda Mingzi secretly said: What time is it, I still want to play basketball.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of the system is to hit the big ball with a small ball, to control the Blue Star through basketball. This is not ordinary basketball, but ..."

Yang Yudie told the method of basketball practice, and at the same time showed the results of her practice in less than a month before the emperor.

The Emperor was stunned by the power coming from his face.

She thought that the other party was an ordinary woman, but she did not expect that she had cultivated internal strength, and it was the peak level of dark power. No, it turned out to be power.

The distance is close, the small space, if you miss your heart, your life ...

Fortunately, after the other party was the generation's loyal Yang family, they just showed their strength and immediately put it away.

The emperor Puppet also put away the distractions and analyzed them carefully.

According to Jin Yiwei's selection criteria, physical strength is only the threshold. After passing the verification, he is a fighter. He can be awarded to the captain and general in order to reach the peak of strength. , Total flag.

Even if the talents are good, and the trainers trained by Jin Yiwei have been around, it will be almost a year when they reach the general banner.

If you are a master of chemists who have come online, you will start with a hundred or even a thousand households-although it is only a false job and no real power, it is enough to illustrate the preciousness of chemists.

Although the Yang family is a gatekeeper with a history of thousands of years, from the time of the Yang family ’s owner, Yang Ye, to the present, he has never heard of any member who has achieved strength before the championship.

It's not just the Yang family, the whole world has never heard of it, not even the old **** of Wudang Mountain.


Car 辇 stopped immediately.

衣 Jin Yiwei, who was waiting outside, commanded the courier to get to the door of the car immediately. Although he was bending over to salute, he could see the door and window gap as hard as possible.

刚才 He felt a powerful breath just now, and although it was fleeting, he didn't dare to take it lightly and kept searching all around.

If you are not afraid of being disturbed, he will definitely get in the car and search.

The emperor Pui ignored him, but asked himself: "Zhang Qi, when are you on duty?"

He Du commanded to kneel immediately.

"His Majesty, the minister started at the age of fifteen ..."

I originally wanted to express my resume and show my loyalty. However, I thought the emperor waved his hand and motioned him to stop talking.

"How many years have you been on business?"

Li Du commanded the emperor to understand that the emperor was not asking for his own warmth, so he replied succinctly: "Under your Majesty, the New Year will be twenty years."

"What are you doing now?"

"Chen ... Chen Khan, still the peak of energy, I'm afraid I can't take that step in my lifetime."

Emperor Wu was silent for a while, then lowered the curtain and motioned the car to continue.

Ba Du commanded a puzzled belly, and racked his head to ponder the meaning of the words, but the more he thought about it, the more confused.

What does this mean, Your Majesty?

Do you think I am old or weak? I haven't asked if I can still handle it.

He did not know that the emperor's heart was so shocked that it could not be added.

Xi Jinyiwei all commanded that all the leaders of Jinyiwei, their own confidants, can be regarded as more than 10,000 people.

人 This person's loyalty is a must, it is the most basic, and the ability is also the best. After all, Jin Yiwei was originally a place to gather talents.

However, just such a talented man, he was carefully trained by his father before the age of fifteen, and was fully trained by Jin Yiwei after the age of fifteen. It took more than ten years to cultivate to the peak of energy.

Look again at the little girl in front of her. If she remembers it correctly, she is just a rude martial artist, and she will fire a gun, but that's all.

After all, times have changed now, and firearms are all the rage. Just for self-defense, women practice firearms without having to practice three martial arts in summer and three in winter.

So, how did she become a master of energy?

Is it really only fifteen days?

"The Lord of the System is willing to give me Daming this practice and let hundreds of people practice the magic?"

Yang Yudie nodded surely, because the system task said so.

Emperor Daming laughed.

"Play the big ball with the small ball, control the blue star with the basketball, it's interesting!"

"The sun and the moon are bright, and the sun and the moon are balls. The **** of the system and me are really a god-made fate!"

Yang Dingye :?

Xi Xitong :?

However, the promotion of Gongfa is true.

Soon after the creation of the practice of playing basketball practice, a world was needed to be a little mouse, and the Daming world was very suitable.

And the Western world is the perfect sharp sword stone, just to test the strength and weakness of this method.

The newly produced Canglan beads from Atlantis World are given priority to supply Daming World. The first batch is 10,000 pieces.

Compared with the special Canglan beads made by Yang Dingye and Yang Yudie, the Canglan beads that supply Daming have shrunk further, which is at best one percent of the effect.

However, even so, it is an artifact against mortals.

Yang Yudie dedicated 10,000 Canglan beads to the country. The emperor voted for her, gave Yang Yudie's biological mother a death, and awarded 500 gold bricks.

Caution is the nature of the emperor. Instead of using Cang Lanzhu immediately, he gave him a personal eunuch.

The powerful father-in-law's back in the palace instantly burst into dense cold sweat.

Misfortune is mixed, life and death are unexpected.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and Tong Tong knelt down on the ground and hooted long live, thank the Lord Long En.

He held up the Cang Lanzhu with both hands and was about to send it into the mouth, but he saw it cracked on its own, diffused into a mass of liquid in the palm of his hand, and turned into a layer of water cocoons to wrap the father-in-law in the blink of an eye.

The grandfather was terrified, opened his mouth and called for help, but did not even spit out any air bubbles, and the thick liquid was poured into his mouth and nose.

His father-in-law was waving his hands and feet trying to catch something, and the drowning man looked completely terrified.

"What a shame!"

The emperor puppet was annoyed. This was followed when he was the prince of the East Palace. He always thought that he was superior ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but he was bold and careful, but he didn't expect it.


伴 Liu and his companion fluttered to his knees, Cang Lanzhu had been merged, and the Terra stone chip was implanted together.

Qian Canglanzhu's liquid is integrated with the body, like countless tentacles, monitoring and controlling every detail of the body, and all of this can be viewed through the Terra stone chip, which is used to play basketball and wash the muscles and strengthen the bones.

Look inside and see God is not bad.

Liu accompany his tears, and he has reached such a level, which is the ability of legendary congenital power.

Congenital master ...

He is unique in the world.

Aiming at the bottom of his pot, Liu Banpan was shocked with cold sweat. He crawled over with his hands and knees, and cried, holding the emperor's feet.

"Her Majesty, His Majesty Xie gave birth to the old slave, and recreated grace!"

Wiping his tears, Liu Banpan continued to say, "It ’s not that the old slave is dysfunctional, but that the Cang Lanzhu is too powerful, and that the elixir Qin Shihuang asked for is not too great. The old slave can not be scared or shocked Can't the old slave be grateful to His Majesty? "

In order to protect himself, Liu Ban was accompanied by a dose of fierce medicine.

Others don't know what the Master desires most, he is clear.

For the prosperity and wealth of our family, this Canglanzhu is about to die. Who dares to say half a word is not good, the system **** has forgiven him, and our family cannot forgive him.

I heard Liu Banban's description, the emperor was doubtful.

I ca n’t help hearing “Elixir of Life”. The emperor's breath is short and he can't bear it anymore.

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