Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1094: : The sound of delving into the soul

The change of the Austrian world opened Xi Tong's horizons, and at the same time, Xi Tong suddenly opened up.

终于 He finally understood why the time period called the "flood" was so arbitrary, but why it was so short.

It is like an explosion. The period of "flood" is the moment of explosion, the pinnacle that the world can reach.

It is like boiling, the period of "flood" is a moment of bubbling and bubbling, even the lowest things are raised to the surface.

However, "Honghuang" is destined to be a state, not an era.

The thorium explosion cannot continue indefinitely, and the boiling will eventually cool, settle and solidify.

The world of Austrian creation is very powerful and beyond imagination, even if one of the dogs has the power to move mountains and reclaim sea.

But this dog is doomed to live.

It's not even as good as the dying dying.

Because its body, consciousness, soul, and other unknown beings are all pieced together, not a complete whole.

Its survival is destined to be short-lived, and it will collapse and collapse on its own, even if not caught by other predators.

Xi Xitong also made the integration of the world on the Titan continent, but the Titan continent has no connection with the fused world, and there is no relationship between the two sides, even if swallowed, there will be no adverse consequences.

But the parallel worlds of the earth are different. Even the fusion between the two worlds can produce incredible changes, let alone more than a thousand parallel worlds.

It ’s like a cat eats fish and a dog eats meat. Except for a certain piece of meat, it ’s hard to chew and you need to bite a few more times.

But cats eat cats, dogs eat dogs, and people eat people, which will inevitably have unpredictable consequences and bring unimaginable disasters.

More than a thousand worlds have been completely shattered and turned into origins. These origins are like countless broken glass maggots. Even if these broken maggots are gathered together under the influence of "self", they will also be because of the relationship between the fronts Continue to fall apart.

They are only pieced together for a short time, not really integrated.

Like a basin of ink splashing in the pond, it may change into beautiful pictures such as fairies, lotuses, and swimming fish, but after all, the bubble phantom is fleeting.

Because they are not normal existence, let alone long-term existence.

However, many things are relative.

There are trillions of creatures in the Austrian world. With such a large base, there are always a few special examples.

Ravioli is also a pile of broken glass mules, but it just happens to form a solid shape and achieve a stable form.

The tenacious attributes are engraved in their bones and souls from the moment they are born, and will continue to be passed on with the bloodline.

This is the chosen species.

Made in heaven and earth, awe-inspiring!

Even the Protoss of Olympus couldn't interfere and couldn't create it.

Even Xi Tong shook his head after watching it.

This is not a simple carbon-based life, a silicon-based life, or some other life form, but an existence beyond cognition.

The elements that make up their bodies do not exist at all, but are the product of the fusion of the same material in thousands of worlds.

Is also a carbon atom, but only when the Ultron World was born, the carbon atoms generated when the thousand worlds merged could form their bodies.

To copy their bodies, the first thing is to reproduce the fusion of a thousand parallel worlds.

I also do n’t live with their spirit, will, thinking ...

From the day they were born, they are irreproducible beings.

Each of them is an orphan, a special case. There is no difference between male and female, and there is no natural spouse.

Even if you want to multiply, just find a similar thing.

He is either unable to reproduce, or even if it is reproduced, there is no divine parental difference, just an ordinary and ordinary creature.

Just as the phoenix gave birth to peacocks, the peacock gave birth to Dapeng.

Another example, Longsheng nine sons, sons are different.

Olympus Protos is right, every creature born in the world of Ultron has unparalleled value.

Whether these creatures are complete or perfect, you don't need to care at all.

I lived and tamed to work for the Olympians.

After dying, they made their fangs and claws into weapons, armor, and accessories.

神 The Olympians have long known how powerful and precious the material born in this situation is.

They cannot grasp the birth of species, but they can study how the corpses of these species are used.

However, the current Ultron world is too dangerous, full of unknown crisis, infinite variables, all creatures are chaotic and violent, full of offensiveness.

So, I will go hunting after a while.

Because of this, the Olympus Protoss did not find that many creatures of Ultron World were quietly dormant in the ground, water, and rocks, and their violent and brutal eyes calmed down a little.

Radon is like boiling water cooling rapidly.

It is like turbid water is rapidly settling.

It's just like……

Twenty thousand "self" s are integrated into one body, and at the same time as the qualitative change is promoted, it will also have a strong impact on the existing self.

What's more, the innumerable "self" incorporated into it is not complete, all of them are broken glass-like cripples, most of which are severely damaged or even lost.

And there are memories of being a human, memories of being a fish, memories of being a chicken, memories of being a duck, memories of being an ant ...

Not all creatures are so good. They are human beings. In fact, most humans have souls that are more foolish than beasts and more dirty than the devil ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hidden a beast and the devil are on the verge of madness, let alone. So many children came in.

I have no sense, only instinct.

它们 And their instinct is to devour, to devour other beings, to absorb their vitality, flesh, and even soul to replenish themselves.

He plundered the origin of other beings to make up for the defects in himself, and procrastinated his time.

I don't know when, a voice sounded in their minds ...




They do n’t remember and do n’t know what it means. Only this continuous “ding” sound makes them sway.

The mysterious pupil gradually became focused, and the soul of Hunxie became clear.

They gradually think about who I am, where I am, and what I am doing.

After having this origin, he spread to the surroundings like ripples, and the mixed memory fragments also stratified during the precipitation process.

It seems that there is an invisible force that integrates and sorts them into categories, and then arranges and archives them in a certain order.

They don't know what this power is, they only know that the sign of this power is-Ding.


声音 The sound rang again. At the moment it rang, all of his body and soul shook his spirit.

Simple voice, but has the power of ecstasy.

After all, my consciousness and body are pieced together based on this voice.

声音 This voice is the meaning of one's existence.

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